2,053 research outputs found

    Centrifugally Spun α-Fe2O3/TiO2/Carbon Composite Fibers as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    We report results on the electrochemical performance of flexible and binder-free α-Fe2O3/TiO2/carbon composite fiber anodes for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The composite fibers were produced via centrifugal spinning and subsequent thermal processing. The fibers were prepared from a precursor solution containing PVP/iron (III) acetylacetonate/titanium (IV) butoxide/ethanol/acetic acid followed by oxidation at 200 °C in air and then carbonization at 550 °C under flowing argon. The morphology and structure of the composite fibers were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). These ternary composite fiber anodes showed an improved electrochemical performance compared to the pristine TiO2/C and α-Fe2O3/C composite fiber electrodes. The α-Fe2O3/TiO2/C composite fibers also showed a superior cycling performance with a specific capacity of 340 mAh g−1 after 100 cycles at a current density of 100 mA g−1, compared to 61 mAh g−1 and 121 mAh g−1 for TiO2/C and α-Fe2O3/C composite electrodes, respectively. The improved electrochemical performance and the simple processing of these metal oxide/carbon composite fibers make them promising candidates for the next generation and cost-effective flexible binder-free anodes for LIBs

    Protocol of sterile personal protective equipment for surgical personnel against SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: COVID-19 represents the major pandemic seen the last years generating morbidity and mortality around the world. It is well known the propagation of the virus occurs by air mostly, so it is needed a barrier when the medic personal is treating suspect or confirm patients. Personal protective equipment represents a barrier between the health personnel and the patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. The surgical team during a COVID-19 confirmed o suspicious case procedure requires using PPE to be protected and keep the sterility for the patient safety.Methods: A team of surgeons from a 100% COVID-19 hospital of the Mexican institute of social security developed an inner protocol of safe use PPE maintaining sterility for the surgery.Conclusions: The protocol described provides safety to surgical team and the patient minimizing risk of surgical infections

    Thiamethoxam in Papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus) Agroecosystems

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    Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a profitable fruit of economic and food importance in Mexico and Central America. Veracruz is the state in Mexico with the highest cultivable area, eventhough its production presents numerous phytosanitary problems, which are being faced with the use of the pesticide thiamethoxam. The aim of this study was to make a diagnosis of the use and management of thiamethoxam in papaya agroecosystems in the municipality of Cotaxtla, Veracruz. Two surveys were applied, one to a 30% of the total number of producers organized by an association dedicated to papaya culture, and the other survey was through key informants, both surveys were designed using the snowball sampling, a non-probability sampling technique. The results indicate that 6% of papaya producers use mainly the pesticide thiamethoxam, which belongs to the chemical group of neonicotinoids. It was found out that for five years there have been records of thiamethoxam use in vertisoils. During the cycle of papaya cultivation the producers use a maximum dose of 3 L/ha and a minimum dose of 250 ml/ha per crop cycle. One hundred per cent of those who apply thiamethoxam are not aware of its use and efficient management, nor of the damage they are doing or have caused to agroecosystems

    Reduced proliferation of endothelial colony-forming cells in unprovoked venous thromboembolic disease as a consequence of endothelial dysfunction

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    Background Venous thromboembolic disease (VTD) is a public health problem. We recently reported that endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) derived from endothelial cells (EC) (ECFC-ECs) from patients with VTD have a dysfunctional state. For this study, we proposed that a dysfunctional status of these cells generates a reduction of its proliferative ability, which is also associated with senescence and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Methods and results Human mononuclear cells (MNCs) were obtained from peripheral blood from 40 healthy human volunteers (controls) and 50 patients with VTD matched by age (20−50 years) and sex to obtain ECFCs. We assayed their proliferative ability with plasma of patients and controls and supernatants of cultures from ECFC-ECs, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal), ROS, and expression of ephrin-B2/Eph-B4 receptor. Compared with cells from controls, cells from VTD patients showed an 8-fold increase of ECFCs that emerged 1 week earlier, reduced proliferation at long term (39%) and, in passages 4 and 10, a highly senescent rate (30±1.05% vs. 91.3±15.07%, respectively) with an increase of ROS and impaired expression of ephrin-B2/Eph-4 genes. Proliferation potential of cells from VTD patients was reduced in endothelial medium [1.4±0.22 doubling population (DP)], control plasma (1.18±0.31 DP), or plasma from VTD patients (1.65±0.27 DP). Conclusions As compared with controls, ECFC-ECs from individuals with VTD have higher oxidative stress, proliferation stress, cellular senescence, and low proliferative potential. These findings suggest that patients with a history of VTD are ECFC-ECs dysfunctional that could be associated to permanent risk for new thrombotic events

    A boron-coated CCD camera for direct detection of Ultracold Neutrons (UCN)

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    A new boron-coated CCD camera is described for direct detection of ultracold neutrons (UCN) through the capture reactions 10^{10}B (n,α\alpha0γ\gamma)7^7Li (6%) and 10^{10}B(n,α\alpha1γ\gamma)7^7Li (94%). The experiments, which extend earlier works using a boron-coated ZnS:Ag scintillator, are based on direct detections of the neutron-capture byproducts in silicon. The high position resolution, energy resolution and particle ID performance of a scientific CCD allows for observation and identification of all the byproducts α\alpha, 7^7Li and γ\gamma (electron recoils). A signal-to-noise improvement on the order of 104^4 over the indirect method has been achieved. Sub-pixel position resolution of a few microns is demonstrated. The technology can also be used to build UCN detectors with an area on the order of 1 m2^2. The combination of micrometer scale spatial resolution, few electrons ionization thresholds and large area paves the way to new research avenues including quantum physics of UCN and high-resolution neutron imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    HER2 expression in cervical cancer as a potential therapeutic target

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    BACKGROUND: Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against the HER2 receptor is currently being used in breast and other tumor types. Early studies have shown that a variable proportion of cervical carcinoma tumors overexpress the HER2 receptor as evaluated by diverse techniques and antibodies. Currently it is known that a tumor response to trastuzumab strongly correlates with the level of HER2 expression evaluated by the Hercep Test, thus, it seems desirable to evaluate the status of expression of this receptor using the FDA-approved Hercep Test and grading system to gain insight in the feasibility of using trastuzumab in cervical cancer patients. METHODS: We analyzed a series of cervical cancer cell lines, the primary tumors of 35 cases of cervical cancer patients and four recurrent cases, with the Hercep Test in order to establish whether this tumor type overexpress HER2 at level of 2+/3+ as trastuzumab is currently approved for breast cancer having such level of expression. RESULTS: The results indicate that only 1 out of 35 primary tumors cases overexpress the receptor at this level, however, two out of four recurrent tumors that tested negative at diagnosis shifted to Hercep Test 2+ and 3+ respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The low frequency of expression in primary cases suggests that trastuzumab could have a limited value for the primary management of cervical cancer patients, however, the finding of "conversion" to Hercep Test 2+ and 3+ of recurrent tumors indicates the need to further evaluate the expression of HER2 in the metastatic and recurrent cases

    Multi-technical approach for the characterization of polychrome decorative surfaces at Spanish Mission Churches in Nueva Vizcaya (Chihuahua, Mexico)

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    An interdisciplinary and multi-institutional group of science and art conservation specialists has provided new insight into the painting materials used in the polychrome walls and wooden ceilings in four seventeenth century Spanish colonial churches of Nueva Vizcaya (Chihuahua, Mexico). A multi-analytical study of the decorative surfaces was performed in situ using spectroscopic approaches (XRF, FORS), False Colour Infrared Reflectography–IRFC, as well as micro sampling (ATR-FTIR, LM, GC/MS). A survey of natural resources and study (ATR-FTIR, LM) was carried out to elucidate the natural occurrence of a select number of materials in the surrounding areas of the churches. The present paper presents a multi-analytical study and characterization of green, red-orange and black colour pigments and binders selected from the decorative surfaces. The aim of this study is to highlight relationships between local materials and those from the original polychrome ceilings, in order to understand the material and technological influences that converged in the Spanish colonial architecture of northern Mexico

    Growth factor-enriched autologous plasma improves wound healing after surgical debridement in odontogenic necrotizing fasciitis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Odontogenic necrotizing fasciitis of the neck is a fulminant infection of odontogenic origin that quickly spreads along the fascial planes and results in necrosis of the affected tissues. It is usually polymicrobial, occurs frequently in immunocompromised patients, and has a high mortality rate.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 69-year old Mexican male had a pain in the maxillar right-canine region and a swelling of the submental and submandibular regions. Our examination revealed local pain, tachycardia, hyperthermia (39°C), and the swelling of bilateral submental and submandibular regions, which also were erythematous, hyperthermic, crepitant, and with a positive Godet sign. Mobility and third-degree caries were seen in the right mandibular canine. Bacteriological cultures isolated <it>streptococcus pyogenes </it>and <it>staphylococcus aureus</it>. The histopathological diagnosis was odontogenic necrotizing fasciitis of the submental and submandibular regions. The initial treatment was surgical debridement and the administration of antibiotics. After cultures were negative, the surgical wound was treated with a growth factor-enriched autologous plasma eight times every third day until complete healing occurred.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The treatment with a growth factor-enriched autologous plasma caused a rapid healing of an extensive surgical wound in a patient with odontogenic necrotizing fasciitis. The benefits were rapid tissue regeneration, an aesthetic and a functional scar, and the avoidance of further surgery and possible complications.</p

    Evolución del banco in vitro de germoplasma de mandioca (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UNNE y del Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (CONICET-UNNE) en tiempos prepandémicos y pandémicos por COVID-19

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    El funcionamiento normal de laboratorios de conservación de germoplasma vegetal involucra la realización de actividades numerosas y diversas, las cuales fueron afectadas por la pandemia causada por coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19). El objetivo de esta comunicación es realizar una reseña de la evolución del banco de germoplasma in vitro de mandioca presente en la FCA-UNNE e IBONE (CONICET-UNNE) y dar a conocer las prácticas de manejo habituales y los procedimientos realizados para preservar con vida el material vegetal protegiendo la salud del personal involucrado antes y durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Docentes, investigadores, alumnos de grado y posgrado llevaron adelante, durante casi 40 años, la conservación in vitro de 56 cultivares de mandioca provenientes de diferentes países. Previamente a marzo del año 2020, el manejo del banco estaba centrado principalmente en la ejecución de actividades científico-tecnológicas para la conservación del material y la búsqueda de parámetros para establecer un orden de subcultivos. Decretado el Aislamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio en Argentina, se continuó con las actividades de conservación aplicando las prácticas usuales y siguiendo las medidas sanitarias de orden político-institucionales implementadas. Para afrontar los nuevos escenarios sanitarios, se deberán ajustar metodologías que sean eficaces para mantener la viabilidad del material vegetal y prolongar el tiempo de conservación

    Genomic adaptations to aquatic and aerial life in mayflies and the origin of insect wings

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    The evolution of winged insects revolutionized terrestrial ecosystems and led to the largest animal radiation on Earth. However, we still have an incomplete picture of the genomic changes that underlay this diversification. Mayflies, as one of the sister groups of all other winged insects, are key to understanding this radiation. Here, we describe the genome of the mayfly Cloeon dipterum and its gene expression throughout its aquatic and aerial life cycle and specific organs. We discover an expansion of odorant-binding-protein genes, some expressed specifically in breathing gills of aquatic nymphs, suggesting a novel sensory role for this organ. In contrast, flying adults use an enlarged opsin set in a sexually dimorphic manner, with some expressed only in males. Finally, we identify a set of wing-associated genes deeply conserved in the pterygote insects and find transcriptomic similarities between gills and wings, suggesting a common genetic program. Globally, this comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic study uncovers the genetic basis of key evolutionary adaptations in mayflies and winged insects