971 research outputs found

    The IRAM-30m line survey of the Horsehead PDR: I. CF+ as a tracer of C+ and a measure of the Fluorine abundance

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    C+ is a key species in the interstellar medium but its 158 {\mu}m fine structure line cannot be observed from ground-based telescopes. Current models of fluorine chemistry predict that CF+ is the second most important fluorine reservoir, in regions where C+ is abundant. We detected the J = 1-0 and J = 2-1 rotational lines of CF+ with high signal-to-noise ratio towards the PDR and dense core positions in the Horsehead. Using a rotational diagram analysis, we derive a column density of N(CF+) = (1.5 - 2.0) \times 10^12 cm^-2. Because of the simple fluorine chemistry, the CF+ column density is proportional to the fluorine abundance. We thus infer the fluorine gas-phase abundance to be F/H = (0.6 - 1.5) \times 10^-8. Photochemical models indicate that CF+ is found in the layers where C+ is abundant. The emission arises in the UV illuminated skin of the nebula, tracing the outermost cloud layers. Indeed, CF+ and C+ are the only species observed to date in the Horsehead with a double peaked line profile caused by kinematics. We therefore propose that CF+, which is detectable from the ground, can be used as a proxy of the C+ layers.Comment: Accepted to A&A, 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Gravitationally lensed QSOs in the ISSIS/WSO-UV era

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    Gravitationally lensed QSOs (GLQs) at redshift z = 1-2 play a key role in understanding the cosmic evolution of the innermost parts of active galaxies (black holes, accretion disks, coronas and internal jets), as well as the structure of galaxies at intermediate redshifts. With respect to studies of normal QSOs, GLQ programmes have several advantages. For example, a monitoring of GLQs may lead to unambiguous detections of intrinsic and extrinsic variations. Both kinds of variations can be used to discuss central engines in distant QSOs, and mass distributions and compositions of lensing galaxies. In this context, UV data are of particular interest, since they correspond to emissions from the immediate surroundings of the supermassive black hole. We describe some observation strategies to analyse optically bright GLQs at z of about 1.5, using ISSIS (CfS) on board World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    The ionization fraction gradient across the Horsehead edge: An archetype for molecular clouds

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    The ionization fraction plays a key role in the chemistry and dynamics of molecular clouds. We study the H13CO+, DCO+ and HOC+ line emission towards the Horsehead, from the shielded core to the UV irradiated cloud edge, i.e., the Photodissociation Region (PDR), as a template to investigate the ionization fraction gradient in molecular clouds. We analyze a PdBI map of the H13CO+ J=1-0 line, complemented with IRAM-30m H13CO+ and DCO+ higher-J line maps and new HOC+ and CO+ observations. We compare self-consistently the observed spatial distribution and line intensities with detailed depth-dependent predictions of a PDR model coupled with a nonlocal radiative transfer calculation. The chemical network includes deuterated species, 13C fractionation reactions and HCO+/HOC+ isomerization reactions. The role of neutral and charged PAHs in the cloud chemistry and ionization balance is investigated. The detection of HOC+ reactive ion towards the Horsehead PDR proves the high ionization fraction of the outer UV irradiated regions, where we derive a low [HCO+]/[HOC+]~75-200 abundance ratio. In the absence of PAHs, we reproduce the observations with gas-phase metal abundances, [Fe+Mg+...], lower than 4x10(-9) (with respect to H) and a cosmic-rays ionization rate of zeta=(5+/-3)x10(-17) s(-1). The inclusion of PAHs modifies the ionization fraction gradient and increases the required metal abundance. The ionization fraction in the Horsehead edge follows a steep gradient, with a scale length of ~0.05 pc (or ~25''), from [e-]~10(-4) (or n_e ~ 1-5 cm(-3)) in the PDR to a few times ~10(-9) in the core. PAH^- anions play a role in the charge balance of the cold and neutral gas if substantial amounts of free PAHs are present ([PAH] >10(-8)).Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A (english not edited

    Simulated CII observations for SPICA/SAFARI

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    We investigate the case of CII 158 micron observations for SPICA/SAFARI using a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulation of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) and the Meudon PDR code. The MHD simulation consists of two converging flows of warm gas (10,000 K) within a cubic box 50 pc in length. The interplay of thermal instability, magnetic field and self-gravity leads to the formation of cold, dense clumps within a warm, turbulent interclump medium. We sample several clumps along a line of sight through the simulated cube and use them as input density profiles in the Meudon PDR code. This allows us to derive intensity predictions for the CII 158 micron line and provide time estimates for the mapping of a given sky area.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop "The Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics: Revealing the Origins of Planets and Galaxies" (July 2009, Oxford, United Kingdom

    The IRAM-30m line survey of the Horsehead PDR: III. High abundance of complex (iso-)nitrile molecules in UV-illuminated gas

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    Complex (iso-)nitrile molecules, such as CH3CN and HC3N, are relatively easily detected in our Galaxy and in other galaxies. We constrain their chemistry through observations of two positions in the Horsehead edge: the photo-dissociation region (PDR) and the dense, cold, and UV-shielded core just behind it. We systematically searched for lines of CH3CN, HC3N, C3N, and some of their isomers in our sensitive unbiased line survey at 3, 2, and 1mm. We derived column densities and abundances through Bayesian analysis using a large velocity gradient radiative transfer model. We report the first clear detection of CH3NC at millimeter wavelength. We detected 17 lines of CH3CN at the PDR and 6 at the dense core position, and we resolved its hyperfine structure for 3 lines. We detected 4 lines of HC3N, and C3N is clearly detected at the PDR position. We computed new electron collisional rate coefficients for CH3CN, and we found that including electron excitation reduces the derived column density by 40% at the PDR position. While CH3CN is 30 times more abundant in the PDR than in the dense core, HC3N has similar abundance at both positions. The isomeric ratio CH3NC/CH3CN is 0.15+-0.02. In the case of CH3CN, pure gas phase chemistry cannot reproduce the amount of CH3CN observed in the UV-illuminated gas. We propose that CH3CN gas phase abundance is enhanced when ice mantles of grains are destroyed through photo-desorption or thermal-evaporation in PDRs, and through sputtering in shocks. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The hyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of CF+

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    Context. CF+ has recently been detected in the Horsehead and Orion Bar photo-dissociation regions. The J=1-0 line in the Horsehead is double-peaked in contrast to other millimeter lines. The origin of this double-peak profile may be kinematic or spectroscopic. Aims. We investigate the effect of hyperfine interactions due to the fluorine nucleus in CF+ on the rotational transitions. Methods. We compute the fluorine spin rotation constant of CF+ using high-level quantum chemical methods and determine the relative positions and intensities of each hyperfine component. This information is used to fit the theoretical hyperfine components to the observed CF+ line profiles, thereby employing the hyperfine fitting method in GILDAS. Results. The fluorine spin rotation constant of CF+ is 229.2 kHz. This way, the double-peaked CF+ line profiles are well fitted by the hyperfine components predicted by the calculations. The unusually large hyperfine splitting of the CF+ line therefore explains the shape of the lines detected in the Horsehead nebula, without invoking intricate kinematics in the UV-illuminated gas.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Accepted for publication in A&

    Direct estimation of electron density in the Orion Bar PDR from mm-wave carbon recombination lines

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    A significant fraction of the molecular gas in star-forming regions is irradiated by stellar UV photons. In these environments, the electron density (n_e) plays a critical role in the gas dynamics, chemistry, and collisional excitation of certain molecules. We determine n_e in the prototypical strongly irradiated photodissociation region (PDR), the Orion Bar, from the detection of new millimeter-wave carbon recombination lines (mmCRLs) and existing far-IR [13CII] hyperfine line observations. We detect 12 mmCRLs (including alpha, beta, and gamma transitions) observed with the IRAM 30m telescope, at ~25'' angular resolution, toward the H/H2 dissociation front (DF) of the Bar. We also present a mmCRL emission cut across the PDR. These lines trace the C+/C/CO gas transition layer. As the much lower frequency carbon radio recombination lines, mmCRLs arise from neutral PDR gas and not from ionized gas in the adjacent HII region. This is readily seen from their narrow line profiles (dv=2.6+/-0.4 km/s) and line peak LSR velocities (v_LSR=+10.7+/-0.2 km/s). Optically thin [13CII] hyperfine lines and molecular lines - emitted close to the DF by trace species such as reactive ions CO+ and HOC+ - show the same line profiles. We use non-LTE excitation models of [13CII] and mmCRLs and derive n_e = 60-100 cm^-3 and T_e = 500-600 K toward the DF. The inferred electron densities are high, up to an order of magnitude higher than previously thought. They provide a lower limit to the gas thermal pressure at the PDR edge without using molecular tracers. We obtain P_th > (2-4)x10^8 cm^-3 K assuming that the electron abundance is equal or lower than the gas-phase elemental abundance of carbon. Such elevated thermal pressures leave little room for magnetic pressure support and agree with a scenario in which the PDR photoevaporates.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters (includes language editor corrections

    Oxygen isotopic ratios in galactic clouds along the line of sight towards Sagittarius B2

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    As an independent check on previous measurements of the isotopic abundance of oxygen through the Galaxy, we present a detailed analysis of the ground state rotational lines of 16OH and 18OH in absorption towards the giant molecular cloud complex, Sagittarius B2. We have modelled the line shapes to separate the contribution of several galactic clouds along the line of sight and calculate 16OH/18OH ratios for each of these features. The best fitting values are in the range 320-540, consistent with the previous measurements in the Galactic Disk but slightly higher than the standard ratio in the Galactic Centre. They do not show clear evidence for a gradient in the isotopic ratio with galactocentric distance. The individual 16OH column densities relative to water give ratios of [H2O/OH]=0.6-1.2, similar in magnitude to galactic clouds in the sight lines towards W51 and W49. A comparison with CH indicates [OH/CH] ratios higher than has been previously observed in diffuse clouds. We estimate OH abundances of 10^-7 - 10^-6 in the line of sight features.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    SOFIA observations of far-infrared hydroxyl emission toward classical ultracompact HII/OH maser regions

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    The hydroxyl radical (OH) is found in various environments within the interstellar medium (ISM) of the Milky Way and external galaxies, mostly either in diffuse interstellar clouds or in the warm, dense environments of newly formed low-mass and high-mass stars, i.e, in the dense shells of compact and ultracompact HII regions (UCHIIRs). Until today, most studies of interstellar OH involved the molecule's radio wavelength hyperfine structure (hfs) transitions. These lines are generally not in LTE and either masing or over-cooling complicates their interpretation. In the past, observations of transitions between different rotational levels of OH, which are at far-infrared wavelengths, have suffered from limited spectral and angular resolution. Since these lines have critical densities many orders of magnitude higher than the radio wavelength ground state hfs lines and are emitted from levels with more than 100 K above the ground state, when observed in emission, they probe very dense and warm material. We probe the warm and dense molecular material surrounding the UCHIIR/OH maser sources W3(OH), G10.62-0.39 and NGC 7538 IRS1 by studying the 2Π1/2,J=3/2−1/2^2\Pi_{{1/2}}, J = {3/2} - {1/2} rotational transition of OH in emission and, toward the last source also the molecule's 2Π3/2,J=5/2−3/2^2\Pi_{3/2}, J = 5/2 - 3/2 ground-state transition in absorption. We used the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to observe these OH lines, which are near 1.84 THz (163μ163 \mum) and 2.51 THz (119.3μ119.3 \mum). We clearly detect the OH lines, some of which are blended with each other. Employing non-LTE radiative transfer calculations we predict line intensities using models of a low OH abundance envelope versus a compact, high-abundance source corresponding to the origin of the radio OH lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (SOFIA/GREAT special issue
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