2,108 research outputs found

    2-D optical quantification of particle reworking activities in marine surface sediments

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    Particle and solute transport by faunal activities may significantly influence rates and pathways of organic matter mineralization during early diagenesis in surface sediments. One of the most frequently utilized techniques to quantify benthic biological reworking activities involves the calculation of a biodiffusion coefficient (Db) estimated from model predictions of 1-D tracer distribution patterns. This technique is labor-intensive and time-demanding. Furthermore, it is normally used for measurements over several days and averages overall transport mechanisms from 3-D to 1-D on a cm scale. In the frame of this work, we developed a new technique based on the nondestructive screening of fluorescent particles (luminophores) using optical discrimination and CCD camera detection of fluorescence (2-D). At a site characterized by a dense population of the brittle star Amphiura filiformis and a high biodiffusion coefficient (obtained from 1-D distributions; Db=35.5±3.7 cm−2 year−1; n=3), the optical reworking coefficient (ORC), estimated from the 2-D luminophore distribution patterns, was calculated (ORC=27.4±9.1 View the MathML source cm−2 h−1; n=24). A nondestructive 2-D approach to quantify particle reworking may provide a powerful and complementary tool to further understand particle transport by the benthic fauna in surface sediments. The optical technique for 2-D detection of luminophores is relatively fast and easy to perform, with the ability to detect small scale (mm) particle movements on a time resolution of minutes or less

    Klimawandel und Ökolandbau – Anpassungsmaßnahmen für die Praxis (Workshop)

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    Die Landwirtschaft ist – ob konventionell oder bio – gleichermaßen vom Klimawandel betroffen. Dies gilt für Trockenstress oder das Auffangen der Böden von vermehrten Starkniederschlägen. Besondere Prob-leme des ökologischen Ackerbaus sind der vermehrte Unkraut-, Schädlings- und Krankheitsdruck, dem nicht durch konventionelle Methoden beizukommen ist. Probleme sind beispielsweise, dass vermehrter Unkrautdruck zu mehr notwendigen Arbeitsgängen führt. Durch Schädlinge geschwächte Leguminosen fixieren weniger Stickstoff. Welche Lösungsstrategien gibt es für diese drei Problemfelder? Wie können Grundbodenbearbeitung und Fruchtfolgen angepasst werden? Welche Sorten und Aussaatzeitpunkte empfehlen sich? Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Berater, Landwirte und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen.Zunächst gibt es Kurzpräsentationen ausgewählter Einzelthemen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Der Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit, über bestehende Probleme in der Praxis zu diskutieren, Handlungsempfehlungen zu entwickeln und weiterführende Forschungsfragen abzuleiten

    E-Learning in der ALLGEMEINmedizinischen Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung : Erfahrungen aus der Allgemeinmedizin

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    Kurzfassung Vortrag: Fächerübergreifende Lehre und verpflichtende Fortbildung (CME) für Ärzte erfordern innovative Lernmethoden. Eine Lösung wird teilweise in der Nutzung elektronischer Medien gesehen. Unklar ist jedoch, wie konkret eine Umsetzung in der Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung im Fach Allgemeinmedizin bisher erfolgte, welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten es gibt und wie die weitere Entwicklung aussehen kann. Um einen Überblick über die aktuellen E-Learning-Aktivitäten zu erhalten, formierte sich eine universitäts- und bundesländerübergreifende Initiative. In drei Phasen soll die Grundlage für die Entwicklung einer Strategie für die effektive Nutzung elektronischer Lehr- und Lernmedien für das Fach Allgemeinmedizin geschaffen werden: Phase 1 - Nationales Expertentreffen (Juli 2005 in Frankfurt): Diskussion von Erfahrungen, Problemen und Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes elektronischer Medien in der Allgemeinmedizin. Phase 2 - Gründung eines Netzwerks: Zusammenarbeit, Koordination und gegenseitige Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von E-Learning-Modulen. Phase 3 - Evaluation von E-Learning in der Allgemeinmedizin: systematische qualitative und quantitative Untersuchungen. Im Rahmen eines Workshops sollen die Erfahrungen aus dem Expertentreffen mit Lehrenden und Fortbildenden aus anderen Fachbereichen diskutiert werden. Kooperationen über die Allgemeinmedizin hinaus können weitere Synergien schaffen. Der Workshop dient dem Austausch über Chancen und Limitationen entsprechender Angebote

    The CONTENT project: a problem-oriented, episode-based electronic patient record in primary care

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    In order to obtain a proper knowledge base in primary care, a form of electronic patient record is needed that takes into account the specific characteristics of the doctor_patient encounter, the patient population, the presentation of diseases and the associated prevalences. However, in real life this has not happened for several reasons. For the most part, existing patient records are determined by invoicing requirements rather than by endeavours to meet the intrinsic needs of primary care. CONTENT (CONTinuous morbidity registration Epidemiologic NeTwork) is an ambitious scientific project in Germany to establish a system for adequate record keeping and analysis in primary care. Based on a classification system designed for the special situation of primary care, a scientific network is being established consisting of participating surgeries, general practitioners, computer scientists and statisticians. The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The aims are strictly scientific and the underlying hypothesis is that the knowledge-gaining process can be accelerated by combining the experience of many, especially with respect to complex interactions of factors and the analysis of rare events. Aside from maintaining a morbidity registry, within the CONTENT framework various prospective and retrospective studies on particular epidemiological and health economic research topics will be conducted

    Effectiveness of an additional individualized multi-component complementary medicine treatment on health-related quality of life in breast cancer patients: a pragmatic randomized trial

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an additional, individualized, multi-component complementary medicine treatment offered to breast cancer patients at the Merano Hospital (South Tyrol) on health-related quality of life compared to patients receiving usual care only. A randomized pragmatic trial with two parallel arms was performed. Women with confirmed diagnoses of breast cancer were randomized (stratified by usual care treatment) to receive individualized complementary medicine (CM group) or usual care alone (usual care group). Both groups were allowed to use conventional treatment for breast cancer. Primary endpoint was the breast cancer-related quality of life FACT-B score at 6 months. For statistical analysis, we used analysis of covariance (with factors treatment, stratum, and baseline FACT-B score) and imputed missing FACT-B scores at 6 months with regression-based multiple imputation. A total of 275 patients were randomized between April 2011 and March 2012 to the CM group (n = 136, 56.3 ± 10.9 years of age) or the usual care group (n = 139, 56.0 ± 11.0). After 6 months from randomization, adjusted means for health-related quality of life were higher in the CM group (FACT-B score 107.9; 95 % CI 104.1-111.7) compared to the usual care group (102.2; 98.5-105.9) with an adjusted FACT-B score difference between groups of 5.7 (2.6-8.7, p < 0.001). Thus, an additional individualized and complex complementary medicine intervention improved quality of life of breast cancer patients compared to usual care alone. Further studies evaluating specific effects of treatment components should follow to optimize the treatment of breast cancer patients

    Developing a vocabulary and ontology for modeling insect natural history data: example data, use cases, and competency questions

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    Insects are possibly the most taxonomically and ecologically diverse class of multicellular organisms on Earth. Consequently, they provide nearly unlimited opportunities to develop and test ecological and evolutionary hypotheses. Currently, however, large-scale studies of insect ecology, behavior, and trait evolution are impeded by the difficulty in obtaining and analyzing data derived from natural history observations of insects. These data are typically highly heterogeneous and widely scattered among many sources, which makes developing robust information systems to aggregate and disseminate them a significant challenge. As a step towards this goal, we report initial results of a new effort to develop a standardized vocabulary and ontology for insect natural history data. In particular, we describe a new database of representative insect natural history data derived from multiple sources (but focused on data from specimens in biological collections), an analysis of the abstract conceptual areas required for a comprehensive ontology of insect natural history data, and a database of use cases and competency questions to guide the development of data systems for insect natural history data. We also discuss data modeling and technology-related challenges that must be overcome to implement robust integration of insect natural history data
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