11 research outputs found

    Global permittivity mapping of the Martian surface from SHARAD

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    SHARAD is a subsurface sounding radar aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, capable of detecting dielectric discontinuities in the subsurface caused by compositional and/or structural changes. Echoes coming from the surface contain information on geometric properties at metre scale and on the permittivity of the upper layers of the Martian crust. A model has been developed to estimate the effect of surface roughness on echo power, depending on statistical parameters such as RMS height and topothesy. Such model is based on the assumption that topography can be characterized as a self-affine fractal, and its use allows the estimation of the dielectric properties of the first few metres of the Martian soil. A permittivity map of the surface of Mars is obtained, covering several large regions across the planet surface. The most significant correspondence with geology is observed at the dichotomy boundary, with high dielectric constant on the highlands side (7 to over 10) and lower on the lowlands side (3 to 7). Other geological correlations are discussed

    Hydrothermal Alteration of Ultramafic Rocks in Ladon Basin, Mars—Insights From CaSSIS, HiRISE, CRISM, and CTX

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    The evolution of the Ladon basin has been marked by intense geological activity and the discharge of huge volumes of water from the Martian highlands to the lowlands in the late Noachian and Hesperian. We explore the potential of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/Color and Stereo Surface Imaging System color image data set for geological interpretation and show that it is particularly effective for geologic mapping in combination with other data sets such as HiRISE, Context, and Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars. The study area displays dark lobate flows of upper Hesperian to early Amazonian age, which were likely extruded from a regional extensional fault network. Spectral analysis suggests that these flows and the underlying rocks are ultramafic. Two distinct altered levels are observed below the lobate flows. The upper, yellow-orange level shows hundreds of structurally controlled narrow ridges reminiscent of ridges of listwanite, a suite of silicified, fracture-controlled silica-carbonate rocks derived from an ultramafic source and from serpentine. In addition to serpentinite, the detected mineral assemblages may include chlorite, carbonates, and talc. Kaolin minerals are detected in the lower, white level, which could have formed by groundwater alteration of plagioclase in the volcanic pile. Volcanism, tectonics, hydrothermal activity, and kaolinization are interpreted to be coeval, with hydrothermal activity and kaolinization controlled by the interactions between the aquifer and the hot, ultramafic lobate flows. Following our interpretations, East Ladon may host the first listwanite ridges described on Mars, involving a hydrothermal system rooted in a Hesperian aquifer and affecting ultramafic rocks from a magmatic source yet to be identified

    Geomorphology of Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars

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    <p>Cartographic products of the Martian trough system, Valles Marineris, are useful to identify the diversity and complexity of geological activity that has occurred there. A huge fraction of the processes that have shaped the surface of Mars are also concentrated there. A geomorphological map of Ius Chasma in western Valles Marineris is presented. The map is published in three sheets at 1:260,000. It was drawn on the basis of 100 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s Context Camera images of 12 m/pixel resolution, mosaiced using the USGS ISIS Planetary Image Processing Software, and subsequently mapped and interpreted for geomorphology in ArcGIS. The map displays 52 main geomorphological units of which some are further subdivided. They include both well-established features (e.g. spur-and-gully morphology on trough walls, landslide scars, and deposits), and newly reported landforms (e.g. alluvial fans with dendritic channels, moraines in western Ius Chasma). The proposed classifications of landslide deposits, glacial landforms, and floor areas are more detailed than on any previous map of Valles Marineris. The Ius Chasma map is the first cartographic product presenting a full inventory of dune fields, impact craters, light-toned outcrops, and mass-wasting features.</p

    Megashears and hydrothermalism at the Martian crustal dichotomy in Valles Marineris

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    International audienceAbstract Observations of ancient deep deformation systems on Mars are important for constraining planetary dynamics, as well as to identify potential mineral resources. However, such systems were thought to be unexposed and inaccessible to analysis. Here, we apply structural and hyperspectral analyses, and correlate results with magnetic anomaly patterns, to investigate two large right-lateral brittle-ductile shear zones and fault megabreccia exposed in the deepest parts of Valles Marineris. The shear zones follow the trace of the edge of the Borealis impact basin, thought to represent the planetary dichotomy boundary. We identify hydrothermally altered mafic igneous rocks in the sheared basement. We suggest that the shear system was initiated as basin ring fault system in the pre-Noachian, with further reactivation up until the Hesperian, and may still be a potential source of marsquakes. Hydrothermal circulation through the shear zones may have initiated primary mineralizations which are promising for base and rare metal exploration

    The Highland Terrain Hopper (HOPTER): Concept and use cases of a new locomotion system for the exploration of low gravity Solar System bodies

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    International audienceComprehensive understanding of the principles governing the geological activity of the Earth was obtained in continental and oceanic mountains. It is not expected that the principles governing the overall geologic activity and evolution of other planetary bodies such as Mars will be understood if exploration is limited to nearly flat terrains, either imposed by the used exploration platform capabilities, the risk of getting stuck, or by the time required to cross the border of a landing ellipse. Surface exploration of mountains is additionally to be coupled to two- or three-dimensional geophysical surveys to correlate the surface observations with deeper processes. On the small bodies where ultra-low gravity prevails, the weight of wheel-driven platforms is not sufficient to generate the friction at the contact with the ground that is required to trigger motion of the rover relative to the ground. Under such circumstances, hopping is one of the mobility solutions. We present a new locomotion system, the hopter platform, which is adapted to these challenges on Solar System bodies having a gravity field lower than on Earth. The hopter is a robust, versatile and highly manoeuvrable platform based on simple mechanical concepts that accurately jumps to distances of metres to tens of metres and more, depending on the gravity field of the studied body. Its low mass of 10 kg (including up to 3 kg of miniaturised payload), makes it possible to simultaneously launch several hopters to work as a fractionated explorer at a very competitive cost. After reviewing the payload that may be placed onboard hopters, we illustrate the scientific capabilities of hopters and hopter networks in performing basic geologic observations at distinct study sites in a variety of geological environments, obtaining data along steep geological cross sections, surveying geophysical anomalies in the subsurface, prospecting resources, monitoring micro-environments, meteorological events, and geodetic deformation, or characterizing dust activity on Mars, the Moon, and Phobos

    Empirical investigation of friction weakening of terrestrial and Martian landslides using discrete element models

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    International audienceUnderstanding what controls the travelling distance of large landslides has been the topic of considerable debate. By combining observation and experimental data with depth-averaged continuum modelling of landslides and generated seismic waves, it was empirically observed that lower effective friction had to be taken into account in the models to reproduce the dynamics and runout distance of larger volume landslides. Moreover , such simulation and observation results are compatible with a friction weakening with velocity as observed in earthquake mechanics. We investigate here as to whether similar empirical reduced friction should be put into discrete element models (DEM) to reproduce observed runout of large landslides on Earth and on Mars. First we show that, in the investigated parameter range and for a given volume, the runout distance simulated by 3D DEM is not much affected by the number (i.e. size) of grains once this number attains ~ 8000. We then calibrate the model on laboratory experiments and simulate other experiments of granular flows on inclined planes, making it possible for the first time to reproduce the observed effect of initial volume and aspect ratio on runout distances. In particular, the normalised runout distance starts to depend on the volume involved only above a critical slope angle > 16-19°, as observed experimentally. Finally, based on field data (volume, topography, deposit), we simulate a series of landslides on simplified inclined topography. The empirical friction coefficient, calibrated to reproduce the observed runout for each landslide, is shown to decrease with increasing landslide volume (or velocity), going down to values as low as 0.1-0.2. No distin-guishable difference is observed between the behaviour of terrestrial and Martian landslides

    Inferring alteration conditions on Mars: Insights from near-infrared spectra of terrestrial basalts altered in cold and hot arid environments

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    International audienceCan information on the Martian environmental conditions prevailing during the alteration of its basaltic crust be inferred from near-infrared (NIR) spectra? In order to determine whether basalts altered under arid conditions but different temperatures have different spectral signatures, NIR spectra of basalts altered in cold (Udokan volcanic field, Siberia) and hot (Ogaden Basin, Ethiopia) environments were obtained. The NIR spectra of the alteration rind surface and the internal part of the studied samples are similar, suggesting that the NIR spectra of Martian bulk rocks may be of limited help in identifying paleoenvironment conditions. Bulk rock spectra analysis reveals, however, that spectra of the least altered rocks display clear absorption bands of smectites, suggesting that a distinction between clay minerals in weakly weathered basalts and clay-rich formations cannot be based solely on analysis of infrared spectra obtained from orbit. Additional compositional information can be retrieved from rock powder spectra – zeolites present in the Udokan basalt spectra might be used to infer composition and temperature of the fluids from which they precipitated. The presence of calcite and iddingsite is ascertained by other methods, but they are not apparent in bulk rock spectra and only weakly apparent in powder spectra. The basalt samples studied display alteration products that reflect their different alteration histories; nevertheless no criterion has been found that would help in identifying the origin of the weathering water – subsurface, rainfall, or snowfall

    Probing the Atmospheric Cl Isotopic Ratio on Mars: Implications for Planetary Evolution and Atmospheric Chemistry

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    Following the recent detection of HCl in the atmosphere of Mars by ExoMars/Trace Gas Orbiter, we present here the first measurement of the 37Cl/35Cl isotopic ratio in the Martian atmosphere using a set of Nadir Occultation for MArs Discovery (NOMAD) observations. We determine an isotopic anomaly of −6 ± 78‰ compared to Earth standard, consistent with the −51‰–−1‰ measured on Mars’ surface by Curiosity. The measured isotopic ratio is also consistent with surface measurements, and suggests that Cl reservoirs may have undergone limited processing since formation in the Solar Nebula. The examination of possible sources and sinks of HCl shows only limited pathways to short‐term efficient Cl fractionation and many plausible reservoirs of “light” Cl