596 research outputs found

    Epifisiodesis patológicas

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    Objetivo: Análisis retrospectivo de los casos de epifisiodesis patológicas diagnosticados en nuestro centro en el periodo desde enero de 1996 a diciembre de 2006. Material y métodos: El análisis se basa en determinar la distribución de los casos según la etiología, identificar el tipo de puente fisario siguiendo la clasificación de Ogden y considerar la actitud terapéutica en función de la deformidad. Resultados: Presentamos 61 casos de epifisiodesis patológicas, según la etiología: postraumática:16, infecciosa 24, congénita 8, iatrogénica 4, tumoral 5, otras causas 4. Según la localización de la lesión, fémur distal 15, fémur proximal 5, tibia proximal 14, tibia distal 12, calcáneo 1, falange pie 1, metatarsiano 1; húmero proximal 2; húmero distal 1; radio distal 3, cúbito distal 1, metacarpianos 3, falange de la mano 2. El tratamiento realizado fue distracción ósea, 15%, epifisiodesis, 8%; osteotomía correctora 23%; distracción fisaria 18%; desepifisiodesis 3% y 33% de los casos actitud expectante. Conclusiones: No debemos infravalorar esta lesión. La etiología es muy variada y el método de estudio se basa primero en la radiografía simple y como método auxiliar, la resonancia nuclear magnética, y por último, que existen múltiples alternativas terapéuticas, en función de la edad y la magnitud de la lesión.Purpose: Retrospective study of the pathologycal epiphysiodesis cases in our centre between January 1996 and December 2006. Materials and method: This analysis is based on determine the cases distribution according to etiology, to identify the physeal brigde kind according to Ogden´classification and to consider the treatment depending on the deformity. Results: We present 61 pathologycal epiphysiodesis cases; according to etiology posttraumatic16, infectious 24, congenital 8, iatrogenic 4, tumoral 5, other causes 4. According to lesion localitation: distal femur 15, proximal femur 5, proximal tibia 14, distal tibia 12, calcaneous 1, foot phalanx 1, metatarsal 1, proximal humerus 2, distal humerus 1, distal radius 3, distal ulna 1, metacarpal 3, hand phalanx 2. The treatment was osseous distraction 15%, epiphysiodesis 8%, correct osteotomy 23%, physeal distraction 18%, desepiphysiodesis 3% and expectant attitude on the rest of cases (33%). Conclusions: This lesion don´t underestimate. The etiology es very varied and the first study method is the simple radiography and RMN is the auxiliary method, and finally, there are a lot of therapeutic alternatives, according to the age and the dimension of the lesion

    Competências para a Empregabilidade dos Futuros Mestres do Ensino Básico: Um olhar para seu Processo de Inserção Social e no Trabalho

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    In the learning society, one of the challenges for teachers in training is the need to define and develop a set of professional skills in their initial training, essential for their subsequent entry into the labor market. In this work, the aim was to delve into the employability skills developed by students in the Primary Education undergraduate study program, their relevance for their process of socio-labor insertion, as well as their global perception to face it. An inter-university study was carried out with a total of 210 students in their final year at Universidad de Murcia and Universidade da Coruña, both Spanish. The collection of information was carried out on the basis of the previously validated Labor Counseling and Insertion Questionnaire. The results showed few differences between the assessments of the students of both universities, which coincide in pointing out to a greater relevance of the competences as opposed to the level of development in the classroom. In short, attention should be directed to joining efforts by the Spanish government in the initial training of primary education teachers, so that they can acquire a set of competences that will allow a continuous improvement and updating in their professional, social and personal performance, in addition to their career inceptionEn la sociedad del aprendizaje, uno de los retos para los maestros en formación es la necesidad de definir y desarrollar un conjunto de competencias profesionales en su formación inicial, esenciales en su entrada al mercado laboral. En este trabajo, se tuvo como objetivo ahondar en las competencias para la empleabilidad que desarrollan los estudiantes del Grado en Educación Primaria, la relevancia que le confieren para su proceso de inserción socio-laboral así como su percepción global para afrontarlo. Se realizó un estudio inter-universitario con un total de 210 estudiantes de último curso en la Universidad de Murcia y la Universidade da Coruña, ambas españolas. La recogida de información se realizó a partir Cuestionario de Orientación e Inserción Laboral, validado previamente. Los resultados mostraron escasas diferencias entre las valoraciones de los estudiantes de ambas universidades, que coinciden en señalar una mayor relevancia de las competencias frente al nivel de desarrollo en aula. En definitiva, la atención se debe dirigir a aunar esfuerzos en el estado español en la formación inicial de los maestros de educación primaria, para que puedan adquirir un conjunto de competencias que les facilite, además de su incursión laboral, su continua mejora y actualización en el ejercicio de su desarrollo profesional, social y personal.Na sociedade do aprendizado, um dos desafios para os professores em formação é a necessidade de definir e desenvolver um conjunto de competências profissionais em sua formação inicial, essenciais na sua inserção posterior no mercado de trabalho. Neste estudo, teve-se como objetivo aprofundar nas competências para a empregabilidade desenvolvidas por estudantes do curso de Ensino Básico, a relevância conferida para seu processo de inserção social e no trabalho, assim como sua percepção global para enfrentá-lo. Realizou-se um estudo entre universidades com um total de 210 estudantes do último curso na Universidade de Múrcia e a Universidade da Corunha, ambas espanholas. O levantamento de informação foi realizado a partir do Questionário de Orientação e Inserção no Trabalho, validado previamente. Os resultados mostraram poucas diferenças entre as valorações dos estudantes de ambas as universidades, que coincidem em apontar uma maior relevância das competências diante do nível de desenvolvimento na sala de aula. Em definitiva, o foco deve-se dirigir a unir esforços no estado espanhol para a formação inicial de professores de ensino básico, para que possam adquirir um conjunto de competências que lhes facilitem, além de sua incursão no mundo do trabalho, sua melhora contínua e atualização no exercício de seu desenvolvimento profissional, social e pessoal

    La determinación de drogas en fluido oral en conductores de vehículos: ¿se abre el camino a la intervención preventiva?

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    Los daños asociados al consumo de drogas de comercio ilegal y otras sustancias psicoactivas incluyen de manera signifi cativa las lesiones por accidente de tráfi co (LAT). El fl uido oral se ha mostrado en los últimos años como un medio biológico útil tanto para mejorar el conocimiento del problema como para iniciar intervenciones preventivas de tipo disuasorio. A nivel de la Unión Europea existe cierta evidencia de su uso para estos fi nes. En España asimismo hay experiencia del uso del fl uido oral para la determinación de drogas y medicamentos en carretera, aunque es preciso aún establecer determinados aspectos en materia de procedimiento, desarrollo normativo y aplicabilidad. En este trabajo se proponen recomendaciones básicas al respecto, basadas en la experiencia acumulada en España y en la Unión Europea, que abarcan desde el momento de la obtención de las muestras hasta la práctica de las determinaciones evidenciales que permitan una actuación policial de garantía y una información epidemiológica relevante.The harm associated with consumption of illicit drugs and other psychoactive substances signifi cantly includes traffi c injuries. Oral fl uid has in recent years been shown to be a biological medium useful for both improving knowledge of the problem and for getting under way preventive interventions with a dissuasive intention. On the European Union level there is some evidence of oral fl uid testing use for these purposes. Spain also has some experience in oral fl uid use for determination of drugs and medicines on the road, but concrete procedures, legal development and applicability of these interventions still need to be established. This paper proposes key recommendations in this regard, based on experience gained in Spain and the European Union, ranging from the time when saliva samples are taken to the practice of evidentiary laboratory test determinations in order to achieve guaranteed policing action as well as relevant epidemiological information

    Colección de nidos de aves de Argentina: una fuente inexplorada de investigación

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    Los estudios basados en colecciones de nidos de aves tienen varias ventajas para los investigadores; por ejemplo, establecer comparaciones directas evitando tener que ubicar los nidos en el campo o preservar en el tiempo el material del nido. No obstante, el acceso a las colecciones de nidos suele ser un problema para los investigadores, debido a la falta de información de sus contenidos. En este trabajo se presentan los contenidos de la colección de nidos de aves del Museo de La Plata, con el objetivo de incentivar un mayor uso de este valioso recurso. La colección cuenta con 435 nidos correspondientes a 101 especies de 30 familias. Se destacan nidos de especies con muy poca información de su biología reproductiva como el Bailarín Castaño (Piprites pileata), la Viudita Plomiza (Knipolegus cabanisi), el Burrito Negruzco (Porzana spiloptera), el Flautín (Schiffornis virescens) y la Mosqueta Cara Canela (Phylloscartes sylviolus). En la colección están bien representadas las especies de la ecorregión Pampeana (242 nidos), así como también el Bosque Patagónico (58 nidos), las Yungas (30 nidos) y la Selva Paranaense (27 nidos).Studies based on avian nest collections had several advantages for researchers, such us to establish direct comparisons avoiding locating the nests in the field or the preservation over time of the nest material. Nonetheless, access to nest collections usually becomes an issue for researchers, due to the lack of information of their contents. This study present the contents of the La Plata Museum nest collection in order to encourage a greater use of this valuable resource. The collection holds 435 nests built by 101 species in 30 families. Some nests stand out due to the lack of knowledge about the breeding biology of the species, like the Black-capped Piprites (Piprites pileata), the Plumbeous Black-Tyrant (Knipolegus cabanisi), the Dot-winged Crake (Porzana spiloptera), the Greenish Schiffornis (Schiffornis virescens) and the Bay-ringed Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes sylviolus). In the collection are well represented the species of Pampas ecoregion (242 nests), as well as Patagonian forests (58 nests), Yungas (30 nests) and Paranaense forests (27 nests).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Colección de nidos de aves de Argentina: una fuente inexplorada de investigación

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    Los estudios basados en colecciones de nidos de aves tienen varias ventajas para los investigadores; por ejemplo, establecer comparaciones directas evitando tener que ubicar los nidos en el campo o preservar en el tiempo el material del nido. No obstante, el acceso a las colecciones de nidos suele ser un problema para los investigadores, debido a la falta de información de sus contenidos. En este trabajo se presentan los contenidos de la colección de nidos de aves del Museo de La Plata, con el objetivo de incentivar un mayor uso de este valioso recurso. La colección cuenta con 435 nidos correspondientes a 101 especies de 30 familias. Se destacan nidos de especies con muy poca información de su biología reproductiva como el Bailarín Castaño (Piprites pileata), la Viudita Plomiza (Knipolegus cabanisi), el Burrito Negruzco (Porzana spiloptera), el Flautín (Schiffornis virescens) y la Mosqueta Cara Canela (Phylloscartes sylviolus). En la colección están bien representadas las especies de la ecorregión Pampeana (242 nidos), así como también el Bosque Patagónico (58 nidos), las Yungas (30 nidos) y la Selva Paranaense (27 nidos).Studies based on avian nest collections had several advantages for researchers, such us to establish direct comparisons avoiding locating the nests in the field or the preservation over time of the nest material. Nonetheless, access to nest collections usually becomes an issue for researchers, due to the lack of information of their contents. This study present the contents of the La Plata Museum nest collection in order to encourage a greater use of this valuable resource. The collection holds 435 nests built by 101 species in 30 families. Some nests stand out due to the lack of knowledge about the breeding biology of the species, like the Black-capped Piprites (Piprites pileata), the Plumbeous Black-Tyrant (Knipolegus cabanisi), the Dot-winged Crake (Porzana spiloptera), the Greenish Schiffornis (Schiffornis virescens) and the Bay-ringed Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes sylviolus). In the collection are well represented the species of Pampas ecoregion (242 nests), as well as Patagonian forests (58 nests), Yungas (30 nests) and Paranaense forests (27 nests).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Roman or gaulic: orientation as a footprint of cultural identity?

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    The towns of Aventicum (Avenches, Switzerland) and Augusta Raurica (Augst, Switzerland) were the main Roman towns of the Civitas Helvetiorum in the province of Gallia Belgica (and later shifted to Germania Superior). Both were probably founded ex–nihilo, the first at the time of Claudius (mid first century AD), the second by Caius Munatius Plancus around 44 BC and was refounded soon after the 15 BC . The layout of both towns conforms to all Roman standards with an urban grid in orthogonal shape and with several public buildings to hail the splendor of Roman society. Also the orientation of such grid seems to conform to most Roman standards. The archaeoastronomical study of both towns is contextualised following two paths. Firstly, we consider the orientation of the layout of some other regional Roman foundations as Vesontio (Besançon, France), Iulia Equestris (Nyon, Switzerland), Forum Claudii (Martigny, Switzerland), and Vindonissa (Windisch, Switzerland). Secondly, we realize that the sacred areas (including temples, sanctuaries and often theaters) of this two towns seem to break the general layout in both of them: these appear to bear orientations skewed several degrees with respect to the general grid. In both cases a Roman theater seems to feature some kind of relation with the temple as in other areas in the Roman Empire. Notably, the orientation of these temples share similarities to other sacred precincts in the region possibly built prior to the Roman conquest. This duality in orientations, with a grid with an orientation different to that of some of the main public buildings may be a witness to a period when a compromise, negotiation, or resistance either implicit or explicit, took place between conquered and conquerors. Interestingly, similar cases have recently been reported in the Roman towns of Augusta Treverorum (present day Trier, Germany) or Augustodum (modern day Autun, France)S

    From hagiography to celtic cosmology: archaeoastronomy and christian landscape in ourense (nw spain)

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    The cult of Santa Mariña is very popular in the region of Galicia, in northwest Spain. According to tradition, she was born and martyred in two sites at the heart of the modern-day province of Ourense: she was born and grew up around the lagoon of Antela, and was martyred in the parish of Santa Mariña de Augas Santas, where she performed miracles and where her tomb is still preserved. Both places are located in the territory of the Limici, a pre-Roman Celtic tribe, and contain a remarkable amount of archaeological material from the Iron Age and Roman times. An archaeoastronomical study has revealed that the most important archaeological sites have a number of significant solar and lunar relationships attributable to the Celtic tradition (lunistices, Celtic mid-season festivals, the cosmos divided into three levels). Christianity preserved these structures through the feast dates of the saints worshipped in different parishes and other places, and their arrangement in different local landscapes. Episodes of Mariña‟s life and her places of worship are important because they coincide with significant points in the astronomical alignments that have been detected. Hydatius of Chaves (c. 400-469) a Limici scholar, bishop and author of a Chronicle, is considered responsible for introducing the cult of Santa Mariña, and as the driving force behind the Christianization of a landscape/ skyscape that was previously defined by a Celtic worldviewS

    Thermoelectric properties of heavy-element doped CrN

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    CrN was doped with Mo and W to study the effect of heavy elements alloying on its thermoelectric properties. An spontaneous phase segregation into Mo- and W-rich regions was observed even at the lowest concentrations probed at this work (≃1%). In the particular case of W, this segregation creates nanoinclusions into the Cr1–xWxN matrix, which results in a substantial reduction of the thermal conductivity in the whole temperature range compared to undoped CrN. In addition, an increased hybridization of N:2p and 4d/5d orbitals with respect to Cr:3d decreases the electrical resistivity in lightly doped samples. This improves substantially the thermoelectric figure of merit with respect to the undoped compound, providing a pathway for further improvement of the thermoelectric performance of CrNS

    The Rock sanctuary of Baroña Hill Fort as an exchanger, interface and cross-roads among the world layers of celtic cosmology

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    The small Iron-Age hillfort of Baroña (Porto do Son, A Coruña, Galicia, Spain) was inhabited during the last centuries BC and is in a singularly hostile environment on a small peninsula facing the Atlantic Ocean at the western end of the Muros-Noia estuary. The habitat is composed by a mere twenty houses defended by a stunning complex of three lines of massive walls. A large rocky acropolis with faint but clear signs of human activity hangs over the habitat. The study of the acropolis reveals the possibility that they include awareness of the surrounding landscape and relevant moments of the solar cycle. A monumental stairway adjacent to the acropolis leads towards the cliff overlooking the sea and seems aligned with the winter solstice sunset happening on the ocean beyond. Over the acropolis, the rock that dominates the area presents carved basins and slender petroglyphs related with winter and summer solstice sunrises while the eastern horizon is dominated by Mount Enxa that signals 1st May sunrise as seen from the acropolis. Finally, summer solstice sunrise seen from the acropolis coincides with a little hill some 2.5 kilometer away on which slope a panel with petroglyphs presents the only carved representation of the sun known in Galicia and the panel itself is related to some astral calendric relations. We argue that the hillfort‟s location seems to be a special place chosen to be a cross-road between the sky, the land, and the sea, i.e. the three elements constituting the Cosmos according to the Celtic tradition and shared by other Indo-European traditionsS

    De la Idolatría en el Occidente Peninsular Prerromano*

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    Proponemos una revisión crítica a una corriente interpretativa de base lingüística de las religiones prerromanas del área indo-europea de la Península Ibérica que se ha venido desarrollando durante los últimos quince años; para ello tomamos como referencia un reciente trabajo de B.M. Prósper (Lenguas y religiones del occidente de la Península Ibérica, Salamanca, 2002) en el que se exponen los puntos de vista de dicha hipótesis interpretativa. Nuestro trabajo revisa sus tres planteamientos metodológicos básicos: su consideración de dichas religiones como cultos idolátricos, su base evolucionista decimonónica y su manifiesto anti-dumezilianismo. Nuestra propuesta consiste en integrar el aporte de la lingüística dentro del ámbito de la Historia de las Religiones como un tipo de análisis que contribuya, con otros, a la construcción de hipótesis explicativas del fenómeno religioso de dichas sociedades.In the last fifteen years, a linguistic interpretation of the indo-european pre-roman religions from the Iberian Peninsula has been developed. This paper, focused on a recent book (M.B. Prósper, Lenguas y religiones del occidente de la Península Ibérica, Salamanca, 2002) which summarizes this hypothesis, is a critical review of these arguments. Our work criticizes its three basic methodological foundations: its consideration of these religions as idolatric cults, its implicit XIX Century evolutionist character and its evident anti-dumezilianism. We propose to integrate the linguistic analysis, together with others from different disciplines, into the History of Religions as a way to construct hypothesis on the religion of these societies