42 research outputs found

    Sick Pay, Health and Work

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of different sickness insurance regimes on the employee decision reporting sick or not. We can think of the design problem as a representative employer’s decision to determine the optimal relationship between the wage and the sickness pay. The employee bases her decision to work or not on this relative price and her exogenously given health status that varies between individuals. We believe that the incentives present in the model are able to tell as about relevant aspects of the incentives involved in a state managed sickness insurance system. We calculate how the control variables depend on parameters such as the average productivity of the worker, the average productivity of the substitute, the wage of the substitute, and the search cost to find a substitute. Since we assume that the health status of the work force is heterogeneous and represented by a distribution function, we are also able to calculate the change in the work participation rate, as a function of the parameters.Sickness insurance design; wage setting; and labour force participation

    A Real-Time PCR Array for Hierarchical Identification of Francisella Isolates

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    A robust, rapid and flexible real-time PCR assay for hierarchical genetic typing of clinical and environmental isolates of Francisella is presented. Typing markers were found by multiple genome and gene comparisons, from which 23 canonical single nucleotide polymorphisms (canSNPs) and 11 canonical insertion-deletion mutations (canINDELs) were selected to provide phylogenetic guidelines for classification from genus to isolate level. The specificity of the developed assay, which uses 68 wells of a 96-well real-time PCR format with a detection limit of 100 pg DNA, was assessed using 62 Francisella isolates of diverse genetic and geographical origins. It was then successfully used for typing 14 F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates obtained from tularemia patients in Sweden in 2008 and five more genetically diverse Francisella isolates of global origins. When applied to human ulcer specimens for direct pathogen detection the results were incomplete due to scarcity of DNA, but sufficient markers were identified to detect fine-resolution differences among F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates causing infection in the patients. In contrast to other real-time PCR assays for Francisella, which are typically designed for specific detection of a species, subspecies, or strain, this type of assay can be easily tailored to provide appropriate phylogenetic and/or geographical resolution to meet the objectives of the analysis

    Rapid Identification of Bio-Molecules Applied for Detection of Biosecurity Agents Using Rolling Circle Amplification

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    Detection and identification of pathogens in environmental samples for biosecurity applications are challenging due to the strict requirements on specificity, sensitivity and time. We have developed a concept for quick, specific and sensitive pathogen identification in environmental samples. Target identification is realized by padlock- and proximity probing, and reacted probes are amplified by RCA (rolling-circle amplification). The individual RCA products are labeled by fluorescence and enumerated by an instrument, developed for sensitive and rapid digital analysis. The concept is demonstrated by identification of simili biowarfare agents for bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pantoea agglomerans) and spores (Bacillus atrophaeus) released in field

    Phylogeographic Distribution of Human and Hare Francisella Tularensis Subsp. Holarctica Strains in the Netherlands and Its Pathology in European Brown Hares (Lepus Europaeus)

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    Sequence-based typing of Francisella tularensis has led to insights in the evolutionary developments of tularemia. In Europe, two major basal clades of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica exist, with a distinct geographical distribution. Basal clade B.6 is primarily found in Western Europe, while basal clade B.12 occurs predominantly in the central and eastern parts of Europe. There are indications that tularemia is geographically expanding and that strains from the two clades might differ in pathogenicity, with basal clade B.6 strains being potentially more virulent than basal clade B.12. This study provides information on genotypes detected in the Netherlands during 2011–2017. Data are presented for seven autochthonous human cases and for 29 European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) with laboratory confirmed tularemia. Associated disease patterns are described for 25 European brown hares which underwent post-mortem examination. The basal clades B.6 and B.12 are present both in humans and in European brown hares in the Netherlands, with a patchy geographical distribution. For both genotypes the main pathological findings in hares associated with tularemia were severe (sub)acute necrotizing hepatitis and splenitis as well as necrotizing lesions and hemorrhages in several other organs. Pneumonia was significantly more common in the B.6 than in the B.12 cases. In conclusion, the two major basal clades present in different parts in Europe are both present in the Netherlands. In hares found dead, both genotypes were associated with severe acute disease affecting multiple organs. Hepatitis and splenitis were common pathological findings in hares infected with either genotype, but pneumonia occurred significantly more frequently in hares infected with the B.6 genotype compared to hares infected with the B.12 genotype

    ”Count on us" : research about teaching strategies and teachers ́ ability to create high-quality teaching for high-preforming students in mathematics

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    Tidigare forskning pekar på att höga prestationer inte är konstanta. Elevernas motivation och prestationer är något man måste träna upp och underhålla i sin undervisning. Det är framförallt tre olika undervisningsstrategier forskare lyfter som anses främja ett fortsatt lärande hos högpresterande elever i matematik; acceleration, berikning och differentiering. Det framgår dock att undervisningsstrategierna kan bli kontraproduktiva om läraren inte genomför de på ett korrekt sätt, därför är det viktigt att läraren trivs och tycker strategierna fungerar praktiskt både för sig själv och eleverna. I min studie ville jag med hjälp av en webbenkät undersöka vilka strategier grundlärare i årskurserna 1-6 väljer att använda för att främja ett fortsatt lärande när de undervisar högpresterande elever i matematik. Jag ville även undersöka om lärarna upplevde några större utmaningar med att undervisa dessa elever för att synliggöra olika faktorer som kan påverka lärares förutsättningar att undervisa högpresterande elever i matematik av hög kvalité. Resultatet av min studie visar att de metoderna lärarna väljer att använda går under de tre undervisningsstrategierna som forskningen anser främja ett fortsatt lärande. Många av metoderna stödjer även Jungerts (2014) teorier om de tre grundläggande behoven (kompetens- , samhörighets- och autonomibehovet) som måste tillfredsställas för att främja motivation och höga prestationer. I studien framkom det dock flera faktorer som kan påverka förutsättningarna att skapa undervisning av hög kvalité. Bland annat tidsbrist, otillräckliga kunskaper, avsaknad av material, verktyg och resurser