99 research outputs found

    Наукоград как мунициальное образование: проблемы правового регулирования

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    The subject of this study is the current municipal reform in the Russian Federation and an assessment of its impact on the legal status of science cities.The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical approaches and practice of legislative regulation of the legal status of science towns, prospects for modern and future legal regulation of the peculiarities of local self-government in such a territory as a science city. The main hypothesis is that the blank method of regulating the peculiarities of local selfgovernment in science cities, perceived by the federal legislator, does not achieve its goal, which obviously requires a revision of approaches to legislative regulation of the status of such a special territory as a science city.The authors used both general research methods, including methods of analysis and synthesis, and industry methods, including the formal legal method.The main results. The authors note the inconsistency and inconsistency of the legislative regulation of the legal, organizational, economic and social foundations of science cities and the peculiarities of the implementation of local self-government in them. Foreign experience in the formation of analogues of Russian science cities demonstrates that, firstly, the creation and development of technopolises contributes to the formation of the most optimal forms of interaction between science and production. Secondly, foreign technopolises are usually formed at research centers and universities, without having a strict link to the territorial foundations of the functioning of municipalities.The authors claim that the science cities of the Russian Federation do not have a constitutional and legal status and are neither the subject of study of such a branch of Russian law as constitutional law, nor the subject of regulation of constitutional legislation. At the moment, the legal status of a science city in the Russian Federation has a dual nature: on the one hand, a science city is a municipal entity with the status of an urban district; on the other hand, it is a territory within which there is a scientific and production complex. At the same time, these two sides of the legal status of a science city in the Russian Federation are poorly interconnected at the level of regulatory regulation. It seems that a science city as a territory with a scientific and industrial complex obviously has a different legal nature than a science city – an urban district, as a territory within which the population and (or) local self-government bodies resolve issues of local importance.Conclusions. It is important to determine at the level of federal authorities the need for further consolidation of the status of municipalities or other legal status of the territory of a science city, which includes high-tech enterprises with a significant concentration of human and material scientific and technical resources, the use of which is aimed at the implementation of science and state scientific and technical policy. If the link "science city – municipal entity" is recognized as necessary and fundamental in the future, taking into account the provisions of Articles 12 and 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to establish, firstly, the legal features of the implementation of local self-government in science cities, and secondly, the basic principles of interaction of local self-government of science cities with public authorities as the solution of issues of local importance in the interests of the population living in the territory of the science city, and the forms and order of participation of the organization.Дается анализ отдельных аспектов современного и будущего правового регулирования особенностей осуществления местного самоуправления на такой территории, как наукоград. Исследуется содержание федеральных законов и иных нормативных правовых актов, определяющих формирование правовой основы организации и функционирования особой категории муниципальных образований – наукоградов. Через определение проблем законодательства о наукоградах России в ходе реализации реформы местного самоуправления делается вывод о необходимости отказа от бланкетного способа регулирования особенностей осуществления местного самоуправления в наукоградах и предлагаются возможные пути оперативного совершенствования существующего механизма правового регулирования статуса наукограда

    V Міжнародна конференція з цифрової освіти в природничих університетах

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    This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the V International Conference on Digital Education at Environmental Universities (DEEU 2018), held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17–18, 2018.Це вступний текст до збірника вибраних доповідей V Міжнародної конференції з цифрової освіти в природничих університетах (DEEU 2018), що відбулася в Києві, Україна, 17-18 жовтня 2018 року

    Система ідентифікації стилю навчання: проєктування та аналіз даних

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    The article analyzes different approaches to design adaptive educational systems on the basis of students' learning style identification. As a result of the investigation a system to identify the student's learning style with the data analyzing module has been designed and implemented. A data analyzing module is applied for the further adaptation of digital educational content and educational methods to students' learning style. The data background for the module to analyze learning style identification system is the universal e-learn environment users’ database, the results of learning style identification due to VARK (visual, audial, read-write, kinesthetic) model or any open external information like psychotype, type of intelligence, etc. Data storage uses the concept of data warehousing to predict special methods for data model design taking into account the integrity of datasets from different sources, object orientation, consistency, data consolidation or multidimensional data architecture to simplify analytical queries. The data analyzing technologies being applied within the system are based on the information retrieval approach using SQL language; OLAP and Data Mining technologies. The results of the system implementation gave an opportunity to fix the correlation of learning styles with other personal characteristics like psychotype, gender, secondary education level, academic achievements, etc. The represented data of data analysis concerning IT major students give reason for the conclusion about the necessity to adapt digital content to multimodal and kinesthetic learning style, to apply learning methods and technologies on the basis of project tasks, group communication and collaboration.У статті проаналізовано різні підходи до проєктування адаптивних освітніх систем на основі ідентифікації стилів навчання учнів. За результатами дослідження було розроблено та впроваджено систему ідентифікації стилю навчання студента за допомогою модуля аналізу даних. Модуль аналізу даних застосовується для подальшої адаптації цифрового освітнього змісту та освітніх методів до стилю навчання студентів. Основою даних модуля для аналізу системи ідентифікації стилю навчання є універсальна база даних користувачів середовища електронного навчання, результати ідентифікації стилю навчання завдяки моделі VARK (візуальна, аудіальна, читання-запис, кінестетична) або будь-яка відкрита зовнішня інформація, така як психотип, тип інтелекту тощо. Зберігання даних використовує концепцію зберігання даних для прогнозування спеціальних методів проектування моделі даних з урахуванням цілісності наборів даних з різних джерел, орієнтації об’єктів, послідовності, консолідації даних або багатовимірної архітектури даних для спрощення аналітичних запитів . Технології аналізу даних, що застосовуються в системі, базуються на підході до пошуку інформації з використанням мови SQL; OLAP та технології видобутку даних. Результати впровадження системи дали змогу зафіксувати співвідношення стилів навчання з іншими особистісними характеристиками, такими як психотип, стать, рівень середньої освіти, навчальні досягнення тощо. Представлені дані аналізу даних щодо основних студентів ІТ дають підставу для висновку про необхідність адаптації цифрового вмісту до мультимодального та кінестетичного стилю навчання, застосування методів та технологій навчання на основі проектних завдань, групового спілкування та співпраці

    Accretion disk in the eclipsing binary AU Mon

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    We analyze the CoRoT and V-passband ground-based light curves of the interacting close binary AU Mon, assuming that there is a geometrically and optically thick accretion disk around the hotter and more massive star, as inferred from photometric and spectroscopic characteristics of the binary. Our model fits the observations very well and provides estimates for the orbital elements and physical parameters of the components and of the accretion disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Пневмомедиастинум: новый взгляд на старую проблему в условиях пандемии COVID-19

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    The aim of the study was to identify the risk factors of spontaneous pneumomediastinum and to determine its management strategy in patients with the novel coronavirus infection.Material and methods. Eighteen patients with spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) hospitalized in the Center for Novel Coronavirus Infection of the Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University from 2020 to 2021 were examined. The control group consisted of 18 persons selected using matched sampling. We analyzed symptoms, medical and life history, comorbidities, physical examination results, laboratory and instrumental data, and disease management of patients in both groupsResults. The groups were comparable by age and sex. Among all patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus infection, spontaneous pneumomediastinum was registered in 1.3% (n=18). Analysis of symptoms, medical and life history, comorbidities, physical examination results, laboratory and instrumental data and disease management did not reveal significant differences between the groups. At the same time, the proportion of obese patients in the main group was lower than in the control group. Estimation of HR showed that the risk of spontaneous pneumomediastinum development was significantly lower in obesity (HR=0.14; 95% CI: 0.033–0.63, P=0.010).Conclusion. The risk of spontaneous pneumomediastinum is significantly lower in obese patients.Цель исследования — определение факторов риска спонтанного пневмомедиастинума и тактики его ведения у больных новой коронавирусной инфекцией.Материал и методы. Обследовали 18 пациентов со спонтанным пневмомедиастинумом (СПМ), госпитализированных в центр по лечению новой коронавирусной инфекции СЗГМУ им. И. И. Мечникова с 2020 по 2021 год. Группу контроля составили 18 человек, отобранные парно-сопряженным методом. Проанализировали жалобы, анамнез заболевания и жизни, коморбидный фон, физикальные данные, результаты лабораторных и инструментальных исследований, особенности терапии пациентов обеих группРезультаты. Группы были сопоставимы по возрасту и полу. Среди всех больных, госпитализированных с новой коронавирусной инфекцией, спонтанный пневмомедиастинум зарегистрировали в 1,3% (18). Анализ жалоб, анамнеза заболевания и жизни, коморбидного фона, физикальных данных, результатов лабораторных и инструментальных исследований, терапии пациентов в обеих группах статистически значимых отличий не выявил. В то же время, в основной группе доля больных с ожирением была меньше, чем в контрольной. Оценка ОШ показала, что при ожирении риск развития спонтанного пневмомедиастинума был статистически значимо меньше (ОШ=0,14; 95% ДИ: 0,033–0,63, р=0,010).Заключение. Риск развития спонтанного пневмомедиастинума статистически значимо ниже у больных с ожирением

    Гиподерматоз крупного рогатого скота, диагностика, лечение и профилактика (обзор)

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    The purpose of the research is to analyze the literature in the Hypodermа bovis morphology and biology, as well as clinical features and advanced techniques for diagnostics, prevention and treatment of hypodermatosis.Results and discussion. Recent studies have allowed for broadening and supplementing current ideas on the hypodermatosis prevention and treatment. Measures implemented in Russia and abroad against hypodermatosis can reduce the incidence and damage from this disease to low rates. Currently, the development of means to control hypodermatosis and a search for advanced diagnostic techniques has been continuing. Hypodectin is now one of the effective and quite safe medicines to treat animals’ skin in case of hypodermatosis. Injection drugs are also effective, particularly, Dermacin, Avermectin, Abamectin, Ivermectin, Novomec and Aversectin.Цель исследований: проанализировать данные литературы по морфологии и биологии Hypodermа bovis, клиническим признакам, современным методам диагностики, профилактике и лечению гиподерматоза.Результаты и обсуждение. Исследования последних лет позволили расширить и дополнить современное представление о лечении и профилактике гиподерматоза. Мероприятия против гиподерматоза, реализуемые в России и за рубежом, позволяют снизить заболеваемость и ущерб от данного заболевания до незначительных величин. В настоящее время продолжается разработка средств борьбы с гиподерматозом, поиск современных методов диагностики. На данный момент одним из эффективных и достаточно безопасных препаратов для накожной обработки животных при гиподерматозе является гиподектин. Эффективны также инъекционные препараты, в частности, дермацин, авермектин, абамектин, ивермектин, новомек и аверсектин

    Identification of novel Coxiella burnetii genotypes from Ethiopian ticks

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    Background: Coxiella burnetii , the etiologic agent of Q fever, is a highly infectious zoonotic bacterium. Genetic information about the strains of this worldwide distributed agent circulating on the African continent is limited. The aim of the present study was the genetic characterization of C. burnetii DNA samples detected in ticks collected from Ethiopian cattle and their comparison with other genotypes found previously in other parts of the world. Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 296 tick samples were screened by real-time PCR targeting the IS 1111 region of C. burnetii genome and from the 32 positive samples, 8 cases with sufficient C. burnetii DNA load ( Amblyomma cohaerens ,n 5 6; A. variegatum ,n 5 2) were characterized by multispacer sequence typing (MST) and multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). One novel sequence type (ST), the proposed ST52, was identified by MST. The MLVA-6 discriminated the proposed ST52 into two newly identified MLVA genotypes: type 24 or AH was detected in both Amblyomma species while type 26 or AI was found only in A. cohaerens . Conclusions/Significance: Both the MST and MLVA genotypes of the present work are closely related to previously described genotypes found primarily in cattle samples from different parts of the globe. This finding is congruent with the source hosts of the analyzed Ethiopian ticks, as these were also collected from cattle. The present study provides genotype information of C. burnetii from this seldom studied East-African region as well as further evidence for the presumed host-specific adaptation of this agent

    A Novel Obligate Intracellular Gamma-Proteobacterium Associated with Ixodid Ticks, Diplorickettsia massiliensis, Gen. Nov., Sp. Nov

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    Background: Obligate intracellular bacteria of arthropods often exhibit a significant role in either human health or arthropod ecology. Methodology/Principal Findings: An obligate intracellular gamma-proteobacterium was isolated from the actively questing hard tick Ixodes ricinus using mammalian and amphibian cell lines. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a unique morphology of the bacterium, including intravacuolar localization of bacteria grouped predominantly in pairs and internal structures composed of electron-dense crystal-like structures and regular multilayer sheath-like structures. The isolate 20B was characterized to determine its taxonomic position using a polyphasic approach. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that this strain belongs to the family Coxiellaceae, order Legionellales of Gamma-proteobacteria, and the closest relatives are different Rickettsiella spp. The level of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strain 20B and other recognized species of the family was below 94.5%. Partial sequences of the rpoB, parC and ftsY genes confirmed the phylogenetic position of the new isolate. The G+C content estimated on the basis of whole genome analysis of strain 20B was 37.88%. On the basis of its phenotypic and genotypic properties, together with phylogenetic distinctiveness, we propose that strain 20B to be classified in the new genus Diplorickettsia as the type strain of a novel species named Diplorickettsia massiliensis sp. nov. Conclusions/Significance: Considering the source of its isolation (hard tick, often biting humans) the role of this bacterium in the pathology of humans, animals and ticks should be further investigated

    Genomotyping of Coxiella burnetii Using Microarrays Reveals a Conserved Genomotype for Hard Tick Isolates

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    C. burnetii is a Gram-negative intracellular Y-proteobacteria that causes the zoonotic disease Q fever. Q fever can manifest as an acute or chronic illness. Different typing methods have been previously developed to classify C. burnetii isolates to explore its pathogenicity. Here, we report a comprehensive genomotyping method based on the presence or absence of genes using microarrays. The genomotyping method was then tested in 52 isolates obtained from different geographic areas, different hosts and patients with different clinical manifestations. The analysis revealed the presence of 10 genomotypes organized into 3 groups, with a topology congruent with that obtained through multi-spacer typing. We also found that only 4 genomotypes were specifically associated with acute Q fever, whereas all of the genomotypes could be associated to chronic human infection. Serendipitously, the genomotyping results revealed that all hard tick isolates, including the Nine Mile strain, belong to the same genomotype

    Critical Aspects for Detection of Coxiella burnetii

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    Coxiella burnetii is a global distributed zoonotic γ-proteobacterium with an obligatory intracellular lifestyle. It is the causative agent of Q fever in humans and of coxiellosis amongst ruminants, albeit the agent is also detected in ticks, birds and various other mammalian species. Requirements for intracellular multiplication together with the necessity for biosafety level 3 facilities restrict the cultivation of C. burnetii to specialized laboratories. Development of a novel media formulation enabling axenic growth of C. burnetii has facilitated fundamental genetic studies. This review provides critical insights into direct diagnostic methods currently available for C. burnetii. It encompasses molecular detection methods, isolation and propagation of the bacteria and its genetic characterization. Differentiation of C. burnetii from Coxiella-like organisms is an essential diagnostic prerequisite, particularly when handling and analyzing ticks