120 research outputs found

    Daniel Deronda: A Consideration of George Eliot\u27s Concept of Culture

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    Daniel Deronda (published 1876) is George Eliot\u27s last and in many ways most controversial novel. Contemporary readers resent her writing anything which would compete with Middlemarch, an immensely popular novel and Deronda\u27s immediate predecessor. Even today Deronda suffers due to its location in the George Eliot canon. Whereas Middlemarch is universally acclaimed, Daniel Deronda is often dismissed as a failure (limited or otherwise) when it is compared with the book Virginia Woolf calls one of the few English novels written for grown-up people

    The Work Adjustment of Expatriate Teachers Employed in Chinese Internationalized Schools: A Hermeneutical Phenomenology

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    The purpose of this hermeneutical phenomenological study was to understand the work adjustment of expatriate teachers employed in Chinese internationalized schools. The theory guiding the study was Dawis and Lofquist’s theory of work adjustment. This theory explained the process of employee adjustment at the workplace as the result of job dissatisfaction leading to attempts at restoring the person-environment fit. The central research question was: How do expatriate teachers experience work adjustment in Chinese internationalized schools? The four sub-questions addressed the facets of work adjustment: activeness, reactiveness, perseverance, and flexibility. Chinese internationalized schools were an appropriate setting for the study because of the extraordinary work adjustment challenges in these institutions. The study employed a purposefully selected sample of 16 expatriate teachers who have worked in Chinese internationalized schools for at least one school year and have experienced work adjustment. Three data collection methods aided in gathering in-depth descriptions of participants’ lived experiences: individual interviews, written protocols, and focus groups. Data analysis relied on eclectic coding and van Manen’s hermeneutical framework. Four major themes summarized participants’ work adjustment experiences: discovering what lies behind the façade, trying to be a real teacher, navigating relationships with the paying customers, and trying to function in a multicultural work environment. Ryan and Deci’s self-determination theory aided the interpretation of findings and linked participants’ adjustment attempts to unfulfilled needs for relatedness, competence, and autonomy

    Reaction of supernucleophiles in the presence of titanosilicates as catalysts

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá katalyzovanou reakcí hex-1-enu s hydroxylaminem. Reakce byla předpovězena na základě analogie s katalyzovanou oxidační reakcí alkenů s peroxidem vodíku. Jako katalyzátory byly použity titanosilikáty TS-1 s mikroporézní, mezoporézní nebo lamelární zeolitickou strukturou MFI, Ti-MCM-36 s křemíkovými pilíři se zeolitickou strukturou MWW, TS-1-TiPl s titanovými pilíři v zeolitické struktuře MFI a mezoporézní molekulární síto Ti-SBA-15. Byla studována závislost průběhu reakce na použitém rozpouštědle nebo katalyzátoru a analyzována distribuce a chemická struktura produktů pomocí GC/FID a GC/MS. Za některých podmínek byly pozorovány konverze hex-1-enu až 71 %.This bachelor thesis deals with the catalyzed reaction between hex-1-ene and hydroxylamine. The reaction was predicted based on an analogy with catalyzed epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide. MFI structured TS-1 titanosilicate with microporous, mesoporous or lamellar structure, MFI structured TS-1-TiPl titanosilicate with titanium pillars, MWW structured Ti-MCM-36 with silica pillars titanosilicate and mesoporous titanosilicate molecular sieve Ti-SBA-15 were used as catalysts. The product distribution as well as solvent and catalyst effects were investigated using GC/FID and GC/MS methods. Conversions of hex-1-ene reached up to 71 % in certain conditions.9360 - Centrum nanotechnologiívýborn

    Weep Hole Inspection for Radial Fatigue Cracks by Circumferential Creeping Waves

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    Weep holes are drilled through risers in wet-wing structures in order to permit remanent fuel to be evenly distributed during flight. Unfortunately, they can become the sites from which fatigue cracks tend to originate. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of weep holes cut into the vertical risers of an airplane wing used as a fuel tank. The cracks have been found to grow in either the upward or downward or both directions. These fatigue cracks initially grow in a radial direction perpendicular to the wing skin surface. Downward growing cracks can be easily detected using a 45-degree shear wave transducer. The main objective of this study was the development of an ultrasonic detection technique for the less accessible upward growing cracks. The blowup in Figure 1 shows the geometrical configuration of such an upward growing fatigue crack

    Control of manipulator model

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    Táto práca sa venuje problematike riadenia manipulátoru pomocou PLC automatu a frekvenčných servo-meničov. Spravidla sa jedná o problém vyriešiť ovládanie troch osí pohybu v 3D priestore. Program a aplikácia musí byť samozrejme spracovaná korektne s ohľadom na bezpečnosť. Preto sa na zariadení využívajú bezpečnostné prvky ako svetelná závora, koncové snímače a stop-tlačítko. PLC musí s frekvenčnými meničmi komunikovať po rozhraní SERCOS a s bezpečnostným modulom po zbernici DeviceNet. Všetky komponenty spolu so svorkami, ističmi, zdrojom 24 V a filtrom napätia sú efektívne rozložené v rozvádzači.This work is dedicated to control the manipulator model using the PLC machine and servo frequency inverters. Normally this is a problem of controlling the three axes of movement in 3D space. Program and the application must of course be processed correctly with regard to the safety. Therefore, the use of equipment safety features such as light curtains, the end position switches and stop-button. PLC must communicate with frequency inverters via SERCOS interface and safety module via the DeviceNet bus. All components with terminals, circuit breakers, the source of 24 V and voltage filter are effectively distributed in the cabinet.

    Parallelization of a Genetic Algorithm with Cilk++

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    Import 05/08/2014Genetické algoritmy a jejich paralelizace jsou v informačních technologiích využívanou strategií k vyhledávání vhodných kombinací řešení optimalizačních úloh. Cílem práce je vytvořit základní přehled jednoduchých a paralelních genetických algoritmů, navrhnout projekt a implementovat paralelní verzi algoritmu pomocí technologie Cilk++, včetně jeho testování. Projekt řeší Problém obchodního cestujícího paralelním genetickým algoritmem za pomocí Island modelu a modelu Master – Slave. Výsledkem je množina nalezených řešení včetně porovnání efektivity a hodnocení kvality.Genetical algorithms and their parallelization strategy are used in informational technologies for searching suitable combinations to solve optimization tasks. The purpose of this work is to create basic summary of simple and parallelal genetical alghorithms, design a project and implement parallel version of algorithm with Cilk++technology including it's testing. The project solves the Problem of traveling salesman with parallel genetical algorithm with The Island model and the model Master – Slave. The result is a set of found solutions including the comparison of efficiency and evaluation of quality.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Studium aktivních center v zeolitových katalyzátorech pro kaskádovou Prins-Friedel-Craftsovu reakci

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    Conventional zeolites are important shape-selective heterogeneous acid catalysts due to the presence of acid sites accessible through uniform micropores. Recently designed hierarchical zeolites with combined micro-mesoporosity also contain acid sites on the external surface or in mesopores. These highly accessible acid sites are promising active centres for the transformation of bulky molecules, which cannot pass through the micropore openings of conventional zeolites. An example of a reaction that can benefit from the use of zeolites is the one-pot cascade Prins-Friedel-Crafts (PFC) reaction of an aldehyde, homoallylic alcohol, and aromatic compound, which yields valuable heterocyclic compounds containing 4- aryltetrahydropyran moieties. In this work, the acidic characteristics of a series of hierarchical aluminium- and gallium- containing MFI and MWW zeolites were evaluated by FTIR-monitored thermodesorption of probe molecules and further related to the catalytic properties of zeolites in the PFC reaction of butyraldehyde, 3-buten-1-ol, and anisole. The nature, strength, and total concentration of acid sites in the catalysts were evaluated using thermodesorption of pyridine (kinetic diameter 0.54 nm), while the characteristics of the external surface Brønsted acid sites were probed using...Konvenční zeolity jsou důležité tvarově selektivní heterogenní katalyzátory díky přítomnosti jejich kyselých center, která jsou přístupná skrze stejnoměrné mikropóry. Nově navržené hierarchické zeolity kombinující mikro a mezoporozitu obsahují tyto centra kyselosti také na svém vnějším povrchu, nebo v mezopórech. Tyto vysoce přístupná centra kyselosti se jeví jako slibná aktivní centra pro transformaci rozměrnějších molekul, která nejsou schopna vstoupit do mikropórů konvenčních zeolitů. Jako příklad reakce, pro kterou by použití zeolitů bylo prospěšné, je kaskádová Prins-Friedel-Craftsova reakce aldehydu, homoallylického alkoholu, a aromatické sloučeniny, která vede k cenným heterocyklickým sloučeninám obsahující 4-aryl tetrahydopyranovou skupinu. Tato práce se zabývá analýzou kyselých vlastností série hierarchických MFI a MWW zeolitů obsahujících hliník, nebo galium metodou FTIR analyzované desorpce adsorbovaných molekul. Tyto vlastnosti byly následně uvedeny do souvislostí s katalytickými vlastnostmi těchto zeolitů v PFC reakci butyraldehydu, 3-buten-1-olu, a anisolu. Typ, síla, a celková koncentrace kyselých center studovaných katalyzátorů byla vyhodnocena termodesorpcí pyridinu (kinetický průměr 0.54 nm), zatímco vlastnosti Brønstedových center kyselosti na vnějším povrchu byly vyhodnoceny...Department of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryKatedra fyzikální a makromol. chemiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Zawody „BetonKanoRace 2019” ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 24-25 maja 2019 r.

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    Już 6. raz Studenckie Koło Naukowe Żuraw wystawiło swój betonowy kajak do zawodów, w których rywalizują uczelnie z Holandii, Niemiec i Pol-ski. W tym roku zawody odbyły się w ‘s-Hertogenbosch w Holandii i były dla uczestników fascynującym przeżyciem. W tej edycji nasze koło naukowe wykonało betonowy kajak inaczej. Użyliśmy nowego składu mieszanki betonowej lekkiej i wytrzymałej. Zrobiliśmy to! Zdobyliśmy 2 miejsce w jednej z konkurencji. Powoli przygotowujemy się do kolejnych zawodów, które odbędą się również w Holandii.This is sixth time student scientific circle Żuraw made concrete canoe for competition in which students from Netherlands, Germany and Poland can spend time in competitive yet friendly atmosphere. This year the competition took place in Netherlands in ‘s-Hertogenbosch city and was fascinating experience. In this edition our student scientific circle made our concrete canoe in different way. We used new type of concrete mix light and strong. We did it! We took second place in one part of the competition. Our circle is already getting ready for next competition which will take place in Netherlands

    Celebrate Your Plate: Nutrition Education Through Social Marketing

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    The State Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC) was created in 2007 to bring together several health- and community-based organizations throughout the state of Ohio including SNAP-Ed, EFNEP, Department of Aging, Department of Education, Department of Health including WIC, Creating Healthy Communities and the Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Program, Department of Aging, Department of Job and Family Services, and the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. SNAC's aim is to promote shared goals and collaborate on related programming efforts. In the spring of 2016, SNAC decided to embark on a social marketing campaign together. SNAP-Ed facilitates the partnership between The Ohio State University and the program assistants (PAs), program coordinators (PCs) and FCS educators who are in 80 of Ohio's 88 counties delivering direct education and community programming. The SNAP-Ed social marketing campaign, Celebrate Your Plate (CYP), will support existing direct education programming across the state and encourage low-income audiences to increase their fruit and vegetable consumption. Social marketing is defined as "the application of commercial marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, execution, and evaluation of programs designed to influence voluntary behavior of target audiences to improve their personal welfare and that of society." (Andreasen, 1995). Work on a SNAP-Ed social marketing campaign began in early 2016 with the formation of the Social Marketing Core Team (SMCT) and the development of a campaign plan with the members of SNAC. The objectives of the SNAP-Ed social marketing campaign are as follows: 1) Plan, design, implement, and evaluate a social marketing campaign that increases fruit and vegetable consumption in low-income audiences by supporting the existing OSU Extension SNAP-Ed direct education program. 2) Create and document the processes of the social marketing campaign and its pilot and staged implementation throughout Ohio. Formative research was conducted during the summer of 2016 to inform the direction of the campaign; and a marketing agency, Fahlgren Mortine, was hired through the Ohio State University bid process to handle materials development and media purchasing. Data from formative research informed the direction of the campaign and determined the tone of the campaign, media approaches, and material design. Based on results from the pilot, a selection of marketing materials will be used in different quadrants across the state during the next two years. Fruit and vegetable consumption is the dietary guideline with the lowest achievement rate among all Ohioans. Celebrate Your Plate will facilitate additional partnerships to advance health and wellness through increasing fruit and vegetable consumption.AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Alisha Ferguson, SNAP-Ed Program Assistant, Social Marketing, [email protected] (Corresponding Author); Beth Hustead, SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator, Social Marketing; B.R. Butler, FCS Program Evaluation Director; K.L. Golis, OSU Nutrition Program Graduate Research Associate; A.C. Zubieta, SNAP-Ed Director.The State Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC) was created in 2007 to bring together several health and community-based organizations throughout the state of Ohio. SNAC's aim is to promote shared goals and collaborate on related programming efforts. For 10 years, SNAC has given committee members the opportunity to work together, connect with other public health and nutrition organizations, and create new and meaningful projects such as a social marketing campaign. Work on a SNAP-Ed social marketing campaign, Celebrate Your Plate, began in early 2016 with the formation of the Social Marketing Core Team (SMCT) and the development of a campaign plan with the members of SNAC. With fruit and vegetable consumption the dietary guideline with the lowest achievement rate among all Ohioans, it is important for Celebrate Your Plate to create more partnerships to advance health and wellness


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    ABSTRAK Endang Golis L Tobing : Kendala Siswa dalam Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Kelas Sebelas SMAN Bernas Provinsi Riau Mengembangkan kosakata bahasa Inggris merupakan tantangan bagi para siswa di tingkat kelas sebelas SMAN Bernas Provinsi Riau. Siswa-siswa ini menghadapi beberapa masalah dalam upaya mereka mengembangkan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh para siswa dalam mengembangkan kosakata bahasa Inggris di tingkat kelas sebelas SMAN Bernas Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui penggunaan kuesioner. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 18-21 Februari 2023 di SMAN Bernas, Provinsi Riau. Populasi total dalam penelitian ini adalah 211 siswa kelas dua, dengan sampel diambil sebanyak 20% dari total populasi, yaitu 43 siswa, menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel acak. Mereka adalah siswa kelas sebelas di SMAN Bernas Provinsi Riau. Skala Likert digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para siswa menghadapi tiga masalah utama dalam mengembangkan kosakata mereka, yaitu masalah pengucapan dan ejaan, pemahaman makna kata, dan sikap serta perilaku terkait. Meskipun proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kelas bahasa Inggris dinilai sedang, diperlukan upaya yang lebih intensif untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran dan meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa