218 research outputs found

    Prototipe Papan Score Futsal Dengan Remote Control Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega16.

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    Tujuan dari proyek akhir ini adalah untuk merancang perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak serta menguji unjuk kerja papan score dengan remote control berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega16 dengan display seven segment. Alat ini dibuat melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu, (1) Identifikasi Kebutuhan, (2) Analisis Kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan, (4) Pembuatan dan (5). Alat ini diwujudkan dengan menggabungkan beberapa sistem yaitu rangkaian power supply, pengatur input perintah dengan remote control, sensor TSOP1838 sebagai penerima sinyal inframerah, rangkaian IC CD4511BC sebagai driver seven segment, rangkaian IC DS1307 sebagai real time clock (RTC), rangkaian buzzer sebagai indikator waktu habis. Perangkat lunak sebagai pengendali program pada mikrokontroler ATMega16 menggunakan bahasa C dan software CV AVR sebagai compille-nya. Unjuk kerja dari alat ini yaitu, alat dapat bekerja pada tegangan supply 5 Volt DC untuk sistem minimum, sensor TSOP1838, IC CD4511BC BCD ke seven segment, IC DS1307 dan 12 Volt DC untuk menyalakan seven segment. Kata kunci : papan score, ATMega16, TSOP1838, seven segment, remote control

    Strategy to Improve the Quality of Indonesian Industrial Halal through Smart Investment and Education Systems 4.0

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    Indonesia with a Muslim population reaching 87.17% is very strategic for the development of halal industry. But the halal industry in Indonesia has not grown optimally. One reason is the lack of Islamic financial literacy, whereas literacy greatly influences the financial decisions taken. The government organization, BPJPH, which handles certification and provides Islamic financial literacy, has not yet operated. Therefore we need an innovative solution that is a smart system about Education and Investment for halal industry. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative. Through quantitative research with one sample t test using descriptive analysis and each 1 research variable. This system is a concept of innovation in the field technology that can be a bridge for government organizations namely BPJPH to provide Islamic financial literacy. Not just giving literacy, but also offering alternative solutions for submission of sharia-compliant capital loans. This system brings together important elements in the halal industry cycle, namely halal industry players, Islamic banking, investors and the government as regulators through an application. Increased Sharia financial literacy and the potential of Return of Investment in halal industries can be realized. This is evidenced by an increase of 80% to the understanding of the halal industry from before, and the potential increase in capital and profits that reached a Return of Investment of 14.3% in the calculation of research samples in the province of East Java. This shows the benefits and success of the application of smart education and investment systems for the halal industry in Indonesia. Keywords: Islamic financial literacy, Islamic finance, technolog


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Image, Perceived Cost dan Perceived Enjoyment pada Customer Satisfaction dan Usage Intention dalam menggunakan layanan ponsel (mobile services). Model dan variabel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 perspektif teori yaitu Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research dan Uses & Gratification Research. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling, dimana sampel berupa responden yang memiliki pengalaman menggunakan layanan ponsel. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 179 orang. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan model SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dan diolah menggunakan software SPSS versi 18.0 for Windows serta Amos 16 untuk pengujian Model Measurement dan Structural. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use dan Perceived Enjoyment memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan pada Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Ease of Use berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived Usefulness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada Usage Intention. Sedangkan pengaruh Perceived Image dan Perceived Cost terhadap Customer Satisfaction tidak signifikan atau dapat dikatakan tidak memiliki makna. Kata kunci: Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research, Uses & Gratification Research, Consumer Behavior, Mobile Services. Abstract - This study aimed to test the influence of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Image, Perceived Cost and Perceived Enjoyment on Customer Satisfaction and Usage Intention in using mobile services. The model and variables in this study used three theories perspectives, consists of Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research and Uses & Gratification Research. This type of research is causal research with quantitative approach. This study used purposive sampling approach, which the sample consists of respondents who had experience of using mobile services. Respondents in this study amounted to 179 people. The analysis in this study used a model of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and processed by using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows and Amos 16 to test the Measurement and Structural Model. The result indicates that the Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Enjoyment have a positive and significant impact on Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Ease of Use has a positive and significant effect on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Usefulness has a positive and significant impact on the Usage Intention. While the influence of Perceived Image and Perceived Cost towards Customer Satisfaction is insignificant or can be said to have no meaning. Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research, Uses & Gratification Research, Consumer Behavior, Mobile Services


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Image, Perceived Cost dan Perceived Enjoyment pada Customer Satisfaction dan Usage Intention dalam menggunakan layanan ponsel (mobile services). Model dan variabel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 perspektif teori yaitu Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research dan Uses & Gratification Research. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling, dimana sampel berupa responden yang memiliki pengalaman menggunakan layanan ponsel. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 179 orang. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan model SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dan diolah menggunakan software SPSS versi 18.0 for Windows serta Amos 16 untuk pengujian Model Measurement dan Structural. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use dan Perceived Enjoyment memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan pada Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Ease of Use berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived Usefulness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada Usage Intention. Sedangkan pengaruh Perceived Image dan Perceived Cost terhadap Customer Satisfaction tidak signifikan atau dapat dikatakan tidak memiliki makna. Kata kunci: Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research, Uses & Gratification Research, Consumer Behavior, Mobile Services. Abstract - This study aimed to test the influence of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Image, Perceived Cost and Perceived Enjoyment on Customer Satisfaction and Usage Intention in using mobile services. The model and variables in this study used three theories perspectives, consists of Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research and Uses & Gratification Research. This type of research is causal research with quantitative approach. This study used purposive sampling approach, which the sample consists of respondents who had experience of using mobile services. Respondents in this study amounted to 179 people. The analysis in this study used a model of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and processed by using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows and Amos 16 to test the Measurement and Structural Model. The result indicates that the Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Enjoyment have a positive and significant impact on Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Ease of Use has a positive and significant effect on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Usefulness has a positive and significant impact on the Usage Intention. While the influence of Perceived Image and Perceived Cost towards Customer Satisfaction is insignificant or can be said to have no meaning. Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Domestication Research, Uses & Gratification Research, Consumer Behavior, Mobile Services


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    ABSTRAKPERANCANGAN INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN PERIKANAN LAMPULO DI BANDAACEHOleh:Bayu Ari Gunawan1104104010017Indonesia sudah seharusnya menuju era industrialisasi yang lebih menitik beratkan padasub sektor kelautan dan perikanan yang mana Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki lautyang cukup luas untuk dikembangkan dengan berbagai potensi di dalamnya. PerancanganIndustri Pengolahan Perikanan Lampulo di Banda Aceh merupakan salah satu langkah ntukmeningkatkan perekonomian daerah di Banda Aceh khususnya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan bumiAceh sangat kaya akan sumber daya alamnya. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakansuatu pusat yang mewadahi kegiatan industri mendorong penyebaran kegiatan industri lainnya didaerah Banda Aceh. Selain itu, dengan adanya perancangan ini maka akan tercipta suatubangunan yang berskala internasional. Terlebih lagi pada saat ini derah Lampulo, Banda Acehmerupakan kawasan pelabuhan samudera internasional. Potensi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkandengan sebuah perancangan industri perikanan khususnya. Di dalamnya berupa kegiatanpengolahan ikan, baik ikan kayu maupun ikan kaleng, pelatihan, edukasi, serta rekreasi.Perancangan bangunan industri ini bertemakan Arsitektur High-Tech dengan mengutamakansistem serta material terbarukan untuk mendukung kegiatan rekreasi dan edukasi dalamperancangan.Kata kunci: Perancangan, Bangunan, Industri, Banda Aceh, Edukasi, Rekreasi, Pelatihan,High-Tech, Laut, Perikanan, Pengolahan


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    Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengungkap sisi nilai potensi ekonomis yang dapat di peroleh dari adanya alat musik Gong Buluh yang ada di dalam Kesenian Gong Bulueh yang berasal dari kota Sungai Penuh, daerah ini merupakan salah wilayah yang terletak di Provinsi Jambi, yang di dalamnya mempunyai penduduk asli yaitu yang di kenal dengan nama suku Kerinci. Suku Kerinci dalam kehiduanya di kenal memiliki banyak peninggalan kebudayaan yang merupakan peninggalan langsung dari budaya leluhur nenek moyang mereka yang hingga saat ini masih terjaga kelestarian dan keberadaanya di tengah-tengah masyarakat Kerinci. Dalam hal ini penelitian di lakukan dangan mencari sumber-sumber yang relevan dengan judul dan masalah bahasan yang ada dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan nantinya hasil dari penelitian ini akan membahas terkait peranan penting dari adanya gong buleuh ini dalam kehidupan masyarakat kerinci, Selain itu dalam pencarian sumber data penelitian peneliti mengunakan metode deskriptif analisis sebagai metode yang menjadi dasar dengan campuran menggunakan pendekatan Histoenterprenuership. Dalam acara kenduri sko kedudukan ada ini tanpa menampilkan musik Gong Buleuh maka upacara dianggap tidak bermakna bagi masyarakat Kota Sungai Penuh. Dengan adanya musik Gong Buleuh dalam upacara Kenduri Sko masyarakat dapat berkomunikasi dengan tokoh adat dan tokoh masyarakat untuk meresmikan pembukaan Kenduri Sko tersebut

    Integration of Christ’s Love in Family Discipleship to Overcome Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in Generation Z

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    Generation Z (Gen Z) dominates Indonesia’s population, numbering 27.94%. Marked by their love for new technologies and fear of becoming “outdated”, these traits surely have a good impact on their development. However, these traits rise new negative impact: the fear of missing out (FOMO) which can lead to lower level of life satisfaction, psychological distress, and anxiety. Based on these problems, the study focuses on integrating the love of Christ in family discipleship to overcome FOMO in Gen Z.  The authors used qualitative research approach by using literature review. Based on the review of various literature sources and idea framework building, the authors proposed three steps of discipleship in the family according to the love of Christ in overcoming FOMO. Firstly, discipleship is conducted by exposition to agape love concept, which has a role in shaping concept of self in the family environment. Gen Z is discipled by guiding them to receive God's love that provides forgiveness and restoration for sinners. Secondly, discipleship is conducted in family by exposition to storge love concept. Parents provide guidance and education lovingly without having to arouse Gen Z’s anger. Third, discipleship is conducted by exposition to philia love concept, which occurs in an environment of friendship. The family becomes a common place to exhibit Christlikeness in an atmosphere of friendship. Parents become friends to Gen Z and help them experience character and spiritual growth like a friend

    Aplikasi Jejaring Sosial Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Berbasis HTML5 dan PHP

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    HTML5 or Hypertext Markup Language version to 5 is the language web programing made to replace HTML DOM Level 2, HTML4 and XHTML are used to load rich content without any additional plugins. PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly inserted into HTML pages to create dynamic websites. MySQL is a Relational Database System Implementation (RDBMS) that is commonly used to berancang database on dynamic websites. The application is made starting from requirement analysis and design followed that system design, use case diagrams and design applications. This application is built using HTML5 web programming language, server-side scripting language PHP and using MySQL database. The results of this research that is user-interface application in it contains about-face between users and applications. Applications capable of running in a web browser on a computer is the latest version. This application can help users to communicate, share information and online transactions

    Pengaruh Perceived Value dan Perceived Risk terhadap Willingness to Use: Studi Kasus Carpooling Mobile Application di Indonesia

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    Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan mobil yang terus terjadi menyebabkan kemacetan dan polusi udara mendorong pemerintah membuat kebijakan pengurangan penggunaan kendaraan mobil. Selain itu transportasi juga menjadi kendala pada sektor pariwisata di Indonesia. Hal tersebut dapat menjadi peluang bagi perusahaan carpooling mobile application. Namun, kenyataannya saat ini pengunduh carpooling mobile application masih terbilang sedikit, sehingga tantangan bagi perusahaan adalah meningkatkan popularitas dan willingness to use pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perceived value dan perceived risk terhadap willingness to use carpooling mobile application. Pengolahan data analisis PLS-SEM. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner online dan didapatkan 64 sampel yang memiliki kriteria pernah menggunakan carpooling mobile application dalam satu tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa perceived value berpengaruh positif terhadap willingness to use. Sementara perceived risk berpengaruh negatif terhadap willingness to use

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Motivasi Kerja ASN

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    Internal conditions and leadership style seem to affect the work motivation of employees of ASN Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, this is seen from several changes of the head of the agency at the Human Resources Development Agency. The problem formulation for this study is: How much influence internal communication has on work motivation; How much influence leadership style has on work motivation; and How much influence internal communication and leadership style has on work motivation. The results showed that internal communication and leadership style influenced work motivation. The correlation coefficient value is 0.727, indicating a strong relationship between the two category research variables. The coefficient of determination value indicates 52.8%, interpreted as internal communication and leadership style has an influence on work motivation and the other 47.2% is influenced by other factors outside of internal communication and leadership style. Internal communication has a positive effect, the communication created between leaders and employees has been very good. Leadership style affects work motivation, leadership style shows an open attitude. Internal communication and leadership style affect work motivation.   Kondisi internal dan gaya kepemimpinan tampak mempengaruhi motivasi kerja karyawan ASN Badan Litbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, hal ini terlihat dari beberapa kali pergantian kepala badan pada Badan Litbang SDM. Rumusan masalah untuk penelitian ini yakni: Seberapa besar pengaruh komunikasi internal terhadap motivasi kerja; Seberapa besar pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap motivasi kerja; dan Seberapa besar pengaruh komunikasi internal dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap motivasi kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi internal dan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja. Nilai koefisien korelasi 0,727, menunjukkan hubungan kedua variabel penelitian kategori kuat. Nilai koefisien determinasi menunjukkan 52,8%, ditafsirkan komunikasi internal dan gaya kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja dan 47,2% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain diluar komunikasi internal dan gaya kepemimpinan. Komunikasi internal berpengaruh positif, komunikasi yang diciptakan antara pimpinan dan karyawan sudah sangat baik. Gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja, gaya kepemimpinan memperlihatkan sikap terbuka. Komunikasi internal dan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja