29 research outputs found

    Efectes sobre la creativitat del canvi de sistema educatiu : contrast entre EGB i ESO /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaAquesta tesi es va desenvolupar per poder demostrar que la creativitat en tant que component de la intel·ligència no es pot ensenyar, però sí que podem interactuar-hi tant per estimular-la, com per reprimir-la, especialment en l'entorn escolar. Per això vam treballar amb una mostra d'alumnes de centres públics de la mateixa edat i condicions sociofamiliars, la meitat de la quals estava escolaritzat en un IES cursant 2n. D'ESO i l'altre meitat en dues escoles de primària cursant 8è. D'EGB; i ens vam marcar com objectiu principal corroborar que l'evolució de la creativitat era diferent en funció del sistema educatiu que seguien els alumnes. Alhora que aprofitàvem per estudiar el perfil d'aquells alumnes que tot i estar integrats a la Reforma continuaven abandonant els estudis, i confirmar que la teoria de que la creativitat pot aparèixer en qualsevol ambient, encara que sigui advers i /o repressiu continua vigent. Instruments de mesura utilitzats: Test del Factor «G» de Cattell i Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. Els resultats ens van demostrar que no era el sistema educatiu en sí el que estimulava la creativitat, sinó el canvi d'un tipus d'ensenyament a l'altre, que també va associat a un canvi d'entorn, pel fet de passar d'una escola de primària a un IES de secundària. Les puntuacions màximes en creativitat les vam observar quan els alumnes canviaven de centre i de sistema educatiu, per això es van donar en moments i edats diferents en cada un dels dos grups de la mostra. Per aquells que estaven escolaritzats en l'IES l'increment més important va ser sobre els 13 anys, desprès de iniciar l'ESO, en canvi, pels que procedien de les escoles de primària va ser dos anys més tard , quan es van integrar al segon cicle d'ESO. Al mateix temps vam poder comprovar que tot i la implantació generalitzada de la Reforma els alumnes amb creativitat elevada i QI normal o normal baix continuen abandonant els estudis per dificultats d'integració en l'entorn escolar. Especialment pel que fa al sexe masculí, donat que en aquest grup predomina el pensament divergent molt per sobre del raonament lògic i els interessos creatius per damunt dels acadèmics; tot això genera conflictes permanents a l'aula i accelera l'abandonament del centre tal i com venia passant abans del canvi de sistema educatiu. En les noies, que generalment toleren millor les limitacions i l'estructura educativa, només es sol produir l'abandonament quan el QI es francament baix. Finalment tal i com preconitzaven autors com Goertzel i Goertzel, Simonton i altres ens ha quedat clar que la creativitat es pot desenvolupar no només un ambient lliure de pressions i que faciliti l'elaboració i el plantejament de noves alternatives, sinó que un ambient més repressiu també pot ser un estímul per incrementar-la.The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that creativity, as an intellectual trait, can not be taught but can be stimulated or repressed interacting with school activities. The sample is composed of Public School pupils belonging to the same social and economical conditions, half of which is obtained from a 2nd course (ESO) from an IES, and the other half from 8th grade (EGB) from two different schools. The main goal was to assess the evolution of creativity depending on the educational system those pupils followed. Secondarily, a profile analysis of students that droped out was performed and the effects of odd environments on creativity improvement were tested. Formal measures of g factor an creativity were obtained by Cattell's g factor test and Torrance's test of creative thinking. Results showed that the educational system itself has no significant effect on creativity, but the change of system produces a significant improvement of that trait. As the maximum scores where observed when shifting educational system (and center) the appeared at different ages (13 and 15, in average) demonstrating that this improvement was not due neither to the educational method nor to a maturative effect. Pupils with high creativity an normal or low g still drop out the educational system, even within the reformed system. The high level of creativity constitutes a handicap for the integration in the ordinary school procedures whatever system is followed. This is specially significant for male pupils: Such a group has wider differences between divergent and convergent thinking, as well as in divergent and academic motivations. This is the origin of many classroom conflicts that accelerate the living of the formal education structures. For female pupils the drop out only occurs when g scores are very low. Finally, as was stated by Goertzel i Goertzel, Simonton and others, the kind of environment has no effects on creativity development. It the intensity of creative growing is the same in facilitatory environments and in very strict ones

    Mechanisms of Cognitive Impairment in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: Multimodal MRI Results from the St George's Cognition and Neuroimaging in Stroke (SCANS) Study.

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    Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is a common cause of vascular cognitive impairment. A number of disease features can be assessed on MRI including lacunar infarcts, T2 lesion volume, brain atrophy, and cerebral microbleeds. In addition, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is sensitive to disruption of white matter ultrastructure, and recently it has been suggested that additional information on the pattern of damage may be obtained from axial diffusivity, a proposed marker of axonal damage, and radial diffusivity, an indicator of demyelination. We determined the contribution of these whole brain MRI markers to cognitive impairment in SVD. Consecutive patients with lacunar stroke and confluent leukoaraiosis were recruited into the ongoing SCANS study of cognitive impairment in SVD (n = 115), and underwent neuropsychological assessment and multimodal MRI. SVD subjects displayed poor performance on tests of executive function and processing speed. In the SVD group brain volume was lower, white matter hyperintensity volume higher and all diffusion characteristics differed significantly from control subjects (n = 50). On multi-predictor analysis independent predictors of executive function in SVD were lacunar infarct count and diffusivity of normal appearing white matter on DTI. Independent predictors of processing speed were lacunar infarct count and brain atrophy. Radial diffusivity was a stronger DTI predictor than axial diffusivity, suggesting ischaemic demyelination, seen neuropathologically in SVD, may be an important predictor of cognitive impairment in SVD. Our study provides information on the mechanism of cognitive impairment in SVD

    Revisiting Brain Atrophy and Its Relationship to Disability in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Brain atrophy is a well-accepted imaging biomarker of multiple sclerosis (MS) that partially correlates with both physical disability and cognitive impairment.Based on MRI scans of 60 MS cases and 37 healthy volunteers, we measured the volumes of white matter (WM) lesions, cortical gray matter (GM), cerebral WM, caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, ventricles, and brainstem using a validated and completely automated segmentation method. We correlated these volumes with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), MS Severity Scale (MSSS), MS Functional Composite (MSFC), and quantitative measures of ankle strength and toe sensation. Normalized volumes of both cortical and subcortical GM structures were abnormally low in the MS group, whereas no abnormality was found in the volume of the cerebral WM. High physical disability was associated with low cerebral WM, thalamus, and brainstem volumes (partial correlation coefficients ~0.3-0.4) but not with low cortical GM volume. Thalamus volumes were inversely correlated with lesion load (r = -0.36, p<0.005).The GM is atrophic in MS. Although lower WM volume is associated with greater disability, as might be expected, WM volume was on average in the normal range. This paradoxical result might be explained by the presence of coexisting pathological processes, such as tissue damage and repair, that cause both atrophy and hypertrophy and that underlie the observed disability

    Efectes sobre la creativitat del canvi del sistema educatiu : contrast entre EGB i ESO

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    Demostrar que la creatividad, en tanto que componente de la inteligencia, no se puede enseñar, pero si que se puede interactuar para estimularla, como para reprimirla, especialmente en el entorno escolar. Corroborar que la evolución de la creatividad es diferente en función del sistema educativo que siguen los alumnos. 125 alumnos de centros públicos de la misma edad y condiciones sociofamiliares, 62 escolarizados en un IES cursando 2õ de ESO y 63 en dos escuelas de primaria cursando 8õ de EGB. En la primera parte del trabajo se estudia el marco teórico, dónde se describe el concepto de creatividad y como inciden ciertos factores sobre ella. Después se habla de los objetivos y del diseño del estudio. Se pasa una primera vez el Test del Factor G de Cattell y el Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, y se vuelve a repetir el test al cabo de dos años. Los resultados demostraron que no era el sistema educativo en sí el que estimulava la creatividad, sino el cambio de un tipo de enseñanza al otro, que también va asociado a un cambio de entorno, por el hecho de pasar de una escuela de primaria a un IES de secundaria. Las puntuaciones máximas en creatividad se observaron cuando los alumnos cambiaban de centro y de sistema educativo, por eso se dieron en momentos y edades diferentes en cada uno de los dos grupos de la muestra. Para aquellos que estaban escolarizados en el IES el incremento más importante fue sobre los 13 años, después de iniciar la ESO, en cambio, para los que procedían de las escuelas de primaria fue dos años más tarde, cuando se integraron en el segundo ciclo de la ESO. Al mismo tiempo se comprobó que a pesar de la implantación generalizada de la Reforma los alumnos con creatividad elevada y QI normal o normal bajo continúan abandonando los estudios por dificultades de integración en el entorno escolar. Especialmente por lo que respecta al sexo masculino, dado que en este grupo predomina el pensamiento divergente muy por encima del razonamiento lógico y los intereses creativos por sobre de los académicos; todo esto genera conflictos permanentes en el aula y acelera el abandono del centro tal y com venía pasando antes del cambio de sistema educativo. En las chicas, que generalmente toleran mejor las limitaciones y la estructura educativa, solo se suele producir el abandono cuando el QI es francamente bajo. Tal y como preconizaban autores como Goertzel y Goertzel, Simonton y otros queda claro que la creatividad se puede desarrollar no sólo en un ambiente libre de presiones y que facilite la elaboración y el planteamiento de nuevas alternativas, sinó que un ambiente más represivo también puede ser un estímulo para incrementarla.CataluñaES

    Efectes sobre la creativitat del canvi del sistema educatiu. Contrast entre EGB i ESO

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    Aquesta tesi es va desenvolupar per poder demostrar que la creativitat en tant que component de la intel·ligència no es pot ensenyar, però sí que podem interactuar-hi tant per estimular-la, com per reprimir-la, especialment en l'entorn escolar.Per això vam treballar amb una mostra d'alumnes de centres públics de la mateixa edat i condicions sociofamiliars, la meitat de la quals estava escolaritzat en un IES cursant 2n. D'ESO i l'altre meitat en dues escoles de primària cursant 8è. D'EGB; i ens vam marcar com objectiu principal corroborar que l'evolució de la creativitat era diferent en funció del sistema educatiu que seguien els alumnes.Alhora que aprofitàvem per estudiar el perfil d'aquells alumnes que tot i estar integrats a la Reforma continuaven abandonant els estudis, i confirmar que la teoria de que la creativitat pot aparèixer en qualsevol ambient, encara que sigui advers i /o repressiu continua vigent.Instruments de mesura utilitzats: Test del Factor "G" de Cattell i Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.Els resultats ens van demostrar que no era el sistema educatiu en sí el que estimulava la creativitat, sinó el canvi d'un tipus d'ensenyament a l'altre, que també va associat a un canvi d'entorn, pel fet de passar d'una escola de primària a un IES de secundària. Les puntuacions màximes en creativitat les vam observar quan els alumnes canviaven de centre i de sistema educatiu, per això es van donar en moments i edats diferents en cada un dels dos grups de la mostra. Per aquells que estaven escolaritzats en l'IES l'increment més important va ser sobre els 13 anys, desprès de iniciar l'ESO, en canvi, pels que procedien de les escoles de primària va ser dos anys més tard , quan es van integrar al segon cicle d'ESO.Al mateix temps vam poder comprovar que tot i la implantació generalitzada de la Reforma els alumnes amb creativitat elevada i QI normal o normal baix continuen abandonant els estudis per dificultats d'integració en l'entorn escolar. Especialment pel que fa al sexe masculí, donat que en aquest grup predomina el pensament divergent molt per sobre del raonament lògic i els interessos creatius per damunt dels acadèmics; tot això genera conflictes permanents a l'aula i accelera l'abandonament del centre tal i com venia passant abans del canvi de sistema educatiu. En les noies, que generalment toleren millor les limitacions i l'estructura educativa, només es sol produir l'abandonament quan el QI es francament baix.Finalment tal i com preconitzaven autors com Goertzel i Goertzel, Simonton i altres ens ha quedat clar que la creativitat es pot desenvolupar no només un ambient lliure de pressions i que faciliti l'elaboració i el plantejament de noves alternatives, sinó que un ambient més repressiu també pot ser un estímul per incrementar-la.The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that creativity, as an intellectual trait, can not be taught but can be stimulated or repressed interacting with school activities.The sample is composed of Public School pupils belonging to the same social and economical conditions, half of which is obtained from a 2nd course (ESO) from an IES, and the other half from 8th grade (EGB) from two different schools. The main goal was to assess the evolution of creativity depending on the educational system those pupils followed. Secondarily, a profile analysis of students that droped out was performed and the effects of odd environments on creativity improvement were tested. Formal measures of g factor an creativity were obtained by Cattell's g factor test and Torrance's test of creative thinking.Results showed that the educational system itself has no significant effect on creativity, but the change of system produces a significant improvement of that trait. As the maximum scores where observed when shifting educational system (and center) the appeared at different ages (13 and 15, in average) demonstrating that this improvement was not due neither to the educational method nor to a maturative effect.Pupils with high creativity an normal or low g still drop out the educational system, even within the reformed system. The high level of creativity constitutes a handicap for the integration in the ordinary school procedures whatever system is followed. This is specially significant for male pupils: Such a group has wider differences between divergent and convergent thinking, as well as in divergent and academic motivations. This is the origin of many classroom conflicts that accelerate the living of the formal education structures. For female pupils the drop out only occurs when g scores are very low.Finally, as was stated by Goertzel i Goertzel, Simonton and others, the kind of environment has no effects on creativity development. It the intensity of creative growing is the same in facilitatory environments and in very strict ones

    [The default mode network: cognitive role and pathological disturbances].

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: A "resting state" or "default mode network" has been highlighted in functional neuroimaging studies as a set of brain regions showing synchronized activity at rest or in task-independent cognitive state. STATE OF THE ART: A considerable and increasing number of studies have been conducted over the last few years so as to unravel the cognitive function(s) of this brain network. PERSPECTIVES: This review gives an overview of anatomical, physiological and phenomenological data regarding the default mode network. Different hypotheses have been proposed regarding the role of this network. Several studies have highlighted its involvement in autobiographical memory, prospection, self, attention, and theory of mind. The influence of the attention level and consciousness onto resting state brain network activity has also been discussed. Specific changes have been described in normal aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD) and multiple sclerosis (MS). CONCLUSIONS: These studies altogether contribute to a better definition of the default mode network, in terms of implicated brain structures, subtending mechanisms, and potential cognitive roles. For instance, similarities and relationships were found between self-related brain activity and resting-state activity in regions belonging to this network, namely posterior cingulate and prefrontal areas that may reflect introspective activity experienced, more or less consciously, when the brain is not specifically engaged in a cognitive task. As a whole, the default mode network appears as a non human-specific intrinsic functional network, active all over the life from birth until aging where it is progressively modified, and sensitive to different pathologies including AD and MS. On the other hand, many points remain to be clarified concerning this network, such as the exact part of its activity dedicated to self-related cognitive processes (introspection, imaginary mental scenario based on past autobiographical experiences) and that involved in a sentinel-like attentional process designated to react to possible environmental events. Indeed, it seems that this network is functional even in case of low level of consciousness, i.e., during light sleep. Conversely, a loss of self and environment perception as in coma, deep sleep or anesthesia might modulate its connectivity along the anteroposterior axis, i.e., frontal activity disappearance associated with a parietal reinforcement of connectivity. Since studies aiming at highlighting these points are still uncommon to date, exhaustive and objective explorations are needed to better understand all these resting state processes