325 research outputs found

    Uma visita a glândula pineal

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    Os dois ensaios aqui traduzidos: “Uma visita a uma glândula pineal”, publicado originalmente em 21 de abril de 1713 no número 35 do Guardian e a “A glândula pineal (continuação)”, publicado no dia 25 de abril, no número 39, formam uma unidade não apenas pela referência a ideia de glândula pineal concebida por Descartes como ponto de interação entre a alma e o corpo, mas também pela forma literária e pelo pseudônimo comum. Eles fazem parte de um conjunto de quatorze ensaios atribuídos a George Berkeley, reunidos e publicados pela primeira vez apenas em 1871, no volume III da edição organizada por A. C. Fraser. Os ensaios publicados no Guardian foram escritos durante a permanência de Berkeley em Londres em 1713, quando Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) e Richard Steele (1672-1729), seus conterrâneos, contribuiriam para lhe abrir caminho no ambiente literário inglês. O principal objetivo de Berkeley ao publicar os ensaios foi o de defender o teísmo cristão contra os “livre-pensadores” da época, assumidos como materialistas e ateus. A tradução aqui apresentada foi realizada com base na edição organizada por Luce e Jessop. The Works of George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne. Luce, A. A. and Jessop, T. E. London and Edimburgh: Nelson, 1948, v. 7, 185-192

    Lax-Darboux Schemes and Miura-type Transformations

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    This thesis is concerned with the study of integrable differential difference and partial difference equations. The thesis splits into two parts. In part I, we begin by studying Darboux transformations of Lax operators related to the tetrahedral reduction group. We construct a general Darboux matrix of a specified type, then use first integrals to derive interesting novel subcases. In the process, we derive Bäcklund transformations of an associated system of partial differential equations. Subsequently, we utilise the derived Darboux matrices to construct integrable discrete systems, their generalised symmetries and conservation laws. Furthermore, we consider integrable reductions and potentiations of the obtained systems, as well as Miura-type transformations. Moreover, we demonstrate how one can use the Bäcklund transformations to derive explicit solutions to the associated continuous system. Finally, we present results regarding the octahedral reduction group. This is the first time that semi and fully discrete systems have been associated to sl3(C) and sl4(C)-based automorphic Lie algebras. In part II, we show that for differential difference equations which possess a Lax pair of a particular type, one can construct Miura-type transformations by considering invariants of associated algebraic structures. We begin by introducing the objects required by the construction and discussing the general theory. Subsequently, we demonstrate the efficacy of the construction by deriving Miura-type transformations related to the Narita-Itoh-Bogoyavlensky lattice and the discrete Sawada-Kotera equation, some of which appear to be new. Furthermore, we discuss how the construction can be applied to partial difference equations and systems, providing examples of its successful application. In the case of systems, the derived Miura-type transformations also appear to be new

    Kazanie I: O nieśmiertelności

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    Translated and edited by:Adam GrzelińskiUniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, Polskae-mail: [email protected] KucharskiUniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa, Polskae-mail: [email protected]ład i opracowanie:Adam GrzelińskiUniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, Polskae-mail: [email protected] KucharskiUniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa, Polskae-mail: [email protected]

    Apie judėjimą

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    ...Versta iš: George Berkeley. De Motu. In: The Works of George Berkeley, vol. 1 of 4.The Project Gutenberg, ebook [39746]. May 20, 2012, p. 623–637[žiūrėta 2015 m. sausio 10 d.]. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/39746/39746-pdf.pdf?session_id=4bc9cfa72ed4454c0940975edf5503b59871e996Iš lotynų kalbos vertė Živilė PabijutaitėVertimo mokslinis redaktorius Mindaugas Strocki

    Eseje z “Guardiana”

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    The public policy and growth process' patterns, developments, hypotheses, and new directions

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    The majority of contemporary debate centers on poverty alleviation as the primary objective of development policy (as can be seen when you look at the websites of the international agencies given at the end of this paper). Individuals differ about how to define poverty; economists typically prefer monetary metrics derived from household survey data on income and expenditure. If a household falls below a predefined poverty line, it is classified as poor. Since not all countries have the data required to identify poverty in this manner, the previously mentioned US$ 1 per day measure is often used to calculate global and regional aggregates

    Darboux transformations with tetrahedral reduction group and related integrable systems

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    In this paper, we derive new two-component integrable differential difference and partial difference systems by applying a Lax-Darboux scheme to an operator formed from a

    Blur discrimination and its relation to blur-mediated depth perception

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    Retinal images of three-dimensional scenes often contain regions that are spatially blurred by different amounts, owing to depth variation in the scene and depth-of-focus limitations in the eye. Variations in blur between regions in the retinal image therefore offer a cue to their relative physical depths. In the first experiment we investigated apparent depth ordering in images containing two regions of random texture separated by a vertical sinusoidal border. The texture was sharp on one side of the border, and blurred on the other side. In some presentations the border itself was also blurred. Results showed that blur variation alone is sufficient to determine the apparent depth ordering. A subsequent series of experiments measured blur-discrimination thresholds with stimuli similar to those used in the depth-ordering experiment. Weber fractions for blur discrimination ranged from 0.28 to 0.56. It is concluded that the utility of blur variation as a depth cue is constrained by the relatively mediocre ability of observers to discriminate different levels of blur. Blur is best viewed as a relatively coarse, qualitative depth cue

    Debug Determinism: The Sweet Spot for Replay-Based Debugging

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    Deterministic replay tools offer a compelling approach to debugging hard-to-reproduce bugs. Recent work on relaxed-deterministic replay techniques shows that replay debugging with low in-production overhead is possible. However, despite considerable progress, a replay-debugging system that offers not only low in-production runtime overhead but also high debugging utility, remains out of reach. To this end, we argue that the research community should strive for debug determinism —a new determinism model premised on the idea that effective debugging entails reproducing the same failure and the same root cause as the original execution. We present ideas on how to achieve and quantify debug determinism and give preliminary evidence that a debug deterministic system has potential to provide both low in-production overhead and high debugging utility