81 research outputs found

    EUs vanndirektiv og medvirkning - Erfaringer fra Norge

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    This paper examines participation in water management, more specifically in implementing the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Norway. Attainment of the goals of the WFD depends on new ways of coordinating the activities, knowledge and resources of many sectors and levels of government, including the private sector. The WFD explicitly emphasizes broad stakeholder involvement and public participation. The new network arena of River Basin District Water Boards at the regional level and Sub-District Boards at the sub-regional level, cut across existing municipal, regional and national borders. In each River Basin District, broad reference groups are established. Through surveys and qualitative case studies, we examine how this norm of participation is operationalized in the River Basin Districts, and how different actors evaluate it. We find that the reference grou ps have mobilized many actors from civil society and the private sector, but they do not report having influe nce. The role of the reference group is unclear.Artikkelen er skrevet i forskningsprosjektet «Water Pollution Abatement in a System of Multi-level Governance: A study of Norway's implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WAPABAT), finansiert av MILJØ2015-programmet i Norges forskningsråd

    Den nye vannforvaltningen. Nettverksstyring i skyggen av hierarki

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    Den nye vannforvaltningen som Norge har innført i henhold til EUs vanndirektiv, legger et økosystem basert prinsipp (nedbørsfelt) til grunne. Med utgangspunkt i et teoretisk perspektiv om institusjonell lagdeling diskuterer artikkelen hva som skjer når et slikt økosystembasert prinsipp – som bygger på samstyring – legges oppå et sektorstyringsprinsipp. Vår studie, der vi sammenligner landbrukssektoren og vann- og avløpssektoren, viser hvordan det gamle institusjonelle laget (sektorstyringen) utgjør viktige forutsetninger for hvordan det nye institusjonelle laget (nettverksstyring) fungerer. Hovedkonklusjonen er at så lenge ressurser håndteres av sektorene, får sektorpolitiske mål og sentral styring og kontroll med ressurser og virkemidler forrang. En effektiv nettverkskoordinering fordrer endringer i viktige politiske premisser på sentralt nivå. Dette gjelder både en bedre integrering av vannmiljømålene i sektorpolitikken, og en sektorstyring som gir regionale aktører frihet og støtte til å forhandle fram gode løsninger for nedbørfeltet.Norges forskningsråd 19640

    Participation according to the law? The research-based knowledge on citizen participation in Norwegian municipal planning

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    Source at http://doi.org/10.30689/EJSD2018:67.1650-9544. Citizen participation is enshrined in the Norwegian Planning and Building Act (PBA) 1985 and accentuated by the 2008 revision of the PBA. In this article, we ask if the research on participation in municipal planning is sufficient to draw conclusions on whether the Act is effective with regard to both the spirit and the letter of the law. The guiding framework for the analysis is based on the concepts of input and output legitimacy and the distinction between ‘tidy’ and ‘untidy’ participation. The analysis is based on scientific publications published after the 2008 revision of the PBA. We find that the majority of the research concentrates on zoning plans and municipalityinitiated ‘tidy’ participation. As a result, there are gaps in the research with regard to both the planning context and the interconnectedness of different forms of participation. Therefore, the research reviewed can only partially inform the law-makers on the functioning of the Act

    Participation according to the law? The research-based knowledge on citizen participation in Norwegian municipal planning

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    Citizen participation is enshrined in the Norwegian Planning and Building Act (PBA) 1985 and accentuated by the 2008 revision of the PBA. In this article, we ask if the research on participation in municipal planning is sufficient to draw conclusions on whether the Act is effective with regard to both the spirit and the letter of the law. The guiding framework for the analysis is based on the concepts of input and output legitimacy and the distinction between ‘tidy’ and ‘untidy’ participation. The analysis is based on scientific publications published after the 2008 revision of the PBA. We find that the majority of the research concentrates on zoning plans and municipalityinitiated ‘tidy’ participation. As a result, there are gaps in the research with regard to both the planning context and the interconnectedness of different forms of participation. Therefore, the research reviewed can only partially inform the law-makers on the functioning of the Act

    Participation according to the law? The research-based knowledge on citizen participation in Norwegian municipal planning

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    Citizen participation is enshrined in the Norwegian Planning and Building Act (PBA) 1985 and accentuated by the 2008 revision of the PBA. In this article, we ask if the research on participation in municipal planning is sufficient to draw conclusions on whether the Act is effective with regard to both the spirit and the letter of the law. The guiding framework for the analysis is based on the concepts of input and output legitimacy and the distinction between ‘tidy’ and ‘untidy’ participation. The analysis is based on scientific publications published after the 2008 revision of the PBA. We find that the majority of the research concentrates on zoning plans and municipalityinitiated ‘tidy’ participation. As a result, there are gaps in the research with regard to both the planning context and the interconnectedness of different forms of participation. Therefore, the research reviewed can only partially inform the law-makers on the functioning of the Act.publishedVersio

    Demokrati og deltakelse i urbane policynettverk - erfaringer fra Norge

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    Helhetlig planlegging i vannregion Glomma. Erfaringer fra planprosessen 2010-2016 og innspill til neste planperiode

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    Dette er en revidert versjon. Se corrigendum i rapporten.Denne rapporten er en del-leveranse på prosjektet Glomma & Lågen United: Innovative grep for bære- og handlekraftig planlegging og håndtering av vannressursutfordringer i vannregion Glomma; et prosjekt som søker å bidra til forbedret forvaltning og samarbeid knyttet til vannressursene og vannforvaltningen i vannregion Glomma. Prosjektet, som har særlig fokus på vannområdene Mjøsa, Øyeren og Glomma Sør, gjennomføres av NIVA og NIBR i samarbeid med et knippe offentlige aktører i vannregionen representert ved fylkeskommuner, fylkesmenn og kommuner. Formålet med denne rapporten er å oppsummere funn av våre undersøkelser knyttet til erfaringer fra forrige planrunde og gi noen anbefalinger for hvordan vannregion Glomma kan videreutvikle arbeidet i neste planperiode medvirkning, deltagelse, formidling, kunnskapstilfang, nettverksarenaer og kryssende mål.Prosjektet er finansiert av Regionale Forskningsfond Oslofjorden (RFFOFJOR) og utført i samarbeid med Østfold Fylkeskommune (ØFK) og andre offentlige aktører i vannregion Glomma.publishedVersio

    Public space in an age of austerity

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    Through an overview of the decade 2008 to 2017, and looking comparatively across four northern European cities, this paper reflects on the changing nature of public space during these austerity years and on the processes of shaping public spaces. The paper draws from the experiences of London, Copenhagen, Malmo and Oslo to explore processes of the design, development, use and management of public spaces during this period. The evidence suggests that we have witnessed a period of significant innovation, side by side with major challenges to the collective approach to public spaces. This has led to distinct forms of public spaces that for good or ill have multiplied as a result of the trends discussed in the paper, spaces of; expectation; the private/public sphere; spectacle; respite; infrastructure; diversion; income generation; security; the ephemeral city; community control; occupation; disadvantage; and decline. Episodes of changing practice are set out in the paper and cumulatively reveal distinct and significant changes during the austerity era, although not necessarily in the manner that might have been expected. Instead, in these four cities, the impact of austerity seems to have been eclipsed by other evolving and competing public policy goals, and by the evolving range of public space types