119 research outputs found

    A long-term perspective on deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Monitoring tropical forest cover is central to biodiversity preservation, terrestrial carbon stocks, essential ecosystem and climate functions, and ultimately, sustainable economic development. The Amazon forest is the Earth’s largest rainforest, and despite intensive studies on current deforestation rates, relatively little is known as to how these compare to historic (pre 1985) deforestation rates. We quantified land cover change between 1975 and 2014 in the so-called Arc of Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon, covering the southern stretch of the Amazon forest and part of the Cerrado biome. We applied a consistent method that made use of data from Landsat sensors: Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Operational Land Imager (OLI). We acquired suitable images from the US Geological Survey (USGS) for five epochs: 1975, 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2014. We then performed land cover analysis for each epoch using a systematic sample of 156 sites, each one covering 10 km × 10 km, located at the confluence point of integer degree latitudes and longitudes. An object-based classification of the images was performed with five land cover classes: tree cover, tree cover mosaic, other wooded land, other land cover, and water. The automatic classification results were corrected by visual interpretation, and, when available, by comparison with higher resolution imagery. Our results show a decrease of forest cover of 24.2% in the last 40 years in the Brazilian Arc of Deforestation, with an average yearly net forest cover change rate of -0.71% for the 39 years considered

    2,12-diaza[6]helicene: An efficient non-conventional stereogenic scaffold for enantioselective electrochemical interphases

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    The new configurationally stable, unsymmetrical 2,12-diaza[6]helicene was synthesized as a racemate and the enantiomers were separated in an enantiopure state by semi-preparative HPLC on chiral stationary phase. Under selected alkylation conditions it was possible to obtain both the enantiopure 2-N-mono- and di-N-ethyl quaternary iodides. Metathesis with bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion gave low-melting salts which were tested as inherently chiral additives to achiral ionic liquids for the electrochemical enantiodiscrimination of chiral organic probes in voltammetric experiments. Remarkable differences in the oxidation potentials of the enantiomers of two probes, a chiral ferrocenyl amine and an aminoacid, were achieved; the differences increase with increasing additive concentration and number of alkylated nitrogen atoms

    Helicity: a non-conventional stereogenic element for designing inherently chiral ionic liquids for electrochemical enantiodifferentiation

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    Configurationally stable 5-aza[6]helicene (1) was envisaged as a promising scaffold for non-conventional ionic liquids (IL)s. It was prepared, purified, and separated into enantiomers by preparative HPLC on a chiral stationary phase. Enantiomerically pure quaternary salts of 1 with appropriate counterions were prepared and fully characterized. N-octyl-5-aza[6]helicenium bis triflimidate (2) was tested in very small quantities as a selector in achiral IL media to perform preliminary electrochemical enantiodifferentiation experiments on the antipodes of two different chiral probes. The new organic salt exhibited outstanding enantioselection performance with respect to these probes, thus opening the way to applications in the enantioselective electroanalysis of relevant bioactive molecules

    Current oscillations in a metallic ring threaded by a time-dependent magnetic flux

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    We study a mesoscopic metallic ring threaded by a magnetic flux which varies linearly in time PhiM(t)=Phi t with a formalism based in Baym-Kadanoff-Keldysh non-equilibrium Green functions. We propose a method to calculate the Green functions in real space and we consider an experimental setup to investigate the dynamics of the ring by recourse to a transport experiment. This consists in a single lead connecting the ring to a particle reservoir. We show that different dynamical regimes are attained depending on the ratio hbar Phi/Phi0 W, being Phi0=h c/e and W, the bandwidth of the ring. For moderate lengths of the ring, a stationary regime is achieved for hbar Phi/Phi0 >W. In the opposite case with hbar Phi/Phi0 < W, the effect of Bloch oscillations driven by the induced electric field manifests itself in the transport properties of the system. In particular, we show that in this time-dependent regime a tunneling current oscillating in time with a period tau=2piPhi0/Phi can be measured in the lead. We also analyze the resistive effect introduced by inelastic scattering due to the coupling to the external reservoir.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Highly enantioselective &#8220;inherently chiral&#8221; electroactive materials based on a 2,2&apos; -biindole atropisomeric scaffold

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    Chiral oligothiophene monomers with C2 symmetry, based on 3,30 -bithiophene atropisomeric cores with high racemization barriers, have recently been shown to provide excellent chiral starting materials with high electroactivity for the easy preparation of enantiopure electroactive films endowed with powerful chirality manifestations. We now introduce an inherently chiral monomer based on a 2,20 -biindole core, as the prototype of a new inherently chiral monomer family, whose properties could be modulable through functionalization of the pyrrolic N atoms. By fast, regular electrooligomerization the new monomer yields inherently chiral films with high, reversible electroactivity and, above all, impressive enantioselectivity towards very different chiral probes, some of pharmaceutical interest, as generalscope electrode surfaces. Such results, while opening the way to a new, attractive inherently chiral selector class, nicely confirm the general validity of the inherent chirality strategy for chiral electrochemistry. Furthermore, the enantioselectivity of the new selectors not only holds with electroactive chiral probes, but also with circularly polarized light components as well as electron spins, resulting in good chiroptical and spin filter performances, which suggests fascinating correlations between the three contexts

    Bifurcation and stability for Nonlinear Schroedinger equations with double well potential in the semiclassical limit

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    We consider the stationary solutions for a class of Schroedinger equations with a symmetric double-well potential and a nonlinear perturbation. Here, in the semiclassical limit we prove that the reduction to a finite-mode approximation give the stationary solutions, up to an exponentially small term, and that symmetry-breaking bifurcation occurs at a given value for the strength of the nonlinear term. The kind of bifurcation picture only depends on the non-linearity power. We then discuss the stability/instability properties of each branch of the stationary solutions. Finally, we consider an explicit one-dimensional toy model where the double well potential is given by means of a couple of attractive Dirac's delta pointwise interactions.Comment: 46 pages, 4 figure

    Simulation of resonant tunneling heterostructures: numerical comparison of a complete Schr{ö}dinger-Poisson system and a reduced nonlinear model

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    Two different models are compared for the simulation of the transverse electronic transport through an heterostructure: a 1D1D self-consistent Schr{ö}dinger-Poisson model with a numerically heavy treatment of resonant states and a reduced model derived from an accurate asymptotic nonlinear analysis. After checking the agreement at the qualitative and quantitative level on quite well understood bifurcation diagrams, the reduced model is used to tune double well configurations for which nonlinearly interacting resonant states actually occur in the complete self-consistent model

    Land cover changes in the Brazilian Cerrado and Caatinga biomes from 1990 to 2010 based on a systematic remote sensing sampling approach

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    Abstract - The main objective of our study was to provide consistent information on land cover changes between the years 1990 and 2010 for the Cerrado and Caatinga Brazilian seasonal biomes. These areas have been overlooked in terms of land cover change assessment if compared with efforts in monitoring the Amazon rain forest. For each of the target years (1990, 2000 and 2010) land cover information was obtained through an object-based classification approach for 243 sample units (10 km Ă— 10 km size), using (E)TM Landsat images systematically located at each full degree confluence of latitude and longitude. The images were automatically pre-processed, segmented and labelled according to the following legend: Tree Cover (TC), Tree Cover Mosaic (TCM), Other Wooded Land (OWL), Other Land Cover (OLC) and Water (W). Our results indicate the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes lost (gross loss) respectively 265,595 km2 and 89,656 km2 of natural vegetation (TC + OWL) between 1990 and 2010. In the same period, these areas also experienced gain of TC and OWL. By 2010, the percentage of natural vegetation cover remaining in the Cerrado was 47% and in the Caatinga 63%. The annual (net) rate of natural vegetation cover loss in the Cerrado slowed down from ?0.79% yr?1 to ?0.44% yr?1 from the 1990s to the 2000s, while in the Caatinga for the same periods the rate increased from ?0.19% yr?1 to ?0.44% yr?1. In summary, these Brazilian biomes experienced both loss and gains of Tree Cover and Other Wooded Land; however a continued net loss of natural vegetation was observed for both biomes between 1990 and 2010. The average annual rate of change in this period was higher in the Cerrado (?0.6% yr?1) than in the Caatinga (?0.3% yr?1)

    Improvement of endothelial function by Gunnera tinctoria extract with antioxidant properties

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    Indexación ScopusBackground: Gunnera tinctoria has been collected by Mapuche-Pewenche people for food and medicinal purposes. The high polyphenol content of methanolic extract from G. tinctoria leaves with chemical constituents such as ellagic acid and quercetin derivatives suggests its application to prevent endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to provide evidence of the protective effect of this extract on endothelial function by reducing oxidative stress induced by high d-glucose and H2O2, as well as by stimulating nitric oxide (NO) levels in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Results: A methanolic extract with a high content of polyphenols (520 ± 30 mg gallic acid equivalents/g dry extract) was obtained from G. tinctoria leaves. Its main constituent was ellagic acid. The results of Ferric reducing antioxidant power and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assays of the extract confirmed its antioxidant activity by inhibition pathway of radical species. The incubation of HUVECs with the extract decreased the apoptosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis induced by high extracellular concentration of d-glucose or hydrogen peroxide. The extract increased endothelial NO levels and reduced vasoconstriction in human placental vessels. Conclusions: This study provides evidence about the antioxidant and endothelial protective properties of methanolic G. tinctoria leaf extract. The extract improves the availability of NO in HUVECs, inhibiting the production of ROS and vasoconstriction. © 2020, The Author(s).https://biolres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40659-020-00322-
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