20 research outputs found

    Density currents in rectangular settling tanks.

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    In this thesis, the density currents in a rectangular sedimentation tank are investigated. Experimental studies were made of the flow under different conditions of geometry, momentum and buoyancy. A mathematical model was developed to simulate the characteristics associated with the denser wall jet condition. The experimental program involved temperature tests, flow visualization dye tests and fluorescent dye tests. The variables in the experiments were flowrate, gate opening, weir height, ambient fluid temperature and influent temperatures in the initial tank. Both denser wall jet and buoyant surface jet conditions were considered. The characteristics depths, velocity and temperature of the jet and moving internal hydraulic jump were determined. The mathematical model developed was divided into two parts: a jet submodel and a moving internal hydraulic jump submodel. An equation was developed to relate the submerged depth to the initial depth and sequent depth of the submerged internal hydraulic jump. The mathematical model results are compared with the experimental data for the jet, moving internal hydraulic jump and the submerged hydraulic jump.Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1990 .G646. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 30-03, page: 0819. Adviser: J. A. McCorquodale. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1990

    Acumulaci贸 d'anomalies cromos贸miques en espermatozoides

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    Una investigaci贸 amb participaci贸 de la UAB ha estudiat com els portadors de translocacions rec铆proques cromos貌miques, una anomalia en la qual s'intercanvia material gen猫tic entre dos cromosomes no hom貌legs, acumulen tamb茅 altres tipus d'anomalies en els cromosomes dels seus espermatozoides. Con猫ixer millor l'acumulaci贸 d'aquestes anomalies ajuda a millorar l'assessorament a les persones que s贸n portadores d'aquestes translocacions quan desitgen tenir fills.Una investigaci贸n con participaci贸n de la UAB ha estudiado c贸mo los portadores de translocaciones rec铆procas cromos贸micas, una anomal铆a en la que se intercambia material gen茅tico entre dos cromosomas no hom贸logos, acumulan tambi茅n otros tipos de anomal铆as en los cromosomas de sus espermatozoides. Conocer mejor la acumulaci贸n de estas anomal铆as ayuda a mejorar el asesoramiento a las personas que son portadoras de estas translocaciones cuando desean tener hijos

    Protocol per l鈥檈laboraci贸 de recomanacions de cobertura per part de panels de persones expertes en els informes d鈥檃valuaci贸 de tecnologies sanit脿ries realitzats per l鈥橝QuAS

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    Protocol; Panel d'experts; RecomanacionsProtocolo; Panel de expertos; RecomendacionesProtocol; Expert panel; RecommendationsEl present document defineix la participaci贸 dels i les professionals en l鈥橝valuaci贸 de Tecnologies Sanit脿ries (ATS) pel que fa als procediments interns a seguir en l鈥檕rganitzaci贸 i gesti贸 funcional d鈥檜n panel d鈥檈xperts que doni suport a la formulaci贸 de recomanacions de cobertura de la tecnologia sanit脿ria objecte de l鈥檃valuaci贸 per part de l鈥橝QuAS

    An脿lisi del contingut cromos貌mic en espermatozoides d'individus portadors de translocacions : relaci贸 entre efecte intercromos貌mic i segregaci贸 /

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    Els individus portadors de translocacions cromos貌miques equilibrades presenten un risc incrementat de produir g脿metes amb anomalies cromos貌miques, ja sigui per una segregaci贸 desequilibrada dels cromosomes reorganitzats o per la formaci贸 d'anomalies num猫riques derivades de l'efecte intercromos貌mic. Es desconeix si existeix una relaci贸 entre les anomalies derivades d'ambd贸s esdeveniments, que podria residir en l'aparici贸 de fen貌mens d'heterosinapsi entre els multivalents i altres cromosomes durant la profase I. D'altra banda, l'heterosinapsi s'ha relacionat amb canvis en l'arquitectura nuclear dels cromosomes en espermatozoides, que en 煤ltima inst脿ncia tamb茅 podrien afectar la fertilitat dels individus portadors. Els objectius d'aquesta tesi han estat: i) Desenvolupar un m猫tode d'an脿lisi seq眉encial basat en t猫cniques d'hibridaci贸 in situ fluorescent (FISH) que permeti identificar anomalies cromos貌miques num猫riques i determinar el mode de segregaci贸 dels cromosomes reorganitzats sobre els mateixos espermatozoides; ii) Caracteritzar els patrons de segregaci贸 de diferents reorganitzacions cromos貌miques en espermatozoides no seleccionats i en espermatozoides portadors d'anomalies num猫riques; iii) Determinar si existeix una relaci贸 entre els diferents modes de segregaci贸 dels cromosomes reorganitzats i la producci贸 d'espermatozoides amb anomalies num猫riques; iv) Desenvolupar una t猫cnica d'an脿lisi que permeti valorar la disposici贸 tridimensional dels territoris cromos貌mics en nuclis d'espermatozoides. S'han recollit mostres de semen de vuit individus portadors de translocacions rec铆proques, onze portadors de translocacions Robertsonianes i un portador d'una triple translocaci贸. En la primera ronda de FISH seq眉encial s'han detectat espermatozoides amb anomalies num猫riques per cinc cromosomes no relacionats amb la reorganitzaci贸. En la segona ronda s'han analitzat els productes de segregaci贸 dels cromosomes reorganitzats en els espermatozoides amb anomalies num猫riques detectats pr猫viament, aix铆 com en espermatozoides no seleccionats. L'optimitzaci贸 del sistema d'an脿lisi de la disposici贸 dels territoris cromos貌mics en el nucli esperm脿tic ha incl貌s la selecci贸 de nuclis segons el seu genotip, la captura d'imatges tridimensionals, la relocalitzaci贸 dels nuclis d'inter猫s, el tractament digital de les imatges, la normalitzaci贸 de les dades i l'obtenci贸 dels valors de posicionament dels centr貌mers en l'eix longitudinal i radial de l'espermatozoide. Els resultats de l'an脿lisi de segregaci贸 en espermatozoides no seleccionats mostren una elevada homogene茂tat dels patrons de segregaci贸 entre portadors del mateix tipus de translocaci贸, caracteritzats per una elevada freq眉猫ncia dels modes de segregacions que impliquen la disjunci贸 a pols cel路lulars oposats dels cromosomes amb centr貌mers hom貌legs. Els resultats de segregaci贸 en espermatozoides aneuploides i diploides/m煤ltiples dis貌mics mostren un patr贸 de segregaci贸 alterat respecte els espermatozoides no seleccionats, on s'afavoreixen els modes de segregaci贸 desequilibrats, en detriment dels productes de segregaci贸 equilibrats. Els espermatozoides amb diferents tipus d'aneuplo茂dies i amb diferents cromosomes implicats, influeixen per igual al patr贸 de segregaci贸 alterat. Els resultats sobre el posicionament tridimensional dels cromosomes han perm猫s validar la metodologia desenvolupada, ja que s'ha obtingut informaci贸 sobre la localitzaci贸 preferent dels cromosomes estudiats en nuclis amb diferents genotips. Els resultats obtinguts demostren una associaci贸 entre la pres猫ncia d'anomalies num猫riques i un contingut desequilibrat dels cromosomes reorganitzats. L'acumulaci贸 d'anomalies cromos貌miques en els mateixos g脿metes pot ser atribu茂ble a un efecte bidireccional de l'heterosinapsi, que comportaria un canvi en la localitzaci贸 nuclear dels cromosomes afectats i una alteraci贸 en la formaci贸 dels quiasmes. Els problemes d'orientaci贸 dels cromosomes a la placa metaf脿sica poden provocar una aturada mei貌tica prolongada, que en cas de no corregir-se, es podria resoldre a trav茅s de l'evasi贸 del punt de control. Aquest fet afavoriria la producci贸 de g脿metes que podrien acumular anomalies procedents de segregacions desequilibrades, a m茅s d'aneuplo茂dies d'altres cromosomes. La t猫cnica desenvolupada per estudiar l'arquitectura nuclear dels espermatozoides permetr脿 determinar si les anomalies cromos貌miques presents en els g脿metes dels individus portadors de reorganitzacions cromos貌miques afecten l'organitzaci贸 nuclear global dels cromosomes i condicionen la seva fertilitat.Carriers of chromosomal translocations present a high risk of producing chromosomally abnormal gametes, as a consequence of an unbalanced segregation of the rearranged chromosomes, or the presence of numerical chromosomal anomalies derived from an interchromosomal effect. It is not known whether there exists a relationship between anomalies produced by these two events, but it might be based on the occurrence of heterosynapsis at the meiotic prophase I between multivalents and other chromosomes. Moreover, heterosynapsis has been associated related to changes in the nuclear chromosome architecture in sperm, which may also affect the fertility of reorganization carriers. The objectives of this thesis have been: i) To develop a sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) protocol in order to detect numerical chromosomal abnormalities and to establish the segregation mode of rearranged chromosomes in the same spermatozoa; ii) To establish the segregation pattern of different chromosomal rearrangements in random sperm and in sperm with numerical abnormalities; iii) To determine whether there exists a relationship between certain segregation modes and the occurrence of numerical chromosome abnormalities; iv) To develop a methodology to evaluate the tridimensional distribution of chromosome territories in sperm nuclei. Semen samples of eight carriers of reciprocal translocations, eleven carriers of Robertsonian translocations and one carrier of a three-way translocation have been included in the study. In the first sequential FISH round, numerical anomalies for five chromosomes unrelated to the rearrangements have been analysed. In the second round, a segregation analysis has been performed both in the numerically abnormal sperm detected in the first round as well as in randomly assessed sperm. The optimization of the analysis of chromosome territories in sperm nuclei has included: nuclei classification according to their genotype, 3D image recording, relocalization of selected nuclei, digital images editing, data normalization, and prediction of the preferred position of each hybridization signal along the longitudinal and radial axis of spermatozoa. The segregation patterns obtained in randomly assessed sperm show high homogeneity among carriers of the same translocation. These patterns involve high frequencies of segregation modes that entail disjunction to opposite cellular poles of chromosomes with homologous centromeres. Data obtained from segregation analysis in aneuploid and diploid/multiple disomic sperm show altered segregation patterns when compared to randomly assessed sperm, in which unbalanced segregation modes are favoured while balanced segregation products decrease. Aneuploid sperm with different types of chromosomal abnormalities or different chromosomes involved in the aneuploidy have the same effect over the altered segregation pattern. The results obtained in the analysis of chromosome territories allow for the validation of the developed methodology. It has allowed the prediction of the preferred positioning of analysed chromosomes in sperm nuclei with different genotypes. In conclusion, data obtained point out that indeed there exists a relationship between the presence of numerical chromosome abnormalities and an unbalanced segregation content in sperm. This accumulation of chromosome anomalies in the same gametes would be driven by a bidirectional effect of heterosynapsis, which could entail changes in the nuclear positioning of the affected chromosomes, as well as alterations in chiasmata formation. The chromosome misalignment at metaphase plate would cause a meiotic arrest. If unresolved, cells could eventually evade this checkpoint favouring the accumulation of both unbalanced segregation products and aneuploidies for other chromosomes in the same gametes. The developed methodology to study the sperm nuclear architecture can be potentially used in carriers of chromosomal rearrangements, in order to assess whether chromosomal abnormalities in sperm affect the global nuclear chromosome organization and disturb their fertility

    Spermatozoa from infertile patients exhibit differences of DNA methylation associated with spermatogenesis-related processes: an array-based analysis

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    The influence of aberrant sperm DNA methylation on the reproductive capacity of couples has been postulated as a cause of infertility. This study compared the DNA methylation of spermatozoa of 19 fertile donors and 42 infertile patients using the Illumina 450K array. Clustering analysis of methylation data arranged fertile and infertile patients into two groups. Bivariate clustering analysis identified a differential distribution of samples according to the characteristics of seminogram and age, suggesting a possible link between these parameters and specific methylation profiles. The study identified 696 differentially methylated cytosine-guanine dinucleotides (CpG) associated with 501 genes between fertile donors and infertile patients. Ontological enrichment analysis revealed 13 processes related to spermatogenesis. Data filtering identified a set of 17 differentially methylated genes, some of which had functions relating to spermatogenesis. A significant association was identified between RPS6KA2 hypermethylation and advanced age (P = 0.016); APCS hypermethylation and oligozoospermia (P = 0.041); JAM3/NCAPD3 hypermethylation and numerical chromosome sperm anomalies (P = 0.048); and ANK2 hypermethylation and lower pregnancy rate (P = 0.040). This description of a set of differentially methylated genes provides a framework for further investigation into the influence of such variation in male fertility in larger patient cohorts.This work was supported by Projects PS09/00330 (Gobierno de Espa帽a, Spain) and SGR2014-524 2 (Generalitat de Catalunya).Peer reviewe

    Seguridad, eficacia y evaluaci贸n econ贸mica de la implantaci贸n de un programa de cribado de aneurisma de aorta abdominal

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    Aneurisma d'aorta abdominal; Dolor cr貌nic; CribratgeAneurisma de aorta abdominal; Dolor cr贸nico; CribadoAbdominal aortic aneurysm; Chronic pain; ScreeningL鈥檕bjectiu general d鈥檃quest informe 茅s avaluar l鈥檈vid猫ncia disponible sobre seguretat, efic脿cia cl铆nica i cost-efectivitat de la implantaci贸 d鈥檜n programa de cribratge de l鈥橝AA mitjan莽ant ecografia abdominal per ultrasons en la poblaci贸 de risc, a m茅s de realitzar una avaluaci贸 econ貌mica, i respondre als criteris del Document marc sobre cribratges poblacionals, amb la condici贸 de valorar la seva inclusi贸 dins de la cartera comuna de serveis del Sistema Nacional de Salut espanyol.El objetivo general de este informe es evaluar la evidencia disponible sobre seguridad, eficacia cl铆nica y coste-efectividad de la implantaci贸n de un programa de cribado del AAA mediante ecograf铆a abdominal por ultrasonidos en la poblaci贸n de riesgo, adem谩s de realizar una evaluaci贸n econ贸mica, y responder a los criterios del Documento marco sobre cribados poblacionales, con tal de valorar su inclusi贸n dentro de la cartera com煤n de servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud espa帽ol.The general objective of this report is to evaluate the available evidence on safety, clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the implementation of an AAA screening programme, using ultrasound abdominal ultrasound in the population at risk. Other objectives are to carry out an economic evaluation, and to respond to the criteria of the Framework document on population screening, in order to assess its inclusion in the common portfolio of services of the Spanish National Health System

    Very high energy gamma-ray observations of the galaxy clusters Abell 496 and Abell 85 with HESS

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    Aims. The nearby galaxy clusters Abell 496 and Abell 85 are studied in the very high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) band to investigate VHE cosmic rays (CRs) in this class of objects which are the largest gravitationally bound systems in the Universe. Methods. HESS, an array of four imaging atmospheric cherenkov telescopes (IACT), was used to observe the targets in the range of VHE gamma rays. Results. No significant gamma-ray signal is found at the respective position of the two clusters with several different source size assumptions for each target. In particular, emission regions corresponding to the high-density core, to the extension of the entire X-ray emission in these clusters, and to the very extended region where the accretion shock is expected are investigated. Upper limits are derived for the gamma-ray flux at energies E > 570 GeV for Abell 496 and E > 460 GeV for Abell 85. Conclusions. From the non-detection in VHE gamma rays, upper limits on the total energy of hadronic CRs in the clusters are calculated. If the cosmic-ray energy density follows the large-scale gas density profile, the limit on the fraction of energy in these non-thermal particles with respect to the total thermal energy of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) is 51% for Abell 496 and only 8% for Abell 85 due to its higher mass and higher gas density. These upper limits are compared with theoretical estimates. They predict about ~10% of the thermal energy of the ICM in non-thermal particles. The observations presented here can constrain these predictions especially for the case of the Abell 85 cluster.F. Aharonian...G. Rowell...A. Zech, et a

    An脿lisi del contingut cromos貌mic en espermatozoides d鈥檌ndividus portadors de translocacions: relaci贸 entre efecte intercromos貌mic i segregaci贸

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    Els individus portadors de translocacions cromos貌miques equilibrades presenten un risc incrementat de produir g脿metes amb anomalies cromos貌miques, ja sigui per una segregaci贸 desequilibrada dels cromosomes reorganitzats o per la formaci贸 d鈥檃nomalies num猫riques derivades de l鈥檈fecte intercromos貌mic. Es desconeix si existeix una relaci贸 entre les anomalies derivades d鈥檃mbd贸s esdeveniments, que podria residir en l鈥檃parici贸 de fen貌mens d鈥檋eterosinapsi entre els multivalents i altres cromosomes durant la profase I. D鈥檃ltra banda, l鈥檋eterosinapsi s鈥檋a relacionat amb canvis en l鈥檃rquitectura nuclear dels cromosomes en espermatozoides, que en 煤ltima inst脿ncia tamb茅 podrien afectar la fertilitat dels individus portadors. Els objectius d鈥檃questa tesi han estat: i) Desenvolupar un m猫tode d鈥檃n脿lisi seq眉encial basat en t猫cniques d鈥檋ibridaci贸 in situ fluorescent (FISH) que permeti identificar anomalies cromos貌miques num猫riques i determinar el mode de segregaci贸 dels cromosomes reorganitzats sobre els mateixos espermatozoides; ii) Caracteritzar els patrons de segregaci贸 de diferents reorganitzacions cromos貌miques en espermatozoides no seleccionats i en espermatozoides portadors d鈥檃nomalies num猫riques; iii) Determinar si existeix una relaci贸 entre els diferents modes de segregaci贸 dels cromosomes reorganitzats i la producci贸 d鈥檈spermatozoides amb anomalies num猫riques; iv) Desenvolupar una t猫cnica d鈥檃n脿lisi que permeti valorar la disposici贸 tridimensional dels territoris cromos貌mics en nuclis d鈥檈spermatozoides. S鈥檋an recollit mostres de semen de vuit individus portadors de translocacions rec铆proques, onze portadors de translocacions Robertsonianes i un portador d鈥檜na triple translocaci贸. En la primera ronda de FISH seq眉encial s鈥檋an detectat espermatozoides amb anomalies num猫riques per cinc cromosomes no relacionats amb la reorganitzaci贸. En la segona ronda s鈥檋an analitzat els productes de segregaci贸 dels cromosomes reorganitzats en els espermatozoides amb anomalies num猫riques detectats pr猫viament, aix铆 com en espermatozoides no seleccionats. L鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 del sistema d鈥檃n脿lisi de la disposici贸 dels territoris cromos貌mics en el nucli esperm脿tic ha incl貌s la selecci贸 de nuclis segons el seu genotip, la captura d鈥檌matges tridimensionals, la relocalitzaci贸 dels nuclis d鈥檌nter猫s, el tractament digital de les imatges, la normalitzaci贸 de les dades i l鈥檕btenci贸 dels valors de posicionament dels centr貌mers en l鈥檈ix longitudinal i radial de l鈥檈spermatozoide. Els resultats de l鈥檃n脿lisi de segregaci贸 en espermatozoides no seleccionats mostren una elevada homogene茂tat dels patrons de segregaci贸 entre portadors del mateix tipus de translocaci贸, caracteritzats per una elevada freq眉猫ncia dels modes de segregacions que impliquen la disjunci贸 a pols cel路lulars oposats dels cromosomes amb centr貌mers hom貌legs. Els resultats de segregaci贸 en espermatozoides aneuploides i diploides/m煤ltiples dis貌mics mostren un patr贸 de segregaci贸 alterat respecte els espermatozoides no seleccionats, on s鈥檃favoreixen els modes de segregaci贸 desequilibrats, en detriment dels productes de segregaci贸 equilibrats. Els espermatozoides amb diferents tipus d鈥檃neuplo茂dies i amb diferents cromosomes implicats, influeixen per igual al patr贸 de segregaci贸 alterat. Els resultats sobre el posicionament tridimensional dels cromosomes han perm猫s validar la metodologia desenvolupada, ja que s鈥檋a obtingut informaci贸 sobre la localitzaci贸 preferent dels cromosomes estudiats en nuclis amb diferents genotips. Els resultats obtinguts demostren una associaci贸 entre la pres猫ncia d鈥檃nomalies num猫riques i un contingut desequilibrat dels cromosomes reorganitzats. L鈥檃cumulaci贸 d鈥檃nomalies cromos貌miques en els mateixos g脿metes pot ser atribu茂ble a un efecte bidireccional de l鈥檋eterosinapsi, que comportaria un canvi en la localitzaci贸 nuclear dels cromosomes afectats i una alteraci贸 en la formaci贸 dels quiasmes. Els problemes d鈥檕rientaci贸 dels cromosomes a la placa metaf脿sica poden provocar una aturada mei貌tica prolongada, que en cas de no corregir-se, es podria resoldre a trav茅s de l鈥檈vasi贸 del punt de control. Aquest fet afavoriria la producci贸 de g脿metes que podrien acumular anomalies procedents de segregacions desequilibrades, a m茅s d鈥檃neuplo茂dies d鈥檃ltres cromosomes. La t猫cnica desenvolupada per estudiar l鈥檃rquitectura nuclear dels espermatozoides permetr脿 determinar si les anomalies cromos貌miques presents en els g脿metes dels individus portadors de reorganitzacions cromos貌miques afecten l鈥檕rganitzaci贸 nuclear global dels cromosomes i condicionen la seva fertilitat.Carriers of chromosomal translocations present a high risk of producing chromosomally abnormal gametes, as a consequence of an unbalanced segregation of the rearranged chromosomes, or the presence of numerical chromosomal anomalies derived from an interchromosomal effect. It is not known whether there exists a relationship between anomalies produced by these two events, but it might be based on the occurrence of heterosynapsis at the meiotic prophase I between multivalents and other chromosomes. Moreover, heterosynapsis has been associated related to changes in the nuclear chromosome architecture in sperm, which may also affect the fertility of reorganization carriers. The objectives of this thesis have been: i) To develop a sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) protocol in order to detect numerical chromosomal abnormalities and to establish the segregation mode of rearranged chromosomes in the same spermatozoa; ii) To establish the segregation pattern of different chromosomal rearrangements in random sperm and in sperm with numerical abnormalities; iii) To determine whether there exists a relationship between certain segregation modes and the occurrence of numerical chromosome abnormalities; iv) To develop a methodology to evaluate the tridimensional distribution of chromosome territories in sperm nuclei. Semen samples of eight carriers of reciprocal translocations, eleven carriers of Robertsonian translocations and one carrier of a three-way translocation have been included in the study. In the first sequential FISH round, numerical anomalies for five chromosomes unrelated to the rearrangements have been analysed. In the second round, a segregation analysis has been performed both in the numerically abnormal sperm detected in the first round as well as in randomly assessed sperm. The optimization of the analysis of chromosome territories in sperm nuclei has included: nuclei classification according to their genotype, 3D image recording, relocalization of selected nuclei, digital images editing, data normalization, and prediction of the preferred position of each hybridization signal along the longitudinal and radial axis of spermatozoa. The segregation patterns obtained in randomly assessed sperm show high homogeneity among carriers of the same translocation. These patterns involve high frequencies of segregation modes that entail disjunction to opposite cellular poles of chromosomes with homologous centromeres. Data obtained from segregation analysis in aneuploid and diploid/multiple disomic sperm show altered segregation patterns when compared to randomly assessed sperm, in which unbalanced segregation modes are favoured while balanced segregation products decrease. Aneuploid sperm with different types of chromosomal abnormalities or different chromosomes involved in the aneuploidy have the same effect over the altered segregation pattern. The results obtained in the analysis of chromosome territories allow for the validation of the developed methodology. It has allowed the prediction of the preferred positioning of analysed chromosomes in sperm nuclei with different genotypes. In conclusion, data obtained point out that indeed there exists a relationship between the presence of numerical chromosome abnormalities and an unbalanced segregation content in sperm. This accumulation of chromosome anomalies in the same gametes would be driven by a bidirectional effect of heterosynapsis, which could entail changes in the nuclear positioning of the affected chromosomes, as well as alterations in chiasmata formation. The chromosome misalignment at metaphase plate would cause a meiotic arrest. If unresolved, cells could eventually evade this checkpoint favouring the accumulation of both unbalanced segregation products and aneuploidies for other chromosomes in the same gametes. The developed methodology to study the sperm nuclear architecture can be potentially used in carriers of chromosomal rearrangements, in order to assess whether chromosomal abnormalities in sperm affect the global nuclear chromosome organization and disturb their fertility

    AutoScanJ : A Suite of ImageJ Scripts for Intelligent Microscopy

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    We developed AutoscanJ, a suite of ImageJ scripts enabling to image targets of interest by automatically driving a motorized microscope at the corresponding locations. For live samples, our software can sequentially detect biological events from their onset and further image them at high resolution, an action that would be impractical by user operation. For fixed samples, the software can dramatically reduce the amount of data acquired and the acquisition duration in situations where statistically few targets of interest are observed per field of view. AutoScanJ is compatible with motorized fluorescence microscopes controlled by Leica LAS AF/X or Micro-Manager. The software is straightforward to set up and new custom image analysis workflows to detect targets of interest can be simply implemented and shared with minimal efforts as independent ImageJ macro functions. We illustrate five different application scenarios with the system ranging from samples fixed on micropatterned surfaces to live cells undergoing several rounds of division. The target detection functions for these applications are provided and can be used as a starting point and a source of inspiration for new applications. Overall, AutoScanJ helps to optimize microscope usage by autonomous operation, and it opens up new experimental avenues by enabling the real-time detection and selective imaging of transient events in live microscopy

    Acumulaci贸 d'anomalies cromos贸miques en espermatozoides

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    Una investigaci贸 amb participaci贸 de la UAB ha estudiat com els portadors de translocacions rec铆proques cromos貌miques, una anomalia en la qual s'intercanvia material gen猫tic entre dos cromosomes no hom貌legs, acumulen tamb茅 altres tipus d'anomalies en els cromosomes dels seus espermatozoides. Con猫ixer millor l'acumulaci贸 d'aquestes anomalies ajuda a millorar l'assessorament a les persones que s贸n portadores d'aquestes translocacions quan desitgen tenir fills.Una investigaci贸n con participaci贸n de la UAB ha estudiado c贸mo los portadores de translocaciones rec铆procas cromos贸micas, una anomal铆a en la que se intercambia material gen茅tico entre dos cromosomas no hom贸logos, acumulan tambi茅n otros tipos de anomal铆as en los cromosomas de sus espermatozoides. Conocer mejor la acumulaci贸n de estas anomal铆as ayuda a mejorar el asesoramiento a las personas que son portadoras de estas translocaciones cuando desean tener hijos