115 research outputs found

    Museum augmented interface for historical scale models: towards a new way for cultural heritage promotion

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe an interactive museum application dedicated to historical scale models. This comes from a joint work between multidisciplinary teams: industrial engineering researchers, historians, museum curators and interactive interface designers. We present here theresult of the project, based on scientific methodology. Results include system architecture, hardware and software, some use cases and user evaluation figures. This paper also underlines some methodology issues that illustrate future possibilities

    Nantes 1900 - la maquette du port: Une valorisation scientifique et musicographique innovante

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    National audienceLe plan-relief du port de Nantes, présenté à l’Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris, intègre à la fin des années 1920 les collections des musées nantais : objet promotionnel pendant deux décennies au service de l’excellence des aménagements portuaires, il devient dès lors un objet patrimonial d’exception.Son insertion dans le parcours scénographique du musée d’histoire de Nantes amène rapidement les équipes de la conservation à porter un nouveau regard sur cette maquette, à la questionner et à imaginer une médiation pour « la faire parler ».Très vite, une collaboration entre l’Université, l’École Centrale de Nantes et le musée voit le jour afin de mettre en place un outil numérique issu de champs de recherches variés.Désormais, par ce dispositif innovant mis à la disposition du public, le plan-relief devient, au-delà d’un précieux indicateur de l’histoire de l’architecture industrielle et des paysages nantais du début du 20e siècle, un support dynamique à la compréhension du territoire actuel, au cœur de la réflexion sur le devenir de Nantes et de son rapport à la Loire

    Sensibilité de la sédimentation organique aux variations climatiques du Tardi-Wuerm et de l'Holocène; le lac du Bouchet (Haute-Loire, France)

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    Deux carottes de sédiments superficiels (2 à 3 m) prélevées dans le lac du Bouchet (Haute Loire, France) ont été étudiées du point de vue de leur composition minérale et organique. Les corrélations établies à partir des données concernant lamatière organique ainsi que celles de la palynologie, ont permis de replacer les deux premiers mètres de la série sédimentaire dans la logique climato-stratigraphique du passage Tardi-Würm-Holocène. Nous montrons ici que des variations climatiques de faible amplitude comme celles de l'Holocène, engendrent des changements importants dans la nature, la quantité et le mode de préservation des constituants organiques sédimentés

    In Vitro Anti-Listerial Activities of Crude n-Hexane and Aqueous Extracts of Garcinia kola (heckel) Seeds

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    We assessed the anti-Listerial activities of crude n-hexane and aqueous extracts of Garcinia kola seeds against a panel of 42 Listeria isolates previously isolated from wastewater effluents in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and belonging to Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria grayi and Listeria ivanovii species. The n-hexane fraction was active against 45% of the test bacteria with zones of inhibition ranging between 8–17 mm, while the aqueous fraction was active against 29% with zones of inhibition ranging between 8–11 mm. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were within the ranges of 0.079–0.625 mg/mL for the n-hexane extract and 10 to >10 mg/mL for the aqueous extract. The rate of kill experiment carried out for the n-hexane extract only, revealed complete elimination of the initial bacterial population for L. grayi (LAL 15) at 3× and 4× MIC after 90 and 60 min; L. monocytogenes (LAL 8) at 3× and 4× MIC after 60 and 15 min; L. ivanovii (LEL 18) at 3× and 4× MIC after 120 and 15 min; L. ivanovii (LEL 30) at 2, 3 and 4× MIC values after 105, 90 and 15 min exposure time respectively. The rate of kill activities were time- and concentration-dependant and the extract proved to be bactericidal as it achieved a more than 3log10 decrease in viable cell counts after 2 h exposure time for all of the four test organisms at 3× and 4× MIC values. The results therefore show the potential presence of anti-Listerial compounds in Garcinia kola seeds that can be exploited in effective anti-Listerial chemotherapy

    Homologous Recombination Is Stimulated by a Decrease in dUTPase in Arabidopsis

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    Deoxyuridine triphosphatase (dUTPase) enzyme is an essential enzyme that protects DNA against uracil incorporation. No organism can tolerate the absence of this activity. In this article, we show that dUTPase function is conserved between E. coli (Escherichia coli), yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and that it is essential in Arabidopsis as in both micro-organisms. Using a RNA interference strategy, plant lines were generated with a diminished dUTPase activity as compared to the wild-type. These plants are sensitive to 5-fluoro-uracil. As an indication of DNA damage, inactivation of dUTPase results in the induction of AtRAD51 and AtPARP2, which are involved in DNA repair. Nevertheless, RNAi/DUT1 constructs are compatible with a rad51 mutation. Using a TUNEL assay, DNA damage was observed in the RNAi/DUT1 plants. Finally, plants carrying a homologous recombination (HR) exclusive substrate transformed with the RNAi/DUT1 construct exhibit a seven times increase in homologous recombination events. Increased HR was only detected in the plants that were the most sensitive to 5-fluoro-uracils, thus establishing a link between uracil incorporation in the genomic DNA and HR. Our results show for the first time that genetic instability provoked by the presence of uracils in the DNA is poorly tolerated and that this base misincorporation globally stimulates HR in plants

    Structural activation of the transcriptional repressor EthR from Mycobacterium tuberculosis by single amino acid change mimicking natural and synthetic ligands

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    Ethionamide is an antituberculous drug for the treatment of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This antibiotic requires activation by the monooxygenase EthA to exert its activity. Production of EthA is controlled by the transcriptional repressor EthR, a member of the TetR family. The sensitivity of M. tuberculosis to ethionamide can be artificially enhanced using synthetic ligands of EthR that allosterically inactivate its DNA-binding activity. Comparison of several structures of EthR co-crystallized with various ligands suggested that the structural reorganization of EthR resulting in its inactivation is controlled by a limited portion of the ligand-binding-pocket. In silico simulation predicted that mutation G106W may mimic ligands. X-ray crystallography of variant G106W indeed revealed a protein structurally similar to ligand-bound EthR. Surface plasmon resonance experiments established that this variant is unable to bind DNA, while thermal shift studies demonstrated that mutation G106W stabilizes EthR as strongly as ligands. Proton NMR of the methyl regions showed a lesser contribution of exchange broadening upon ligand binding, and the same quenched dynamics was observed in apo-variant G106W. Altogether, we here show that the area surrounding Gly106 constitutes the molecular switch involved in the conformational reorganization of EthR. These results also shed light on the mechanistic of ligand-induced allosterism controlling the DNA binding properties of TetR family repressors

    Clinical profiles of patients colonized or infected with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates: a 20 month retrospective study at a Belgian University Hospital

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Description of the clinical pictures of patients colonized or infected by ESBL-producing <it>Enterobacteriaceae </it>isolates and admitted to hospital are rather scarce in Europe. However, a better delineation of the clinical patterns associated with the carriage of ESBL-producing isolates may allow healthcare providers to identify more rapidly at risk patients. This matter is of particular concern because of the growing proportion of ESBL-producing <it>Enterobacteriaceae </it>species isolates worldwide.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We undertook a descriptive analysis of 114 consecutive patients in whom ESBL-producing <it>Enterobacteriaceae </it>isolates were collected from clinical specimens over a 20-month period. Clinical data were obtained through retrospective analysis of medical record charts. Microbiological cultures were carried out by standard laboratory methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proportion of ESBL-producing <it>Enterobacteriaceae </it>strains after exclusion of duplicate isolates was 4.5% and the incidence rate was 4.3 cases/1000 patients admitted. Healthcare-associated acquisition was important (n = 104) while community-acquisition was less frequently found (n = 10). Among the former group, two-thirds of the patients were aged over 65 years and 24% of these were living in nursing homes. Sixty-eight (65%) of the patients with healthcare-associated ESBL, were considered clinically infected. In this group, the number and severity of co-morbidities was high, particularly including diabetes mellitus and chronic renal insufficiency. Other known risk factors for ESBL colonization or infection such as prior antibiotic exposure, urinary catheter or previous hospitalisation were also often found. The four main diagnostic categories were: urinary tract infections, lower respiratory tract infections, septicaemia and intra-abdominal infections. For hospitalized patients, the median hospital length of stay was 23 days and the average mortality rate during hospitalization was 13% (Confidence Interval 95%: 7-19). <it>Escherichia coli</it>, by far, accounted as the most common ESBL-producing <it>Enterobacteriaceae </it>species (77/114; [68%]) while CTX-M-1 group was by far the most prevalent ESBL enzyme (n = 56).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this retrospective study, the clinical profiles of patients carrying healthcare-associated ESBL-producing <it>Enterobacteriacae </it>is characterized by a high prevalence rate of several major co-morbidities and potential known risk factors. Both, the length of hospital stay and overall hospital mortality rates were particularly high. A prospective case-control matched study should be designed and performed in order to control for possible inclusion bias.</p

    Entre refoulement et reconnaissance, occultation et exposition, comment s’est constituée, durant le XXe siècle, la collection sur la traite des Noirs au musée de Nantes

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    Through repression and recognition, concealment and exhibition the collection on the slave trade in the Museum of Nantes was created during the 20th century. The 1992 exhibition in Nantes, The Shackles of Memory marked a revival of a history purposely hidden for many decades. The presence of objects evoking the slave trade in the collections of the Museum, presented to the public, goes back way before this remarkable stake in the exhibition. Furthermore, this sometimes chaotic presence exhibited throughout the 20th century, may had had relieving effects, or was at least precursory regarding the integration of this history in the construction of Nantes’ memory. We are thus going to look at whether this subject in the museum, was either in the logic of what is so often described as the repression in Nantes, or if it had a place apart

    L'humus forestier, critères de gestion durable

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    National audienceThe authors recall the functional basis of the forest ecosystem and the relationship between the biogeochemical functioning of humus. Humus form is a main element for stand description, representing the ecological conditions and the fertility level. The role of humus as a criterion for sustainability at the regional scale is illustrated through examples of forest stand surveys (" typologie des stations "). On the other hand, the authors emphasize the diversity of humus(" eco-units ") at the stand area scale, according to the stages of the sylvogenetic cycle. The maintenance of biodiversity (soil fauna and microflora) is favoured by the mosaïc functioning of these " eco-units ". Moreover, the connection between these " eco-units " allows an increased stability of the ecosystem. The applications of these ideas in sylviculture are discussed.Les auteurs rappellent les bases fonctionnelles de l'écosystème forêt et les relations entre le cycle biogéochimique et le fonctionnement biodynamique de l'humus (rôle essentiel des phénomènes biologiques). Le type morphofonctionnel de l'humus est une des caractéristiques principales de la station, définie par un ensemble de conditions écologiques (facteurs stationnels) que l'humus intègre dans son fonctionnnement et qui correspond à un niveau de fertilité déterminé. Dans une première partie, l'inventaire des milieux forestiers, ou typologie des stations, illustre, à l'échelle d'une région écologique, d'un massif forestier, la relation station-production et la signification de l'humus comme critère de gestion durable. L'exemple des milieux sensibles à la dégradation acide notamment (faible réserve minérale et humus de type moder) montre la possibilité d'amélioration soutenue et couplée de l'activité biologique et de la productivité, par apport ponctuel d'engrais minéral. Dans une deuxième partie, les auteurs montrent que l'humus est, pour l'écosystème forêt, un indice important de sa dégradation lente (climatique) ou provoquée (changements environnementaux). Le fonctionnement en mosaïque (éco-unités) (forêts subnaturelles) maintient la biodiversité et la stabilité (régénération de l'écosystème). Les applications à la sylviculture sont évoquées dans la discussion