39 research outputs found

    Goal conflicts in long-term cropping system trials - the example of carrots

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    Agricultural research on multiple cropping systems in parallel increases the potential for knowledge transfer between organic and conventional systems. This project aims to develop cropping systems towards greater sustainability through work in long-term trials that have a unique opportunity to contribute to a holistic research perspective. Data on the fourth crop rotation (2007-2012) are now being compiled. This paper presents preliminary results from cultivation of carrots as an example to demonstrate goal conflicts in organic and conventional systems between good nutrient management and good economy on one hand and nematode control and intensive cropping systems (good short-term economy) on the other. Good productivity and sustainable production levels are major overall goals in the project. The conclusion is that more research on nematode susceptibility and propagating at different crops and varieties is very important


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    I och med klimatförĂ€ndringarna stĂ„r vi inför stora globala utmaningar. Vad blir landskapsarkitekters del i arbetet för resiliens och hur kan de bĂ€st arbeta med klimatanpassning? Klimatanpassning behövs inom alla skeden av samhĂ€llsbyggnad. Med denna utgĂ„ngspunkt kartlĂ€gger detta kandidatarbete i landskapsarkitektur den framtida yrkesrollen, vilka kunskaper som landskapsarkitekter behöver samt vilka kunskapsomrĂ„den som behöver utvecklas i utbildningen. Studien genomfördes som semi-strukturerade intervjuer med forskare av olika yrkesbakgrunder, verksamma inom forskning i landskapsarkitektur vid institutionen för stad och land, SLU Uppsala. Forskarnas bedömning gav inte ett fullstĂ€ndigt svar pĂ„ vilka kunskapsomrĂ„den som behövs utan Ă€r en framtidsspaning utifrĂ„n forskares Ă„sikter. Studien visar att landskapsarkitekter skulle kunna fĂ„ en framstĂ„ende roll i klimatanpassningsarbetet och att implementering av tvĂ€rvetenskaplig forskning Ă€r en viktig del i detta. Ett flertal kunskapsomrĂ„den identifierades som önskvĂ€rda för studenter och yrkesverksamma att utvecklas för att fĂ„ en starkare yrkesroll i klimatanpassningsarbetet. De identifierade Ă€mnesomrĂ„den Ă€r behovet av multifunktionella ytor, integration av natur i urbana miljöer, platsspecifik gestaltning, dagvattenhantering, relationen mellan stad och land, globala perspektiv, samarbete mellan yrkesgrupper och förvaltning. En viktig slutsats frĂ„n studien Ă€r att landskapsarkitekter och studenter behöver en bredare systemförstĂ„else och teoretisk kunskap för att fĂ„ en bĂ€ttre uppfattning om vilka utmaningar som ska lösas. I diskussionen lyfts behovet av en uppdaterad syn pĂ„ landskapsarkitekturens tre pelare, planering, gestaltning och förvaltning dĂ€r ytterligare perspektiv som knyter ihop de tre omrĂ„dena till en helhetsbild behövs för att kunna hantera klimatförĂ€ndringar.We are facing major global challenges as a result of climate change. What responsibility for resilience do landscape architects have, and how can the profession best deal with issues related to climate change? Adaption is needed in all sectors and levels of society. This bachelor thesis in landscape architecture is mapping the future role of the profession and the areas of expertise that are required for landscape architects, in particular the areas of expertise that is needed in education so that landscape architects can contribute. The study is conducted using semistructured interviews with researchers with various professional backgrounds, that are active in research in landscape architecture at the department of Stad och Land, SLU Uppsala. The study reports researchers’ tentative assessment of the new knowledge that are needed in the future education system. The study argues that landscape architects may play an important role in the effort of adapting to climate and that the implementation of interdisciplinary research can be an important part of this. A number of areas of knowledge were identified as desirable for students and professionals to develop in order to gain a stronger professional role in climate adaptation work. The identified subject areas are the need for multifunctional surfaces, integration of nature in urban environments, site-specific design, day-to-day management, the relationship between city and countryside, global perspective and collaboration between professional groups and management. An important conclusion in the study is that landscape architects and students need a broader and more systemic understanding as well as more theoretical knowledge to get a better idea of the challenges to be solved. The discussion in this thesis highlights the need for an updated view of the three pillars of landscape architecture planning, design, and management. Further perspectives linking the three areas into a comprehensive picture are needed in order to effectively handle climate change

    Skyfallshantering med blÄgrön infrastruktur

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    Runt om i vĂ€rlden dör allt fler mĂ€nniskor till följd av skyfall och extremvĂ€der. I och med klimatförĂ€ndringarna vĂ€ntas Ă€ven Sverige fĂ„ fler och större skyfall. NĂ€r en katastrof intrĂ€ffar Ă€r behovet av att samhĂ€llsviktig verksamhet fungerar som störst. DĂ€rför har MSB utrett vilka verksamheter som löper störst risk vid ett skyfall. En av dessa identifierade verksamheter Ă€r Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg. Med denna utgĂ„ngspunkt skapar detta masterarbete inom landskapsarkitektur en gestaltning för att skydda sjukhuset mot översvĂ€mning vid ett regn med en Ă„terkomsttid pĂ„ 100 Ă„r. Detta genom att gestalta ytor dĂ€r vatten magasineras vid skyfall. Studien genomförs med hjĂ€lp av Göteborgs Stads metod för skyfallsĂ„tgĂ€rder som parallellt med denna studie utvecklas av Ramboll för stadens rĂ€kning. Som grund i metoden finns utpekade ytor för skyfallsmagasinering, dĂ€r vi utifrĂ„n metoden valde vilka typer av lösningar som passar pĂ„ vilken yta samt analyserade dess genomförbarhet. Övriga analysmetoder som genomförts Ă€r platsstudier med Lynch-inspirerad analys, upplevelseanalys, topografisk analys samt timskisser. Ett gestaltningsprogram utgjorde en brygga frĂ„n kunskapsöversikt, platsbesök av referensobjekt i Singapore, Sverige och Danmark till gestaltningen. Dessa delar av studien var betydelsefulla för kunskap, inspiration och lĂ€rdomar. Studien visar att det Ă€r möjligt att skyfallsĂ€kra Sahlgrenska sjukhuset, genom att titta pĂ„ hela avrinningsomrĂ„den som berör sjukhuset. Det resulterade i 5 skyfallsytor som tillsammans magasinerar 68000 kubikmeter vatten. Varje yta gestaltas utifrĂ„n de platsspecifika förutsĂ€ttningarna med vissa gemensamma programpunkter. Skyfallsyta 1: Guldhedshöjden Ă€r belĂ€gen pĂ„ ett berg, högst upp i vattensystemet mellan bostadshus, skolor och förskolor. Den pĂ„ platsen befintliga grusplanen sĂ€nks ner 1,2 meter och tillĂ€gg i gestaltningen blir en vĂ„gformad trappa och lĂ€ktare, ett tak som skydd för regn och sol, tvĂ„ grĂ€skullar för lek samt nyplantering av frukttrĂ€d. Skyfallsyta 2: Guldhedsdalen Ă€r belĂ€gen i en dal med lövskog dĂ€r mĂ„nga mĂ€nniskor rör sig. I dalen gĂ„r idag en liten bĂ€ck. För att magasinera vatten pĂ„ denna plats byggs tre vallar. Dessa integreras med gĂ„ngstrĂ„k vilket möjliggör nya promenadslingor samt en mindre utflyktsplats. Skyfallsyta 3: EntrĂ©torget Ă€r placerad utanför sjukhusets huvudentrĂ©. Denna yta sĂ€nks och skapar ett nytt parktorg. Parkdelen Ă€r utformad med inspiration frĂ„n det nĂ€rliggande naturreservatet Vitsippsdalen och har vattenelement och en storskalig plantering av vitsippor (Anemone ssp.). För att tillgĂ€ngliggöra strĂ„ken över torget byggs broar samt en torgyta med sittplatser. Lekelement integreras vid torgytan. Skyfallsyta 4: Vitsippsdalen Ă€r placerad vid sjukhusomrĂ„det pĂ„ kanten av ravinen mot naturreservatet Vitsippsdalen. Platsbristen har resulterat i ett underjordiskt magasin som inte syns sĂ€rskilt mycket för den vanliga besökaren. OvanpĂ„ magasinet skapas en vistelseyta med bĂ€nkar och en utkiksplats över Vitsippsdalen. StrĂ„ken frĂ„n sjukhusomrĂ„det till utkiksplatsen förstĂ€rks för att underlĂ€tta besökare att hitta hit. PĂ„ magasinet blir det ocksĂ„ yta för att stĂ€lla paviljonger som behövs för det stĂ€ndigt vĂ€xande sjukhuset. Skyfallsyta 5: FĂ„geldammen Ă€r belĂ€gen lĂ€ngst ner i studiens avrinningsomrĂ„de och Ă€r placerad i en kulturhistorisk park. HĂ€r finns idag en damm och för att kunna magasinera vatten förstĂ€rks denna damm med vallar. För att möjliggöra magasineringen genomförs Ă€ven en sĂ€nkning av marknivĂ„erna för den nĂ€rliggande marken. I gestaltningen integreras nya gĂ„ngstrĂ„k, en brygga samt en amfiteater.Sweden is expected to experience an increased number of intense cloudbursts and flooding due to climate change. These events can lead to natural disaster and impose severe strain on society. The protection of vital societal functions and critical infrastructure is of highest importance. Therefore, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) identified specific vital societal functions as required in order to ensure the protection of given functionalities critical to society during cloudbursts. In Gothenburg, Sweden, significant flooding risk was identified in particular at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital area: this area serves as the focus of this thesis. The municipality identified a principal need to manage large amounts of water during heavy rain and suggested preliminary locations for these detention basins. This thesis analyses how these local detention storages can be designed in order to provide their basic functions while preserving aesthetic and environmental values. This work’s aim is to develop design solutions that contribute to the protection of vital societal functions and critical infrastructure; this work’s ambition however is to propose such design solutions with a view to preserving a number of related recreational and ecological values. In order to design detention storage, this thesis utilises a multi-faceted approach in conjunction with several different methods. First, it utilises part of a method that is still under development by the Gothenburg municipality. This method identifies the type of action required in general in addition to possible conflicts of interest which arise. The method also attempts to consolidate different parts of the local administrations in their decision-making process. This is complemented by a participatory method for site studies: a Lynch-inspired qualitative analysis, based on the analysts’ own experience of a site visit, together with a quantitative analysis of topographical circumstances and design constraints. A computer-aided design program constitutes an important bridge for combining values with data. Several research trips were conducted in order to gain more knowledge and overview through site visits of reference objects in Singapore, Sweden and Denmark; the data gathered was then input to the actual resulting design proposal. The proposed solution involves five separate detention storage areas that together hold roughly 68,000 cubic meters of water. The design of each detention storage differs individually based on each location’s site-specific conditions. The designs presented suggest that there exist opportunities to create new and unique value for visitors, and that these values can be integrated in the design of the physical detention storage. It also shows that in many cases very large areas are needed to store the required water volume from an intense rainfall such as that from a statistical “100-year rain”. The study argues the importance of this design philosophy in such systems when working with cloudburst management. Cloudburst management is a diverse subject that currently is not part of the landscape architect's education curricula and traditional professional role. However, there are strong indications that the need for such knowledge is likely to grow due to the increased focus on climate effects and focus on cloudburst management among local administrations

    Glucose disturbances in non-diabetic patients receiving acute treatment with methylprednisolone pulses

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    Objective: Methylprednisolone pulses are used in a variety of disease conditions, both for acute and chronic therapy. Although well tolerated, they increase glucose levels in both non-diabetic and diabetic patients. They may also be considered a significant risk for acute metabolic alterations. The purpose of this report is to determine the metabolic changes in blood glucose levels in non-diabetic patients receiving methylprednisolone pulses and identify the presence of predictive factors for its development. Methods: Observational, prospective study in 50 non-diabetic patients receiving 1 g intravenous methylprednisolone pulses for three consecutive days as an indication for diverse autoimmune disorders. Demographic, anthropometric, and metabolic variables were analyzed, and glucose, insulin and C-peptide levels after each steroid pulse were identified. Different variables and the magnitude of hyperglycemia were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation. Results: 50 patients were included, predominantly women (66%, n = 33). The average age was 41 ± 14 years with a BMI of 26 ± 3 kg/m2 . Baseline glucose was 83 ± 10 mg/dL. After each steroid pulse, glucose increased to 140 ± 28, 160 ± 38 and 183 ± 44, respectively (p <0.001). C-peptide and insulin concentrations increased significantly (p <0.001). The prevalence of fasting hyperglycemia after each pulse was 68%, 94% and 98%, respectively. We found no correlation between the magnitude of hyperglycemia and the studied variables. Conclusion: Methylprednisolone pulses produced significant increases in fasting glucose in most patients without diabetes. Further studies are needed to define its role in long-term consequences

    KadmiuminnehÄll i matpotatis

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    I fÀltförsök, krukförsök samt i radioaktiva upptagsförsök i nÀringslösning har betydelsen av pH, kvÀvekoncentration och kvÀveform undersökts med avseende pÄ kadmiuminnehÄllet i potatis. Försöken gjordes pÄ tvÄ matpotatissorter som tar upp lite respektive mycket kadmium. Försöken visade att ammoniumkvÀve gav lÄgt mark-pH och hög kadmiumkoncentration i potatis jÀmfört med NPK. Detta beror pÄ en ökad tillgÀnglighet av kadmium dÄ upptagsförsöken visade att sjÀlva upptaget av kadmium faktiskt var högre vid pH 6,5 Àn vid 4,5 dÄ tillgÀngligheten var densamma. Kalksalpeter gav ocksÄ en ökad kadmiumkoncentration jÀmfört med NPK, vilket kan bero pÄ en ökad tillgÄng pÄ kalciumjoner, som trÀnger ut kadmiumjoner till markvÀtskan. BÄde fÀltförsök och upptagsförsök visade attkadmiumkoncentration/upptag minskade med ökad kvÀvekoncentration. Intressant var ocksÄ den linjÀra korrelationen som fanns mellan kadmiumkoncentrationen i tredje bladet och kadmiumkoncentrationen i knölen vid skörd för de tvÄ ingÄende sorterna. Enligt denna studie Àr det bÀst att gödsla med ett pH-neutralt kvÀvegödselmedel balanserat med avseende pÄ ammonium- och nitratkvÀve- för att begrÀnsa kadmiuminnehÄllet i potatis

    Agroecology in practice

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    This publication not only presents a basic platform that, according to the authors, provides for R&D to contribute to sustainable development. It also gives an overview of agroecology as well as a peek into the work, ideas and activities of agroecologists ‘walking their talk’ of this broad subject. The reader is quickly facilitated to think about core issues for sustainable development through the presentation of accepted starting points for our knowledge development and possible alternatives. Practical consequences in the area of agroecology are given and shared in examples and the more personal chapters. The publication can also be used as a piece of literature to build any length of agroecology education and training on. Use only examples, the whole report, or go further with the help of the in depth suggestions and given literature. Any story needed can easily be added on. The material can be downloaded at www.slu.se/sv/bibliotek/publicera/sok-epsilon/ and is free to share. We hope you enjoy this presentation of Agroecology and that it will inspire and encourage you on the walk of your talk