157 research outputs found

    Sedimentological imprint on subseafloor microbial communities in Western Mediterranean Sea Quaternary sediments

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    An interdisciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between geological and paleoenvironmental parameters and the bacterial and archaeal community structure of two contrasting subseafloor sites in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Ligurian Sea and Gulf of Lion). Both depositional environments in this area are well-documented from paleoclimatic and paleooceanographic point of views. Available data sets allowed us to calibrate the investigated cores with reference and dated cores previously collected in the same area, and notably correlated to Quaternary climate variations. DNA-based fingerprints showed that the archaeal diversity was composed by one group, Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group (MCG), within the Gulf of Lion sediments and of nine different lineages (dominated by MCG, South African Gold Mine Euryarchaeotal Group (SAGMEG) and <i>Halobacteria</i>) within the Ligurian Sea sediments. Bacterial molecular diversity at both sites revealed mostly the presence of the classes <i>Alphaproteobacteria</i>, <i>Betaproteobacteria</i> and <i>Gammaproteobacteria</i> within <i>Proteobacteria</i> phylum, and also members of <i>Bacteroidetes</i> phylum. The second most abundant lineages were <i>Actinobacteria</i> and <i>Firmicutes</i> at the Gulf of Lion site and <i>Chloroflexi</i> at the Ligurian Sea site. Various substrates and cultivation conditions allowed us to isolate 75 strains belonging to four lineages: <i>Alpha-</i>, <i>Gammaproteobacteria</i>, <i>Firmicutes</i> and <i>Actinobacteria</i>. In molecular surveys, the <i>Betaproteobacteria</i> group was consistently detected in the Ligurian Sea sediments, characterized by a heterolithic facies with numerous turbidites from a deep-sea <i>levee</i>. Analysis of relative betaproteobacterial abundances and turbidite frequency suggested that the microbial diversity was a result of main climatic changes occurring during the last 20 ka. Statistical direct multivariate canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) showed that the availability of electron acceptors and the quality of electron donors (indicated by age) strongly influenced the community structure. In contrast, within the Gulf of Lion core, characterized by a homogeneous lithological structure of upper-slope environment, most detected groups were <i>Bacteroidetes</i> and, to a lesser extent, <i>Betaproteobacteria</i>. At both site, the detection of <i>Betaproteobacteria</i> coincided with increased terrestrial inputs, as confirmed by the geochemical measurements (Si, Sr, Ti and Ca). In the Gulf of Lion, geochemical parameters were also found to drive microbial community composition. Taken together, our data suggest that the palaeoenvironmental history of erosion and deposition recorded in the Western Mediterranean Sea sediments has left its imprint on the sedimentological context for microbial habitability, and then indirectly on structure and composition of the microbial communities during the late Quaternary

    A Stokes-based spectro-polarimetric analysis of the amplified spontaneous emission in a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs), key devices for future all-optical communication systems, are inherently polarisation-dependent, which is a major drawback for most networks applications. In spite of numerous studies carried out in order to design polarisation-insensitive structures, no complete spectro-polarimetric characterization of a SOA has been published so far. In particular, the spectral and polarimetric behaviour of the Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE), acting as a partly polarized broadband source, is of interest, since ASE draws from the same carrier reservoir as the amplified signal. In this paper, we present a full spectro-polarimetric characterization of ASE emitted from a commercial, strained-bulk SOA within the frame of the Stokes formalism. This formalism not only allows a determination of the degree of polarisation (DOP) of ASE directly from its Stokes vector, but also gives access to a full, spectrally resolved characterization of its polarized fraction with respect to the bias current applied to the SOA. The way the state of polarisation of that fraction is governed by the dependence of the material gain upon polarisation is spectrally resolved, quantified, and discussed. The same study is performed when a polarized signal is injected into the SOA

    Interdisciplinarity and infectious diseases : an Ebola case study

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    International audienceHigh-profile epidemics such as Ebola, avian influenza, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) repeatedly thrust infectious diseases into the limelight. Because the emergence of dis-eases involves so many factors, the need for interdisciplinary approaches to studying emerging infections, particularly those originating from animals (i.e., zoonoses), is frequently discussed. However, effective integration across disciplines is challenging in practice. Ecological ideas, for example, are rarely considered in biomedical research, while insights from biomedicine are often neglected in ecological studies of infectious diseases. One practical reason for this is that researchers in these fields focus on vastly different scales of biological organization, which are difficult to bridge both intellectually and methodologically. Nevertheless, integration across biological scales is increasingly needed for solving the complex problems zoonotic diseases pose to human and animal well-being. Motivated by current events, we use Ebola virusas a case study to highlight fundamental questions about zoonoses that can be addressed by integrating insights and approaches across scales

    Prioritization of fish communities with a view to conservation and restoration on a large scale European basin, the Loire (France)

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    The hierarchical organization of important sites for the conservation or the restoration of fish communities is a great challenge for managers, especially because of financial or time constraints. In this perspective, we developed a methodology, which is easy to implement in different locations. Based on the fish assemblage characteristics of the Loire basin (France), we created a synthetic conservation value index including the rarity, the conservation status and the species origin. The relationship between this new synthetic index and the Fish-Based Index allowed us to establish a classification protocol of the sites along the Loire including fish assemblages to be restored or conserved. Sites presenting disturbed fish assemblages, a low rarity index, few threatened species, and a high proportion of non-native species were considered as important for the restoration of fish biodiversity. These sites were found mainly in areas where the assemblages are typical of the bream zone, e.g. with a higher number of eurytopic and limnophilic species. On the contrary, important sites for conservation were defined as having an important conservation potential (high RI, a lot of threatened species, and few nonnatives fish species) and an undisturbed fish assemblage similar to the expected community if habitats are undisturbed. Important sites for conservation were found in the Loire basin’s medium reaches which host assemblages typical for the grayling and the barbell zones, e.g. with a higher number of rheophilic species. The synthetic conservation value index could be adapted and completed with other criteria according to management priorities and capacities

    MultiTest V.1.2, a program to binomially combine independent tests and performance comparison with other related methods on proportional data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Combining multiple independent tests, when all test the same hypothesis and in the same direction, has been the subject of several approaches. Besides the inappropriate (in this case) Bonferroni procedure, the Fisher's method has been widely used, in particular in population genetics. This last method has nevertheless been challenged by the SGM (symmetry around the geometric mean) and Stouffer's <it>Z</it>-transformed methods that are less sensitive to asymmetry and deviations from uniformity of the distribution of the partial <it>P</it>-values. Performances of these different procedures were never compared on proportional data such as those currently used in population genetics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present new software that implements a more recent method, the generalised binomial procedure, which tests for the deviation of the observed proportion of <it>P</it>-values lying under a chosen threshold from the expected proportion of such <it>P</it>-values under the null hypothesis. The respective performances of all available procedures were evaluated using simulated data under the null hypothesis with standard <it>P</it>-values distribution (differentiation tests). All procedures more or less behaved consistently with ~5% significant tests at <it>α </it>= 0.05. Then, linkage disequilibrium tests with increasing signal strength (rate of clonal reproduction), known to generate highly non-standard <it>P</it>-value distributions are undertaken and finally real population genetics data are analysed. In these cases, all procedures appear, more or less equally, very conservative, though SGM seems slightly more conservative.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on our results and those discussed in the literature we conclude that the generalised binomial and Stouffer's <it>Z </it>procedures should be preferred and <it>Z </it>when the number of tests is very small. The more conservative SGM might still be appropriate for meta-analyses when a strong publication bias in favour of significant results is expected to inflate type 2 error.</p

    Treatment of primary headache in children: a multicenter hospital-based study in France

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    The aim of this 6-month, prospective, multicenter study of 398 children and adolescents with primary headaches was to collect data on headache treatment in neuropediatric departments. Treatments were compared before and after consultation. Prior to consultation, the acute treatments that had been prescribed most frequently were paracetamol (82.2% of children) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs treatment (53.5%); 10.3% had received a prophylactic treatment. No differences in either acute or prophylactic treatment with respect to headache diagnosis were observed. After the neuropediatric consultation, paracetamol was replaced by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in about three-quarters of cases and by triptan in about one-quarter of cases. The number of children prescribed a prophylactic treatment nearly doubled, whereas there was a 5-fold and 23-fold increase in psychotherapy and relaxation training, respectively, between pre-referral and referral. We conclude that specific treatments were underused for primary headache

    Interdisciplinarity and infectious diseases: an Ebola case study

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    High-profile epidemics such as Ebola, avian influenza, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) repeatedly thrust infectious diseases into the limelight. Because the emergence of diseases involves so many factors, the need for interdisciplinary approaches to studying emerging infections, particularly those originating from animals (i.e., zoonoses), is frequently discussed . However, effective integration across disciplines is challenging in practice. Ecological ideas, for example, are rarely considered in biomedical research, while insights from biomedicine are often neglected in ecological studies of infectious diseases. One practical reason for this is that researchers in these fields focus on vastly different scales of biological organization , which are difficult to bridge both intellectually and methodologically. Nevertheless, integration across biological scales is increasingly needed for solving the complex problems zoonotic diseases pose to human and animal well-being. Motivated by current events, we use Ebola virus as a case study to highlight fundamental questions about zoonoses that can be addressed by integrating insights and approaches across scales

    The Geography of Fear: A Latitudinal Gradient in Anti-Predator Escape Distances of Birds across Europe

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    All animals flee from potential predators, and the distance at which this happens is optimized so the benefits from staying are balanced against the costs of flight. Because predator diversity and abundance decreases with increasing latitude, and differs between rural and urban areas, we should expect escape distance when a predator approached the individual to decrease with latitude and depend on urbanization. We measured the distance at which individual birds fled (flight initiation distance, FID, which represents a reliable and previously validated surrogate measure of response to predation risk) following a standardized protocol in nine pairs of rural and urban sites along a ca. 3000 km gradient from Southern Spain to Northern Finland during the breeding seasons 2009–2010. Raptor abundance was estimated by means of standard point counts at the same sites where FID information was recorded. Data on body mass and phylogenetic relationships among bird species sampled were extracted from the literature. An analysis of 12,495 flight distances of 714 populations of 159 species showed that mean FID decreased with increasing latitude after accounting for body size and phylogenetic effects. This decrease was paralleled by a similar cline in an index of the abundance of raptors. Urban populations had consistently shorter FIDs, supporting previous findings. The difference between rural and urban habitats decreased with increasing latitude, also paralleling raptor abundance trends. Overall, the latitudinal gradient in bird fear was explained by raptor abundance gradients, with additional small effects of latitude and intermediate effects of habitat. This study provides the first empirical documentation of a latitudinal trend in anti-predator behavior, which correlated positively with a similar trend in the abundance of predators.TG was supported by the Human Frontier Science Program (RGY69/07) and MSM6198959212. JJ was supported by the EU Regional Development Foundation for the project (A31026). MD was funded by the project RISKDISP (CGL2009-08430) of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. GM was supported by TÁMOP-4.2.1./B-09/1-KMR-2010-0005 and TÁMOP-4.2.2./B-10/1-2010-0023 grants

    Introduced Pathogens and Native Freshwater Biodiversity: A Case Study of Sphaerothecum destruens

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    A recent threat to European fish diversity was attributed to the association between an intracellular parasite, Sphaerothecum destruens, and a healthy freshwater fish carrier, the invasive Pseudorasbora parva originating from China. The pathogen was found to be responsible for the decline and local extinction of the European endangered cyprinid Leucaspius delineatus and high mortalities in stocks of Chinook and Atlantic salmon in the USA. Here, we show that the emerging S. destruens is also a threat to a wider range of freshwater fish than originally suspected such as bream, common carp, and roach. This is a true generalist as an analysis of susceptible hosts shows that S. destruens is not limited to a phylogenetically narrow host spectrum. This disease agent is a threat to fish biodiversity as it can amplify within multiple hosts and cause high mortalities