88 research outputs found

    Geopolymers as infill material for conservation of azulejos

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    The restoration materials currently used to fill gaps in architectural historical azulejos (e.g. lime or organic resin pastes) usually show serious drawbacks in terms of compatibility, effectiveness and durability. The existing solutions do not fully protect azulejos in outdoor conditions and frequently result in further deterioration. Geopolymers can be a potential solution for azulejo lacunae infill given the chemical-mineralogical similitude to the ceramic body, and also the durability and versatile range of physical properties that can be obtained through the manipulation of their formulation and curing conditions. This work presents and discusses the viability of the use of geopolymeric pastes to fill lacunae in azulejos or to act as “cold” cast ceramic tile surrogates reproducing missing azulejo fragments. The formulation of geopolymers, namely the type of activators, the aluminosilicate source, the amount of water (to meet adequate workability requirements) and curing conditions were studied. The need for post-curing desalination was also considered envisaging their application in the restoration of outdoor architectural historical azulejos frequently exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the use of geopolymers in the conservation of azulejos are also discussed. Several techniques were used to study the chemical and physical behavior of geopolymers, namely FT-IR, XRD, MIP, SEM-EDS, WDXRF, electrical conductivity, open porosity, bending strength, adhesion strength, water vapour permeability, thermal expansion and hydric expansion. The results indicate that geopolymers are a promising material for restoration of azulejos, exhibiting some properties, such as adhesion to the ceramic substrate, higher than inorganic materials used nowadays, such as aerial lime based pastes

    The impact of the perceived leader’s empathy, group commitment, and individualism/collectivism on cooperation : an experimental study

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    Humans have been cooperating for hundreds of years, even though, on some occasions and especially in highly competitive environments, there are no logical reasons for them to do so. Why? What leads people to cooperate? The present research aims to answer this question by identifying three main dimensions that can impact cooperation: the individual’s tendencies for individualistic or collectivistic attitudes, the level of commitment towards the group, and the perceived leader’s empathy. In order to study these topics, a “Public Goods Game”, with monetary contingencies, was organized involving the participation of 256 subjects. The empathy displayed by the leader was manipulated (empathic, neutral, and non-empathic leader), whilst collecting data regarding the participant’s levels of group commitment and individualism/collectivism. Participants were also divided between participating and non-participating leader groups depending on the presence of the leader within the group. Results showed that there was no significant difference between the conditions with distinct empathy and cooperation. Moreover, group commitment was found to be positively related to cooperation and individualism negatively related to cooperation. Some measurements of group commitment and individualism/collectivism were found as significant predictors of cooperation. This was the case for normative group commitment (positive predictor), competitiveness and supremacy of individual interests (negative predictors). The participation of the leader within the group and the interaction between participation and empathy of the leader did not create an impact on cooperation.Os humanos cooperam entre si há centenas de anos, ainda que, muitas vezes, e especialmente em ambientes competitivos, não exista nenhum incentivo lógico para tal. Porquê? O que leva os humanos a cooperar? Este estudo pretende responder a esta pergunta, identificando três dimensões principais que podem impactar na cooperação: as tendências individuais para individualismo ou coletivismo, os níveis de compromisso ao grupo e a empatia percebida do líder. De modo a estudar estes temas, realizou-se um “Jogo do Bem Público” sob contingências monetárias que contou com 256 participantes. A empatia do líder foi manipulada (líder empático, neutro e não empático) e foram recolhidos dados acerca dos níveis de compromisso ao grupo e individualismo/coletivismo dos participantes. Adicionalmente, os participantes foram divididos entre grupos com o líder participante e não participante, dependendo da presença do líder dentro do grupo. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferenças significativas entre as condições com níveis de empatia distintos e a cooperação. O compromisso ao grupo mostrou uma relação positiva com a cooperação e o individualismo mostrou uma relação negativa com a cooperação. Algumas das medidas de compromisso ao grupo e individualismo/coletivismo foram identificadas como preditores significativos da cooperação. Este foi o caso do compromisso normativo (preditor positivo), da competitividade e da supremacia de interesses individuais (preditor negativo). Tanto a participação do líder dentro do grupo, como a interação entre esta participação e a empatia do líder, não criaram um impacto significativo na cooperação

    Unveiling Sympathetic Activation and Genetic Therapeutic Perspectives

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    Introduction: Hypertension, a leading cause of death, was investigated in this study to understand the role of specific brain regions in regulating blood pressure. The lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN), Kolliker-fuse nucleus (KF), and periductal grey matter (PAG) were examined for their involvement in hypertension. Methods: Lentiviral vectors were used to alter the activity of these brain regions in hypertensive rats. Over a 75-day period, blood pressure, heart rate, reflex responses, and heart rate variability were measured. Results: Decreasing the activity in the LPBN resulted in a reduced sympathetic outflow, lowering the blood pressure and heart rate. In the KF, the sympathetic activity decreased and chemoreflex variation was attenuated, without affecting the blood pressure. Silencing the PAG had no significant impact on blood pressure or sympathetic tone, but decreased cardiac baroreflex gain. Discussion: These findings highlight the significant role of the LPBN in hypertension-related sympathetic activation. Additionally, LPBN and KF neurons appear to activate mechanisms that control respiration and sympathetic outflow during chemoreceptor activation. Conclusions: The study provided insights into the contribution of the midbrain and pontine regions to neurogenic hypertension and offers potential avenues for future genetic interventions and developing novel treatment approaches.publishersversionpublishe

    Conservação dos azulejos modernos Portugueses (1950-1974)

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    Durante mais de cinco séculos, o azulejo tem sido um material eleito para o revestimento e decoração parietal em Portugal, adquirindo uma singularidade artística única. Mas a difusão da azulejaria moderna na arquitetura do Estado Novo, o estudo da composição dos azulejos produzidos em Portugal no período 1950-1974, o entendimento das técnicas de produção, as formas e possíveis causas de degradação estão ainda, parcialmente ou integralmente por estudar, e foi neste contexto, que se desenrolou a investigação cujos resultados agora se apresentam. A compreensão das causas da degradação requer um conhecimento das matérias-primas e técnicas de produção, o que conduziu a incluir no presente trabalho um levantamento dos processos de fabrico dos azulejos modernos, assim como uma primeira visão das suas características morfológicas e químicas. Para a sistematização das formas de degradação in situ, foram inspecionados 28 painéis de azulejos modernos de exterior dispersos por diferentes regiões de Portugal. Os materiais de restauro atualmente usados para preencher lacunas em azulejos (por exemplo cal aérea ou pastas de resina orgânica) geralmente apresentam sérias desvantagens em termos de compatibilidade, eficácia e durabilidade, não protegendo totalmente os azulejos em condições adversas. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a viabilidade do uso de pastas geopoliméricas para preenchimento de lacunas de vidrado, usando como comparação a nível de desempenho, duas cais hidráulicas, Ledan® C30 e NHL 3.5. Foram utilizadas várias técnicas para estudar o comportamento químico, físico e mecânico das pastas, nomeadamente FT-IR, MEV-EDS, EDXRF, condutividade elétrica, porosidade aberta, permeabilidade ao vapor de água, absorção de água por capilaridade, expansão térmica e expansão hídrica, resistência à flexão e resistência de adesão. A avaliação da sua eficácia ao longo do tempo foi realizada através de ensaios de envelhecimento acelerado que pretenderam simular em laboratório condições que podem ocorrer in situ, com o objetivo de tentar reproduzir uma determinada degradação física. Os geopolímeros e o Ledan® C30, são materiais promissores para o restauro de vidrado em azulejos, exibindo algumas propriedades, como aderência ao substrato cerâmico, superior aos materiais inorgânicos usados hoje em dia, como pastas à base de cal aérea. Quando os azulejos da fachada apresentam deterioração, geralmente são removidos e substituídos por outros recém-fabricados. O recozimento dos azulejos de padrão pode ser uma potencial solução como método de restauro alternativo, em detrimento do uso de réplicas. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a viabilidade do método para azulejos fissurados ou com destacamento, sendo que foram utilizados azulejos modernos de três diferentes produções, Fábrica Lusitânia, Viúva Lamego e Constância. Os efeitos do recozimento foram estudados por diferentes técnicas, como observação macroscópica, MEV-EDS e através da resistência dos vidrados a um ensaio de pull-off. O comportamento a longo prazo dos vidrados sujeitos a nova cozedura foi avaliado por meio de um ensaio de envelhecimento acelerado. A finalidade última da investigação realizada é contribuir para o entendimento estético e técnico do uso do azulejo moderno em Portugal, bem como para a conservação desse património único.For about five centuries, azulejos have been one of the favourite materials for parietal finishing and decoration in Portugal, acquiring a uniqueness of artistic aspects. The spread of the use of azulejos in the 1950-1974 Portuguese architecture, the composition of modern tiles produced in the country during that period, the understanding of production techniques, the forms and possible causes of degradation were still to be studied in some detail, and it was in this context that the investigation was carried out, the results of which are now presented. The understanding of the causes of decay may gain from knowledge of the raw materials and production techniques, which led to a survey of how these tiles were produced, as well as a first insight into the characteristics of modern tiles. To systematise the forms of deterioration in situ, a total of 28 panels of modern exterior tiles were inspected throughout mainland Portugal. Restoration materials currently used to fill lacunae in architectural historical azulejos (e.g., lime or organic resin pastes) usually show serious drawbacks in terms of compatibility, effectiveness and durability, while they do not fully protect azulejos in outdoor conditions. This work presents and discusses the viability of the use of geopolymeric pastes to fill lacunae in azulejos glaze, using as a comparison in terms of performance, two hydraulic pastes, Ledan® C30 and NHL 3.5. Several techniques were used to study the chemical, physical and mechanical behaviour of geopolymers, namely FT-IR, SEV-EDS, EDXRF, electrical conductivity, open porosity, water vapor permeability, capillary water absorption, thermal expansion and water expansion, flexural strength and adhesion strength. The evaluation of its effectiveness over time was carried out through accelerated aging tests that intended to simulate in the laboratory the conditions that would be found in situ, so as to try and replicate under controlled conditions the physical deterioration. Geopolymers and Ledan® C30 are promising materials for restoration of azulejos, exhibiting some properties, e.g., adhesion to the ceramic substrate, higher than inorganic materials used nowadays, such as aerial lime-based pastes. Whenever the façade tiles are decayed, they are usually removed and replaced by newly manufactured ones. The re-firing of pattern tiles can be a potential solution as an alternative restoration method, to the detriment of the use of replicas. This work presents and discusses the possibility of the method for crazed and spalled tiles, using modern tiles from three different productions, Lusitânia, Viúva Lamego and Constância factories. The re-firing effects were studied by different techniques, such as macroscopic observation, SEM-EDS and through the resistance of the glazes to a pull-off test. The long-term behaviour of refired glazes was evaluated through an accelerated aging test. The ultimate goal of the research undertaken is to contribute to the aesthetic and technical understanding of the use of modern azulejos in Portugal, as well as to the conservation of this unique heritag

    O sorriso do cliente em terapia : um estudo exploratório sobre a resposta não verbal do cliente à pergunta-milagre usada na terapia breve orientada para as soluções

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicoterapia Cognitiva-Comportamental e Integrativa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2009Em Psicoterapia, a análise do comportamento comunicacional do cliente e do terapeuta é particularmente valiosa para a monitorização e compreensão das flutuações nos estados psicológicos do cliente, características do processo de mudança. A comunicação não verbal do cliente, nesse contexto interpessoal, contribui de todas as formas para dar significado aquilo que ele experiencia no momento. Este estudo micro-analisou momentos de vídeos de sessões terapêuticas da Terapia Breve Orientada para as Soluções, em que se formula a pergunta milagre. Dada a observação prévia de casos clínicos em que o fenómeno do sorriso acompanhou o momento de formulação desta pergunta, surgiu a necessidade de explorar, através de análises descritivas dos discursos verbais do terapeuta e do cliente e dos sorrisos identificados, se este comportamento não verbal aparecia a acompanhar a pergunta milagre. Pretendeu-se explorar que significados esses sorrisos poderiam ter, sugerindo-se hipóteses acerca do impacto desta pergunta-tipo nos clientes. Usou-se a classificação de tipos de sorrisos de Freitas-Magalhães, a qual diferencia entre sorriso fechado, sorriso superior e sorriso largo. Da análise dos discursos, destacaram-se formas diferentes de fazer a pergunta, tendo-se através de uma análise de conteúdo, criado categorias distintas de acordo com as diferentes formulações. Fez-se a análise de um primeiro momento, referente à reacção espontânea e imediata do cliente à pergunta, e de um segundo momento, em que se analisou o sorriso exibido durante a elaboração da resposta concreta. Os resultados mostram que o sorriso aparece, na quase totalidade dos casos, como resposta não verbal à pergunta milagre. Parecem existir diferentes reacções imediatas de acordo com o tipo de formulação da pergunta, sendo que a maioria dos sorrisos manifestados acompanha o processo, ou uma introdução ao processo de imaginação de eventos positivos. Especulou-se acerca do significado dos sorrisos: uns podem sugerir satisfação e prazer imediato associado à imaginação de eventos positivos, outros podem indicar espanto, dado a natureza inesperada do evento milagre , outros ainda podem sugerir ironia ou diversão como reacção imediata ao convite à imaginação da ocorrência de algo difícil de conceber. Conclui-se quanto à necessidade de se aprofundar a análise do comportamento do sorriso em contexto terapêutico, recorrendo ao uso de metodologias rigorosas de análise da expressão facial, assim como à utilidade de se continuar a analisar detalhadamente a comunicação terapêutica no contexto dos processos clínicos.In Psychotherapy the analysis of client and therapist communicative behavior is particularly valuable for monitoring and understanding the subtle fluctuations in the client‟s psychological states, which are characteristic of the change process. In this interpersonal context, the non-verbal communication of the client contributes in every way to give meaning to what the client is experiencing at the time being. The present study microanalysed video excerpts of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy therapeutic sessions, corresponding to the moment when the miracle question was used. Due to previous observations of clinical cases where the clients exhibited smiles when the miracle question was formulated, lead to the exploration, using a thematic analysis of the verbal speech and the smiles identified, of the possible relation between this formulation and the non-verbal behavior of smiling. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the possible meanings of the smiles exhibited, by speculating about the impact of the miracle question on the clients. A specific classification of types of smiles, made by Freitas-Magalhães, was used. These types were: the closed smile, the superior smile and large smile. From a thematic analysis different ways of asking the question stood out, which lead to the creation, through a content analysis, of separate and distinct categories, depending on the different type of formulation used. First, an analysis of the spontaneous and immediate reaction of the client to the miracle question was made, then, a second analysis was made of his non-verbal behavior during the time he worked out the actual response. The results show that the smile appears in almost all cases, as a non-verbal response to the miracle question. It also appears that there are different immediate reactions depending on the type of formulation of the question, and most of the smiles expressed followed the process of imagination, or the introduction to the process of imagination of positive events. It has been speculated about the meaning of smiles: some may suggest immediate satisfaction and pleasure associated with the imagination of positive events, others may indicate surprise, given the unexpected nature of the miracle event, still others suggest irony or fun as an immediate reaction to the call imagination of the occurrence of something difficult to conceive. This study demonstrates that there is a need for further analysis of the behavior of smiling in the therapeutic context, using rigorous methodology for the analysis of facial expression, as well as the usefulness of continuing to review in detail the therapeutic communication in the context of clinical processes

    Cytogenetic analyses in a group of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) constitute a heterogeneous group of clonal disorders of haematopoietic stem cell diseases characterised by dysplasia and ineffective haematopoiesis in one or more of the major myeloid cell lines. This disease occurs predominantly in older adults where the median age at diagnosis is approximately 70 years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the data from cytogenetic analyses in 425 patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. This population was constituted by 212 females and 213 males; the median age at diagnosis is 66 years. Numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities were documented for each patient and subdivided according to the number of additional abnormalities. From the 425 cytogenetic analyses, 97 (22.8%) were abnormal. The results for the abnormal population were as follows: 73.2% had only one anomaly, 9.3%had two anomalies, and 17.5%had a complex karyotype. In the abnormal population, the most frequent isolated anomaly observed was the trisomy 8 (17.5%), followed by the deletion of chromosome 5 (13.4%), the loss of chromosome Y (11.3%) and the deletion of chromosome 20 (8.2%). When associating these anomalies with complex karyotypes, the most frequent anomaly observed was the deletion of chromosome 5 (24.7%). Overall, these results are different fromthose in the literature; however, the deletion of chromosome 5 is still the most recurrent anomaly in this syndrome.We can also conclude that the loss of chromosomeYis not always associated with age, but is one of the anomalies that characterize this group of pathologies. All these anomalies were found by cytogenetic analysis, a low-cost technique that allows clinicians to use this important prognostic tool to evaluate and make a more accurate clinical decision for patients with MDS

    Avaliação de áreas invadidas por espécies de acacia na paisagem protegida da arriba fóssil da Costa de Caparica

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente,perfil Engenharia EcológicaParticularmente vulneráveis a perturbações, quer de cariz natural, quer por influência antropogénica, os ecossistemas dunares são de extrema importância,ao constituírem a primeira barreira física contra o avanço do mar. No litoral português, os sistemas dunares num bom estado de conservação representam uma minoria. A Paisagem Protegida da Arriba Fóssil da Costa de Caparica (PPAFCC) é uma área de grande valor ecológico, económico e social. Esta região encontra-se sujeita a várias pressões. Por um lado, a expansão urbana que apesar de ter abrandado, continua a contribuir para a transformação da Paisagem, por outro, o desequilíbrio das comunidades de plantas nativas,despoletado também por situações de comportamento invasor de Acacia spp. Este trabalho tem por objectivo a avaliação de áreas invadidas por espécies de Acácia na PPAFCC e zonas limítrofes, recorrendo ao software ArcGIS para uma análise da evolução das classes de uso do solo ao longo do tempo. A avaliação da paisagem é feita através do cálculo de índices estruturais, ao nível da Paisagem e ao nível da Classe, donde se conclui que a Paisagem se encontra bastante fragmentada e a sua configuração alterada. A classe “Urbano/Equipamentos” e “Agricultura” são as que mais contribuem para a alteração da Paisagem e, possivelmente, para que a área ocupada pela classe de uso do solo “Acacial” não tenha sofrido uma variação significativa. Contudo, o grau de cobertura de acácias assumia o valor de 55% em 1967 e de 94% em 2004, ocupando 13.9% e 11.6% da área total, respectivamente

    The Accounting Reflection of the Investment’s Tax Benefits

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    Purpose: The central objective is therefore to explain the tax benefits for investment and their reflection in the rendering of accounts, by understanding the broad concept of tax benefits, understanding the diversity that exists, with a particular focus on effectively demonstrating their applicability.   Theoretical Framework: In view of the Portuguese economic context, the government has systematically created new programs and adopted tax measures aimed at granting tax benefits to promote the growth and economic development of companies. According to Teixeira (2008), the legislator establishes tax benefits with the aim of protecting the environment, encouraging savings, fostering employment and vocational training, preserving culture and cultural heritage, making incentives in tax systems crucial. In Portugal there are various types of tax benefits, such as income tax, tax deductions, investment tax and others. There are around 600 tax benefits that you can take advantage of if you consider all the conditions for their use.   Design/Methodology/Approach: In this research, the tax benefit being analyzed will be investment, due to its importance in the business world and the complexity associated with it, making it an important instrument in terms of promoting competitiveness, supporting investment and, consequently, the economy of countries.   Findings: It was possible to conclude that, except for the BFCIP, all the benefits are processed via IRC tax’s deduction and can’t be combined with other benefits of the same nature, except for RFAI and DLRR, which can be combined with each other if the limits aren’t exceeded.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: This information can be used by any interested entitie to improve current conditions, optimize and enhance the usage of tax benefits for investment.   Originality/Value: Tax benefits are a hot topic in the business world and beyond, given that they are a special tax regime that allows companies to have a tax advantage or relief compared to the normal one, helping them to have a lower financial impact by bearing less tax

    Evaluation of a biocide used in the Biological Isolation and Containment Unit of a Veterinary Teaching Hospital

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    Research Areas: Infectious Diseases ; Pharmacology & PharmacyHospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a rising problem worldwide, and the best way of coping with them is through infection tracking and surveillance systems, combined with prevention strategies, namely efficient disinfection protocols, that employ various biocides. However, increasing reports about reductions in biocide susceptibility and the development of cross-resistance to antimicrobials emphasize the need for identifying the factors influencing biocide efficiency. In this study, 29 bacterial isolates (n = 3 E. coli, n = 2 Pseudomonas spp., n = 23 Enterococcus spp., and n = 1 Staphylococcus pseudintermedius), obtained from environmental samples collected from the Biological Isolation and Containment Unit (BICU), of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon, were tested in order to determine their antimicrobial susceptibility to various antibiotics. Thirteen of these isolates were further selected in order to determine their antimicrobial susceptibility to Virkon™ S, with and without the presence of organic matter. Afterward, seven of these isolates were incubated in the presence of sub-lethal concentrations of this formulation and, subsequently, new susceptibility profiles were determined. Fourteen of the 29 isolates (48.3%) were classified as multidrug resistant, all previously identified as enterococci. Concerning Virkon™ S’s susceptibility, the Minimal Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of this biocide regarding all isolates was at least eight times lower than the concentration regularly used, when no organic matter was present. However, when organic matter was added, MBC values rose up to 23 times. After exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of Virkon™ S, four enterococci presented a phenotypical change regarding antimicrobial susceptibility towards gentamicin. Virkon™ S also resulted in higher MBC values, up to 1.5 times, in the presence of low concentrations of organic matter, but no rise in these values was observed in assays without interfering substance. Virkon™ S seemed to be an efficient formulation in eliminating all bacteria isolates isolated from the BICU. However, organic matter could represent a hindrance to this ability, which emphasizes the importance of sanitization before disinfection procedures. The changes seen in antimicrobial susceptibility could be explained by a general stress-induced response promoted by the sub-lethal levels of Virkon™ S. Additionally, when no organic matter was present, a decrease in susceptibility to this biocide seemed to be non-existent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Voluntariado online : construção, partilha e descoberta

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    Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia.O presente relatório teve como principal objetivo dar resposta à análise das funções introduzidas na plataforma e-raizes.redes, e tentar relacionar a interação dos vários eee’s (e-plataforma; e-comunicação; e-tutor e e-professor e outras valências) com os convidados e-especialista e e-professor voluntário. Nesta medida, assumiu como objeto de estudo a questão principal que lhe está inerente: “Será que se pode constituir um banco de e-especialistas e eprofessores voluntários, na plataforma e-raizes.redes, no âmbito do voluntariado científico online ao nível da educação?”. Nesta ordem de ideias, abordar o Voluntariado Online, numa perspetiva educacional, significa neste projeto direcioná-lo para a recolha de dados relevantes de modo a enriquecer a aprendizagem em formato e-learning. Todo o estudo, através de uma metodologia de estudo de caso, que decorreu durante o segundo ano do Mestrado em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia, teve como eixo orientador a seleção de contributos de excelência no meio nacional e internacional. Importa salientar que visámos o Ano Europeu do Voluntariado 2011. Este projeto culmina com a descoberta da riqueza de se ser voluntário na plataforma e-raizes.redes, segundo o modelo de ensino e aprendizagem em e- Learning.This report aimed to address the analysis of the functions introduced in the platform e-raizes.redes, and try to relate the interaction of many eee's (eplatform, e-communication, e-tutor and e-teacher and other facilities) with the guests expert-and-teacher volunteer. Assumed as an object of study the main issue that is inherent: "Could be create a stock of volunteers specialists and teachers, at the platform e-raizes.redes under the voluntary online scientific level of education? ". In this vein, addressing the Online Volunteering, an educational perspetive, this project means to direct you to collect relevant data in order to enrich the learning in e-learning format. All the study through a case study methodology that took place during the 2nd year of Master in Multimedia Education and Communication, was guiding the selection of axis contributions of excellence in the national and international levels. It should be noted that we target the European Year of Voluntary 2011. This project culminates with the discovery of the richness of being a volunteer in the e-raizes.redes platform, following the model of teaching and learning in e- Learning