892 research outputs found

    Improving the applicability of radar rainfall estimates for urban pluvial flood modelling and forecasting

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    This work explores the possibility of improving the applicability of radar rainfall estimates (whose accuracy is generally insufficient) to the verification and operation of urban storm-water drainage models by employing a number of local gauge-based radar rainfall adjustment techniques. The adjustment techniques tested in this work include a simple mean-field bias (MFB) adjustment, as well as a more complex Bayesian radar-raingauge data merging method which aims at better preserving the spatial structure of rainfall fields. In addition, a novel technique (namely, local singularity analysis) is introduced and shown to improve the Bayesian method by better capturing and reproducing storm patterns and peaks. Two urban catchments were used as case studies in this work: the Cranbrook catchment (9 km2) in North-East London, and the Portobello catchment (53 km2) in the East of Edinburgh. In the former, the potential benefits of gauge-based adjusted radar rainfall estimates in an operational context were analysed, whereas in the latter the potential benefits of adjusted estimates for model verification purposes were explored. Different rainfall inputs, including raingauge, original radar and the aforementioned merged estimates were fed into the urban drainage models of the two catchments. The hydraulic outputs were compared against available flow and depth records. On the whole, the tested adjustment techniques proved to improve the applicability of radar rainfall estimates to urban hydrological applications, with the Bayesian-based methods, in particular the singularity sensitive one, providing more realistic and accurate rainfall fields which result in better reproduction of the urban drainage system’s dynamics. Further testing is still necessary in order to better assess the benefits of these adjustment methods, identify their shortcomings and improve them accordingly


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    Induced CNS expression of CXCL1 augments neurologic disease in a murine model of multiple sclerosis via enhanced neutrophil recruitment.

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    Increasing evidence points to an important role for neutrophils in participating in the pathogenesis of the human demyelinating disease MS and the animal model EAE. Therefore, a better understanding of the signals controlling migration of neutrophils as well as evaluating the role of these cells in demyelination is important to define cellular components that contribute to disease in MS patients. In this study, we examined the functional role of the chemokine CXCL1 in contributing to neuroinflammation and demyelination in EAE. Using transgenic mice in which expression of CXCL1 is under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter active within glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive cells, we have shown that sustained CXCL1 expression within the CNS increased the severity of clinical and histologic disease that was independent of an increase in the frequency of encephalitogenic Th1 and Th17 cells. Rather, disease was associated with enhanced recruitment of CD11b+ Ly6G+ neutrophils into the spinal cord. Targeting neutrophils resulted in a reduction in demyelination arguing for a role for these cells in myelin damage. Collectively, these findings emphasize that CXCL1-mediated attraction of neutrophils into the CNS augments demyelination suggesting that this signaling pathway may offer new targets for therapeutic intervention

    Biophysical and Economic Evaluation of Hedgerow Intercropping Using SCUAF in Lampung, Indonesia

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    IndonesianStudi ini mengungkap dampak jangka panjang (20 tahun) tiga sistem USAha tani dengan menggunakan pendekatan model bioekonomik, yang disebut Model Soil Change Under Agro Forestry (SCUAF). Teknik konservasi introduksi USAha tani tanaman lorong Flemingia dibandingkan dengan dua jenis sistem USAha tani tradisional yaitu perladangan berpindah dengan masa bera tiga tahun dan sistem USAha tani tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Tingkat erosi dan kesuburan lahan menurun secara drastis pada sistem USAha tani tradisional, khususnya pada sistem USAha tani tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun. Dalam 20 tahun, sistem USAha tani tradisional ini kehilangan volume lahan hampir 20 kali, dan unsur hara (soil nutrient) mendekati tiga kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan teknologi konservasi tanaman lorong. Produktivitas tanaman menurun pada ketiga sistem USAha tani, tetapi penurunan cukup tajam (81%) terdapat pada sistem USAha tani tanaman pangan sepanjang tahun dan hanya 30 persen pada sistem USAha tani tanaman lorong. Sistem perladangan berpindah memiliki Net Precent Value (NPV) paling rendah. Dalam jangka panjang, teknologi konservasi tanaman lorong mampu memberikan keuntungan finansial yang tertinggi dan dapat menjamin keberlanjutan USAha tani. Namun demikian, teknologi introduksi ini membutuhkan dukungan modal yang relatif besar pada tahap awal, sehingga dalam implementasinya perlu didukung dengan kebijaksanaan perkreditan di samping kepastian status penguasaan lahan.EnglishThis study reveals long term (20 years) impact of three farming systems using an approach of bio-economic model called Soil Change Under Agro Forestry (SCUAF). An introduced conservation technique of Flemingia inter-cropping system was compared to two traditional farming systems i.e. shifting cultivation with three years fallow and a long year food crop farming system. Soil erosion rate and land fertility decreased drastically on land used for traditional farming system especially for that of the long year food crop farming system. In 20 years, the traditional farming system lost soil volume almost 20 times and soil nutrient for almost three times compared to that of hedgerow inter-cropping farming system technique. Plant productivity for all techniques decreased, however, the long year food crop farming system experienced the most (81 %) compared to hedgerow inter-cropping using SCUAF (30% ). Net Present Value (NPV) for shifting cultivation was the lowest. In a long term, the hedgerow inter-cropping using SCUAF gives the highest financial profit and assures farming sustainability. However, this introduced technology requires relatively high capital support at the initiation phase so that it needs PRIVATE credit policy support besides land holding status certainty

    Pre-Existing Mature Oligodendrocytes Do Not Contribute to Remyelination following Toxin-Induced Spinal Cord Demyelination.

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    Remyelination is the regenerative response to demyelination. Although the oligodendrocyte progenitor is established as the major source of remyelinating cells, there is no conclusive evidence on whether mature, differentiated oligodendrocytes can also contribute to remyelination. Using two different inducible myelin-CreER mouse strains in which mature oligodendrocytes were prelabeled by the expression of membrane-bound Green fluorescent protein, we found that after focal spinal cord demyelination, the surrounding surviving labeled oligodendrocytes did not proliferate but remained at a consistent density. Furthermore, existing (prelabeled) oligodendrocytes showed no evidence of incorporation or migration into the lesioned area, or of process extension from the peripheral margins into the lesion. Thus, mature oligodendrocytes do not normally contribute to remyelination and are therefore not a promising target for regenerative therapy.Supported by European Research Council grant agreement 293544 (W.D.R.), Wellcome Trust grant WT100269AIA, Medical Research Council grant G0800575, a Royal Society-USA/Canada Exchange Fellowship (I.M.), the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society, and a Wellcome Trust Integrated Veterinary Training Fellowship (A.H.C.)

    Lactate saturation limits bicarbonate detection in hyperpolarized 13 C-pyruvate MRI of the brain

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the potential effects of [1‐(13)C]lactate RF saturation pulses on [(13)C]bicarbonate detection in hyperpolarized [1‐(13)C]pyruvate MRI of the brain. METHODS: Thirteen healthy rats underwent MRI with hyperpolarized [1‐(13)C]pyruvate of either the brain (n = 8) or the kidneys, heart, and liver (n = 5). Dynamic, metabolite‐selective imaging was used in a cross‐over experiment in which [1‐(13)C]lactate was excited with either 0° or 90° flip angles. The [(13)C]bicarbonate SNR and apparent [1‐(13)C]pyruvate‐to‐[(13)C]bicarbonate conversion (k (PB)) were determined. Furthermore, simulations were performed to identify the SNR optimal flip‐angle scheme for detection of [1‐(13)C]lactate and [(13)C]bicarbonate. RESULTS: In the brain, the [(13)C]bicarbonate SNR was 64% higher when [1‐(13)C]lactate was not excited (5.8 ± 1.5 vs 3.6 ± 1.3; 1.2 to 3.3–point increase; p = 0.0027). The apparent k (PB) decreased 25% with [1‐(13)C]lactate saturation (0.0047 ± 0.0008 s(−1) vs 0.0034 ± 0.0006 s(−1); 95% confidence interval, 0.0006–0.0019 s(−1) increase; p = 0.0049). These effects were not present in the kidneys, heart, or liver. Simulations suggest that the optimal [(13)C]bicarbonate SNR with a TR of 1 s in the brain is obtained with [(13)C]bicarbonate, [1‐(13)C]lactate, and [1‐(13)C]pyruvate flip angles of 60°, 15°, and 10°, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Radiofrequency saturation pulses on [1‐(13)C]lactate limit [(13)C]bicarbonate detection in the brain specifically, which could be due to shuttling of lactate from astrocytes to neurons. Our results have important implications for experimental design in studies in which [(13)C]bicarbonate detection is warranted

    Estimating cetacean population trends from static acoustic monitoring data using Paired Year Ratio Assessment (PYRA)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this recordData Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting information files.The cetacean conservationist is often faced with evaluating population trends from abundance data that are either sparse or recorded at different times in different years. The presence of diel or seasonal patterns in the data together with unplanned gaps is often problematic. Such data are typical of those obtained from static acoustic monitoring. We present a simple and transparent non-parametric trend evaluation method, ‘Paired Year Ratio Assessment (PYRA)’ that uses only whole days of data wherever they are present in each of successive pairs of periods of 365 days. We provide a quantitative comparison of the performance of PYRA with traditional generalised additive models (GAMS) and nonparametric randomisation tests that require a greater level of skill and experience for both application and interpretation. We conclude that PYRA is a powerful tool, particularly in the context of identifying population trends which is often the main aim of conservation-targeted acoustic monitoring.Innovate UKChelonia UK Ltd.Research Englan
