27 research outputs found

    Contributo alla conoscenza dei boschi a Quercus ilex della Sicilia

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    In quest° lavoro vengono esaminati i boschi a Quercus ilex presenti in Sicilia.Oltre alle associazioni in precedenza già osservate per questo territorio, viene segnalata per la prima volta la presenza dell'Ostrio-Quercetum ilicis e inoltre sono descritte alcune nuove subassociazioni relative al Querco-Teucrietum siculi e all'Aceri obtusati-Ostryetum carpintfoliae. Ciascuna associazione viene esaminata sotto il profilo syntassonomico, ecologico e sindinamico.In this paper the Quercus ilex woods occurring in Sicily were examined. Apart from the associations previosly observed in this territory, the presence of Ostryo-Quercetum ilicis is reported for the first time; besides some new subassociations of the Querco-Teucrietum siculi and of the Aceri obtusati-Ostryetum curpinifoliae are described. Syntaxonomic, ecological and syndynamic considerations are given for every association

    Plant communities supported by the geological setting: the case history of the Isole dei Ciclopi (east Sicily)

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    This paper provides an update inventory of the vascular flora and a framework of the plant communities of the Isole dei Ciclopi (Acicastello, Catania) taking into account their geological setting. A total of 111 phytosociological releves were performed in the period 2015-2016. The plant communities has been analyzed using WPGMA and Euclidean distance classification. The study area preserves interesting plant-communities, mainly represented by shrubs vegetation ( Oleo-Ceratonion siliquae and Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii ), rocky coast communities ( Crithmo-Staticion) , cliff vegetation ( Anthyllidion barbae-jovis ), halo-nitrophilous vegetation ( Pegano-Salsoletea ), spring-flowering meadows ( Frankenion pulverulentae ) and nitrophilous communities ( Allion triquetri and Echio-Galactition tomentosae ). The vegetation analysis allow the identification of twelve vegetation types and also the reconstruction of three vegetation series. The collected data have been organized in a GIS and the following thematic maps have been produced: vegetation map, habitats map (according to the 92/43/EEC Directive). According to directive 92/43/EU, only three habitat types were delimited through the phytosociological assessment of the plant communities. The flora of the investigated area consists of 102 taxa. The majority of the taxa represented in the life form spectrum are therophytes and hemicryptophytes. From a chorological point of view, the Mediterranean element outweighs the rest, followed by the most diverse group of widespread taxa. Furthermore a detailed geological investigation was carried out and a geological sketch map was performed. The comparison between the vegetation and geological maps shows a good correlation, mostly regarding the distribution of the plant communities onto the different types of substrata

    Experimental Analysis of ViLTE Service

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    Long-term evolution (LTE) is a broadband wireless cellular system currently available in about 200 countries. From the mobile network operator point of view, one of the most appealing characteristics of LTE is the possibility of providing the users with mobile broadband services like voice over LTE and video over LTE (ViLTE), with strict quality of service (QoS) guarantees. The success of such services, which usually require a subscription fee, is obviously tightly bound to the users' quality of experience (QoE), that must be significantly better than the quality perceived in case of free services. This paper attempts to evaluate the perceived quality of the ViLTE service. In more detail, we present the results of an experimental test–bed realised at one of the most popular italian MNO, aimed at evaluating the impact of several network layer QoS parameters on the QoE of the ViLTE service

    Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy

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    Our understanding of the richness and uniqueness of the flora growing on gypsum substrates in Italy has grown significantly since the 19th century and, even today, new plant species are still being discovered. However, the plants and plant communities, growing on gypsum substrates in Italy, are still a relatively unknown subject. The main aim of this paper was to elaborate a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora, to increase knowledge about this peculiar flora and for which conservation efforts need to be addressed. Through a structured group communication process of experts (application of the Delphi technique), a remarkable number of experienced Italian botanists have joined together to select focal plant species linked to gypsum substrates. From the results obtained, 31 plant species behave as absolute or preferent taxa (gypsophytes and gypsoclines) and form the ‘core’ Italian gypsophilous flora. The most abundant life forms were chamaephytes and hemicryptophytes, belonging to Poaceae and Brassicaceae; as for chorotypes, the most represented are Mediterranean and narrow endemics. By improving on previously available information about the flora with a clear preference for gypsum in Italy, this undertaking represents an important contribution to the knowledge of a habitat which is today considered a priority for conservation

    Considerazioni fitogeografiche sulla flora della Sicilia

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    On the whole the flore of Sicily is quite rich and interesting (ca. 3000 species, of which 10% are endemic), this must be mainly attributed to the physiographic peculiarities of the island as well as the paleogeographic vicissitudes. Although, this flora was object of numerous floristical and taxonomical studies since last century, it is worth inquiring furtherly because of the occurrence of critical species and groups. In order to emphasize the floristic diversity and remarkable phytogeographical interest of this flora, a subdivision of the territory, coinciding with the Sicilian dominion, is proposed ; in particular, on the ground of the presence of exclusive species clusters (endemic or not), a series of districts, collected in sectors and subsectors, are individualized. Besides, the want of necessary steps for theprotecton of the flora, especially for the rarest and endagered species, as well as the problems regarding its conservation, are examined.La flora della Sicilia risulta nel complesso abbastanza ricca ed interessante (c. 3000 specie, di cui il 10% endemiche), ciò è da attribuire soprattutto alle peculiarità fisiografiche dell’isola nonché alle sue vicissitudini paleogeografiche. Essa, pur essendo stata oggetto di numerosi studi tassonomici e floristici fin dal secolo scorso, merita comunque ulteriori indagini per la presenza ancora di specie e gruppi critici. Allo scopo di evidenziare la sua diversità floristica ed il rilevante interesse fitogeografico, viene proposta una suddivisione del territorio, coincidente con il dominio siculo, individuando, in base alla presenza di contingenti di specie esclusive (endemiche o no), una serie di distretti, riuniti in sottosettori e settori. Inoltre è evidenziata la carenza delle misure di protezione della flora con particolare riguardo per le specie più rare e minacciate, nonché i problemi connessi alla conservazione di questa flora.La flore de la Sicile est dans l’ensemble assez riche et intéressante (c. 3000 espèces, dont 10% sont endémiques), ce qui est à imputer surtoutaux particularités physiographiques de l’île, ainsi qu’à ses vicissitudes paléogéographiques. Cette flore, tout en ayant été l’objet de nombreuses études taxonomiques et floristiques dès le siècle passé, mérite tout de même des recherches à l’heure actuelle, relatives à des espèces et groupes critiques. Afin de mettre en évidence la diversité floristique et le considérable intérêt phytogéographique de l’île, il est proposé une subdivision du territoire, correspondant au domaine sicilien, s’individualisant, sur la base de la présence d’espèces exclusives (endémiques ou non), une série de districts réunis en sous-secteurs et secteurs. En outre, la carence des mesures de protection de la flore particulièrement pour les espèces rares et menacées, ainsi que les problèmes relatifs à la conservation de cette flore, est mise en évidence.Brullo Salvatore, Minissale Pietro, Spampinato Giovanni. Considerazioni fitogeografiche sulla flora della Sicilia. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 21 n°1-2, 1995. Connaissance et conservation de la flore des îles de la Méditerrannée. Ajaccio, Corse, France (5-8 octobre 1993) pp. 99-117

    Arrhenatherum nebrodense, a new species from Sicily

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    Arrhenatherum nebrodense a new species occurring in Sicily is described and illustrated. It is a nemoral geophyte frequent in decidous oak woods or more rarely in shrubs communities. Its relationships with the more closely related taxa of the genus Arrhenatherum are discussed

    Multipolar second harmonic generation from planar arrays of Au nanoparticles

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    We demonstrate optical Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) in planar arrays of cylindrical Au nanoparticles arranged in periodic and deterministic aperiodic geometries. In order to understand the respective roles of near-field plasmonic coupling and long-range photonic interactions on the SHG signal, we systematically vary the interparticle separation from 60 nm to distances comparable to the incident pump wavelength. Using polarization-resolved measurements under femtosecond pumping, we demonstrate multipolar SHG signal largely tunable by the array geometry. Moreover, we show that the SHG signal intensity is maximized by arranging Au nanoparticles in aperiodic spiral arrays. The possibility to engineer multipolar SHG in planar arrays of metallic nanoparticles paves the way to the development of novel optical elements for nanophotonics, such as nonlinear optical sensors, compact frequency converters, optical mixers, and broadband harmonic generators on a chip