
A new boron-coated CCD camera is described for direct detection of ultracold neutrons (UCN) through the capture reactions 10^{10}B (n,α\alpha0γ\gamma)7^7Li (6%) and 10^{10}B(n,α\alpha1γ\gamma)7^7Li (94%). The experiments, which extend earlier works using a boron-coated ZnS:Ag scintillator, are based on direct detections of the neutron-capture byproducts in silicon. The high position resolution, energy resolution and particle ID performance of a scientific CCD allows for observation and identification of all the byproducts α\alpha, 7^7Li and γ\gamma (electron recoils). A signal-to-noise improvement on the order of 104^4 over the indirect method has been achieved. Sub-pixel position resolution of a few microns is demonstrated. The technology can also be used to build UCN detectors with an area on the order of 1 m2^2. The combination of micrometer scale spatial resolution, few electrons ionization thresholds and large area paves the way to new research avenues including quantum physics of UCN and high-resolution neutron imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

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