24 research outputs found

    Connaître les publics

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    Une bonne connaissance des populations et de leurs besoins est la clef des services innovants à destination des publics isolés : pour cela il faut faire feu de tout bois et ne pas négliger les outils à disposition : études démographiques, enquêtes, associations et organisations relai

    La bibliothèque de lecture publique : outil d’intégration dans une société globale

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    L’exclusion est la version sociale de la censure. Un bibliothécaire américain, francophile, francophone et voyageur, détaille les programmes qu’il a pu développer dans sa bibliothèque du Queens 1 (NY). Ses collègues français confrontés à une forte population récemment immigrée pourront s’en inspirer : accueil, collections, services favoriseront ensemble leur intégration, le maintien et le partage de leur culture

    Linguistic Naturalism and Natural Style. From Varro and Cicero to Dionysius of Halicarnassus

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    NWO276-30-009Classics and Classical Civilizatio

    Quintilian on the emotions

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    Thesis (B.A.)--Boston University. University Professors Program Senior theses.PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you.2031-01-0

    Horace and the Greek Language: Aspects of Literary Bilingualism

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    While classicists are better informed than ever about the significance of bilingualism in the ancient world, its contribution to Latin literature has not fully benefited from these new linguistic and historical perspectives. Making use of a multidisciplinary body of research on multilingualism, this dissertation investigates Horace's many-sided relationship with Greek and the Greeks. By placing him more fully in the context of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Late Republic, it reassesses the range of bilingual interaction in Horace's poetry and its contribution to his style and achievement. Each chapter addresses a distinct form of bilingual interaction that has left its mark on Horace's poetry. Chapter 1 ("Splendida Verba: Elevated Borrowings") examines high-style borrowings, including loanwords, calques, and loanshifts. These foreign elements not only extend Horace's semantic range but create oppositions that are central to Latin lyric, such as between proximity and distance, native and foreign, Roman and Greek. Chapter 2 ("Sordida Verba: Ordinary and Colloquial Borrowings") studies borrowings at the lower end of the stylistic spectrum that are valuable for creating sudden shifts in register (tapinosis), describing everyday life, and personifying low-class speakers. Chapter 3 ("Verbis Felicissime Audax: Syntactic Grecisms") studies Greek syntax ("Grecisms")as a form of interference, showing how Horace puts it to use to allude to a foreign presence, elevate his register of speech, and create densely patterned word-images. Finally, Chapter 4 ("Puris Verbis: Purism and the Absence of Greek") studies the suppression of Greek in Horace's poetry, especially his avoidance of code-switching, as a manifestation of linguistic purism

    Accueillir les publics : signaux d’accueil et barrières systémiques. Manifeste des bibliothèques multiculturelles

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    Conférence de Fred Gitner, Assistant Director of New Initiatives & Partnership Liaison, New Americans Program, Queens Public Library, dans le cadre de la journée d\u27étude "La bibliothèque à l’épreuve des diversités

    VIRGIL AND WORD ORDER - (P.) Dainotti Word Order and Expressiveness in the Aeneid

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    Reaching immigrant populations : serving the culturally & linguistically diverse, the Queens Library Model

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    La Queens Library (Nueva York) sirve a la población étnicamente más diversa de todos los Estados Unidos de América y en este sentido ha desarrollado un conjunto de programas y servicios gratuitos a través del New Americans Program, el Adult Learner Program, el International Resource Center y WorldLinQâ¢, una web que sirve de modelo para las bibliotecas públicas como centro de información comunitario, que da acogida y está abierto a todo el mundo. Varios autores han descrito cómo el análisis de la comunidad, el uso innovador de la tecnología, los socios colaboradores estratégicos y los buenos servicios al usuario han permitido a la Queens Library llegar a las diversas comunidades de inmigrantes y convertirse en la biblioteca con la mayor cantidad de préstamos de todos los Estados Unidos. El artículo muestra que a pesar de contar con varios desafíos a la hora de servir una población tan diversa, centrándose en la igualdad de acceso y siendo receptiva a las necesidades de la comunidad, la Queens Library se reconoce como un recurso importante para esta comunidad y como un socio colaborador esencial en el proceso de inmersión cultural para los recién llegados. | Queens Library (NY), serving the most ethnically diverse population in the U.S., has developed an array of free programs and services through its New Americans Program, Adult Learner Program, International Resource Center and WorldLinQ⢠web site that serves as a model for the public library as a community information center, open and welcoming to all. The authors describe how community analysis, innovative use of technology, strategic partnerships and good customer service have enabled Queens Library to reach out to diverse immigrant communities and become the highest circulating U.S. library. The article shows that although there are numerous challenges in serving such a diverse population, by focusing on equity of access and being responsive to community needs, Queens Library is seen as an important community resource and an essential partner in the acculturation process for its newcomers