1,106 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico situacional em saúde: uma ferramenta para o planejamento das ações na estratégia saúde da família do Município de Foz do Iguaçu-PR

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    A UNILA, a Prefeitura Municipal de Foz do Iguaçu, a Alfândega da Receita Federal em Foz do Iguaçu, a Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste) e o Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR) promoverão conjuntamente, este ano, a Semana Integrada do Servidor Público. O evento pretende ser um espaço de análise e discussão sobre o tema “Valorização e integração: contribuições e desafios do servidor público na atualidade”. As atividades serão realizadas entre os dias 22 e 27 de outubro. O lançamento da Semana foi realizado nesta segunda-feira (27), no auditório da UnioesteA Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) é considerada um modelo reorganizador do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). As equipes de saúde trabalham com o processo de territorialização e deste modo, o diagnóstico situacional é uma ferramenta indispensável para reconhecimento das condições de saúde da população e posterior planejamento das ações. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar o perfil da população, as demandas e as necessidades de atendimento da Equipe Saúde da Família 073 vinculada à Unidade de Saúde São João localizada no Distrito Nordeste do município de Foz do Iguaçu-PR, através de um estudo observacional, documental, do tipo descritivo exploratório com abordagem quantitativa. Constatou-se que a equipe possui um total de 3.578 usuários cadastrados no sistema de informação Saúde Foz e que grande parte destes são acometidos por doenças crônicas como hipertensão e diabetes, também se destaca o grande número de gestantes cadastradas e acompanhadas pela equipe, fazendo-se necessário o acompanhamento desta população de maneira a levar informações que contribuam para a redução de danos e promoção de saúd

    MgO nanoparticles obtained by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid: a study on fabrication versatility aiming different applications

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    Apresentação efetuada em "Junior Euromat 2022", em Coimbra, 2022Nano and micro-sized metal particles are used in diverse fields, from electronics to biomedical. Among them, Magnesia, also known as magnesium oxide (MgO), is one of the most interesting metal oxides due to its unique properties, such as a large electrochemically active surface area and chemical stability. Although chemical routes such as chemical reactions, thermal evaporation,sol-gel, chemical vapor deposition and hydrothermal treatments are mainly used to fabricate metal oxide nanoparticles, they require the use of toxic reagents and long processing times. Thus, developing a simple green synthetic process for preparing MgO nanoparticles remains a challenging topic of investigation. Pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) has emerged as a potential alternative to chemical methods because it does not require chemicals, generates no waste, and produces high-purity particles. By changing some parameters such as the laser wavelength, laser fluence, and liquid media the size and shape of the particles produced can be tailored. The obtained particles can be added to act as anti-biofilm agents on coatings. Both influence of the liquid medium and the laser energy on nanoparticle composition and morphology are investigated in this work, as well as the effects of laser energy and different liquid media on the properties and characteristics of these nanoparticles.Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the grant 2020.07257.BD, the projects UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020. PTDC/EME-EME/1442/2020(Add2MechBio). Additionally, this work was developed within the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020, UIDP/50011/2020 & LA/P/0006/2020, financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC (PIDDAC)

    TIC’s e ensino superior : os desafios enfrentados pelos docentes durante o ensino remoto emergencial

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Núcleo de Educação Científica - NECBio, 2021.Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação, a partir de trabalhos já publicados, sobre os desafios do uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC‟s) pelos professores do ensino superior no Brasil com a implementação do ensino remoto emergencial durante a pandemia da Covid-19. A pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar na literatura científica projetos e produções que tratam sobre os principais desafios enfrentados pelos professores, além das ferramentas tecnológicas utilizadas para a transmissão de conteúdo e a oferta de capacitação oferecida a eles pelas instituições de ensino superior (IES). O trabalho foi conduzido como uma pesquisa bibliográfica, a qual foi realizada com base em sites técnicos científicos e dados da literatura científica publicados durante 2020 e 2021. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados e avaliados de forma qualitativa visando caracterizar a prática docente. A conclusão mostrou que os professores precisam dominar as TIC‟s para aproximar o aluno do processo de ensino- aprendizagem. Assim, eles conseguem dinamizar as aulas e torná-las mais atraentes. Além disso, essas ferramentas tecnológicas se mostraram de difícil compreensão para os professores, visto que, em muitos casos, não houve capacitação suficiente. Além disso, a falta de acesso à internet e de recursos digitais para a transmissão do conhecimento foram dificuldades relatadas pelos docentes.This work presents an investigation about the challenges higher education professors faced with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) since the implementation of Emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. This research aims to identify projects and productions in the scientific literature that presents the main challenges faced by teachers, and the technological tools used by them to convey the subject of their courses, in addition to the offer of training and qualification made to them by the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The work was conducted as a bibliographical research, focused in technical/scientific websites and information from scientific literature published during 2020 and 2021. The results obtained were analyzed and evaluated in a qualitative manner in order to characterize the teaching practice. In conclusion, the results showed that teachers need to master ICT's to bring students closer to the teaching-learning process. Thus, managing to promote dynamic classes and make them more attractive. Furthermore, these technological tools proved to be difficult for teachers to understand, since, in many cases, there was not enough training or qualification. In addition, the lack of internet access and digital resources for the transmission of knowledge were difficulties reported by the professors

    Bilateral Corneal Arcus In Canine

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    Background: The cornea is a component of the animal’s eye that is transparent in appearance because of the arrangement of collagen fibrils and the absence of vascularization and pigmentation. Corneal degeneration can result in a lesion known as corneal arcus, which presents as loss of transparency. It is characterized by a dense white opacity with defined borders. This lesion can be caused by lipid keratopathy, occurring as cholesterol and triglyceride deposits in the corneal stroma. In this case, analysis of the serum lipid profile and evaluation of thyroid and pancreas function are recommended. This study aimed to report on a case of occurrence of corneal arcus in a canine.Case: A 6-year-old dog, of no defined breed, weighing 13.250 kg was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas with a 5-day history of constipation. Under ultrasound, fecaloma was observed; however, the finding that drew attention was the presence of an eye alteration presenting as bilateral opacity in the form of a vertical arc in the corneal regions, with whitish crystalline appearance. The lesion did not exhibit roughness or vascularization and had well-defined borders. The animal showed no discomfort or visual acuity changes. The tutor reported that the marks had already been on the animal’s eye when it was adopted four years age, and that it showed a slow progressive growth. Given that there were no clinical signs of metabolic or hormonal diseases that could be a primary cause for the formation of the corneal lesion, lipid or calcium deposition in the corneal stroma was suspected, possibly due to diet or idiopathic cause. Blood samples were collected for a blood count and to determine triglyceride, calcium, and cholesterol levels. Based on the test results (all within the normal range), history, and a physical examination (with no evidence of metabolic and/or endocrine diseases), a diagnosis of corneal arcus was made. Excessive lipids in the diet was suggested as the cause of lesions, given that the dog’s diet had consisted of rice with a beef broth tablet, once a day, which over the years may have contributed to both the formation of the corneal lesions and to the enteric disorder (fecaloma). Dietary correction was indicated for both disorders, consisting of commercial dog food of adequate nutritional value. Keratectomy was not indicated for the corneal lesions, as they did not appear to be compromising the field of vision. Instead, we opted for follow-up to monitor the growth of lesions.Discussion: As no clinical evidence of metabolic or hormonal disease was verified, the primary cause for the formation of the corneal lesions was assumed to be lipid or calcium deposits in the corneal stroma, due to diet or even idiopathic cause. The dog was fed boiled rice and industrialized meat broth tablet, providing inadequate nutrition for the past four years or so, possibly leading to hyperlipidemia and/or hypercalcemia, with consequent deposition in the cornea, causing the arc lesion. Triglyceride, cholesterol, and calcium levels were measured, and were within normal range, probably because the blood collection was performed after the control of the post-enterotomy diet. Therefore, it was not possible to correlate the corneal changes with hyperlipidemia or hypercalcemia. The animal did not present with impaired vision as the lesions were located in the peripheral regions of the cornea, bilaterally. Therefore, it was decided to not to perform keratectomy

    Práticas pedagógicas do colégio de aplicação em diálogo (PRAPEDI): um relato de experiência sobre as ações promovidas em 2020

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    This article presents the actions developed by the Science Outreach Program called Práticas Pedagógicas do Colégio de Aplicação em Diálogo (PRAPEDI) during the year of 2020, a period in which the university maintained only remote activities due to the Coronavirus pandemic. PRAPEDI is coordinated by teachers who work at the laboratory School (Colégio de Aplicação) from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (CAp/UFRGS), in the city of Porto Alegre - RS. The Program was created with the goal of registering, systematizing and producing teaching materials in order to share them among teachers and educators, these materials were built based on the pedagogical actions developed at CAp/UFRGS. Due to the context of social distancing, it was necessary to revise the initial planning, adjusting the possibilities of action. Even so, it was possible to develop 8 science outreach activities, always on a virtual basis. In this text, we will present the program PRAPEDI and report the activities conducted in 2020. Among them, we highlight the preparation of PRAPEDI’s website (www.ufrgs.br/prapedi) that provides a virtual collection with reports and materials from pedagogical practices already developed at CAp/UFRGS, the website also registers and disseminates the activities promoted. As a result, there were 54 hours of online activities for teachers and students lifelong learning, reaching 662 participants in total.Este relato apresenta as ações desenvolvidas pelo Programa de Extensão “Práticas Pedagógicas do Colégio de Aplicação em Diálogo” (PRAPEDI) durante o ano de 2020, período no qual a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) manteve a suspensão de atividades presenciais em razão da pandemia de Covid-19. O Programa é coordenado por docentes de Educação Básica atuantes no Colégio de Aplicação da UFRGS (CAp/UFRGS), na cidade de Porto Alegre - RS, e foi criado com o objetivo geral de, partindo de ações pedagógicas desenvolvidas no CAp/UFRGS, registrar, sistematizar e produzir materiais didáticos para compartilhamento entre docentes. Tendo em vista o contexto de distanciamento social, foi necessário rever o planejamento inicial, ajustando possibilidades de ações do Programa. Ainda assim, nós, docentes do Colégio de Aplicação da UFRGS e coordenadoras/es do PRAPEDI, desenvolvemos oito atividades de extensão, sempre de modo virtual. Neste texto, apresentamos o PRAPEDI e relatamos essas atividades, as quais compõem o percurso que experienciamos em 2020. Entre elas, destacamos a elaboração do site do Programa (www.ufrgs.br/prapedi) para disponibilização de acervo virtual com relatos e materiais de práticas pedagógicas já desenvolvidas, registro e divulgação das atividades de extensão promovidas, totalizando 54 horas de atividades on-line voltadas à formação continuada docente, abrangendo 662 participantes

    Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles for Removal of Dispersed Oil in Water

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    This paper proposes the synthesis of materials capable of sorption oil dispersed in water. From the production of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, more specifically magnetite, inorganic modifications were performed using quartz and silicaalumina, in order to identify their properties and sorption capabilities of oil. The produced materials were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), sorption and magnetic force tests. At the end of the characterizations and tests, it was concluded that the magnetic nanoparticles were successfully modified. Regarding magnetite, the sorption capacity was outstanding, while the modifications had the same sorption capacity. And the statistical calculations obtained by ANOVA and Tukey's method, proved the difference in the sorption of the samples. In addition, it was evidenced that the higher the magnetic force, the greater is the ability to collect the spot/nanoparticle using a magnet


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    With contributions from Vargo and Lusch, after 1980, delivering more than a simple product to the customer became fundamental in the search for competitive strategies that could put companies ahead of their competitors. Price and quality, inheritance of the vision based on the logic of goods, are no longer enough, and seeing this product as a means to offer value to the customer, making their shopping experience unique, becomes essential to consolidate the organization in the market. This article aims to identify attributes and methodological aspects of the customer's perceived value in cafes. To this end, a bibliographic review was carried out on the Scopus and Web of Science databases, of the publications dated from 2014 to 2019 resulting in 12 articles related to the theme. The attribute quality followed by experience were the most commonly found in the literature. As for the methods, quantitative studies with Structural Equation Modeling predominated for data analysis. Although the consumer experience has been explored, it was concluded that there are few studies of the perceived value in coffees and almost none addressing its dimensions correlated with those of the experience. This study collaborates with the academy because it performs a collection of attributes and methods found in the scientific literature, serving as input for new research.Com contribuições de Vargo e Lusch, após 1980, entregar mais que um simples produto para o cliente tornou-se fundamental na busca por estratégias competitivas que pudessem colocar empresas à frente de suas concorrentes. Preço e qualidade, heranças da visão baseada na lógica dos bens, não são mais suficientes, e, enxergar este produto como meio para propor valor ao cliente, tornando sua experiência de compra, única, torna-se primordial para consolidar a organização no mercado. Este artigo objetiva identificar atributos e aspectos metodológicos do valor percebido pelo cliente em cafés. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica nas bases Scopus e Web of Science, das publicações datadas de 2014 a 2019 resultando em 12 artigos relacionados com a temática. O atributo qualidade seguido da experiência foram os mais encontrados na literatura. Quanto aos métodos, predominaram estudos quantitativos com Modelagem de Equação Estrutural para análise de dados. Embora a experiência do consumidor tenha sido explorada, concluiu-se que há poucos estudos do valor percebido em cafés e quase nenhum abordando suas dimensões correlacionadas com as da experiência. Este estudo colabora com a academia porque realiza um apanhado de atributos e métodos encontrados na literatura científica servindo de aporte a novas pesquisas

    Participação de adolescentes na Estratégia Saúde da Família a partir da Estrutura Teórico-Metodológica de uma Participação Habilitadora

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    OBJETIVO: evaluar la participación de los adolescentes en la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia, de la estructura teórico-metodológica de un facilitador a la participación. MÉTODO: un estudio cuantitativo, realizado a partir de diciembre de 2010 a marzo de 2011, con 213 profesionales de la ESF en la región de Cariri-Ceará-Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de un cuestionario y se organizaron en SPSS 18.0. RESULTADOS: el nivel de participación normativo se pone de manifiesto comenzando la busqueda de servicios de salud por los adolescentes, motivados por enfermedad (77,9%). Aparecen la participación normativa + independencia cuando buscan atención prenatal y planificación familiar. Se idenificó la participación emancipadora por la frecuencia de adolescentes en actividades de grupo, en las escuelas, y se observó un movimiento en la dirección del nivel de participación transformadora. CONCLUSIÓN: en este contexto, se entiende que existe una necesidad de estimular el proceso de participación de los adolescentes para un cambio en la promoción de la salud en este grupo.OBJETIVO: avaliar a participação de adolescentes na Estratégia Saúde da Família, a partir da Estrutura Teórico-Metodológica de uma Participação Habilitadora. MÉTODO: estudo quantitativo, realizado de dezembro de 2010 a março de 2011, com 213 profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família, na região do Cariri, Ceará, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário e organizados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 18.0. RESULTADOS: o nível de Participação Normativa torna-se manifesto a partir da busca do adolescente pelo serviço de saúde, motivada pela doença (77,9%). A Participação Normativa + Independência aparece quando os mesmos buscam o pré-natal e o planejamento familiar. A Participação Emancipatória foi identificada através da frequência dos adolescentes em atividades de grupo, nas escolas, sendo observado um movimento em direção ao nível de Participação Transformadora. CONCLUSÃO: nesse contexto, entende-se que existe necessidade de estimular o processo participativo dos adolescentes para a mudança na promoção da saúde desse grupo.OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the participation of adolescents in the Family Health Strategy, from the theoretical-methodological structure of an enabler to participation. METHOD: a quantitative study, conducted from December of 2010 to March of 2011, with 213 professionals in the FHS in the region of Cariri-Ceará-Brazil. Data were collected through a questionnaire and organized in SPSS 18.0. RESULTS: the level of normative participation becomes manifest beginning with the adolescent search for health services, motivated by disease (77.9%). Normative participation + independence appear when they seek prenatal care and family planning. Emancipatory participation was identified by the frequency of adolescents in group activities, in the schools, and a move in the direction of the level of transformative participation was observed. CONCLUSION: in this context, it is understood that there exists a need to stimulate the participatory process of the adolescents for a change in health promotion in this group

    Indicadores Econômicos

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    Índices de PreçosÍndices de ConfiançaÍndice do Volume de Vendas Reais no VarejoContas NacionaisFinanças PúblicasReceitas e DespesasAtividade IndustrialConsumo de EnergiaTaxa de DesempregoPessoal Ocupado e RendimentosTaxa de Juros e Reservas InternacionaisSetor ExternoTaxa de CâmbioAgregados Monetário