54 research outputs found

    Northbound Lagrangian Pathways of the Mediterranean Outflow Water and the Mechanism of Time-Dependent Chaotic Advection

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    The Mediterranean Sea releases approximately 1Sv of water into the North Atlantic through the Gibraltar Straits, forming the saline Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Its impact on large-scale flow and specifically its northbound Lagrangian pathways are widely debated, yet a comprehensive overview of MOW pathways over recent decades is lacking. We calculate and analyze synthetic Lagrangian trajectories in 1980-2020 reanalysis velocity data. 16\% of the MOW follow a direct northbound path to the sub-polar gyre, reaching a 1000m depth crossing window at the southern tip of Rockall Ridge in about 10 years. Surprisingly, time-dependent chaotic advection, not steady currents, drives over half of the northbound transport. Our results suggest a potential 15-20yr predictability in the direct northbound transport, which points to an upcoming decrease of MOW northbound transport in the next couple of decades. Additionally, monthly variability appears more significant than inter-annual variability in mixing and spreading the MOW

    Nonlinearity and Multifractality of Climate Change in the Past 420,000 Years

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    Evidence of past climate variations are stored in ice and indicate glacial-interglacial cycles characterized by three dominant time periods of 20kyr, 40kyr, and 100kyr. We study the scaling properties of temperature proxy records of four ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland. These series are long-range correlated in the time scales of 1-100kyr. We show that these series are nonlinear as expressed by volatility correlations and a broad multifractal spectrum. We present a stochastic model that captures the scaling and the nonlinear properties observed in the data.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Biophysical Simulations Support Schooling Behavior of Fish Larvae Throughout Ontogeny

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    Schooling is very common in adult and juvenile fish, but has been rarely studied during the larval stage. Recent otolith micro-chemistry studies of coral reef fish have demonstrated that cohorts of larvae can move through similar paths and settle within a few meters one from another. However, little is known about the processes involved in the formation and maintenance of these cohorts. Here we use a biophysical modeling approach to examine whether local hydrodynamics, various individual behaviors, or larval schooling can explain cohesive patterns observed for Neopomacentrus miryae in the Gulf of Aqaba/Eilat (Red Sea), and whether schooling is feasible in terms of initial encounter probability and cohesiveness maintenance. We then examine the consequences of schooling behavior on larval settlement success and connectivity. Our results indicate that: (1) Schooling behavior is necessary for generating cohesive dispersal patterns, (2) Initial larval encounter of newly-hatched larvae is plausible, depending mainly on initial larval densities and patchiness, and (3) schooling behavior increases the rate of larval settlement while decreasing the percentage of realized connections. Together with mounting evidence of cohesive dispersal, this numerical study demonstrates that larval schooling throughout the pelagic phase is realistic, and has a significant effect on settlement success and connectivity patterns. Future research is needed to understand the mechanisms of fission-fusion dynamics of larval cohorts and their effect on dispersal. Our findings should be considered in future efforts of larval dispersal models, specifically in the context of marine connectivity and the planning of marine protected area networks

    Progress in paleoclimate modeling

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    International audienceThis paper briefly surveys areas of paleoclimate modeling notable for recent progress. New ideas, including hypotheses giving a pivotal role to sea ice, have revitalized the low-order models used to simulate the time evolution of glacial cycles through the Pleistocene, a prohibitive length of time for comprehensive general circulation models (GCMs). In a recent breakthrough, however, GCMs have succeeded in simulating the onset of glaciations. This occurs at times (most recently, 115 kyr B.P.) when high northern latitudes are cold enough to maintain a snow cover and tropical latitudes are warm, enhancing the moisture source. More generally, the improvement in models has allowed simulations of key periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum and the mid-Holocene that compare more favorably and in more detail with paleoproxy data. These models now simulate ENSO cycles, and some of them have been shown to reproduce the reduction of ENSO activity observed in the early to middle Holocene. Modeling studies have demonstrated that the reduction is a response to the altered orbital configuration at that time. An urgent challenge for paleoclimate modeling is to explain and to simulate the abrupt changes observed during glacial epochs (i.e., Dansgaard-Oescher cycles, Heinrich events, and the Younger Dryas). Efforts have begun to simulate the last millennium. Over this time the forcing due to orbital variations is less important than the radiance changes due to volcanic eruptions and variations in solar output. Simulations of these natural variations test the models relied on for future climate change projections. They provide better estimates of the internal and naturally forced variability at centennial time scales, elucidating how unusual the recent global temperature trends are