6,659 research outputs found

    Aristotle’s Division of Theoretical Sciences

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    The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the division of theoretical sciences made by Aristotle in several parts of the Corpus. Although there are several possible ways to interprete this division, we have opted for a possible unified one. The ultimate concern of this survey is to question the nature, existence, and possibility of the immovable substance

    Exact Bethe Ansatz solution for An1A_{n-1} chains with non-SUq(n)SU_{q}(n) invariant open boundary conditions

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    The Nested Bethe Ansatz is generalized to open and independent boundary conditions depending on two continuous and two discrete free parameters. This is used to find the exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the An1A_{n-1} vertex models and SU(n)SU(n) spin chains with such boundary conditions. The solution is found for all diagonal families of solutions to the reflection equations in all possible combinations. The Bethe ansatz equations are used to find de first order finite size correction.Comment: Two references adde

    Exact solution of the SUq(n)SU_{q}(n) invariant quantum spin chains

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    The Nested Bethe Ansatz is generalized to open boundary conditions. This is used to find the exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the An1A_{n-1} vertex model with fixed open boundary conditions and the corresponding SUq(n)SU_{q}(n) invariant hamiltonian. The Bethe Ansatz equations obtained are solved in the thermodynamic limit giving the vertex model free energy and the hamiltonian ground state energy including the corresponding boundary contributions.Comment: 29 page

    Web based system architecture for long pulse remote experimentation

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    Remote experimentation (RE) methods will be essential in next generation fusion devices. Requirements for long pulse RE will be: on-line data visualization, on-line data acquisition processes monitoring and on-line data acquisition systems interactions (start, stop or set-up modifications). Note that these methods are not oriented to real-time control of fusion plant devices. INDRA Sistemas S.A., CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) and UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) have designed a specific software architecture for these purposes. The architecture can be supported on the BeansNet platform, whose integration with an application server provides an adequate solution to the requirements. BeansNet is a JINI based framework developed by INDRA, which makes easy the implementation of a remote experimentation model based on a Service Oriented Architecture. The new software architecture has been designed on the basis of the experience acquired in the development of an upgrade of the TJ-II remote experimentation system

    La retórica de la providentia como narración en la obra historiográfica de Antonio de Nebrija

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    Ejemplar dedicado a: "Les espècies narratives al relat i a l'escena"[ES] La historia es narración y para antonio de Nebrija la verdad histórica es una cuestión de subjetividad y estilo a partes Iguales. Este artículo intenta desvelar los usos narrativos que hace Nebrija en su obra historiográfica de la "divina providentia" como manifestación privilegiada de su iudicium de historiador.[EN] History is a narration and the historical truth for Antonio de Nebrija is a well-balanced matter of subjectivity and style to equeal parts. This paper tries to reveal in Nebrija's historical narrative the values of the "divina providentia" being privileged expression of his iudicium as historian.Participa en el Proyecto de Investigación del MEC-HUM2007-64581 y del Grupo de Investigación "Tradiciones Clásicas de la UPV/EHU (GIU07-26

    From Scientific Spectacle, to Courtly Art: Notes on the Fortunes of Photography in Spain

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    Aunque la invención del daguerrotipo es el inicio de una nueva época en la producción de imágenes, en su presentación social como espectáculo hubo una clara continuidad con relación al siglo XVIII. Estos actos tuvieron lugar pronto en España pero no significaron ni su aclimatación ni su inmediata influencia. El proceso fue lento y en convivencia con las técnicas gráficas y la pintura. En este artículo se contextualiza el impacto de la llegada de la fotografía en los medios gráficos y entre los artistas cortesanos de élite de la familia Madrazo.The invention of the daguerreotype meant the beginning of a new era in the production of images, but in its presentation to the society there was no novelty at all, quite the opposite, the continuity with respect to the Eighteenth century is clear. In Spain, these performances took place shortly after its invention although neither acceptance nor immediate influence followed. The introduction process was slow and in harmony with graphic and painting techniques. This article contextualizes the impact of the arrival of photography both on the print media and among, the well known and courtly fine arts elite of the Madrazo family

    From emotional orphanhood to cultural orphanhood: spiritual death and re-birth in two novels by Tony Morrison

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    This paper aims to analyze the process of spiritual death and sometimes ensuing re-birth Morrison's characters undergo in two of her novels: Sula and Tar Baby. Special attention will be paid to the female protagonists, Sula and Jadine, and their emotional and cultural "orphanhood" caused by their detachment from the ancestors and the community. Neither a total detachment nor an unquestioning submission to the establishment within the community is convenient; Morrison's eclectic position in this sense will be explained through this analysis

    Modernidad y tradición en la estampa española del siglo XIX

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    The research on printmaking during the second half of the Eighteenth century allowed the development of new, cheaper and faster way of printing as lithography and xilography. In Spain there was a real effort to introduce the new lithography but the politicial situation prevented the natural development of this technique; it delayed the arrival of the xilography; it hindered the renewal in the teaching of printmaking. However there were moments in which all these techniques were introduced by pioneers. Finally the etching revival took place and with it the new concept of print characteristic of the contemporary age.Las investigaciones que tuvieron lugar en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII en relación con la imagen impresa permitieron el desarrollo de técnicas novedosas más rápidas y baratas como la xilografía y la litografía. En España se hizo un esfuerzo por introducir la novedosa litografía pero la situación política impidió el desarrollo natural de esta técnica, retrasó la llegada de la xilografía y obstaculizó la renovación de la enseñanza del arte del grabado. No obstante hubo momentos en los cuales todas estas técnicas fueron introducidas por pioneros. Finalmente tuvo lugar el resurgir del arte del aguafuerte y con ello el nuevo concepto de estampa propio de la época contemporánea

    Literary Monuments: Home as a Commemorative Novel.

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    When asked about the genesis of her novel Home, Toni Morrison argues that it was her intention to “take the scab off the 50s” in the United States, dig underneath and bring to the fore the silenced (hi)stories concerning African Americans. In the fashion of a true archeologist—a literary one—Morrison, once again, rips the veil of enforced deliberate oblivion and commemorates the lives, ordeals and achievements of the historically and socially dispossessed. This essay aims to explore and analyze such commemoration and how it is undertaken. Home, and its (re)creation, is an important object of remembrance and commemoration in this novel but it is not the only one. War veterans, Jim Crow victims, female culture bearers, quilters, love, self-love, agency, identity, survival and nature are all paid tribute to and celebrated. As she did in previous works such as Beloved or Jazz, from succinct glimpses of a historical event Morrison creates a literary work in which history, imagination and memory intermingle. In Home, commemoration occurs against the backdrop of the Korean War, racism and segregation in the pre-Civil Rights Movement, but the main focus is placed on how those events affect characters and their lives. In the commemorative literary project that Morrison’s ouvre represent, Home stands—like its man and its horses—as a true beautifully crafted literary monument.Al referirse al origen de su novela Home, Toni Morrison explica que su intención era “levantar la costra que recubre la década de los 50” en los Estados Unidos, hurgar y rescatar las historias silenciadas de la comunidad y población afroamericanas. Al igual que una verdadera arqueóloga literaria, Morrison de nuevo arranca el velo del olvido deliberadamente impuesto y conmemora las vidas, sufrimientos y logros de quienes habían sido desposeídos tanto a nivel histórico como social. Este artículo pretende explorar y analizar dicha conmemoración y cómo se lleva a cabo. El concepto de “casa/hogar”, y su (re)creación, es un significativo objeto de recuerdo y conmemoración en esta obra, pero no el único. Los veteranos de la Guerra de Corea, las víctimas de Jim Crow, las mujeres portadoras de una sabiduría ancestral, las “quilters” o tejedoras, el amor (el ajeno y el propio), la posibilidad de acción, la identidad, la supervivencia y la naturaleza son los objetivos en los que la autora centra su conmemoración literaria. Al igual que en obras anteriores como Beloved o Jazz, partiendo de pinceladas históricas Morrison crea una obra literaria en la que la historia, la imaginación y la memoria interactúan. En Home, la conmemoración tiene como trasfondo la Guerra de Corea (1950-53), el racismo y la segregación en la época previa al Movimiento de Derechos Civiles, pero más que en los acontecimientos históricos, la autora centra su atención en cómo dichos acontecimientos afectan a los personajes y sus vidas. Dentro del proyecto literario-conmemorativo que la narrativa de Morrison representa, y al igual que sus caballos y la elocuente imagen del hombre erguido del final, Home se erige cual monumento conmemorativo, un monumento literario bellamente diseñado y esculpido

    Del pasado al futuro de la Historia del Arte en la universidad española

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    Como consecuencia de la crisis de la desaparición del grado en Historia del Arte se abrió un verdadero foro de defensa y justificación del mismo en ta actualidad. En el presente ensayo se trata de buscar los motivos por los cuales se puede explicar esa crisis sirviéndonos para su análisis de tos planteamientos de Pierre Bourdieu en el devenir histórico de la disciplina en la universidad española. (A