429 research outputs found

    Criterios de calidad en Didáctica de la Matemática

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    Some remarks are presented, concerning: 1. the generic difficulties arising in order to establish quality concepts and criteria in the realm of Mathematics Education, 2. the intrinsic difficulties to achieve this task within the Spanish socio academic context, 3. a catalog of tasks required to establish and to strengthen some quality parameters that might be of use, in particular, by the officers in charge of scientific evaluation. These issues are analyzed taking into consideration, as a reference, the case of Mathematical Sciences. The reasons for this choice are detailed and discussed in the document

    Criterios de calidad en Didáctica de la Matemática

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    Some remarks are presented, concerning: 1. the generic difficulties arising in order to establish quality concepts and criteria in the realm of Mathematics Education, 2. the intrinsic difficulties to achieve this task within the Spanish socio academic context, 3. a catalog of tasks required to establish and to strengthen some quality parameters that might be of use, in particular, by the officers in charge of scientific evaluation. These issues are analyzed taking into consideration, as a reference, the case of Mathematical Sciences. The reasons for this choice are detailed and discussed in the document

    De Plantis Legionensibus. Nota III

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    Como continuación de las anteriores notas florísticas, se complementa el catálogo provincial con una docena de táxones, resultado de diversas recolecciones botánicas efectuadas por distintas zonas del territorio leonés. As following the former check list notes on Ledn area, twelve taxa are recorded by the firs time for this area

    La calidad en la hostelería cordobesa: la importancia de la satisfacción laboral

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    La calidad en el sector servicios tiene unas de sus principales bases en la satisfacción laboral de los empleados que trabajan en el mismo, ya que su dedicación, esfuerzo y compromiso es, a su vez, fundamental para la satisfacción del cliente. Esta identificación es más intensa, en el sector turístico, donde perfectamente se podría aplicar la filosofía del doble “corazón”, es decir llegar a la satisfacción del cliente a través de las satisfacción de los trabajadores. Esta afirmación, tiene su aplicación más real y directa en la hostelería, por su fuerte componente de contacto empleado / cliente. Por esta razón, se hace fundamental estudiar los diferentes condicionantes sociolaborales y organizativos que determinan el nivel de satisfacción laboral y, con este conocimiento, poner en marcha políticas que fomenten el desarrollo del capital humano que conforma, hoy en día, el activo más importante en dicho sector. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre el nivel de satisfacción existente en la hostelería de Córdoba y su relación con determinados aspectos personales de los individuos y organizativos de las empresas donde trabajan.Quality in the service sector has direct roots in the job satisfaction of the employees that work in it, as their dedication, effort and commitment, is, in turn, fundamental to customer satisfaction. This identification is more intense in the tourist sector, here the philosophy of the double “heart”, could be perfectly well applied, that is to say that you can make the customers happy by making the workers happy. This statement has its truest and most direct application in the hospitality industry, due to its high level of employee-customer contact. For this reason, it is fundamental to study the different social and work conditioning factors, and with the information discovered, to set in place policies that encourage the development of the human capital which, at this moment, constitutes the most important asset in that sector. This article presents the results of research into the satisfaction level in the hospitality industry in Cordoba and its relationship with specific personal aspects on an individual and organisational level in the businesses where the employees questioned work

    Influence of educational level and healthy habits on the prevalence of diabesity in a Spanish working population

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    Background: Diabesity is a growing problem internationally. Taking into account the importance of physical activity and diet in its prevention and treatment, the objective of this study was to delve into the impact of healthy habits on diabesity. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 386,924 Spanish adult workers. Obesity was determined according to eleven different formulas. Life habits were also valued; sociodemographic variables; and educational level; as well as analytical and clinical variables such as blood pressure and blood glucose levels. The association between the different variables was performed using the chi-square and the Student's t-tests when the samples were independent. A multivariate analysis was performed using the multinomial logistic regression test by calculating the odds ratio and a 95% confidence interval. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test was also performed. Results: The overall prevalence of diabesity ranged between 0.3% (95% CI 0.3-0.4) when obesity was assessed according to the abdominal volume index and 8.3% (95% CI 8.2-8.4) when evaluated according to the CUN-BAE (Clínica Universitaria de Navarra Body Adiposity Estimator) formula. The prevalence of diabesity was also higher in workers with a non-heart-healthy diet and in those who did not exercise regularly. Conclusions: The most disadvantaged socioeconomic classes are those with the highest prevalence of diabesity. It is important to prioritise prevention in populations and communities with the most unfavourable social and environmental conditions to reduce the burden of diabesit

    Do coaches support their athletes’ motivation? differences in the perception of behavior

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    El objetivo de este trabajo era valorar la influencia de la percepción de apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) sobre la motivación intrínseca, disfrute, aburrimiento e intención de persistencia en el contexto deportivo de base, y como podía incidir la diferencia entre lo que los entrenadores creían proporcionar y lo que los deportistas percibían, en relación a dicho apoyo. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo 2 estudios diferentes. En el estudio 1 participaron 985 deportistas (M = 14.34; DE = 2.52) y se realizó un análisis de regresión, en el que se demostró la importancia de las percepciones de apoyo a las NPB sobre las variables analizadas. En función de estos resultados, se llevó a cabo el estudio 2, en el que participaron 91 entrenadores (M = 32.41; DE = 6.51) y 432 deportistas (M = 13.44; DE = 2.92), realizándose un análisis de diferencias entre grupos de entrenadores creados en función de la percepción de apoyo proporcionado y el apoyo percibido por los deportistas. Los resultados demostraron diferencias en la motivación intrínseca, aburrimiento e intención de persistencia entre los deportistas cuyos entrenadores creían proporcionar más apoyo a las NPB que el percibido por los atletas, respecto a aquellos cuyos entrenadores consideraban realizar un apoyo similar o inferior al percibido. Por tanto, los resultados hallados tienen implicaciones relevantes para explicar la adherencia deportiva en etapas de formación y en la consideración de los antecedentes motivacionales en el contexto deportivo.The aim of this study was focused on assessing the influence of perception of support for basic psychological needs (BPN) on variables such as intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, boredom, and intention to persist in the training sport context; and how this can affect the difference between what is provided and what coaches believe athletes perceive in relation to such support. To achieve this aim, two different studies were conducted. In the 1st study, 985 athletes participated (M = 14.34; SD = 2.52), and a regression analysis was performed, where the results showed the importance of perception of support for BPN in the variables analyzed. Regarding the outcomes found in the former section, the 2nd study was carried out, where 91 coaches (M = 32.41; SD = 6.51) and 432 athletes (M = 13.44; SD = 2.92) were involved, and an analysis of differences was conducted after the creation of groups of coaches formed with respect to the support given and the support perceived by athletes. The results show differences in intrinsic motivation, boredom and intention to persist between athletes whose coaches were believed to give more support for BPN than perceived by athletes, with respect to participants whose coaches were considered to give support similar to or lower than the perceived. Therefore, the outcomes found have relevant implications to explain sport adherence in training stages, as well as the consideration of motivational background in a sport context.Trabajo patrocinado por: Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) y la Dirección General de Modernización e Innovación Tecnológica del Gobierno de Extremadura. Ayudas para la Formación del Personal Investigador Predoctoral (PD12112)peerReviewe

    Temperature Behavior of Gunn Oscillations in Planar InGaAs Diodes

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    [EN]Planar Gunn diodes on In0.53Ga0.47 As with lengths between 2 and 5 μm have been fabricated and characterized in a temperature range of 10 to 300 K. Two different oscillation regimes are observed depending on temperature. At the higher values, the frequency of the oscillations decreases as the bias increases, as expected for a well-established transit-time domain mode. But below approximately 75 K, the behavior is the opposite, the frequency of the Gunn oscillations increases with the bias. This fact, together with a much lower amplitude of the oscillations, indicate the possible switch to a different oscillation mode in which the domains are not able to attain their complete maturation before reaching the anode.Spanish MINECO under Project TEC2017-83910-R and JCyL and FEDER under Project SA254P1

    Monitoring 10-m LST from the Combination MODIS/Sentinel-2, Validation in a High Contrast Semi-Arid Agroecosystem

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    Downscaling techniques offer a solution to the lack of high-resolution satellite Thermal InfraRed (TIR) data and can bridge the gap until operational TIR missions accomplishing spatio-temporal requirements are available. These techniques are generally based on the Visible Near InfraRed (VNIR)-TIR variable relations at a coarse spatial resolution, and the assumption that the relationship between spectral bands is independent of the spatial resolution. In this work, we adopted a previous downscaling method and introduced some adjustments to the original formulation to improve the model performance. Maps of Land Surface Temperature (LST) with 10-m spatial resolution were obtained as output from the combination of MODIS/Sentinel-2 images. An experiment was conducted in an agricultural area located in the Barrax test site, Spain (39°03′35″ N, 2°06′ W), for the summer of 2018. Ground measurements of LST transects collocated with the MODIS overpasses were used for a robust local validation of the downscaling approach. Data from 6 different dates were available, covering a variety of croplands and surface conditions, with LST values ranging 300-325 K. Differences within ±4.0 K were observed between measured and modeled temperatures, with an average estimation error of ±2.2 K and a systematic deviation of 0.2 K for the full ground dataset. A further cross-validation of the disaggregated 10-m LST products was conducted using an additional set of Landsat-7/ETM+ images. A similar uncertainty of ±2.0 K was obtained as an average. These results are encouraging for the adaptation of this methodology to the tandem Sentinel-3/Sentinel-2, and are promising since the 10-m pixel size, together with the 3-5 days revisit frequency of Sentinel-2 satellites can fulfill the LST input requirements of the surface energy balance methods for a variety of hydrological, climatological or agricultural applications. However, certain limitations to capture the variability of extreme LST, or in recently sprinkler irrigated fields, claim the necessity to explore the implementation of soil moisture or vegetation indices sensitive to soil water content as inputs in the downscaling approach. The ground LST dataset introduced in this paper will be of great value for further refinements and assessments