1,562 research outputs found

    El área urbana funcional de Madrid (1991-2011). Metodología y resultados de una propuesta de delimitación y caracterización multicriterio

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    Esta investigación centra su atención en el análisis de los procesos constitutivos de lo urbano, más allá de las delimitaciones territoriales administrativas. Es fundamental arrojar luz sobre dichos procesos para estudiar las dinámicas y disyuntivas que enfrentan nuestros desiguales territorios urbanos. Con esta visión se propone una metodología para delimitar el área urbana funcional de Madrid y establecer sobre ella una diferenciación zonal que conjugue la existencia de un gradiente de intensidad de sus procesos constitutivos con la fracturación social de su espacio. Por último, un análisis multicriterio, a través de la generación de índices sintéticos, comparativos entre las diferentes zonas demarcadas, aportará una base descriptiva sobre la que evaluar tanto el acierto metodológico de la delimitación y caracterización del área funcional como su modelo evolutivo de desarrollo durante las últimas dos décadas. Los datos obtenidos arrojan luz sobre la validez de la tradicional dicotomía madrileña noroeste-sureste, así como, sobre la insostenibilidad del modelo en generación

    Platinum Electrodeposition in an Ionic Liquid Analogue. Solvent Stability Monitoring

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    The use of ionic liquid analogues as solvents has increased in order to substitute the aqueous solvents in some applications in which the side reactions are undesirable. However these solvents prepared from the mixture in the eutectic proportion of species establishing hydrogen bonds are susceptible of electrochemical reactions. The study of platinum deposition on vitreous carbon in an ionic liquid analogue (2 urea: choli ne chloride) is presented; the electrochemical study has permitted to interpret the sequence of the metal deposition process and simultaneously to analyze the behavior of the ionic liquid analogue along the process. Reduction reactions of the solvent relat ed both to the electronation of choline and hydrogen formation have been detected. Different substrata have been used in order to test the possibility and the extent of these reactions depending on the nature of material. The results indicate that the feas ible electrochemical window of the substrate/solvent is highly dependent of the kind of substrate; the negative limit is tied by the massive hydrogen reaction, reaction enhanced by the electrocatalytic character of the substrate

    Plantes ornamentals potencialment tòxiques

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    La mèlia (Melia azedarach) és un arbre comú a la Mediterrània. Es tracta d'una planta típicament ornamental que presenta, en fruits, fulles, escorça o arrels, diversos principis químics biològicament actius tant d'interès farmacològic com també plaguicida, que actualment s'estan investigant. Aquests prinicpis poden resultar tòxics a partir de certes dosis o en determinades circumstàncies, la qual cosa converteix la mèlia en un vegetal potencialment perillós. Malgrat això, no existeix cap legislació a Espanya que indiqui què es pot plantar i què no als llocs públics. Per aquesta raó, experts de la UAB alerten que, a més a més dels criteris ornamentals, caldria tenir en compte els criteris de toxicitat.La melia (Melia azedarach) es un árbol común en el Mediterráneo. Se trata de una planta típicamente ornamental que presenta, en frutos, hojas, corteza o raíces, varios principios químicos biológicamente activos tanto de interés farmacológico como plaguicida, que actualmente se están investigando. Estos prinicpis pueden resultar tóxicos a partir de ciertas dosis o en determinadas circunstancias, lo que convierte la melia en un vegetal potencialmente peligroso. Sin embargo, existe ninguna legislación en España que indique que se puede hacer y qué no en los lugares públicos. Por esta razón expertos de la UAB advierten que, además de los criterios ornamentales, habría que tener en cuenta los criterios de toxicidad

    Control del mosquit tigre : millores en les mesures preventives adoptades a Catalunya

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    El mosquit tigre (Aedes albopictus) colonitza Catalunya des de 2004. Originari del sud-est asiàtic, s'ha estès per Europa i el món sencer. Frenar la seva expansió és essencial per evitar les molèsties i, sobretot, els brots epidèmics de les malalties que transmet, com el dengue i chikungunya, recentment observades a Itàlia, França i Croàcia. En aquest estudi es va realitzar una intervenció educativa multidisciplinar, amb àmplia col·laboració ciutadana, factor considerat com a pedra angular per controlar, amb èxit, a aquest insecte adaptat a viure en ambients domèstics.El mosquito tigre (Aedes albopictus) coloniza Cataluña desde 2004. Originario del sudeste asiático, se ha extendido por Europa y el mundo entero. Frenar su expansión es esencial para evitar sus molestias y, sobre todo, los brotes epidémicos de las enfermedades que transmite, como el dengue y chikungunya, recientemente observados en Italia, Francia y Croacia. En este estudio se realizó una intervención educativa multidisciplinar, con amplia colaboración ciudadana, factor considerado como piedra angular para controlar, con éxito, a este insecto adaptado a vivir en ambientes domésticos.The Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) has been colonizing Catalonia since 2004. Native to Southeast Asia, it has spread throughout Europe and around the world. It is essential to curb its expansion, to relieve the discomfort of bites, but above all to prevent epidemics of dangerous diseases transmitted by the mosquito, such as dengue and chikungunya viruses, which have recently been observed in Italy, France and Croatia. In this study a multidisciplinary educational intervention was carried out with wide citizen collaboration, a factor considered to be fundamental in successfully controlling this species, which has adapted to living in domestic environments

    Nuevas aportaciones a la flora de Andalucía: Sierra de Gádor (Almería)

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    New floristic records for Andalusian: Sierra de Gódor (Almería).Palabras clave. Flora, corologia, fitosociologia, Almería, Andalucía.Key words. Flora, corology, fitosociology, Almería, Andalusian

    Participation and Solidarity in Redistribution Mechanisms

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    Following Bossert (1995), we consider a model where personal income depends on two different characteristics: skills and effort. Luttens (2010) introduces claims that individuals have over aggregate income and that only depend on the effort they exert. Moreover, he proposes redistribution mechanisms in which solidarity is based on changes in a lower bound on what every individual deserves according to these claims: the so-called minimal rights (O’Neill 1982). A debatable consequence in one of Luttens’ mechanisms is that “the poorest individuals might up with a negative income” (Luttens 2010); that is, this mechanism does not satisfy participation, which turns out to be incompatible with claims feasibility, under Luttens’ assumptions. We present a new solidarity axiom that is compatible both with participation and claims feasibility, and we provide a mechanism satisfying these properties and our new additive solidarity axiom. Moreover, our mechanism satisfies additional properties, as priority, or respect of minimal rights.This has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness funds under Project ECO2013-43119 and by Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Banco Santander and Generalitat de Catalunya under the project 2011LINE-06

    A proportional approach to claims problems with a guaranteed minimum

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    In distribution problems, and specifically in bankruptcy issues, the Proportional (P) and the Egalitarian (EA) divisions are two of the most popular ways to resolve the conflict. Nonetheless, when using the egalitarian division, agents may receive more than her claim. We propose a compromise between the proportional and the egalitarian approaches by considering the restriction that no one receives more than her claim. We show that the most egalitarian compromise fulfilling this restriction ensures a minimum amount to each agent. We also show that this compromise can be interpreted as a process that works in two steps as follows: first, all agents receive an equal share up to the smallest claim if possible (egalitarian distribution), and then, the remaining estate (if any) is allocated proportionally to the remaining claims (proportional distribution). Finally, we obtain that the recursive application of this process finishes at the Constrained Equal Awards solution (CEA).Financial support from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Banco Santander and Generalitat de Catalunya under Project 2011LINE-06 and the Barcelona GSE

    Mediation in claims problems

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    Mediation is a dispute resolution process whereby agents reach a mutually acceptable agreement among different proposals that satisfy a set of principles. This paper provides a natural way of coming to such agreements in claims problems. In our approach, mediation combines (i) a set of fair properties (legitimate principles); and (ii) a criterion for delimiting the admissible manners of distributing the endowment, that is determined by the mediator expressing the two (dual) points of view to face such problems: awards and losses. These dual views define a lower and an upper bounds on awards, which are used to implement the so-called Double Recursive Process. We find that this process concludes at the midpoint between the two dual points of view. Finally, we argue that the criterion of the mediator could be established throughout Lorenz domination. In so doing, we retrieve the average of old and well-known rules.Financial support from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Banco Santander and Generalitat de Catalunya under project 2011LINE-06