124 research outputs found

    20 ps Time Resolution with a Fully-Efficient Monolithic Silicon Pixel Detector without Internal Gain Layer

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    A second monolithic silicon pixel prototype was produced for the MONOLITH project. The ASIC contains a matrix of hexagonal pixels with 100 {\mu}m pitch, readout by a low-noise and very fast SiGe HBT frontend electronics. Wafers with 50 {\mu}m thick epilayer of 350 {\Omega}cm resistivity were used to produce a fully depleted sensor. Laboratory and testbeam measurements of the analog channels present in the pixel matrix show that the sensor has a 130 V wide bias-voltage operation plateau at which the efficiency is 99.8%. Although this prototype does not include an internal gain layer, the design optimised for timing of the sensor and the front-end electronics provides a time resolutions of 20 ps.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Testbeam Results of the Picosecond Avalanche Detector Proof-Of-Concept Prototype

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    The proof-of-concept prototype of the Picosecond Avalanche Detector, a multi-PN junction monolithic silicon detector with continuous gain layer deep in the sensor depleted region, was tested with a beam of 180 GeV pions at the CERN SPS. The prototype features low noise and fast SiGe BiCMOS frontend electronics and hexagonal pixels with 100 {\mu}m pitch. At a sensor bias voltage of 125 V, the detector provides full efficiency and average time resolution of 30, 25 and 17 ps in the overall pixel area for a power consumption of 0.4, 0.9 and 2.7 W/cm^2, respectively. In this first prototype the time resolution depends significantly on the distance from the center of the pixel, varying at the highest power consumption measured between 13 ps at the center of the pixel and 25 ps in the inter-pixel region

    Radiation Tolerance of SiGe BiCMOS Monolithic Silicon Pixel Detectors without Internal Gain Layer

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    A monolithic silicon pixel prototype produced for the MONOLITH ERC Advanced project was irradiated with 70 MeV protons up to a fluence of 1 x 10^16 1 MeV n_eq/cm^2. The ASIC contains a matrix of hexagonal pixels with 100 {\mu}m pitch, readout by low-noise and very fast SiGe HBT frontend electronics. Wafers with 50 {\mu}m thick epilayer with a resistivity of 350 {\Omega}cm were used to produce a fully depleted sensor. Laboratory tests conducted with a 90Sr source show that the detector works satisfactorily after irradiation. The signal-to-noise ratio is not seen to change up to fluence of 6 x 10^14 n_eq /cm^2 . The signal time jitter was estimated as the ratio between the voltage noise and the signal slope at threshold. At -35 {^\circ}C, sensor bias voltage of 200 V and frontend power consumption of 0.9 W/cm^2, the time jitter of the most-probable signal amplitude was estimated to be 21 ps for proton fluence up to 6 x 10 n_eq/cm^2 and 57 ps at 1 x 10^16 n_eq/cm^2 . Increasing the sensor bias to 250 V and the analog voltage of the preamplifier from 1.8 to 2.0 V provides a time jitter of 40 ps at 1 x 10^16 n_eq/cm^2.Comment: Submitted to JINS

    Septin 9 isoform expression, localization and epigenetic changes during human and mouse breast cancer progression

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    International audienceABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Altered expression of Septin 9 (SEPT9), a septin coding for multiple isoform variants, has been observed in several carcinomas including colorectal, head and neck, ovarian and breast, compared to normal tissue. Mechanisms regulating its expression during tumor initiation and progression in vivo and the oncogenic function of its different isoforms remain elusive. METHODS: Using an integrative approach, we investigated SEPT9 at the genetic, epigenetic, mRNA, and protein levels in breast cancer. We analyzed a panel of breast cancer cell lines, human primary tumors and corresponding tumor-free areas, normal breast from reduction mammoplasty patients, as well as primary mammary gland adenocarcinomas derived from the Polyoma Virus Middle T antigen mouse model (PyMT). MCF7 clones expressing individual GFP-tagged SEPT9 isoforms were used to determine their respective intracellular distribution and affect on cell migration. RESULTS: An overall increase in gene amplification and altered expression of SEPT9 was observed during breast tumorigenesis. We identified an intragenic alternative promoter whose methylation regulates SEPT9_v3 expression. Transfection of specific GFP-SEPT9 isoforms in MCF7 cells indicates that these isoforms exhibit differential localization and affect migration rates. Additionally, the loss of an uncharacterized SEPT9 nucleolar localization is observed during tumorigenesis. CONCLUSIONS: In this study we found conserved in vivo changes of SEPT9 gene amplification and overexpression during human and mouse breast tumorigenesis. We show that DNA methylation is a prominent mechanism responsible for regulating differential SEPT9 isoform expression and that breast tumor samples exhibit distinctive SEPT9 intracellular localization. Together, these findings support the significance of SEPT9 as a promising tool in breast cancer detection and further emphasize the importance of analyzing and targeting SEPT9 isoform specific expression and function

    The Pore-Forming Toxin Listeriolysin O Mediates a Novel Entry Pathway of L. monocytogenes into Human Hepatocytes

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    Intracellular pathogens have evolved diverse strategies to invade and survive within host cells. Among the most studied facultative intracellular pathogens, Listeria monocytogenes is known to express two invasins-InlA and InlB-that induce bacterial internalization into nonphagocytic cells. The pore-forming toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) facilitates bacterial escape from the internalization vesicle into the cytoplasm, where bacteria divide and undergo cell-to-cell spreading via actin-based motility. In the present study we demonstrate that in addition to InlA and InlB, LLO is required for efficient internalization of L. monocytogenes into human hepatocytes (HepG2). Surprisingly, LLO is an invasion factor sufficient to induce the internalization of noninvasive Listeria innocua or polystyrene beads into host cells in a dose-dependent fashion and at the concentrations produced by L. monocytogenes. To elucidate the mechanisms underlying LLO-induced bacterial entry, we constructed novel LLO derivatives locked at different stages of the toxin assembly on host membranes. We found that LLO-induced bacterial or bead entry only occurs upon LLO pore formation. Scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy studies show that LLO-coated beads stimulate the formation of membrane extensions that ingest the beads into an early endosomal compartment. This LLO-induced internalization pathway is dynamin-and F-actin-dependent, and clathrin-independent. Interestingly, further linking pore formation to bacteria/bead uptake, LLO induces F-actin polymerization in a tyrosine kinase-and pore-dependent fashion. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time that a bacterial pathogen perforates the host cell plasma membrane as a strategy to activate the endocytic machinery and gain entry into the host cell

    Admixture in Latin America: Geographic Structure, Phenotypic Diversity and Self-Perception of Ancestry Based on 7,342 Individuals

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    The current genetic makeup of Latin America has been shaped by a history of extensive admixture between Africans, Europeans and Native Americans, a process taking place within the context of extensive geographic and social stratification. We estimated individual ancestry proportions in a sample of 7,342 subjects ascertained in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México and Perú). These individuals were also characterized for a range of physical appearance traits and for self-perception of ancestry. The geographic distribution of admixture proportions in this sample reveals extensive population structure, illustrating the continuing impact of demographic history on the genetic diversity of Latin America. Significant ancestry effects were detected for most phenotypes studied. However, ancestry generally explains only a modest proportion of total phenotypic variation. Genetically estimated and self-perceived ancestry correlate significantly, but certain physical attributes have a strong impact on self-perception and bias self-perception of ancestry relative to genetically estimated ancestry

    Evaluation and Characterization of Bacterial Metabolic Dynamics with a Novel Profiling Technique, Real-Time Metabolotyping

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    BACKGROUND: Environmental processes in ecosystems are dynamically altered by several metabolic responses in microorganisms, including intracellular sensing and pumping, battle for survival, and supply of or competition for nutrients. Notably, intestinal bacteria maintain homeostatic balance in mammals via multiple dynamic biochemical reactions to produce several metabolites from undigested food, and those metabolites exert various effects on mammalian cells in a time-dependent manner. We have established a method for the analysis of bacterial metabolic dynamics in real time and used it in combination with statistical NMR procedures. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We developed a novel method called real-time metabolotyping (RT-MT), which performs sequential (1)H-NMR profiling and two-dimensional (2D) (1)H, (13)C-HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence) profiling during bacterial growth in an NMR tube. The profiles were evaluated with such statistical methods as Z-score analysis, principal components analysis, and time series of statistical TOtal Correlation SpectroScopY (TOCSY). In addition, using 2D (1)H, (13)C-HSQC with the stable isotope labeling technique, we observed the metabolic kinetics of specific biochemical reactions based on time-dependent 2D kinetic profiles. Using these methods, we clarified the pathway for linolenic acid hydrogenation by a gastrointestinal bacterium, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens. We identified trans11, cis13 conjugated linoleic acid as the intermediate of linolenic acid hydrogenation by B. fibrisolvens, based on the results of (13)C-labeling RT-MT experiments. In addition, we showed that the biohydrogenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids serves as a defense mechanism against their toxic effects. CONCLUSIONS: RT-MT is useful for the characterization of beneficial bacterium that shows potential for use as probiotic by producing bioactive compounds

    Immunodiagnosis of endemic mycoses and bronchopulmonary aspergilosis: A multicenter study in Argentina

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    Fil: Canteros, C. E. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Rivas, M. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Soria, M. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Lee, W. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Perrotta, Diego. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Rodero, L. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Davel, Graciela Odelsia. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Departamento de Micología; Argentina.Fil: Berducci, O. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Bonardello, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Castro, H. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Chacón, Y. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Cendán Colombo, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: De Vechi, M. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Errecalde, G. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Fernández, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.FIl: Gorostiaga, J. L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: López, C. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Mackay, P. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Gonzalez, R. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Cacace, María Luisa. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Mestron, S. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Mónaco, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Nardin, M. E. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Ramos, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Pagella, H. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Petrussi, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Pizarro, M. R. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez, R. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Saporiti, A. M. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Tichellio, A. G. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Tiraboschi, N. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Tonelli, L. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Fil: Zanuso, A. Grupo EMMB; Argentina.Se realizó entre 01-04-2000 y 30-03-2001, un estudio de corte transversal, para conocer la frecuencia relativa de las enfermedades por hongos dimorfos y Aspergillus spp. en la República Argentina y evaluar la certeza en el diagnóstico de los laboratorios de diferentes áreas geográficas. Participaron 25 centros de salud provenientes de 12 provincias y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Fueron analizados en el laboratorio de origen 965 sueros de pacientes con sospecha clínica de histoplasmosis (HP), paracoccidioidomicosis (PCM), coccidioidomicosis (CM) y aspergilosis. Todos los sueros positivos y el 35% de los negativos fueron reevaluados en el laboratorio de referencia por inmunodifusión doble en agar. La concordancia entre los resultados obtenidos en los centros de origen y el de referencia fue de 98,8%. Se detectaron anticuerpos específicos en 120 sueros correspondientes a 98 pacientes. El 71,4% (70 casos) de los diagnósticos correspondió a micosis endémicas (HP, PCM y CM) y el resto a aspergilosis. PCM fue diagnosticada en 47,9% (47 casos), aspergilosis en 28,6% (28 casos), HP en13,3% (13 casos) y CM en 10,2% (10 casos). La participación en este estudio fue voluntaria y no todos los centros del país estaban representados, sin embargo, las frecuencias de enfermedades fúngicas fueron las esperadas y coincidentes con estudios previos realizados a nivel nacional. (EN) In order to contribute to the knowledge of the relative frequency of chronic fungal diseases and assess the performance of diagnostic laboratories in Argentina, a multicenter study was performed with the participation of 25 medical centers located in 12 different provinces and Buenos Aires City. Between 04-01- 2000 and 03-30-2001, 965 serum specimens from patients clinically suspected of having histoplasmosis (HP), paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), coccidioidomycosis (CM) or aspergilosis were analyzed. Agar immunodiffusion tests (IDD) were done locally. All positive and 35% of negative sera were retested in the reference center. Results of laboratories of origin showed 98.8% concordance with those of reference center. Antibodies against any of the etiological agents were detected in 120 specimens from 98 patients. Endemic mycoses (HP, PCM and CM) were diagnosed in 70 patients (71.4%) and aspergilosis in 28 (28.6%). The frequencies of the different mycoses in decreasing order w ere PCM 47 patients (47.9%), aspergilosis 28 patients (28.6%), HP 13 patients (13.3%) and CM 10 patients (10.2%). The study was carried out on a voluntary basis and some areas of the country were not represented. However, the frequencies were in range with the expected rates in the population under study