140 research outputs found

    Signature of deep mantle melting in South Iceland olivine

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    We present new high-precision major and trace element data on olivine macrocrysts from various volcano-tectonic settings in Iceland and use these data as a proxy for mantle mode and melting conditions. Within individual sampling sites examined (seven lavas and one tephra) olivine-dominated fractional crystallization, magma mixing and diffusive re-equilibration control observed variability in olivine composition. High-pressure fractional crystallization of clinopyroxene may have lowered Ca and increased Fe/Mn in one olivine population and subsolidus diffusion of Ni and Fe-Mg affected the mantle-derived Ni/Fo ratio in some compositionally zoned olivine macrocrysts. Interestingly, magmas erupted at the southern tip of the Eastern Volcanic Zone (SEVZ), South Iceland, have olivines with elevated Ni and low Mn and Ca contents compared to olivines from elsewhere in Iceland, and some of the SEVZ olivines have relatively low Sc and V and high Cr, Ti, Zn, Cu and Li in comparison to depleted Iceland rift tholeiite. In these olivines, the high Ni and low Mn indicate relatively deep melting (P-final>1.4GPa,similar to 45km), Sc, Ti and V are compatible with low-degree melts of lherzolite mantle, and elevated Zn may suggest modal (low-olivine) or geochemical (high Zn) enrichment in the source. The SEVZ olivine macrocrysts probably crystallized from magmas derived from olivine-bearing but relatively deep, enriched and fertile parts of the sub-Icelandic mantle, and indicate swift ascent of magma through the SEVZ lithosphere.Peer reviewe

    Mid-crustal storage and crystallization of Eyjafjallajokull ankaramites, South Iceland

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    Our understanding of the long-term intrusive and eruptive behaviour of volcanic systems is hampered by a relatively short period of direct observation. To probe the conditions of crustal magma storage below South Iceland, we have analysed compositions of minerals, mineral zoning patterns, and melt inclusions from two Eyjafjallajokull ankaramites located at Brattaskjol and Hvammsmuli. These two units are rich in compositionally diverse macrocrysts, including the most magnesian olivine (Fo(88)(-)(90)) and clinopyroxene (Mg#(cpx)( )89.8) known from Eyjafjallajokull. Olivine-hosted spinel inclusions have high Cr# (spl )(52-80) and TiO2 (1-3 wt%) and low Al2O3 (8-22 wt%) compared to typical Icelandic chromian spinel. The spinel-olivine oxybarometer implies a moderate oxygen fugacity of Delta logFMQ 0-0.5 at the time of crystallization, and clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometry crystallization at mid-crustal pressures (1.7-4.2 kbar, 3.0+1.4 kbar on average) at 1120-1195 degrees C. Liquid-only thermometry for melt inclusions with Mg#(melt) 56.1-68.5 and olivine-liquid thermometry for olivine macrocrysts with Fo(80.7-88.9) yield crystallization temperatures of 1155-1222 degrees C and 1136-1213 degrees C, respectively. Diffusion modelling of compositional zonations in the Brattaskjol olivine grains imply that the Brattaskjol macrocusts were mobilized and transported to the surface from their mid-crustal storage within a few weeks (at most in 9-37 days). Trends in clinopyroxene macrocryst compositions and the scarcity of plagioclase indicate that the mid-crustal cotectic assemblage was olivine and clinopyroxene, with plagioclase joining the fractionating mineral assemblage later. In all, the crystal cargoes in the Brattaskjol and Hvammsmtili ankaramites are composed of agitated wehrlitic or plagioclase wehrlitic crystal mushes that crystallized over a large temperature interval at mid-crustal depths.Peer reviewe

    Localization of a gene for migraine without aura to chromosome 4q21.

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldMigraine is a common form of headache and has a significant genetic component. Here, we report linkage results from a study in Iceland of migraine without aura (MO). The study group comprised patients with migraine recruited by neurologists and from the registry of the Icelandic Migraine Society, as well as through the use of a questionnaire sent to a random sample of 20,000 Icelanders. Migraine diagnoses were made and confirmed using diagnostic criteria established by the International Headache Society. A genome-wide scan with multipoint allele-sharing methods was performed on 289 patients suffering from MO. Linkage was observed to a locus on chromosome 4q21 (LOD=2.05; P=.001). The locus reported here overlaps a locus (MGR1) reported elsewhere for patients with migraine with aura (MA) in the Finnish population. This replication of the MGR1 locus in families with MO indicates that the gene we have mapped may contribute to both MA and MO. Further analysis indicates that the linkage evidence improves for affected females and, especially, with a slightly relaxed definition of MO (LOD=4.08; P=7.2 x 10(-6))

    Identification of a novel neuregulin 1 at-risk haplotype in Han schizophrenia Chinese patients, but no association with the Icelandic/Scottish risk haplotype.

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldTo determine if neuregulin 1 (NRG1) is associated with schizophrenia in Asian populations, we investigated a Han Chinese population using both a family trio design and a case-control design. A total of 25 microsatellite markers and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped spanning the 1.1 Mb NRG1 gene including markers of a seven-marker haplotype at the 5' end of the gene found to be in excess in Icelandic and Scottish schizophrenia patients. The alleles of the individual markers forming the seven marker at-risk haplotype are not likely to be causative as they are not in excess in patients in the Chinese population studied here. However using unrelated patients, we find a novel haplotype (HAP(China 1)), immediately upstream of the Icelandic haplotype, in excess in patients (11.9% in patients vs 4.2% in controls; P=0.0000065, risk ratio (rr) 3.1), which was not significant when parental controls were used. Another haplotype (HAP(China 2)) overlapping the Icelandic risk haplotype was found in excess in the Chinese (8.5% of patients vs 4.0% of unrelated controls; P=0.003, rr 2.2) and was also significant using parental controls only (P=0.0047, rr 2.1). A four-marker haplotype at the 3' end of the NRG1 gene, HAP(China 3), was found at a frequency of 23.8% in patients and 13.7% in nontransmitted parental haplotypes (P=0.000042, rr=2.0) but was not significant in the case-control comparison. We conclude that different haplotypes within the boundaries of the NRG1 gene may be associated with schizophrenia in the Han Chinese

    Association of neuregulin 1 with schizophrenia confirmed in a Scottish population

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldRecently, we identified neuregulin 1 (NRG1) as a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia in the Icelandic population, by a combined linkage and association approach. Here, we report the first study evaluating the relevance of NRG1 to schizophrenia in a population outside Iceland. Markers representing a core at-risk haplotype found in Icelanders at the 5' end of the NRG1 gene were genotyped in 609 unrelated Scottish patients and 618 unrelated Scottish control individuals. This haplotype consisted of five SNP markers and two microsatellites, which all appear to be in strong linkage disequilibrium. For the Scottish patients and control subjects, haplotype frequencies were estimated by maximum likelihood, using the expectation-maximization algorithm. The frequency of the seven-marker haplotype among the Scottish patients was significantly greater than that among the control subjects (10.2% vs. 5.9%, P=.00031). The estimated risk ratio was 1.8, which is in keeping with our report of unrelated Icelandic patients (2.1). Three of the seven markers in the haplotype gave single-point P values ranging from .000064 to .0021 for the allele contributing to the at-risk haplotype. This direct replication of haplotype association in a second population further implicates NRG1 as a factor that contributes to the etiology of schizophrenia

    Photosynthesis–irradiance parameters of marine phytoplankton: synthesis of a global data set

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    The photosynthetic performance of marine phytoplankton varies in response to a variety of factors, environmental and taxonomic. One of the aims of the MArine primary Production: model Parameters from Space (MAPPS) project of the European Space Agency is to assemble a global database of photosynthesis– irradiance (P-E) parameters from a range of oceanographic regimes as an aid to examining the basin-scale variability in the photophysiological response of marine phytoplankton and to use this information to improve the assignment of P-E parameters in the estimation of global marine primary production using satellite data. The MAPPS P-E database, which consists of over 5000 P-E experiments, provides information on the spatiotemporal variability in the two P-E parameters (the assimilation number, PB m , and the initial slope, �B, where the superscripts B indicate normalisation to concentration of chlorophyll) that are fundamental inputs for models (satellite-based and otherwise) of marine primary production that use chlorophyll as the state variable. Qualitycontrol measures consisted of removing samples with abnormally high parameter values and flags were added to denote whether the spectral quality of the incubator lamp was used to calculate a broad-band value of �B. The MAPPS database provides a photophysiological data set that is unprecedented in number of observations and in spatial coverage. The database will be useful to a variety of research communities, including marine ecologists,biogeochemical modellers, remote-sensing scientists and algal physiologists

    Environmental pressure from the 2014–15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland

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    The effusive six months long 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga eruption (31 August-27 February) was the largest in Iceland for more than 200 years, producing 1.6 ± 0.3 km3 of lava. The total SO2 emission was 11 ± 5 Mt, more than the amount emitted from Europe in 2011. The ground level concentration of SO2 exceeded the 350 μg m−3 hourly average health limit over much of Iceland for days to weeks. Anomalously high SO2 concentrations were also measured at several locations in Europe in September. The lowest pH of fresh snowmelt at the eruption site was 3.3, and 3.2 in precipitation 105 km away from the source. Elevated dissolved H2SO4, HCl, HF, and metal concentrations were measured in snow and precipitation. Environmental pressures from the eruption and impacts on populated areas were reduced by its remoteness, timing, and the weather. The anticipated primary environmental pressure is on the surface waters, soils, and vegetation of Iceland

    Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean: Satellite-Based Estimates over Two Decades

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    Primary production by marine phytoplankton is one of the largest fluxes of carbon on our planet. In the past few decades, considerable progress has been made in estimating global primary production at high spatial and temporal scales by combining in situ measurements of primary production with remote-sensing observations of phytoplankton biomass. One of the major challengesinthisapproachliesintheassignmentoftheappropriatemodelparametersthatdefinethe photosynthetic response of phytoplankton to the light field. In the present study, a global database of in situ measurements of photosynthesis versus irradiance (P-I) parameters and a 20-year record of climatequalitysatelliteobservationswereusedtoassessglobalprimaryproductionanditsvariability with seasons and locations as well as between years. In addition, the sensitivity of the computed primaryproductiontopotentialchangesinthephotosyntheticresponseofphytoplanktoncellsunder changing environmental conditions was investigated. Global annual primary production varied from 38.8 to 42.1 Gt C yr−1 over the period of 1998–2018. Inter-annual changes in global primary production did not follow a linear trend, and regional differences in the magnitude and direction of change in primary production were observed. Trends in primary production followed directly from changes in chlorophyll-a and were related to changes in the physico-chemical conditions of the water column due to inter-annual and multidecadal climate oscillations. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis in which P-I parameters were adjusted by±1 standard deviation showed the importance of accurately assigning photosynthetic parameters in global and regional calculations of primary production. TheassimilationnumberoftheP-Icurveshowedstrongrelationshipswithenvironmental variables such as temperature and had a practically one-to-one relationship with the magnitude of change in primary production. In the future, such empirical relationships could potentially be used for a more dynamic assignment of photosynthetic rates in the estimation of global primary production. RelationshipsbetweentheinitialslopeoftheP-Icurveandenvironmentalvariableswere more elusive

    Primary carbonatite melt from deeply subducted oceanic crust

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    Partial melting in the Earth's mantle plays an important part in generating the geochemical and isotopic diversity observed in volcanic rocks at the surface. Identifying the composition of these primary melts in the mantle is crucial for establishing links between mantle geochemical 'reservoirs' and fundamental geodynamic processes. Mineral inclusions in natural diamonds have provided a unique window into such deep mantle processes. Here we provide experimental and geochemical evidence that silicate mineral inclusions in diamonds from Juina, Brazil, crystallized from primary and evolved carbonatite melts in the mantle transition zone and deep upper mantle. The incompatible trace element abundances calculated for a melt coexisting with a calcium-titanium-silicate perovskite inclusion indicate deep melting of carbonated oceanic crust, probably at transition-zone depths. Further to perovskite, calcic-majorite garnet inclusions record crystallization in the deep upper mantle from an evolved melt that closely resembles estimates of primitive carbonatite on the basis of volcanic rocks. Small-degree melts of subducted crust can be viewed as agents of chemical mass-transfer in the upper mantle and transition zone, leaving a chemical imprint of ocean crust that can possibly endure for billions of years.4 page(s