156 research outputs found


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    Potential changes in the connectivity of marine protected areas driven by extreme ocean warming

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    Projected future climate scenarios anticipate a warmer tropical ocean and changes in surface currents that will likely influence the survival of marine organisms and the connectivity of marine protected areas (MPAs) networks. We simulated the regional effects of climate change on the demographic connectivity of parrotfishes in nine MPAs in the South Atlantic through downscaling of the HadGEM2-ES Earth System Model running the RCP 8.5 greenhouse gas trajectory. Results indicate a tropicalization scenario over the tropical southwest Atlantic following an increase of sea surface temperature (SST) between 1.8 and 4.5 °C and changes in mean surface currents between − 0.6 to 0.5 m s−1 relative to present conditions. High mortality rates will reduce demographic connectivity and increase the isolation of oceanic islands. The simulation of organismal response to ocean warming shows that acclimation can significantly improve (p < 0.001) particle survival, promoting connectivity and tropicalization of MPAs, with potential impacts on their functional integrity and long-term resilience.publishedVersio

    “Tutorías Entre Iguales Y Orientación Vocacional” La Experiencia De Pasantes De Psicología En El Programa Compromiso Educativo

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    Se presenta una experiencia de acompañamiento y orientación educativa, dirigida a estudiantes de Enseñanza Media Superior, realizada conjuntamente entre docentes del Pro-grama de Respaldo al Aprendizaje (PROGRESA) y estudiantes avanzados de grado de la Fa-cultad de Psicología, ambos pertenecientes a la Universidad de la República del Uruguay (Udelar). Los estudiantes de grado, realizan su práctica pre-profesional en el marco de los es-pacios de tutorías entre iguales del Programa interinstitucional Compromiso Educativo (PCE), acompañados por docentes del PROGRESA. La experiencia, se constituye en un trabajo de interfase, que involucra a 17 centros educativos de enseñanza media superior (EMS), 20 estu-diantes universitarios, pasantes de Facultad de Psicología, 30 estudiantes terciarios que desa-rrollan el rol de tutor par y 300 de estudiantes de enseñanza media superior, quienes participan de las diferentes actividades que se realizan. El estudiante avanzado de la Facultad de Psico-logía, teniendo como herramientas sus conocimientos de la Psicología en general y de la Orientación Vocacional Ocupacional (OVO) en particular, orienta su intervención hacia el ob-jetivo de promover proyectos de vida sustentables que tengan a la educación como su eje arti-culador, facilitando los procesos de tránsito hacia la enseñanza superior (ES)

    Evaluation of antioxidant potential of pepper sauce (Capsicum frutescens L.)

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    Abstract: Functional properties of substances present in in natura foods such as fruits and vegetables are well documented; however, the activity that remains after processing needs more research. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant potential in fruit processed as sauce and quantify the compounds able to contribute to such activity. Three different treatments were developed varying only the concentration of pepper Capsicum frutescens L., with treatment ratios (fruit: water: vinegar: salt) being: treatment 1 (0.5: 1: 0.5: 0.33), 2 (1: 1: 0.5: 0.33), and 3 (2: 1: 0.5: 0.33). By the DPPH method, the values found for EC 50 (g g DPP

    Repercussões da prática educativa no autocuidado e manejo do Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 na infância

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    Objective: to present the effects of health education for the self-care and management of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus among children. Method: a qualitative study with a focus group and description of the children’s glycemic profile. The health education activities, of a playful type and with an educational booklet, were carried out with four children with diabetes and their families, in an outpatient clinic of a university hospital. Thematic content analysis was performed. Results: physical activity proved to be an effective option for the practice of self-care, however, there was non-compliance to the adoption of dietary habits aimed at diabetes, concerning inadequate glycemic control, and increased complications. Changes in the management of the disease were observed when comparing the before and after of educational activities. Conclusions: playful resources and an educational booklet had a positive impact on family management and the self-care of children with Diabetes Mellitus.Objetivo: apresentar as repercussões de uma prática de educação em saúde para o autocuidado e manejo da Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 entre crianças. Método: estudo qualitativo com grupo focal e descrição do perfil glicêmico das crianças. As atividades de educação em saúde, lúdica e com cartilha educativa, foram desenvolvidas com quatro crianças com diabetes e seus familiares, em ambulatório de hospital universitário. Análise de conteúdo do tipo temática. Resultados: a atividade física mostrou-se como alternativa eficaz para prática de autocuidado, porém, houve resistência à adoção de hábitos alimentares direcionados ao diabetes, relacionados ao controle glicêmico inadequado e aumento de complicações. Observou-se mudanças no manejo da doença comparando-se o antes e após as atividades educativas. Conclusões: recursos lúdicos e cartilha educativa repercutiram positivamente no manejo da família e no autocuidado da criança com Diabetes Mellitus

    Comparison Between Maximum Inspiratory Pressure Measured By A Digital Manometer And By An Electronic Inspiratory Muscle Training Device

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    To compare maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) measured by a digital manometer and by an inspiratory muscle training (IMT) device and to evaluate hemodynamic changes after measurements. Methods: The sample included male and female individuals older than 18 years admitted to an intensive care unit who were hemodynamically stable, not being treated with vasoactive drugs or sedated, intubated or tracheostomized, and who were in the process of being weaned from mechanical ventilation. MIP was measured by both devices on three different occasions, with an occlusion time of 20 seconds and a 5-minute interval between measurements. The following parameters were assessed: respiratory rate, mean arterial pressure, and respiratory rate before and after each measurement by each device. The statistical analysis was made in the Statistical Analysis System and the R Project for Statistical Computing V. 3.1.2 softwares, using the ANOVA and the Wilcoxon tests. Results: Fifty-eight patients were included in the study. The mean value obtained for MIP was -46.22 centimeters of water (cmH(2)O) in the digital manometer and -13.15 cmH(2)O (p<0.001) in the IMT device. Heart rate showed a significant increase (p<0.0001) both before and after all measurements in both devices. Mean arterial pressure showed a statistically significant difference only before and after the first measurement by the digital manometer and before and after the second measurement by the IMT device (p<0.001). The respiratory rate oscillated significantly before and after the three measurements by both devices (p<0.0001). The hemodynamic parameters remained within reference values after MIP measurements. Conclusions: The digital manometer recorded a higher MIP than that measured by the IMT device. The hemodynamic parameter values oscillated in both devices, but they remained within the normal range and were not clinically significant.26

    Socioeconomic changes and adolescent psychopathology in a brazilian birth cohort study

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects of socioeconomic changes from birth to 11 years of life on emotional, conduct, and attentional/hyperactivity problems in 15-year-old adolescents, from the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study. Methods: The original cohort was composed of 5,249 hospital-born children whose mothers answered a questionnaire. We conducted interviews with 87.5% and 85.7% of the original cohort in 2004e2005 and 2008, respectively. We divided family income changes into nine possible categories based on two assessment points (birth and 11 years of age) and three income levels. To assess the psychopathology of the adolescents at 15 years of age, 4,423 mothers answered the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Results: Adolescents who were always poor or who became poor between birth and 11 years of age had greater conduct problems at 15 years of age. There was no consistent association between poverty and emotional and attentional/hyperactivity problems. Conclusions: The effects of income change were more specific to conduct problems than to emotional and attentional/hyperactivity problems, similar to what has been previously described in developed countries

    The coast of the Macro metropolis: so far from God and so close to the Devil

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    O maniqueísmo do título deste artigo antecipa o interesse em aqui analisar as particularidades da polarização da zona costeira em uma escala espacial mais abrangente. Tal análise é feita sob a ótica do ordenamento territorial, da abordagem ecossistêmica e da governança ambiental, e considera os fluxos e dinâmicas incidentes sobre a zona costeira em um contexto de desenvolvimento sustentável. Por meio do estudo de caso da Macrometrópole Paulista (MMP), seu Plano de Ação 2013-2040, e as ações propostas para seu litoral, reconhece-se que, tão perto da metrópole expandida, o litoral macrometropolitano segue longe de um caminho sustentável e socialmente justo. Argumenta-se que o planejamento espacial e a governança deste território demandam uma ampla revisão dos paradigmas que amparam os instrumentos setoriais e multissetoriais de gestão. Novos paradigmas devem considerar diferentes escalas espaciais, como a zona costeira, a zona econômica exclusiva e regiões metropolitanas adjacentes. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário que o planejamento da MMP considere novos arranjos de governança que abarquem a dinamicidade do território e suas dimensões socioambientais e ecossistêmicas. Devem, ainda, incorporar macroprocessos tanto do ponto de vista administrativo e territorial quanto do ponto de vista socioambiental, incluindo os atores apropriados a essa escala e, em especial, garantindo a participação da sociedade civil.The Manichaeism in the title of article anticipates the interest here to analyze the particularities of coastal zone polarization on a broader spatial scale. Territorial planning, ecosystem-based approach, governance, and considering existing flows and dynamics in the context of sustainable development are the bases of this analysis. Using the case study of the São Paulo Macro Metropolis (SPMM), its 2013-2040 Action Plan, and the proposed actions for its coastline as examples, the fact that being so close to the expanding metropolis, the macro metropolitan coastline is far from a socially, fair and sustainable path is verified. Spatial planning and governance of this territory require a broad revision of the paradigms that support sectoral and multisectoral management instruments. This revision should consider different spatial scales, such as the coastal zone, the exclusive economic zone, and adjacent metropolitan regions. In this sense, it is necessary for SPMM planning to consider new governance arrangements that encompass the dynamics of the territory and its socio-environmental dimensions. It is also necessary to incorporate macro-processes from the administrative, territorial, social, and environmental perspectives, including the stakeholders, according to the management scale, and, particularly, ensuring the participation of civil society

    ADHD in DSM-5 : a field trial in a large, representative sample of 18- to 19-year-old adults

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    Background. The DSM criteria for adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have not been tested in American Psychiatric Association (APA) field trials for either DSM-IV or DSM-5. This study aimed to assess: (a) the prevalence of ADHD according to DSM-5 criteria; (b) the factor solution that provides the best fit for ADHD symptoms; (c) the symptoms with the highest predictive value for clinical impairment; and (d) the best symptomatic threshold for each ADHD dimension (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity). Method. Trained psychologists evaluated 4000 young adults from the 1993 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study with an instrument covering all DSM-5 ADHD criteria. A series of confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) tested the best factor structure. Complex logistic regressions assessed differential contributions of each symptom to clinical impairment. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analyses tested which would be the best symptomatic cut-off in the number of symptoms for predicting impairment. Results. The prevalence of DSM-5 ADHD was 3.55% [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.98–4.12]. The estimated prevalence of DSM-IV ADHD was 2.8%. CFA revealed that a bifactor model with a single general factor and two specific factors provided the best fit for DSM-5 symptoms. Inattentive symptoms continued to be the most important predictors of impairment in adults. The best cut-offs were five symptoms of inattention and four symptoms of hyperactivity/ impulsivity. Conclusions. Our results, combined with previous findings, suggest a 27% increase in the expected prevalence of ADHD among young adults, comparing DSM-IV to DSM-5 criteria. The DSM-5 symptomatic organization derived a similar factor structure for adults as DSM-IV symptoms. Data using DSM-5 criteria support lowering the symptomatic threshold for diagnosing ADHD in adults