157 research outputs found

    Phenotypic characterization of Adig null mice suggests roles for adipogenin in the regulation of fat mass accrual and leptin secretion

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    Adipogenin (Adig) is an adipocyte-enriched transmembrane protein. Its expression is induced during adipogenesis in rodent cells, and a recent genome-wide association study associated body mass index (BMI)-adjusted leptin levels with the ADIG locus. In order to begin to understand the biological function of Adig, we studied adipogenesis in Adig-deficient cultured adipocytes and phenotyped Adig null (Adig−/−) mice. Data from Adig-deficient cells suggest that Adig is required for adipogenesis. In vivo, Adig−/− mice are leaner than wild-type mice when fed a high-fat diet and when crossed with Ob/Ob hyperphagic mice. In addition to the impact on fat mass accrual, Adig deficiency also reduces fat-mass-adjusted plasma leptin levels and impairs leptin secretion from adipose explants, suggesting an additional impact on the regulation of leptin secretion

    Limits on the LyC signal from z~3 sources with secure redshift and HST coverage in the E-CDFS field

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    Aim: We aim to measure the LyC signal from a sample of sources in the Chandra deep field south. We collect star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) with accurate spectroscopic redshifts, for which Hubble Space Telescope (HST) coverage and multi-wavelength photometry are available. Method: We selected a sample of about 200 sources at z~3. Taking advantage of HST resolution, we applied a careful cleaning procedure and rejected sources showing nearby clumps with different colours, which could be lower-z interlopers. Our clean sample consisted of 86 SFGs (including 19 narrow-band selected Lya emitters) and 8 AGN (including 6 detected in X-rays). We measured the LyC flux from aperture photometry in four narrow-band filters covering wavelengths below a 912 A rest frame (3.11<z<3.53). We estimated the ratio between ionizing (LyC flux) and 1400 A non-ionizing emissions for AGN and galaxies. Results: By running population synthesis models, we assume an average intrinsic L(1400 A)/L(900 A) ratio of 5 as the representative value for our sample. With this value and an average treatment of the lines of sight of the inter-galactic medium, we estimate the LyC escape fraction relative to the intrinsic value (fesc_rel(LyC)). We do not directly detect ionizing radiation from any individual SFG, but we are able to set a 1(2)sigma upper limit of fesc_rel(LyC)<12(24)%. This result is consistent with other non-detections published in the literature. No meaningful limits can be calculated for the sub-sample of Lya emitters. We obtain one significant direct detection for an AGN at z=3.46, with fesc_rel(LyC) = (72+/-18)%. Conclusions: Our upper limit on fescrel(LyC) implies that the SFGs studied here do not present either the physical properties or the geometric conditions suitable for efficient LyC-photon escape.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A on Jan 5th, 201

    The VANDELS survey: A strong correlation between Lyα\alpha equivalent width and stellar metallicity at 3≀z≀5\mathbf{3\leq z \leq 5}

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    We present the results of a new study investigating the relationship between observed Lyα\alpha equivalent width (WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha)) and the metallicity of the ionizing stellar population (Z⋆Z_{\star}) for a sample of 768768 star-forming galaxies at 3≀z≀53 \leq z \leq 5 drawn from the VANDELS survey. Dividing our sample into quartiles of rest-frame WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) across the range -58 \unicode{xC5} \lesssim WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) \lesssim 110 \unicode{xC5} we determine Z⋆Z_{\star} from full spectral fitting of composite far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra and find a clear anti-correlation between WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) and Z⋆Z_{\star}. Our results indicate that Z⋆Z_{\star} decreases by a factor ≳3\gtrsim 3 between the lowest WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) quartile (⟹\langleWλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha)\rangle=-18\unicode{xC5}) and the highest WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) quartile (⟹\langleWλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha)\rangle=24\unicode{xC5}). Similarly, galaxies typically defined as Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs; WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) >20\unicode{xC5}) are, on average, metal poor with respect to the non-LAE galaxy population (WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) \leq20\unicode{xC5}) with Z⋆Z_{\star}non−LAE≳2×_{\rm{non-LAE}}\gtrsim 2 \times Z⋆Z_{\star}LAE_{\rm{LAE}}. Finally, based on the best-fitting stellar models, we estimate that the increasing strength of the stellar ionizing spectrum towards lower Z⋆Z_{\star} is responsible for ≃15−25%\simeq 15-25\% of the observed variation in WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) across our sample, with the remaining contribution (≃75−85%\simeq 75-85\%) being due to a decrease in the HI/dust covering fractions in low Z⋆Z_{\star} galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Stellar properties of z ~ 1 Lyman-break galaxies from ACS slitless grism spectra

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    Lyman-break galaxies are now regularly found in the high redshift Universe by searching for the break in the galaxy spectrum caused by the Lyman-limit redshifted into the optical or even near-IR. At lower redshift, this break is covered by the GALEX UV channels and small samples of z ~ 1 LBGs have been presented in the literature. Here we give results from fitting the spectral energy distributions of a small sub-set of low redshift LBGs and demonstrate the advantage of including photometric points derived from HST ACS slitless grism observations. The results show these galaxies to have very young, star forming populations, while still being massive and dusty. LBGs at low and high redshift show remarkable similarities in their properties, indicating that the LBG selection method picks similar galaxies throughout the Universe.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted in A&

    The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Lyα\alpha Emission and Stellar Populations of Star-Forming Galaxies at 2<z<2.5

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate spectral and photometric properties of 854 faint (iABi_{AB}<~25 mag) star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at 2<z<2.5 using the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS) spectroscopic data and deep multi-wavelength photometric data in three extensively studied extragalactic fields (ECDFS, VVDS, COSMOS). These SFGs were targeted for spectroscopy based on their photometric redshifts. The VUDS spectra are used to measure the UV spectral slopes (ÎČ\beta) as well as Lyα\alpha equivalent widths (EW). On average, the spectroscopically measured ÎČ\beta (-1.36±\pm0.02), is comparable to the photometrically measured ÎČ\beta (-1.32±\pm0.02), and has smaller measurement uncertainties. The positive correlation of ÎČ\beta with the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED)-based measurement of dust extinction, Es_{\rm s}(B-V), emphasizes the importance of ÎČ\beta as an alternative dust indicator at high redshifts. To make a proper comparison, we divide these SFGs into three subgroups based on their rest-frame Lyα\alpha EW: SFGs with no Lyα\alpha emission (SFGN_{\rm N}; EW≀\le0\AA), SFGs with Lyα\alpha emission (SFGL_{\rm L}; EW>>0\AA), and Lyα\alpha emitters (LAEs; EW≄\ge20\AA). The fraction of LAEs at these redshifts is ∌\sim10%, which is consistent with previous observations. We compared best-fit SED-estimated stellar parameters of the SFGN_{\rm N}, SFGL_{\rm L} and LAE samples. For the luminosities probed here (∌\simL∗^*), we find that galaxies with and without Lyα\alpha in emission have small but significant differences in their SED-based properties. We find that LAEs have less dust, and lower star-formation rates (SFR) compared to non-LAEs. We also find that LAEs are less massive compared to non-LAEs, though the difference is smaller and less significant compared to the SFR and Es_{\rm s}(B-V). [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    The impact of the Star Formation Histories on the SFR-M∗_{*} relation at z≄\ge2

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    In this paper we investigate the impact of different star formation histories (SFHs) on the relation between stellar mass M∗_{*} and star formation rate (SFR) using a sample of galaxies with reliable spectroscopic redshift zspec>2 drawn from the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS). We produce an extensive database of dusty model galaxies, calculated starting from the new library of single stellar population (SSPs) models presented in Cassara' et al. 2013 and weighted by a set of 28 different SFHs based on the Schmidt function, and characterized by different ratios of the gas infall time scale τinfall\tau_{infall} to the star formation efficiency Îœ\nu. The treatment of dust extinction and re-emission has been carried out by means of the radiative transfer calculation. The spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting technique is performed by using GOSSIP+, a tool able to combine both photometric and spectroscopic information to extract the best value of the physical quantities of interest, and to consider the Intergalactic Medium (IGM) attenuation as a free parameter. We find that the main contribution to the scatter observed in the SFR−M∗SFR-M_{*} plane is the possibility of choosing between different families of SFHs in the SED fitting procedure, while the redshift range plays a minor role. The majority of the galaxies, at all cosmic times, are best-fit by models with SFHs characterized by a high τinfall/Îœ\tau_{\rm infall}/\nu ratio. We discuss the reliability of the presence of a small percentage of dusty and highly star forming galaxies, in the light of their detection in the FIR.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for pubblication in A&

    The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey First Data Release: spectra and spectroscopic redshifts of 698 objects up to z~6 in CANDELS

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    This paper describes the first data release (DR1) of the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS). The DR1 includes all low-resolution spectroscopic data obtained in 276.9 arcmin2 of the CANDELS-COSMOS and CANDELS-ECFDS survey areas, including accurate spectroscopic redshifts z_spec and individual spectra obtained with VIMOS on the ESO-VLT. A total of 698 objects have a measured redshift, with 677 galaxies, two type-I AGN and a small number of 19 contaminating stars. The targets of the spectroscopic survey are selected primarily on the basis of their photometric redshifts to ensure a broad population coverage. About 500 galaxies have z_spec>2, 48 with z_spec>4, and the highest reliable redshifts reach beyond z_spec=6. This dataset approximately doubles the number of galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts at z>3 in these fields. We discuss the general properties of the sample in terms of the spectroscopic redshift distribution, the distribution of Lyman-alpha equivalent widths, and physical properties including stellar masses M_star and star formation rates (SFR) derived from spectral energy distribution fitting with the knowledge of z_spec. We highlight the properties of the most massive star-forming galaxies, noting the large range in spectral properties, with Lyman-alpha in emission or in absorption, and in imaging properties with compact, multi-component or pair morphologies. We present the catalogue database and data products. All data are publicly available and can be retrieved from a dedicated query-based database available at http://cesam.lam.fr/vuds.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&

    The Lyman Continuum escape fraction of galaxies at z=3.3 in the VUDS-LBC/COSMOS field

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    The Lyman continuum (LyC) flux escaping from high-z galaxies into the IGM is a fundamental quantity to understand the physical processes involved in the reionization epoch. We have investigated a sample of star-forming galaxies at z~3.3 in order to search for possible detections of LyC photons escaping from galaxy halos. UV deep imaging in the COSMOS field obtained with the prime focus camera LBC at the LBT telescope was used together with a catalog of spectroscopic redshifts obtained by the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS) to build a sample of 45 galaxies at z~3.3 with L>0.5L*. We obtained deep LBC images of galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the interval 3.27<z<3.40 both in the R and deep U bands. A sub-sample of 10 galaxies apparently shows escape fractions>28% but a detailed analysis of their properties reveals that, with the exception of two marginal detections (S/N~2) in the U band, all the other 8 galaxies are most likely contaminated by the UV flux of low-z interlopers located close to the high-z targets. The average escape fraction derived from the stacking of the cleaned sample was constrained to fesc_rel<2%. The implied HI photo-ionization rate is a factor two lower than that needed to keep the IGM ionized at z~3, as observed in the Lyman forest of high-z QSO spectra or by the proximity effect. These results support a scenario where high redshift, relatively bright (L>0.5L*) star-forming galaxies alone are unable to sustain the level of ionization observed in the cosmic IGM at z~3. Star-forming galaxies at higher redshift and at fainter luminosities (L<<L*) can be the major contributors to the reionization of the Universe only if their physical properties are subject to rapid changes from z~3 to z~6-10. Alternatively, ionizing sources could be discovered looking for fainter sources among the AGN population at high-z.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&
