3,827 research outputs found
Electoral campaign issues on Twitter of @PPopular and @ahorapodemos for the European elections 2014
En los últimos años, Internet y, en concreto, las redes sociales se han convertido en instrumentos de comunicación política cada vez más utilizados por los partidos políticos para conectar con el electorado, sobre todo en épocas de campaña electoral. Esto permite a los políticos trazar una campaña electoral más cercana al ciudadano y más alejada de la tradicional comunicación institucional sustentada en los medios clásicos: la televisión, la radio y la prensa escrita. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer qué temas trataron en la red social Twitter durante la campaña electoral a las elecciones europeas de 2014 el Partido Popular y Podemos. Para ello, hemos trabajado con una metodología cuantitativa basada en un análisis de contenido sobre los 2.273 tweets publicados por @PPopular y @ahorapodemos entre el 9 de mayo y el 23 del mismo mes del año 2014. Fueron estas las primeras elecciones a las que se presentó Podemos, una formación entonces en pleno proceso de nacimiento y que en la actualidad cuenta con 69 representantes en el Congreso de los Diputados.In recent years, the Internet and, specifically, social networks have become instruments of political communication, increasingly used by political parties to connect with voters, especially during electoral campaign. This allows politicians to create a campaign closer to its citizens and far away from the traditional institutional communication, supported by traditional instruments of communication: television, radio and newspapers. The objective of this work is to know what campaign issues were included by the Partido Popular party and Podemos party in the social network Twitter during the electoral campaign for the European elections of 2014. To achieve this objective, we have worked with a quantitative methodology based on a content analysis on 2,273 tweets published by @PPopular and @ahorapodemos between May 9 and 23 of the same month in 2014. These were the first elections in which Podemos party participated, a party in birth process and which, currently, has 69 representatives in the Congress of Deputies
Political interaction on Twitter: the case of @ppopular and @ahorapodemos during the European elections campaign of 2014
Las redes sociales son instrumentos de comunicación cada vez más utilizados por los políticos para conectar con el electorado. En especial, Twitter permite a los políticos y candidatos electorales interactuar con los ciudadanos a través del diálogo, de la mención o del retweet. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer qué uso hicieron de las posibilidades dialógicas de Twitter durante la campaña electoral a las elecciones europeas de 2014 el Partido Popular y Podemos. Para ello, empleamos una metodología cuantitativa basada en un análisis de contenido sobre los 2.273 tweets publicados por @PPopular y @ahorapodemos.Social media are political communication tools which are being used by politicians to connect with the electorate. Specially, Twitter allows candidates to interact with citizens through the dialog, mention or retweet. The aim of this piece of research is to analyze the dialogical use the official Twitter account of Partido Popular and Podemos during the European elections in 2014. In order to achieve our goal, we used a quantitative methodology based on a content analysis of 2,273 tweets published by the official accounts of @PPopular and @ahorapodemos
Crónicas sobre el desastre en Río de Janeiro
La noche del 2 de septiembre de 2018 se inició un trágico incendio que destruyó el histórico edificio que ocupaba el Museo Nacional de Río de Janeiro (MNRJ), nada menos que el palacio São Cristóvão que fuera la antigua morada de la familia imperial brasileña localizada en la Quinta da Boa Vista en pleno corazón de la metrópoli carioca. En lo que fue tal vez la mayor pérdida de patrimonio científico de los últimos 50 años, el fuego se llevó consigo una enorme cantidad de especímenes representativos de la biodiversidad de Brasil y resto de Latinoamérica junto con artefactos culturales calculado en unos 20 millones de piezas. Este incendio consumó la pesadilla que pervive en la intimidad de todas las instituciones que actúan como repositorio, vale decir: la perdida en apenas unas horas de todo el trabajo y la información de muchas décadas fruto del trabajo de varias generaciones de científicos.Fil: Mulieri, Pablo Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; ArgentinaFil: Pérez González, Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; Argentin
Efectos de mezcla hiperfina en desintegraciones electromagneticas de bariones doble pesados BC.
Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Física. Curso académico 2020--2021[ES]El presente trabajo es una revisiónn bibliográfica fundamentada en el artículo [1] acerca
de la desintegración electromagnética de bariones formados por dos quarks pesados bc y un
quark ligero l (u,d,s). En concreto, en este trabajo, se pretenden calcular tanto las masas
como las funciones de onda de los bariones bc. El cálculo de la función de onda se simplifica
haciendo uso de la simetría de spin de quarks pesados (HQSS), que nos dice que en el límite de
masa infinita de dichos quarks el spin Sh del subsistema formado por los dos quarks pesados
está bien definido. Para resolver el problema de tres cuerpos se supondrá un ansatz variacional para la función de onda radial, encontrándose el valor de los parámetros variacionales
minimizando el valor esperado de la energía. Para encontrar dicho mínimo se usará el método
del Simplex. La interacción hiperfina entre el quark ligero y cualquiera de los quarks pesados
mezcla, sin embargo, componentes con Sh = 0, 1 en los estado físicos con spin total 1/2. Dicha
mezcla se ha evaluado utilizando teoría de perturbaciones a primer orden y redefine tanto la
masa como la función de onda de los estados.
Estas funciones de onda se usan para evaluar la anchura de desintegración electromagnética donde se pondrá de manifiesto la importancia de los efectos de mezcla hiperfina en el cálculo de dichas anchuras.
Para alcanzar estos objetivos se deben desarrollar varios códigos entre los que cabe destacar:
- Un programa basado en el Método de Numerov capaz de obtener las funciones de onda
de subsistemas de dos quarks.
-Un programa capaz de minimizar el valor esperado de la energ´ıa para una familia de
funciones de onda variacionales a partir del Método de Simplex.
-Un programa que calcule las anchuras de desintegración electromagnética de los bariones bc.
La memoria está organizada de la siguiente forma: en la primera sección, se presentan el
Hamiltoniano de interacción y los estados que se van a calcular. Se analiza el comportamiento
del potencial para distintos acoplamientos de spin y se presenta una tabla con las distintas
masas de Ξ y Ω, constituidos por dos quarks pesados bc en el límite de masa infinita que
permite fijar el spin total (Sh) del subsistema de quarks pesados. En la segunda sección se
tiene en cuenta el efecto que tiene la interacción hiperfina entre el quark ligero y cada uno de
los pesados sobre los estados de bariones con spin total 1/2. En la tercera sección, se estudian
y calculan de las anchuras de desintegración de estados con y sin mezcla, proporcionando una
relación entre ambos. Para hacer auto-contenida esta memoria, se han añadido, además, unos
apéndices que recogen los métodos numéricos y desarrollos teóricos más importantes para la
elaboraci´on de los programas.
A efectos prácticos, se puede resumir la finalidad del trabajo en lo que sigue:
-Estudiar los efectos de la mezcla hiperfina en la desintegración electromagnética de bariones bc doble pesados, observando que existe una gran diferencia entre las anchuras obtenidas con mezcla hiperfina y las anchuras obtenidas sin ella.
- Cáculo de funciones de onda de los bariones: Para llegar a estos resultados se utilizar´an
las simplificaciones impuestas por las simetrías de los quarks pesados.
-Evaluar los efectos hiperfinos sobre las funciones de onda de los bariones bc utilizando
teoría de perturbaciones.
- Cálculo de anchuras de desintegración electromagnética de los bariones bc: A partir de
las funciones de onda se obtienen y evalúan los elementos de matriz correspondientes a
las distintas transiciones.
- Mejorar en la resolución de problemas no analíticos gracias al uso de programas desarrollados para este fin.
- Revisar los resultados obtenidos en la Ref. [1] utilizando los mismos m´etodos del art´ıcu lo. Explicando las similitudes y diferencias con este trabajo en caso de que sea necesario.[EN]This work is a bibliographic review based on article [1] about the electromagnetic decays of baryons formed by two heavy quarks bc and a light quark l (u, d, s). Specifically, in this work we intend to calculate both the masses and the wave functions of the baryons bc. The heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) simplifies the computation of the wave function, since HQSS reveals that the spin Sh of the subsystem formed by the two heavy quarks is well-defined at the limit of infinite mass of these quarks. In order to solve the three-body problem, we will suppose a variational ansatz for the radial wave function and we will find the value of the variational parameters that minimise the expected value of the energy. In order to use these minimum we will use the Simplex Method. However, the hyperfine interaction between the light quark and any of the heavy quarks mixes components with Sh = 0, 1 in the physical states with total spin 1/2. This mixture has been evaluated by using first-order perturbation theory and it redefines as well as the mass as well as the wave function of the states.
We use these wave functions to evaluate the electromagnetic decay while exposing the importance of the effects of the hyperfine mixture in the calculus of these decays.
In order to achieve these goals we have developed several codes. It is worth mentioning some of them:
-The first main program is based on the Numerov Method and it is capable of obtaining the wave functions of subsystems formed by two quarks.
-The second main program is able to minimise the expected value for the energy for a family of variational wave functions by using the Simplex Method.
-The last main program computes the electromagnetic decays of baryons bc.
The memory is organized as follows: In the first section, we present the Hamiltonian of interaction and the states to be calculated. The behaviour of the potential for different spin couplings and a table with the different masses of Ξ and Ω are presented, made up of two quarks heavy bc on the limit of infinitely mass of heavy quarks. In the second section we take into account the effect of the hyperfine interaction between the light quark and each of the heavy quarks over the states of baryons with total spin 1/2. In the third section, we study and compute the decays of mixture and un-mixture states, giving a connection between them.
In order to make this memory self-contained, some appendices have been added that collect
the most important numerical methods and theoretical developments for the elaboration of the programs, as well as such as some cases solved with the Numerov method to check the validity of the program.
For practical purposes, the objective of the job can be summarized as follows:
-To study the effects of hyperfine mixture on the electromagnetic decays of heavy double bc baryons, observing that there is a great difference between the decays obtained with hyperfine mixing and those obtained without it.
-To compute wave functions of the baryons: in order to arrive at these results, we use the simplifications given by the heavy quarks symmetries.
-To evaluate hyperfine effects on the wave functions of the bc baryons by using perturbation theory.
-To compute the electromagnetic decays of baryons bc: From the wave functions we obtain them and then we evaluate the matrix elements corresponding to the different
-To improve the resolution of non-analytical problems by using the computer programs developed to this end.
To review the results obtained in paper using the same methods of this article, explaining the similarities and differences with our work when it is necessary
Detecting cells with low RNA content colonizing artworks non-invasively: RNA-FISH
Various non-invasive RNA-FISH methodologies were tested in this
work. They seem to be good alternatives for analyzing the potential biodeteriogenic microorganisms thriving
in CH objects.This work was co- financed by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
through the project "MICROTECH-ART- Microorganisms Thriving on and Endamaging Cultural
Heritage -an Analytical Rapid Tool-" (PTDC/BBB-IMG/0046/2014) and by European Union, European
Regional Development Fund ALENTEJO 2020 through the project HIT3CH - HERCULES Interface
for Technology Transfer and Teaming in Cultural Heritage (ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000004). Marina
González-Pérez acknowledges FCT for the economic support through the post-doctoral grant
Andamios porosos (apatita/colágeno) de origen marino para aplicaciones biomédicas
1 póster presentado en las III Xornadas de Investigación BioIntegraSaúde 2015, Vigo 16 xuño 2015.-- E. López-Senra ... et al.FP7/REGPOT-2012-2013.1 (nº 316265, BIOCAPS); UE-INTERREG 2011-1/164 MARMED; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project MAT2010-18281)Peer reviewe
Fading and graphite nucleation sites in grey iron inoculated using silicon carbide
ABSTRACT: The most commonly used inoculants for producing grey iron are ferrosilicon based, but also there are reports
indicating that silicon carbide can act as inoculant. There are few published studies of fading and nucleation
sites of graphite when silicon carbide is used as inoculant, thus the understanding of the inoculation effect of
silicon carbide is incomplete. To study these two aspects, fading and graphite nucleation sites, an ASTM
class 35B grey iron inoculated with silicon carbide was produced and characterized. The results were compared
with an ASTM class 35B grey iron inoculated with a ferrosilicon base inoculant and without inoculation.
It was found that the effect of the silicon carbide was comparable to the ferrosilicon base inoculant and
fading was similar. In addition, the graphite nucleation sites in the grey iron inoculated with silicon carbide
were irregular shaped manganese sulfides larger than the nuclei in the grey iron inoculated with ferrosilicon,
which suggest a similar nucleation mechanism for both inoculants
Examining whether highly e-innovative firms are more e-effective.
The resource-based view (RBV) ascribes superior firm performance to firm resources and capabilities. In recent years, much debate about the value of e-business has been raised because of the costly investments required. Although studies have found positive relationships between e-business and firm performance, there is a need to further investigate into these topics. Since innovation has become a key factor for increasing the competitiveness of firms and e-business has been proposed as complement to innovation, this paper analyses, based on the RBV perspective, whether companies with high level of Internet resources and with high e-innovation are more effective electronically. The methodology involved a large sample firms and data collected by the European e-Business Market Watch, an established e-business observatory sponsored by the European Commission. Results indicated that differences of e-sales effectiveness of firms with high and low Internet resources were not statistically significant, while on the contrary firms with a high level of e-innovation outperformed on e-sales effectiveness
Quantum Interferences in the photodissociation of Cl2(B) in superfluid helium nanodroplets (4He)N
Quantum interferences are probably one of the most fascinating phenomena in chemical physics and, particularly, in reaction dynamics, where they are often very elusive from an experimental perspective. Here, we have theoretically investigated, using a hybrid method recently proposed by us, the dynamics of the formation of confinement quantum interferences in the photodissociation of a Cl2 molecule (B ← X electronic excitation) embedded in a superfluid helium nanodroplet of different sizes (50-500 4He atoms), which is to the best of our knowledge the first time that this type of interference is described in reaction dynamics. Thus, we have widely extended a recent contribution of our group, where interferences were not the main target, identifying the way they are formed and lead to the production of strongly oscillating velocity distributions in the Cl dissociating atoms, and also paying attention to the energy transfer processes involved. This probably corresponds to a rather general behavior in the photodissociation of molecules in helium nanodroplets. We hope that the present study will encourage the experimentalists to investigate this captivating phenomenon, although the technical difficulties involved are very high
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