102 research outputs found

    Un sistema automatico di acquisizione ed elaborazione per il monitoraggio RFI: prime misure da 300MHz a 18GHz presso la Stazione Radioastronomica di Noto

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    Il monitoraggio periodico e la vigilanza delle Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) nelle bande di frequenza assegnate alla radioastronomia e' un'attivita' fondamentale per il cor- retto funzionamento di una stazione di osservazione radioastronomica. Il lavoro presentato descrive lo sviluppo di un sistema di acquisizione automatica di spet- tri attraverso un analizzatore di spettro, per il monitoraggio RFI al Radiotelescopio di Noto. Si e' voluta valorizzare l'attrezzatura gia' presente presso i laboratori della stazione radioastronomica, mediante interventi di modifica e modernizzazione della strumentazio- ne datata. L'integrazione tra vecchie e nuove tecnologie ha trovato in questo lavoro terreno ferti- le ed ha consentito, con impegni economici minimali di realizzare un valido strumento di monitoraggio delle RFI nelle Bande radioastronomiche (RAS), rivelatosi efficiente e affidabile

    Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviour of 316l Stainless Steel Honeycomb Cellular Cores Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting

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    Selective laser technology is an additive technology that can allow for the manufacture of cellular structures using different types of metallic powder with complex applications in industries such as aerospace, automotive and medical implant industries. This paper presents the effect of climate and mechanical stresses on some honeycomb cellular cores, used in sandwich structures made of 316L stainless steel powder by applying the selective laser melting technology. The honeycomb cellular cores have undergone the microhardness testing and the resulting variation obtained from the analyzed samples was 225 ± 15 (HV_{0.3}). The compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of the cellular structures were determined for flatwise and edgewise compressive stresses. Also, the cellular structures were subjected to accelerated corrosion tests in order to determine their mean life in application use conditions similar to those near seas and oceans. Also, a microstructural evaluation of salt deposits was carried out on the cellular structures subjected to accelerated corrosion tests using a salt spray test chamber

    Out-Of-Focus Holography Tool for the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    This document represents a short guide to the out-of-focus holography package for the SRT

    Space Debris Detection in Low Earth Orbit with the Sardina Radio Telescope

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    Space debris are orbiting objects that represent a major threat for space operations. In this work a bistatic radar configuration named BIstatic RAdar for LEo Tracking (BIRALET) is used to detect a set of space debris. Signalto- Noise Ratios, Doppler shift measures as well as the frequency specters for each debris are presented

    Please, talk about it! When hotel popularity boosts preferences

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    Many consumers post on-line reviews, affecting the average evaluation of products and services. Yet, little is known about the importance of the number of reviews for consumer decision making. We conducted an on-line experiment (n= 168) to assess the joint impact of the average evaluation, a measure of quality, and the number of reviews, a measure of popularity, on hotel preference. The results show that consumers' preference increases with the number of reviews, independently of the average evaluation being high or low. This is not what one would expect from an informational point of view, and review websites fail to take this pattern into account. This novel result is mediated by demographics: young people, and in particular young males, are less affected by popularity, relying more on quality. We suggest the adoption of appropriate ranking mechanisms to fit consumer preferences. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Dish Washer: a Software Tool for RFI Mitigation in Single-dish Radio Astronomical Observations

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    Radio Frequency Interference is one of the most pressing problems in cm-wavelength world-wide radio astronomy, in particular for single-dish telescope observations. Due to both the increasing abundance of man-made interfering signals and the improved performance of the telescope instrumentation, the impact of RFI at the Italian radio telescope sites is now a major concern, thus strategies for its mitigation are to be applied. Dish Washer is a new software tool for the detection and flagging of RFI in signals collected by single-dish radio telescopes. It implements both interactive flagging and some level of automatic detection of RFI through dedicated algorithms. Its first public release is foreseen as free software under the GNU General Public License

    Towards coordinated site monitoring and common strategies for mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference at the Italian radio telescopes

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    We present a project to implement a national common strategy for the mitigation of the steadily deteriorating Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) situation at the Italian radio telescopes. The project involves the Medicina, Noto, and Sardinia dish antennas and comprised the definition of a coordinated plan for site monitoring as well as the implementation of state-of-the-art hardware and software tools for RFI mitigation. Coordinated monitoring of frequency bands up to 40 GHz has been performed by means of continuous observations and dedicated measurement campaigns with fixed stations and mobile laboratories. Measurements were executed on the frequency bands allocated to the radio astronomy and space research service for shared or exclusive use and on the wider ones employed by the current and under-development receivers at the telescopes. Results of the monitoring campaigns provide a reference scenario useful to evaluate the evolution of the interference situation at the telescopes sites and a case series to test and improve the hardware and software tools we conceived to counteract radio frequency interference. We developed a multi-purpose digital backend for high spectral and time resolution observations over large bandwidths. Observational results demonstrate that the spectrometer robustness and sensitivity enable the efficient detection and analysis of interfering signals in radio astronomical data. A prototype off-line software tool for interference detection and flagging has been also implemented. This package is capable to handle the huge amount of data delivered by the most modern instrumentation on board of the Italian radio telecsopes, like dense focal plane arrays, and its modularity easen the integration of new algorithms and the re-usability in different contexts or telescopes.Comment: 39 pages, 10 Figures and 7 Tables. INAF Technical Report n. 149 (2022). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12386/3208

    Observing the Evolution of the Universe

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    How did the universe evolve? The fine angular scale (l>1000) temperature and polarization anisotropies in the CMB are a Rosetta stone for understanding the evolution of the universe. Through detailed measurements one may address everything from the physics of the birth of the universe to the history of star formation and the process by which galaxies formed. One may in addition track the evolution of the dark energy and discover the net neutrino mass. We are at the dawn of a new era in which hundreds of square degrees of sky can be mapped with arcminute resolution and sensitivities measured in microKelvin. Acquiring these data requires the use of special purpose telescopes such as the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), located in Chile, and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). These new telescopes are outfitted with a new generation of custom mm-wave kilo-pixel arrays. Additional instruments are in the planning stages.Comment: Science White Paper submitted to the US Astro2010 Decadal Survey. Full list of 177 author available at http://cmbpol.uchicago.ed

    Investigating the high-frequency spectral features of SNRs Tycho, W44, and IC443 with the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    The main characteristics in the radio continuum spectra of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) result from simple synchrotron emission. In addition, electron acceleration mechanisms can shape the spectra in specific ways, especially at high radio frequencies. These features are connected to the age and the peculiar conditions of the local interstellar medium interacting with the SNR. Whereas the bulk radio emission is expected at up to 20-50 GHz, sensitive high-resolution images of SNRs above 10 GHz are lacking and are not easily achievable, especially in the confused regions of the Galactic Plane. In the framework of the early science observations with the Sardinia Radio Telescope in February-March 2016, we obtained high-resolution images of SNRs Tycho, W44, and IC443 that provided accurate integrated flux density measurements at 21.4 GHz: 8.8 ± 0.9 Jy for Tycho, 25 ± 3 Jy for W44, and 66 ± 7 Jy for IC443. We coupled the SRT measurements with radio data available in the literature in order to characterize the integrated and spatially resolved spectra of these SNRs, and to find significant frequency- and region-dependent spectral slope variations. For the first time, we provide direct evidence of a spectral break in the radio spectral energy distribution of W44 at an exponential cutoff frequency of 15 ± 2 GHz. This result constrains the maximum energy of the accelerated electrons in the range 6-13 GeV, in agreement with predictions indirectly derived from AGILE and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations. With regard to IC443, our results confirm the noticeable presence of a bump in the integrated spectrum around 20-70 GHz that could result from a spinning dust emission mechanism

    Sardinia Array Demonstrator: Instrument Overview and Status

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    In the framework of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project, the Italian Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) has addressed several efforts in the design and prototyping of aperture arrays for low-frequency radio astronomical research. The Sardinia Array Demonstrator (SAD) is a national project aimed to develop know-how in this area and to test different architectural technologies and calibration algorithms. SAD consists of 128 prototypical dual-polarized Vivaldi antennas designed to operate at radio frequencies below 650 MHz. The antennas will be deployed at the Sardinia Radio Telescope’s site with a versatile approach able to provide two different array configurations: (i) all antennas grouped in one large station or (ii) spread among a core plus few satellite stations. This paper provides an overview of the SAD project from an instrumental point of view, and illustrates its status after 2 years from its start
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