74 research outputs found

    Las Cooperativas, las Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y los Programas Operativos. Normativa y modelo europeo para mejorar sus resultados y eficiencia

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    En la Unión Europea, dentro de la nueva Política Agrícola Común (PAC) del nuevo periodo 2014-2020, y dentro del ámbito de la Organización Común de los Mercados (OCM), cobra un gran relieve las dinámicas de evolución y las problemáticas que surgen en relación a la producción y comercialización de productos hortofrutícolas. La unificación de los reglamentos de las OCM¿s y la continuidad de los Programas Operativos de las Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas (OPFH), se debe ahora enfocar hacia la resolución de problemáticas, la mejora continua sectorial y la búsqueda o aproximación hacia la eficiencia, en especial en el mundo asociativo y cooperativo.El objeto de este trabajo es sintetizar en primer lugar el marco normativo de la PAC actual y las herramientas que confieren los Programas Operativos de las OPFH para dicha mejora y afrontamiento de problemas, en segundo lugar efectuar un estudio y análisis de conjunto, del grupo de OPFH de fruta dulce del Estado Español, y finalmente, analizar las herramientas utilizables para el afrontamiento y gestión de las crisis de mercado y problemas diversos en este subsector de la fruta dulce.Los actuales problemas más repetidos y conocidos, campaña a campaña, dentro de este subsector de la fruta dulce en este milenio, y sobre todo en las últimas cuatro campañas, han sido las crisis de mercado generadas por la sobreproducción y sobreoferta, el comportamiento a la baja del consumo, sobre todo en las frutas de hueso (melocotón, nectarina, paraguayo), la saturación del mercado, las dificultades para materializar ciertas medidas paliativas (retiradas de producto, producto distribuido para bancos de alimentos, transformación de producto, etc.) y los modelos de financiación de las citadas medidas, con la repercusión pertinente en los precios de mercado, y finalmente la puesta en escena de medidas medioambientales.------------------------------------------------------------------------In European Union, within the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the new period 2014-2020, and within the scope of the Common Market Organization, are very important the dynamics of evolution and the problems in relation to the production and marketing of Fruit and Vegetables products. The unification of the regulations of the CMOs and the continuity of the Operational Programs of the Organizations of Producers of Fruits and Vegetables (OPFH), must to have now focus towards problem solving, continuous sector improvement and the search or approximation towards efficiency.The purpose of this paper is to synthesize, firstly, the normative framework of the current CAP and the tools conferred by OPFH operational programs for such improvement and coping with problems, and secondly to carry out a study and analysis of the Spanish OPFH group of fresh fruit (apples, pears and peaches), and finally, to analyze the usable tools for the confrontation and management of the market crises and problems in this subsector.The most repeated and known problems, campaign to campaign, within this subsector in this millennium, and especially in the last four campaigns, have been the market crises generated by overproduction and oversupply, consumption behavior (peach, nectarine, paraguayan), saturation of the market, difficulties in materializing certain palliative measures (withdrawals of product, product distributed for food banks, product transformation, etc.) and models to Financing those measures, with the relevant impact on market prices, and finally, the introduction of environmental measures.Artículo revisado por pare

    Base-catalyzed condensation of cyclopentadiene derivatives. Synthesis of fulvalene analogues: strong proaromatic electron acceptors

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    A series of proaromatic electron acceptors derived from fulvenes were synthesized from tetrachlorocyclopentadiene and previously unknown 1,4-dicyano- and 1,4-dialkoxycarbonyl-2,3-dimethoxy cyclopentadienes. Two reversible one-electron reductions steps observed for fulvalenes coalesce into one two-electron reduction step upon increasing the length of the conjugating bridge

    (TTF)2[TTF(CO2H)2(CO2)2]: a wholly TTF material containing TTF radical cations and TTF derived anions

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    Electrooxidation of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) carried out in the presence of (Bu4N)2TTF(CO2H)2(CO2)2 as supporting electrolyte affords wholly TTF organic materials in which TTF cations are associated with TTF(CO2H)2(CO2−)2 as counteranions

    Does Charge Carrier Dimensionality Increase in Mixed-Valence Salts of Tetrathiafulvalene-Terminated Dendrimers?

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    In four new dendrimers terminated by 12 electroactive tetrathiafulvalenyl substituents, the tridimensional character of the inter- and intradendrimeric charge and electron transfer, and hence of the electroconductivity, is evidenced by examination of the electronic spectra of their corresponding neutral state and cation radical, dication, and mixed-valence salts, including a closed-shell anion

    Strengthening seasonal marine CO2 variations due to increasing atmospheric CO2

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    The increase of atmospheric CO2 (ref. 1) has been predicted to impact the seasonal cycle of inorganic carbon in the global ocean2,3, yet the observational evidence to verify this prediction has been missing. Here, using an observation-based product of the oceanic partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) covering the past 34 years, we find that the winter-to-summer difference of the pCO2 has increased on average by 2.2 ± 0.4 μatm per decade from 1982 to 2015 poleward of 10° latitude. This is largely in agreement with the trend expected from thermodynamic considerations. Most of the increase stems from the seasonality of the drivers acting on an increasing oceanic pCO2 caused by the uptake of anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere. In the high latitudes, the concurrent ocean-acidification-induced changes in the buffer capacity of the ocean enhance this effect. This strengthening of the seasonal winter-to-summer difference pushes the global ocean towards critical thresholds earlier, inducing stress to ocean ecosystems and fisheries4. Our study provides observational evidence for this strengthening seasonal difference in the oceanic carbon cycle on a global scale, illustrating the inevitable consequences of anthropogenic CO2 emissions