1,970 research outputs found

    The linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying language tests in healthy adults : a principal component analysis

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    Pour un processus d’évaluation linguistique plus précis et rapide, il est important d’identifier les mécanismes cognitifs qui soutiennent des tâches langagières couramment utilisées. Une façon de mieux comprendre ses mécanismes est d’explorer la variance partagée entre les tâches linguistiques en utilisant l’analyse factorielle exploratoire. Peu d’études ont employé cette méthode pour étudier ces mécanismes dans le fonctionnement normal du langage. Par conséquent, notre objectif principal est d’explorer comment un ensemble de tâches linguistiques se regroupent afin d’étudier les mécanismes cognitifs sous-jacents de ses tâches. Nous avons évalué 201 participants en bonne santé âgés entre 18 et 75 ans (moyenne=45,29, écart-type= 15,06) et avec une scolarité entre 5 et 23 ans (moyenne=11,10, écart-type=4,68), parmi ceux-ci, 62,87% étaient des femmes. Nous avons employé deux batteries linguistiques : le Protocole d’examen linguistique de l’aphasie Montréal-Toulouse et Protocole Montréal d’Évaluation de la Communication – version abrégé. Utilisant l’analyse en composantes principales avec une rotation Direct-oblimin, nous avons découvert quatre composantes du langage : la sémantique picturale (tâches de compréhension orale, dénomination orale et dénomination écrite), l'exécutif linguistique (tâches d’évocation lexicale - critères sémantique, orthographique et libre), le transcodage et la sémantique (tâches de lecture, dictée et de jugement sémantique) et la pragmatique (tâches d'interprétation d'actes de parole indirecte et d'interprétation de métaphores). Ces quatre composantes expliquent 59,64 % de la variance totale. Deuxièmement, nous avons vérifié l'association entre ces composantes et deux mesures des fonctions exécutives dans un sous-ensemble de 33 participants. La performance de la flexibilité cognitive a été évaluée en soustrayant le - temps A au temps B du Trail Making Test et celle de la mémoire de travail en prenant le total des réponses correctes au test du n-back. La composante exécutive linguistique était associée à une meilleure flexibilité cognitive (r=-0,355) et la composante transcodage et sémantique à une meilleure performance de mémoire de travail (r=.0,397). Nos résultats confirment l’hétérogénéité des processus sous-jacent aux tâches langagières et leur relation intrinsèque avec d'autres composantes cognitives, tels que les fonctions exécutives.To a more accurate and time-efficient language assessment process, it is important to identify the cognitive mechanisms that sustain commonly used language tasks. One way to do so is to explore the shared variance across language tasks using the technique of principal components analysis. Few studies applied this technique to investigate these mechanisms in normal language functioning. Therefore, our main goal is to explore how a set of language tasks are going to group to investigate the underlying cognitive mechanisms of commonly used tasks. We assessed 201 healthy participants aged between 18 and 75 years old (mean = 45.29, SD = 15.06) and with a formal education between 5 and 23 years (mean = 11.10, SD =4.68), of these 62.87% were female. We used two language batteries: the Montreal-Toulouse language assessment battery and the Montreal Communication Evaluation Battery – brief version. Using a Principal Component Analysis with a Direct-oblimin rotation, we discovered four language components: pictorial semantics (auditory comprehension, naming and writing naming tasks), language-executive (unconstrained, semantic, and phonological verbal fluency tasks), transcoding and semantics (reading, dictation, and semantic judgment tasks), and pragmatics (indirect speech acts interpretation and metaphors interpretation tasks). These four components explained 59.64% of the total variance. Secondarily, we sought to verify the association between these components with two executive measures in a subset of 33 participants. Cognitive flexibility was assessed by the time B-time A score of the Trail Making Test and working memory by the total of correct answers on the n-back test. The language-executive component was associated with a better cognitive flexibility score (r=-.355) and the transcoding and semantics one with a better working memory performance (r=.397). Our findings confirm the heterogeneity process underlying language tasks and their intrinsic relationship to other cognitive components, such as executive functions

    A classification of special 2-fold coverings

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    Starting with an O(2)-principal fibration over a closed oriented surface F_g, g>=1, a 2-fold covering of the total space is said to be special when the monodromy sends the fiber SO(2) = S^1 to the nontrivial element of Z_2. Adapting D Jonhson's method [Spin structures and quadratic forms on surfaces, J London Math Soc, 22 (1980) 365-373] we define an action of Sp(Z_2,2g), the group of symplectic isomorphisms of (H_1(F_g;Z_2),.), on the set of special 2-fold coverings which has two orbits, one with 2^{g-1}(2^g+1) elements and one with 2^{g-1}(2^g-1) elements. These two orbits are obtained by considering Arf-invariants and some congruence of the derived matrices coming from Fox Calculus. Sp(Z_2,2g) is described as the union of conjugacy classes of two subgroups, each of them fixing a special 2-fold covering. Generators of these two subgroups are made explicit.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology Monographs on 29 April 200

    Customer knowledge and behavior on the use of food refrigerated display cabinets: A Portuguese case

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    This article presents a study on customer knowledge and habits regarding the use of refrigerated display cabinets (RDC). The study was carried out on a sample of Portuguese retail stores’ customers, using a questionnaire survey available through an Internet platform. The sample consisted of 136 individuals, who voluntarily participated in the study. Questions included the characterization of the sociodemographic population involved. The questionnaire included different questions to related with RDC, namely customer knowledge about the appearance of each RDC equipment, questions to evaluate the respondents’ perception about the advantages and disadvantages related to open or glass-door closed RDC, questions to assess the participants’ habits and behavior when purchasing food products from glass-door closed RDC (frequency and duration of door open), questions to characterize the consumers’ habits on purchasing food products from RDC, and also questions to characterize the consumers’ shopping attitudes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2. The results seem to indicate that customers prefer closed RDC; for example, 61.8% of participants prefer products preserved in glass-door closed RDC, against 6.6% that admit to preferring products preserved in open RDC. Therefore, we can deduce that the existence of doors does not appear to be an obstacle to purchasing food products. Regarding the use of glass-door closed RDC, 80.1% of the participants say they just open the door once, and 53.7% of the costumers believe they keep the door open in the interval [4‒6 s]. This indicates that Portuguese customers are quite well informed about food safety issues and seem to follow assertive attitudes when purchasing food products from RDC. This study reinforces the benefits of replacing open RDC by closed glass-doors allowing significant energy savings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo apresenta como principal contribuição a descrição do processo e experiência de formulação de planejamento estratégico de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (PDTIC) em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES). A Pesquisa-Ação foi o método científico utilizado e as etapas do desenvolvimento da pesquisa são narradas. São apresentados os instrumentos construídos para levantamento das necessidades organizacionais, o formulário para diagnóstico institucional, as adaptações indicadas para o modelo de planejamento estratégico do SISP requerido pelos órgãos de gestão, assim como as reflexões sobre o processo de elaboração do PDTIC neste contexto. O planejamento estratégico de ICT resultante deste trabalho demonstra a viabilidade de utilização e adaptação do modelo de planejamento estratégico do SISP, permitindo a efetiva construção do planejamento estratégico de ICT em contextos similares.This paper's main contribution is the description of the process and experience in developing Information and Communication Technology strategic planning at a Brazilian public higher education institution. Action research was used as the scientific method and each of its research steps are presented. It also presents the instruments that were built for assessing organizational needs, the institutional diagnosis form, the required adaptations in the SISP ICT strategic planning model, as well as the reflections about the ICT strategic development process for this particular organizational context. The results evidence the feasibility of use and adaptability of the SISP ICT strategic planning model, enabling the effective ICT strategic development in similar contexts

    Qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de tomateiro orgânico, colhidos em diferentes estádios de maturação.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as caracteristicas fisico-quimicas que determinam a qualidade do tomate orgânico colhidos em diferentes estádios de maturação de duas cultivares (San Vito e Duradoro).CD-ROM. Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 51. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Viçosa, MG

    Antenatal care policy in high-income countries with a universal health system: A scoping review

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    The availability, effectiveness, and access to antenatal care are directly linked with good maternal and neonatal outcomes, making antenatal care an important determinant in health. But to be effective, care must always be appropriate, not excessive, not insufficient. Perinatal outcomes vary within and between countries, raising questions about practices, the use of best evidence in clinical decisions and the existence of clear and updated guidance. Through a scoping review methodology, this study aimed to map the available antenatal care policies for lowrisk pregnant women in high-income countries with a universal health system, financed by the government through tax payments. Following searches on the main databases and grey literature, the authors identified and analysed ten antenatal care policies using a previously piloted datachart: Australia, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Some policies were over 10 years old, some recommendations did not present a rationale or context, others were outdated, or were simply different approaches in the absence of strong evidence. Whilst some recommendations were ubiquitous, others differed either in the recommendation provided, the timing, or the frequency. Similarly, we found wide variation in the methods/strategy used to support the recommendations provided. These results confirm that best evidence is not always assimilated into policies and clinical guidance. Further research crossing these differences with perinatal outcomes and evaluation of cost could be valuable to optimise guidance on antenatal care. Similarly, some aspects of care need further rigorous studies to obtain evidence of higher quality to inform recommendations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Immunoparasitological Diagnosis Of Strongyloides Stercoralis In Garbage Collectors In Uberlândia, Mg, Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Strongyloides stercoralis in urban garbage collectors through the use of immunological and parasitological methods. A total of 92 individuals were evaluated from August, 1997, to June, 1998. For the parasitological diagnosis Baermann and Lutz' methods were applied. The immunological diagnosis involved the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect specific IgG antibodies. Of the 92 workers examined, six (6.5%) were infected with larvae of S. stercoralis. The IFAT detected 19 (16.3%) and the ELISA 17 (18.5%) positive serum samples. The differences between the results of parasitological and immunological methods were statistically significant (p<0.05). These results demonstrate that there is a need to improve the health conditions of this category of city employees.6203/04/15180182CONCHA, R., HARRINGTON, J.R.W., ROGERS, A.L., Intestinal strongyloidiasis: Recognition, management and determinants of outcome (2005) J Clin Gastroenterol, 39, pp. 203-211SIDDIQUI, A.A., BERK, S.L., Diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis infection (2001) Clin Infect Dis, 33, pp. 1040-1047FERREIRA, M., Strongyloidiasis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (2003) Enf Emerg, 5, pp. 18-26VADLAMUDI, R.S., CHI, D.S., KRISHANASWAMY, G., Intestinal strongyloidiasis and hyperinfection syndrome (2006) Clin Mol Allergy, 4, pp. 1-13BAERMANN G. Eine Einfache methode zur auffindung von Ankylostomum (Nematoden) larven in Erdproben. Mededeel mit h. Geneesk Lab Weltvreden Feestbundel, Batavia, 1917, p. 41-7LUTZ, A.V., Schistosoma mansoni e a schistosomose, Segundo observações feitas no Brasil. (1919) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 11, pp. 121-125COSTA-CRUZ, J.M., BULLAMAH, C.B., GONÇALVEZ-PIRES, M.R.F., Cryo-microtome sections of coproculture larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis and Strongyloides ratti as antigen sources for the immunodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis (1997) Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo, 39, pp. 313-317MACHADO, E.R., UETA, M.T., GONÇALVES-PIRES, M.R.F., Strongyloides venezuelensis alkaline extract for the diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (2003) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 98, pp. 849-853MACHADO, E.R., COSTA-CRUZ, J.M., Strongyloides stercoralis and other enteroparasites in children at Uberlândia City, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (1998) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 93, pp. 161-164PAULA, F.M., CASTRO, E., GONÇALVES-PIRES, M.R.F., Parasitological and immunological diagnoses of strongyloidiasis in immunocompromised and nonimmunocompromised children at Uberlândia City, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (2000) Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo, 42, pp. 51-55OLIVEIRA, L.C.M., RIBEIRO, C.T., MENDES, D.M., Frequency of Strongyloides stercoralis in alcoholics (2002) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 97, pp. 119-121LINDO, J.F., CONWAY, D.J., ATKINS, N.S., Prospective evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot methods for the diagnosis of endemic Strongyloides stercoralis infection (1994) Am J Trop Med Hyg, 51, pp. 175-179CLARK, C.S., LINNEMANN Jr, C.C., CLARK, J.G., Enteric parasites in workers occupationally exposed to sewage (1984) J Occup Med, 26, pp. 273-275SCHLOSSER, O., RALL, D., LAURECEAU, M.-N., Intestinal parasite carriage in workers exposed to sewage (1999) Eur J Epidemiol, 15, pp. 261-265GOMES, T.C., ALMEIDA, M.F., MUIRA, L.A., Helmintoses intestinais em população de rua da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. (2002) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 35, pp. 531-53
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