30 research outputs found

    S-matrix for s-wave gravitational scattering

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    In the s-wave approximation the 4D Einstein gravity with scalar fields can be reduced to an effective 2D dilaton gravity coupled nonminimally to the matter fields. We study the leading order (tree level) vertices. The 4-particle matrix element is calculated explicitly. It is interpreted as scattering with formation of a virtual black hole state. As one novel feature we predict the gravitational decay of s-waves.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, added clarifying comments in the introduction, the conclusion, and the virtual black hole sectio

    Classical and Quantum Integrability of 2D Dilaton Gravities in Euclidean space

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    Euclidean dilaton gravity in two dimensions is studied exploiting its representation as a complexified first order gravity model. All local classical solutions are obtained. A global discussion reveals that for a given model only a restricted class of topologies is consistent with the metric and the dilaton. A particular case of string motivated Liouville gravity is studied in detail. Path integral quantisation in generic Euclidean dilaton gravity is performed non-perturbatively by analogy to the Minkowskian case.Comment: 27 p., LaTeX, v2: included new refs. and a footnot

    Constraints, gauge symmetries, and noncommutative gravity in two dimensions

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    After an introduction into the subject we show how one constructs a canonical formalism in space-time noncommutative theories which allows to define the notion of first-class constraints and to analyse gauge symmetries. We use this formalism to perform a noncommutative deformation of two-dimensional string gravity (also known as Witten black hole).Comment: Based on lectures given at IFSAP-2004 (St.Petersburg), to be submitted to Theor. Math. Phys., dedicated to Yu.V.Novozhilov on the occasion of his 80th birthda

    Positive specific heat of the quantum corrected dilaton black hole

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    Path integral quantization of dilaton gravity in two dimensions is applied to the CGHS model to the first nontrivial order in matter loops. Our approach is background independent as geometry is integrated out exactly. The result is an effective shift of the Killing norm: the apparent horizon becomes smaller. The Hawking temperature which is constant to leading order receives a quantum correction. As a consequence, the specific heat becomes positive and proportional to the square of the black hole mass.Comment: 18 pages, JHEP style, 1 eps figure, v2: extended the discussion, added new formulas for mass change, added three new references (in particular [35]

    Area spectrum in Lorentz covariant loop gravity

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    We use the manifestly Lorentz covariant canonical formalism to evaluate eigenvalues of the area operator acting on Wilson lines. To this end we modify the standard definition of the loop states to make it applicable to the present case of non-commutative connections. The area operator is diagonalized by using the usual shift ambiguity in definition of the connection. The eigenvalues are then expressed through quadratic Casimir operators. No dependence on the Immirzi parameter appears.Comment: 12 pages, RevTEX; improved layout, typos corrected, references added; changes in the discussion in sec. IIIB and

    Comparison of relativity theories with observer-independent scales of both velocity and length/mass

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    We consider the two most studied proposals of relativity theories with observer-independent scales of both velocity and length/mass: the one discussed by Amelino-Camelia as illustrative example for the original proposal (gr-qc/0012051) of theories with two relativistic invariants, and an alternative more recently proposed by Magueijo and Smolin (hep-th/0112090). We show that these two relativistic theories are much more closely connected than it would appear on the basis of a naive analysis of their original formulations. In particular, in spite of adopting a rather different formal description of the deformed boost generators, they end up assigning the same dependence of momentum on rapidity, which can be described as the core feature of these relativistic theories. We show that this observation can be used to clarify the concepts of particle mass, particle velocity, and energy-momentum-conservation rules in these theories with two relativistic invariants.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex. v2: Andrea Procaccini (contributing some results from hia Laurea thesis) is added to the list of authors and the paper provides further elements of comparison between DSR1 and DSR2, including the observation that both lead to the same formula for the dependence of momentum on rapidit

    Dilaton Gravity in Two Dimensions

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    The study of general two dimensional models of gravity allows to tackle basic questions of quantum gravity, bypassing important technical complications which make the treatment in higher dimensions difficult. As the physically important examples of spherically symmetric Black Holes, together with string inspired models, belong to this class, valuable knowledge can also be gained for these systems in the quantum case. In the last decade new insights regarding the exact quantization of the geometric part of such theories have been obtained. They allow a systematic quantum field theoretical treatment, also in interactions with matter, without explicit introduction of a specific classical background geometry. The present review tries to assemble these results in a coherent manner, putting them at the same time into the perspective of the quite large literature on this subject.Comment: 144 pages, 16 figures; v2,v3: added refs. and corrected typos, v4: added 2 refs. and corrected typos (published version), v5: added note with some relevant refs., v6: diligent students found still a couple of typos, added 1 ref., v7: last update from Vienna (a couple of typos), v8: Leipzig edition (a dozen typos), v9: MIT edition (4 typos, 1 ref.