704 research outputs found

    Narratology, Hermeneutics, and Midrash

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    The contributions compiled in this volume comprise studies of Jewish texts – biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and modern – as well as of patristic and medieval Christian texts, and in one case, a passage of the Muslim text par excellence, the Quran. The authors, scholars in the fields of Jewish Studies, Catholic and Protestant Theology, Islamic Studies, German philology etc., invited to reflect on texts of their respective disciplines in context-sensitive interpretations, taking into account the link connecting Midrash, hermeneutics, and narrative, provide illuminating narratological and/or hermeneutical insights into the texts in question. The interdisciplinary dialogue that characterized the conference “Narratology, Hermeneutics, and Midrash” that gave rise to the volume proves to be rich and full of potential for further research in the direction proposed by the Series Poetics, Exegesis and Narrative. Studies in Jewish literature and art

    Zwei Religionen – ein Glaube. Zum jĂŒdisch-christlichen Dialog aus biblisch-theologischer Sicht

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    First Quantification of the Permafrost Heat Sink in the Earth's Climate System

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    Due to an imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere, excess heat has accumulated in Earth's climate system in recent decades, driving global warming and climatic changes. To date, it has not been quantified how much of this excess heat is used to melt ground ice in permafrost. Here, we diagnose changes in sensible and latent ground heat contents in the northern terrestrial permafrost region from ensemble-simulations of a tailored land surface model. We find that between 1980 and 2018, about 3.9^+1.4_-1.6 ZJ of heat, of which 1.7_-1.4^+1.3 ZJ (44%) were used to melt ground ice, were absorbed by permafrost. Our estimate, which does not yet account for the potentially increased heat uptake due to thermokarst processes in ice-rich terrain, suggests that permafrost is a persistent heat sink comparable in magnitude to other components of the cryosphere and must be explicitly considered when assessing Earth's energy imbalance.Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe

    On the Short-Time Compositional Stability of Periodic Multilayers

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    The short-time stability of concentration profiles in coherent periodic multilayers consisting of two components with large miscibility gap is investigated by analysing stationary solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard diffusion equation. The limits of the existence and stability of periodic concentration profiles are discussed as a function of the average composition for given multilayer period length. The minimal average composition and the corresponding layer thickness below which artificially prepared layers dissolve at elevated temperatures are calculated as a function of the multilayer period length for a special model of the composition dependence of the Gibbs free energy. For period lengths exceeding a critical value, layered structures can exist as metastable states in a certain region of the average composition. The phase composition in very thin individual layers, comparable with the interphase boundary width, deviates from that of the corresponding bulk phase.Comment: 29 pages including 7 figures, to be published in Thin Solid Film

    Putative degraders of low-density polyethylene-derived compounds are ubiquitous members of plastic associated bacterial communities in the marine environment

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    Research articleIt remains unknown whether and to what extent marine prokaryotic communities are capable of degrading plastic in the ocean. To address this knowledge gap, we combined enrichment experiments employing low-density polyethylene (LDPE) as the sole carbon source with a comparison of bacterial communities on plastic debris in the Pacific, the North Atlantic and the northern Adriatic Sea. A total of 35 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were enriched in the LDPE-laboratory incubations after 1 year, of which 20 were present with relative abundances > 0.5% in at least one plastic sample collected from the environment. From these, OTUs classified as Cognatiyoonia, Psychrobacter, Roseovarius and Roseobacter were found in the communities of plastics collected at all oceanic sites. Additionally, OTUs classified as Roseobacter, Pseudophaeobacter, Phaeobacter, Marinovum and Cognatiyoonia, also enriched in the LDPE-laboratory incubations, were enriched on LDPE communities compared to the ones associated to glass and polypropylene in in-situ incubations in the northern Adriatic Sea after 1 month of incubation. Some of these enriched OTUs were also related to known alkane and hydrocarbon degraders. Collectively, these results demonstrate that there are prokaryotes capable of surviving with LDPE as the sole carbon source living on plastics in relatively high abundances in different water masses of the global ocean.Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Sciences Fund, University of Viena, German Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BacGeoPac project (03G0248A) and IEO (RADPROF project)Versión del editor5,84

    26Al kinematics: superbubbles following the spiral arms? : Constraints from the statistics of star clusters and HI supershells

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    High energy resolution spectroscopy of the 1.8 MeV radioactive decay line of 26Al with the SPI instrument on board the INTEGRAL satellite has recently revealed that diffuse 26Al has large velocities in comparison to other components of the interstellar medium in the Milky Way. 26Al shows Galactic rotation in the same sense as the stars and other gas tracers, but reaches excess velocities up to 300 km s−1Peer reviewe
