566 research outputs found

    Análisis de mecanismos y metodología de gestión de proyectos utilizados en ejecución de obras para Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019

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    Esta investigación tiene el objetivo de analizar los mecanismos y metodología utilizados en la ejecución de obras de los Juegos panamericanos Lima 2019, siendo que en los últimos años la ejecución de inversiones en el Perú bajo los mecanismos y herramientas tradicionales no han logrado lo resultados esperados y con ello han incumplido con las metas anuales presupuestadas. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo se efectuó una investigación con enfoque cuantitativo, método inductivo, y diseño fenomenológico-descriptivo, siendo que se buscó entender el fenómeno desde la misma experiencia de las personas que participaron en la ejecución de obras de este gran evento; lo anterior llevo a que se efectúen entrevistas semiestructuradas que identificaron al Contrato NEC, la Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos, el Contrato Gobierno a Gobierno, la metodología BIM, la Camara de Resolución de Disputas y el Fast Track como los nuevos mecanismos y metodología que ayudaron a la ejecución de las obras, al asegurar el seguimiento continuo del proyecto en gestión de los riesgos y el cumplimiento de plazos, de igual forma permitieron asegurar la continuidad de las obras, al utilizar un contrato más sencillo de entender, dichos resultados fueron contrastados con el marco teórico y los antecedentes de la investigación

    Alcances políticos del voluntariado desarrollado por jóvenes en dos instituciones : una organización de voluntariado y una entidad con acción voluntaria

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    Este trabajo de investigación pretende analizar las características de la acción voluntaria desarrollada por los jóvenes como una manifestación de participación política y/o ciudadana; por lo que su propósito es identificar qué relación se configura entre el voluntariado desarrollado por jóvenes y las manifestaciones de participación política y ciudadana que emergen de las juventudes. Para ello se caracterizará la naturaleza y la dimensión política del voluntariado y se describirán las características de participación política y ciudadana construidos por los jóvenes que pertenecen a dos organizaciones de voluntariado (una ECAV y una ODV). La tesis central de la investigación es que la acción y la vida política y ciudadana de los y las jóvenes podría encontrar en el voluntariado una vía alternativa de participación, para denunciar y actuar frente a las injusticias sociales y la falta de un fundamento claro del orden político.This investigation aims to analyze the characteristics of the voluntary action developed by young people as a manifestation of political and / or citizen participation; so, its purpose is to identify what relationship is configured between volunteering developed by young people and the manifestations of political and civic participation that emerge from the youth. In this investigation will characterize the nature and political dimension of volunteering and will describe the characteristics of political and citizen participation that emerges by young people belonging two volunteer organizations (one ECAV and one ODV). The central thesis of the research is that the action and the political and civic life of the young people could find in volunteering an alternative way of participation, to denounce and act against social injustices and the lack of a clear foundation of the political public order.Politólogo (a)Pregrad

    Incorporación de la paja de trigo y fibra de cabuya, para mejorar propiedades mecánicas del adobe, Chachapoyas – 2022.

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    En la actualidad una de las preocupaciones más frecuentes es que al momento de elaborar adobes con la incorporación de fibras no resistan ante un sismo y esto se debe por que la resistencia a la compresión (R.C) es baja. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar las propiedades mecánicas del adobe con la incorporación de la paja de trigo y fibra de cabuya en la ciudad de Chachapoyas. El tipo de investigación es aplicada con un diseño cuasi experimental, la población son todos los adobes ecológicos con una muestra de 1368 adobes, los resultados por (R.C) por unidad de albañilería (P.U.A) incrementan cada vez que se le incorpora 0.25, 0.50 y 0.75 % de paja de trigo y fibra de cabuya en 4.32, 9.89 y 32.84 %; los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio por pilas axiales (P.P.A), incrementan cada vez que se le incorpora 0.25, 0.50 y 0.75 % de paja de trigo y fibra de cabuya en dosificación en 45.87, 20.27 y 23 %; los datos obtenidos en el laboratorio por muretes diagonales P.M.D, incrementan cada vez que se le incorpora 0.25, 0.50 y 0.75 % de paja de trigo y fibra de cabuya, los esfuerzos máximos aumentaron por cada dosificación en 38.73, 33.55 y 22.39 % respecto al adobe patrón 0.00 % de la norma E- 0.80, los tres ensayos P.U.A, P.P.A y P.M.D a los 28 dias cumplen con el esfuerzo admisible (f’m) que están en la norma E – 0.80 de viviendas

    EDROOM: a free tool for the UML2 component based design and automatic code generation of tiny embedded real time system

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    International audienceThe use of tiny real time kernels to develop embedded systems is broadly extended. They offer basic services with small overhead footprints in the final product. Usually, these kind of kernels are compliant with the POSIX 1003.13 specification. The use of graphical modelling and automatic code generation tools for developing these kind of small software embedded system if often not considered for several reasons: they are expensive, the learning curve to obtain benefits is often large and finally the generated code usually does not fit well with the platform or exceed the desired size. In this paper we present the adaptation of a free tool, known as EDROOM, to develop this kind of real time software system. EDROOM is inspired on the ROOM modelling language and provides graphical modelling and automatic Embedded C++ code generation. EDROOM is compliant with the new UML2 graphical notation for component based system design and hierarchical behaviour. The new version of EDROOM is a cross development multiplatform generation tool and includes facilities for static control of all resources in order to completely avoid the use of dynamic memory. Our tool has been used in the software development of a small satellite (NANOSAT-01) which is fully functional nowadays. The tool is free distributed in conjunction with a group of code test bench that can be used to validate any port to another architecture

    Variación en la Autoeficacia Motriz Percibida por Alumnos Españoles a lo largo de las distintas etapas educativas

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    Motor self-efficacy is the ability to cope with obstacles, to control them and to solve them in the best possible way. It is closely related to performance in physical education and student health. The aim of this study is to measure the performance of motor self-efficacy in Physical Education in students aged 10 to 18 years, analyzing the differences between students according to their educational level and age. A total of 946 students responded to five socio-demographic questions, in addition to the Motor Self-Efficacy Scale validated in Spanish. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the assumption of normality, but since this assumption was not met, non-parametric tests were used. In this sense, the Motor Self-Efficacy Scale score and the differences between the different instructional cycles were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, a pairwise comparison was performed as part of a post hoc study to examine the differences between the different groups. The relationship between the mean scale score and the variable age was investigated using Spearman's Rho test. Subsequently, the relationship between motor self-efficacy and participants' height, weight and BMI was examined using the direct stepwise regression test. Finally, Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the instrument. Significant statistical differences were observed between educational levels and their relationship with BMI, height and weight, highlighting the importance of motor self-efficacy at different stages. Therefore, it would be interesting to introduce educational methodologies that promote active models and improve students' motor self-efficacyLa autoeficacia motriz es la capacidad para hacer frente a los obstáculos, controlarlos y resolverlos de la mejor manera posible. Está estrechamente relacionada con el rendimiento en educación física y la salud de los alumnos. El objetivo de este estudio es medir el rendimiento de la autoeficacia motriz en Educación Física en alumnos de 10 a 18 años, analizando las diferencias según su nivel educativo y la edad. Un total de 946 estudiantes respondieron a cinco preguntas sociodemográficas, además de la Escala de Autoeficacia Motriz, validada en español. Se utilizó el test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para determinar el supuesto de normalidad, pero como este supuesto no se cumplía se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas. En este sentido, la puntuación de la autoeficacia motriz y las diferencias entre los distintos ciclos educativos se analizaron mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Además, se realizó una comparación por pares como parte de un estudio post hoc para examinar las diferencias entre los distintos grupos. La relación entre la puntuación media de la escala y la variable edad se investigó mediante la prueba Rho de Spearman. Posteriormente la relación entre la autoeficacia motriz y la altura, el peso e IMC a través de la regresión directa por pasos. Por último, se utilizó el alfa de Cronbach para evaluar la fiabilidad del instrumento. Se observaron diferencias estadísticas significativas en diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los niveles educativos y su relación con el IMC, la altura y el peso, destacando la importancia de la autoeficacia motriz en las diferentes etapas. Por lo tanto, sería interesante introducir metodologías educativas que promuevan modelos y mejoren la autoeficacia motriz de los alumno

    Removal of imidazolium- and pyridinium-based ionic liquids by Fenton oxidation

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    This is peer-post-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research. The final authenticated version is avilable online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-0867-4The oxidation of imidazolium (1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, HmimCl) and pyridinium (1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium chloride, BmpyrCl) ionic liquids (ILs) by Fenton’s reagent has been studied. Complete conversion was achieved for both ILs using the stoichiometric H2O2dose at 70 °C, reaching final TOC conversion values around 45 and 55% for HmimCl and BmpyrCl, respectively. The decrease in hydrogen peroxide dose to substoichiometric concentrations (20–80% stoichiometric dose) caused a decrease in TOC conversion and COD removal and the appearance of hydroxylated oxidation by-products. Working at these substoichiometric H2O2doses allowed the depiction of a possible degradation pathway for the oxidation of both imidazolium and pyridinium ILs. The first step of the oxidation process consisted in the hydroxylation of the ionic liquid by the attack of the ·OH radicals, followed by the ring-opening and the formation of short-chain organic acids, which could be partially oxidized up to CO2and H2O. At H2O2doses near stoichiometric values (80%), the resulting effluents showed non-ecotoxic behaviour and more biodegradable character (BOD5/COD ratio around 0.38 and 0.58 for HmimCl and BmpyrCl, respectively) due to the formation of short-chain organic acids. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]The authors wish to thank the Spanish MINECO and Comunidad de Madrid for the financial support through the projects CTM2016-76564-R and S2013/MAE-2716, respectivel

    Raise and fall of a bright soliton in an optical lattice

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    We study an ultracold atomic gas with attractive interactions in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We find that its excitation spectrum displays a quantum soliton band, corresponding to NN-particle bound states, and a continuum band of other, mostly extended, states. For a system of a finite size, the two branches are degenerate in energy for weak interactions, while a gap opens above a threshold value for the interaction strength. We find that the interplay between degenerate extended and bound states has important consequences for both static and dynamical properties of the system. In particular, the solitonic states turn out to be protected from spatial perturbations and random disorder. We discuss how such dynamics implies that our system effectively provides an example of a quantum many-body system that, with the variation of the bosonic lattice filling, crosses over from integrable non-ergodic to non-integrable ergodic dynamics, through non-integrable non-ergodic regimes.Comment: To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Correlation and regression analysis between residual gradation and uncorrected visual acuity one year after refractive surgery with LASIK, FS-LASIK, PRK, PRK Xtra techniques and the implantation of ICL® posterior chamber phakic lens in myopic correction

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    Purpose To analyze the influence of the final spherical equivalent (SE) in LogMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) one year after refractive surgery. We analysed refractive results, their predictability and efficacy, and the safety results of the different methods as secondary outcomes. Setting Refractive Surgery Unit of the Institut Català de Retina (ICR) in Barcelona, Spain. Design Retrospective, analytical observational study. Methods Retrospective and observational study of 654 eyes of 327 patients who underwent refractive surgery to treat their myopia or myopic astigmatism using LASIK, FS-LASIK, PRK, PRK Xtra or ICL-type lens implantation surgery were included. Results The correlation between the SE in absolute value was statistically significant in all techniques utilized, reaching higher values in the FS-LASIK and LASIK techniques, 0.774 and0.706 respectively, and lesser values in PRK (0.480) and PRK Xtra (0.482). A significant adjustment via a univariate linear regression model could be implemented in all techniques, albeit the R2 coefficient of determination values were higher than those for the FS-LASIK (0.599) and LASIK (0.494) techniques. Conclusions There is a positive correlation between post-surgical SE value and post-operative LogMAR UDVA. These regression models can be adjusted to predict the final UDVA according to the final SE. The techniques that are most influenced by the final SE in terms of their visual results are FS-LASIK and LASIK

    Rotational giant magnetoimpedance in soft magnetic wires: Modelization through Fourier harmonic contribution

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    A method to investigate the giant magnetoimpedance effect based on Fourier analysis is introduced. The study is carried out on a FeCoSiB amorphous wire with vanishing magnetostriction subjected to joule heating (current annealing) treatment that induces an enhancement of circumferential magnetic anisotropy and modifies the magnetoimpedance response of the samples. Experimental results are interpreted within the framework of the classical electrodynamical model, where the circumferential permeability plays the dominant role in the field dependence of the complex impedance of the sample. A rotational magnetization model is employed to determine the circular magnetization process, and a mean value of the circumferential permeability is obtained through the harmonic components obtained through Fourier analysis of the time derivative of the circular magnetization. This simple model is able to reproduce the observed experimental behavior, i.e., evolution of the field dependence of the complex impedance with annealing and the asymmetrical field dependence under a dc biased electrical current. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.78224624

    Efficacy and safety of robotic spine surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Robotic surgery (RS) may offer benefits compared with freehand/conventional surgery (FS) in the treatment of patients with spinal disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of RS versus FS in spinal fusion. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed. Data analysis and risk of bias assessment were analysed using REVMAN V5.3. Results: We found 11 randomised clinical trials involving 817 patients (FS: 408, RS: 409). The main diagnosis was degenerative spine disease. SpineAssist, Renaissance (Mazor Robotics), Tianji Robot and TiRobot robots (TINAVI Medical Technologies) were used. Pedicle screw placement within the safety zone (grades A + B according to the Gertzbein and Robbins scale) ranged from 93% to 100% in FS versus 85-100% in RS (relative risk 1.01, 95% CI 1.00-1.03, p = 0.14). Regarding intervention time, the meta-analysis showed a mean difference (MD) of 6.45 min (95% CI -13.59 to 26.49, p = 0.53). Mean hospital stay was MD of -0.36 days (95% CI -1.03 to 0.31, p = 0.30) with no differences between groups. Contradictory results were found regarding fluoroscopy time, although there seems to be a lower radiation dose in RS versus FS (p < 0.05). Regarding safety, the studies included surgical revision frequency. Conclusions: No conclusive results were found suggesting that there are benefits in using RS over FS for spinal fusion. Further research with adequate patient selection, robot type and quality-of-life variables is needed.S