256 research outputs found

    Escherichia coli redox mutants as microbial cell factories for the synthesis of reduced biochemicals

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    Bioprocesses conducted under conditions with restricted O2 supply are increasingly exploited for the synthesis of reduced biochemicals using different biocatalysts. The model facultative aerobe Escherichia coli, the microbial cell factory par excellence, has elaborate sensing and signal transduction mechanisms that respond to the availability of electron acceptors and alternative carbon sources in the surrounding environment. In particular, the ArcBA and CreBC two-component signal transduction systems are largely responsible for the metabolic regulation of redox control in response to O2 availability and carbon source utilization, respectively. Significant advances in the understanding of the biochemical, genetic, and physiological duties of these regulatory systems have been achieved in recent years. This situation allowed to rationally-design novel engineering approaches that ensure optimal carbon and energy flows within central metabolism, as well as to manipulate redox homeostasis, in order to optimize the production of industrially-relevant metabolites. In particular, metabolic flux analysis provided new clues to understand the metabolic regulation mediated by the ArcBA and CreBC systems. Genetic manipulation of these regulators proved useful for designing microbial cells factories tailored for the synthesis of reduced biochemicals with added value, such as poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), under conditions with restricted O2 supply. This network-wide strategy is in contrast with traditional metabolic engineering approaches, that entail direct modification of the pathway(s) at stake, and opens new avenues for the targeted modulation of central catabolic pathways at the transcriptional level

    Production of American lettuce cultivars under different colored shade nets

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    Email: [email protected] (autor de correspondencia)Shading nets are used to reduce the amount of radiant energy reaching crops. The objective of the work was to compare the influence of black and red shading nets on the production of nine American lettuce cultivars in the Autumn period under the conditions of the Central Department of Paraguay. The experiment was carried out in the Experimental Field of the Departmental Agronomic Center (CAD) in the Municipality of Julián Augusto Saldívar. The treatments consisted of the combination of two types of shading netting (red with 35% shade and black with 35% shade) and nine cultivars of American lettuce (Julia, Dora, Angelina, Tainá, Sun Valley, Betty, Lucy Brown, Mara, and Serena) totaling 18 treatments. The experiment consisted in a complete randomized block design, arranged in split blocks 2×9 (the color of shading netting was considered the main plot, and the lettuce cultivars as the secondary plot) with four repetitions. Each experimental unit consisted of four crop rows with seven plants. Plant diameter, plant height, head diameter and height, commercial number of leaves per plant, fresh mass, and commercial productivity were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, and when differences were found, the means were compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. The results indicate that using the red netting with the Serena and Dora cultivars provides greater fresh mass and commercial production.Las mallas de sombra se utilizan para reducir la cantidad de energía radiante que llega a los cultivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la influencia de las mallas sombreadoras negras y rojas en la producción de nueve cultivares de lechuga americana en el período otoñal en las condiciones del Departamento Central del Paraguay. El experimento se realizó en el Campo Experimental del Centro Agronómico Departamental (CAD), en el municipio de Julián Augusto Saldívar. Los tratamientos consistieron en una combinación de dos tipos de malla sombra (roja con 35% de sombra y negra con 35% de sombra) y nueve cultivares de lechuga americana (Julia, Dora, Angelina, Tainá, Sun Valley, Betty, Lucy Brown, Mara y Serena) totalizando 18 tratamientos. El diseño experimental fue en franjas en bloques completos al azar de 2×9 (las mallas de color fueron consideradas la parcela principal y los cultivares la parcela secundaria) y cuatro repeticiones. Cada unidad experimental constó de cuatro hileras de cultivo, con siete plantas. Se evaluó diámetro de planta, altura de planta, diámetro y altura de cabeza, número comercializable de hojas por planta, masa fresca y rendimiento comercializable. Los resultados fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza y, cuando se encontraron diferencias significativas, se usó la prueba de Scott-Knott al 5% de probabilidad para la comparación de medias. Los resultados indican que el uso de la red roja con los cultivares Serena y Dora proporciona mayor producción de masa fresca y comercializable.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPrograma Paraguayo para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología. Proyectos de investigación y desarroll

    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

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    Progress in genome sequencing now enables the large-scale generation of reference genomes. Various international initiatives aim to generate reference genomes representing global biodiversity. These genomes provide unique insights into genomic diversity and architecture, thereby enabling comprehensive analyses of population and functional genomics, and are expected to revolutionize conservation genomics

    Purging of deleterious burden in the endangered Iberian lynx

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    Deleterious mutations continuously accumulate in populations, building up a burden that can threaten their survival, particularly in small populations when inbreeding exposes recessive deleterious effects. Notwithstanding, this process also triggers genetic purging, which can reduce the deleterious burden and mitigate fitness inbreeding depression. Here, we analyzed 20 whole genomes from the endangered Iberian lynx and 28 from the widespread Eurasian lynx, sister species which constitute a good model to study the dynamics of deleterious mutation burden under contrasting demographies, manifested in the consistently smaller population size and distribution area of the Iberian lynx. We also derived analytical predictions for the evolution of the deleterious burden following a bottleneck. We found 11% fewer derived alleles for the more putatively deleterious missense category in the Iberian lynx than in the Eurasian lynx, which, in light of our theoretical predictions, should be ascribed to historical purging. No signs of purging were found in centromeres nor in the X chromosome, where selection against recessive deleterious alleles is less affected by demography. The similar deleterious burden levels for conspecific populations despite their contrasting recent demographies also point to sustained differences in historical population sizes since species divergence as the main driver of the augmented purging in the Iberian lynx. Beyond adding to the ongoing debate on the relationship between deleterious burden and population size, and on the impact of genetic factors in endangered species viability, this work contributes a whole-genome catalog of deleterious variants, which may become a valuable resource for future conservation efforts

    Extreme genomic erosion after recurrent demographic bottlenecks in the highly endangered Iberian lynx

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    Background: Genomic studies of endangered species provide insights into their evolution and demographic history, reveal patterns of genomic erosion that might limit their viability, and offer tools for their effective conservation. The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is the most endangered felid and a unique example of a species on the brink of extinction. Results: We generate the first annotated draft of the Iberian lynx genome and carry out genome-based analyses of lynx demography, evolution, and population genetics. We identify a series of severe population bottlenecks in the history of the Iberian lynx that predate its known demographic decline during the 20th century and have greatly impacted its genome evolution. We observe drastically reduced rates of weak-to-strong substitutions associated with GC-biased gene conversion and increased rates of fixation of transposable elements. We also find multiple signatures of genetic erosion in the two remnant Iberian lynx populations, including a high frequency of potentially deleterious variants and substitutions, as well as the lowest genome-wide genetic diversity reported so far in any species. Conclusions: The genomic features observed in the Iberian lynx genome may hamper short- and long-term viability through reduced fitness and adaptive potential. The knowledge and resources developed in this study will boost the research on felid evolution and conservation genomics and will benefit the ongoing conservation and management of this emblematic species

    Highly Anomalous Energetics of Protein Cold Denaturation Linked to Folding-Unfolding Kinetics

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    Despite several careful experimental analyses, it is not yet clear whether protein cold-denaturation is just a “mirror image” of heat denaturation or whether it shows unique structural and energetic features. Here we report that, for a well-characterized small protein, heat denaturation and cold denaturation show dramatically different experimental energetic patterns. Specifically, while heat denaturation is endothermic, the cold transition (studied in the folding direction) occurs with negligible heat effect, in a manner seemingly akin to a gradual, second-order-like transition. We show that this highly anomalous energetics is actually an apparent effect associated to a large folding/unfolding free energy barrier and that it ultimately reflects kinetic stability, a naturally-selected trait in many protein systems. Kinetics thus emerges as an important factor linked to differential features of cold denaturation. We speculate that kinetic stabilization against cold denaturation may play a role in cold adaptation of psychrophilic organisms. Furthermore, we suggest that folding-unfolding kinetics should be taken into account when analyzing in vitro cold-denaturation experiments, in particular those carried out in the absence of destabilizing conditions

    Acupuncture and rehabilitation of the painful shoulder: study protocol of an ongoing multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial [ISRCTN28687220]

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    BACKGROUND: Although the painful shoulder is one of the most common dysfunctions of the locomotor apparatus, and is frequently treated both at primary healthcare centres and by specialists, little evidence has been reported to support or refute the effectiveness of the treatments most commonly applied. According to the bibliography reviewed, physiotherapy, which is the most common action taken to alleviate this problem, has not yet been proven to be effective, because of the small size of sample groups and the lack of methodological rigor in the papers published on the subject. No reviews have been made to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating this complaint, but in recent years controlled randomised studies have been made and these demonstrate an increasing use of acupuncture to treat pathologies of the soft tissues of the shoulder. In this study, we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy applied jointly with acupuncture, compared with physiotherapy applied with a TENS-placebo, in the treatment of painful shoulder caused by subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). METHODS/DESIGN: Randomised controlled multicentre study with blind evaluation by an independent observer and blind, independent analysis. A study will be made of 465 patients referred to the rehabilitation services at participating healthcare centres, belonging to the regional public health systems of Andalusia and Murcia, these patients presenting symptoms of painful shoulder and a diagnosis of subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). The patients will be randomised into two groups: 1) experimental (acupuncture + physiotherapy); 2) control (TENS-placebo + physiotherapy); the administration of rescue medication will also be allowed. The treatment period will have a duration of three weeks. The main result variable will be the change produced on Constant's Shoulder Function Assessment (SFA) Scale; as secondary variables, we will record the changes in diurnal pain intensity on a visual analogue scale (VAS), nocturnal pain intensity on the VAS, doses of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken during the study period, credibility scale for the treatment, degree of improvement perceived by the patient and degree of improvement perceived by the evaluator. A follow up examination will be made at 3, 6 and 12 months after the study period has ended. Two types of population will be considered for analysis: per protocol and per intention to treat. DISCUSSION: The discussion will take into account the limitations of the study, together with considerations such as the choice of a simple, safe method to treat this shoulder complaint, the choice of the control group, and the blinding of the patients, evaluators and those responsible for carrying out the final analysis

    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

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    Implementación del Proyecto Planta de Alimentos para la Integración Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (PAIS-UNLP)

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    En el marco de la crisis alimentaria global, durante el bienio 2016-2018 cerca de 14.2 millones de argentinos padecían inseguridad alimentaria, moderada o grave, valor que duplicaba lo registrado para el bienio anterior (FAO, 2019). En este aspecto el INDEC informó que, para 2021, existían en nuestro país casi 12 millones de personas por debajo de la línea de pobreza, de los cuales 3 millones se encontraban por debajo de la línea de indigencia. En la ciudad de La Plata, entre 2018 y 2019, el Consejo Social llevó adelante un relevamiento de Sitios de Distribución de Alimentos del Gran La Plata, encontrando también datos alarmantes: casi un 41% de la población por debajo de la línea de pobreza y un 13.5% por debajo de la línea de indigencia. Frente a este panorama, la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) priorizó la necesidad de un accionar urgente planteando nuevas herramientas. Por este motivo, en el marco del Plan Argentina Contra el Hambre, en 2019, la UNLP puso a disposición toda su capacidad científica y técnica y se propuso como objetivo principal la creación de la Planta de Alimentos para la Integración Social (P.A.I.S) con el propósito de generar productos de alta calidad nutricional, de fácil acceso para las personas más vulnerables, que permitan articular las capacidades productivas del Cinturón Hortícola Platense fortaleciendo el sistema productivo local y en particular la cadena de valor alimentaria.Facultad de Ingenierí