191 research outputs found

    Gamete competition, gamete limitation, and the evolution of the two sexes

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    Males and females are a fundamental aspect of human reproduction, yet procreation is perfectly possible without this division into two sexes. Biologically, males are defined as the sex that produces the smaller gametes (e.g. sperm), implying that the male and female sexes only exist in species with gamete dimorphism (anisogamy). Our ancestors were isogamous, meaning that only one gamete size was produced. The question of the evolutionary origin of males and females is then synonymous to asking what evolutionary pressures caused gamete sizes to diverge. Studying the ancestral evolutionary divergence of males and females relies largely on mathematical modelling. Here, we review two classes of models explaining the evolutionary origin of males and females: gamete competition and gamete limitation. These seemingly alternative explanations are not mutually exclusive, but two aspects of a single evolutionary process. Once evolved, anisogamy and the two sexes are evolutionarily very stable. This explains the maintenance of anisogamy in organisms with internal fertilization, which can cause large decreases in both gamete competition and gamete limitation. The ancestral divergence and maintenance of gamete sizes subsequently led to many other differences we now observe between the two sexes, sowing the seeds for what we have becom

    A structural connectivity convergence zone in the ventral and anterior temporal lobes: Data-driven evidence from structural imaging.

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    The hub-and-spoke model of semantic cognition seeks to reconcile embodied views of a fully distributed semantic network with patient evidence, primarily from semantic dementia, who demonstrate modality-independent conceptual deficits associated with atrophy centred on the ventrolateral anterior temporal lobe. The proponents of this model have recently suggested that the temporal cortex is a graded representational space where concepts become less linked to a specific modality as they are processed farther away from primary and secondary sensory cortices and towards the ventral anterior temporal lobe. To explore whether there is evidence that the connectivity patterns of the temporal lobe converge in its ventral anterior end the current study uses three dimensional Laplacian eigenmapping, a technique that allows visualisation of similarity in a low dimensional space. In this space similarity is encoded in terms of distances between data points. We found that the ventral and anterior temporal lobe is in a unique position of being at the centre of mass of the data points within the connective similarity space. This can be interpreted as the area where the connectivity profiles of all other temporal cortex voxels converge. This study is the first to explicitly investigate the pattern of connectivity and thus provides the missing link in the evidence that the ventral anterior temporal lobe can be considered a multi-modal graded hub

    Developing a framework of Quaternary dune accumulation in the northern Rub' al-Khali, Arabia

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    Located at the crossroads between Africa and Eurasia, Arabia occupies a pivotal position for human migration and dispersal during the Late Pleistocene. Deducing the timing of humid and arid phases is critical to understanding when the Rub' al-Khali desert acted as a barrier to human movement and settlement. Recent geological mapping in the northern part of the Rub' al-Khali has enabled the Quaternary history of the region to be put into a regional stratigraphical framework. In addition to the active dunes, two significant palaeodune sequences have been identified. Dating of key sections has enabled a chronology of dune accretion and stabilisation to be determined. In addition, previously published optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates have been put in their proper stratigraphical context, from which a record of Late Pleistocene dune activity can be constructed. The results indicate the record of dune activity in the northern Rub' al-Khali is preservation limited and is synchronous with humid events driven by the incursion of the Indian Ocean monsoon

    Imaging biomarkers of lung ventilation in interstitial lung disease from ¹²⁹Xe and oxygen enhanced ¹H MRI

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    PURPOSE: To compare imaging biomarkers from hyperpolarised 129Xe ventilation MRI and dynamic oxygen-enhanced MRI (OE-MRI) with standard pulmonary function tests (PFT) in interstitial lung disease (ILD) patients. To evaluate if biomarkers can separate ILD subtypes and detect early signs of disease resolution or progression. STUDY TYPE: Prospective longitudinal. POPULATION: Forty-one ILD (fourteen idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), eleven hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), eleven drug-induced ILD (DI-ILD), five connective tissue disease related-ILD (CTD-ILD)) patients and ten healthy volunteers imaged at visit 1. Thirty-four ILD patients completed visit 2 (eleven IPF, eight HP, ten DIILD, five CTD-ILD) after 6 or 26 weeks. FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: MRI performed at 1.5 T. Inversion recovery T1 mapping, dynamic MRI acquisition with varying oxygen levels, and hyperpolarised 129Xe ventilation MRI. Subjects underwent standard spirometry and gas transfer testing. ASSESSMENT: Five 1H MRI and two 129Xe MRI ventilation metrics were compared with spirometry and gas transfer measurements. STATISTICAL TEST: To evaluate differences at visit 1 among subgroups: ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis rank tests with correction for multiple comparisons. To assess the relationships between imaging biomarkers, PFT, age and gender, at visit 1 and for the change between visit 1 and 2: Pearson correlations and multilinear regression models. RESULTS: The global PFT tests could not distinguish ILD subtypes. Ventilated volumes were lower in ILD patients than in HVs when measured with 129Xe MRI (HV 97.4 ± 2.6, CTD-ILD: 91.0 ± 4.8 p = 0.017, DI-ILD 90.1 ± 7.4 p = 0.003, HP 92.6 ± 4.0 p = 0.013, IPF 88.1 ± 6.5 p < 0.001), but not with OE-MRI. 129Xe reported more heterogeneous ventilation in DI-ILD and IPF than in HV, and OE-MRI reported more heterogeneous ventilation in DI-ILD and IPF than in HP or CTD-ILD. The longitudinal changes reported by the imaging biomarkers did not correlate with the PFT changes between visits. DATA CONCLUSION: Neither 129Xe ventilation nor OE-MRI biomarkers investigated in this study were able to differentiate between ILD subtypes, suggesting that ventilation-only biomarkers are not indicated for this task. Limited but progressive loss of ventilated volume as measured by 129Xe-MRI may be present as the biomarker of focal disease progresses. OE-MRI biomarkers are feasible in ILD patients and do not correlate strongly with PFT. Both OE-MRI and 129Xe MRI revealed more spatially heterogeneous ventilation in DI-ILD and IPF

    Optimization of quantitative susceptibility mapping for regional estimation of oxygen extraction fraction in the brain

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    From Wiley via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-10-06, rev-recd 2021-03-05, accepted 2021-03-08, pub-electronic 2021-03-29, pub-print 2021-09Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedFunder: GE Healthcare; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100006775Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000266; Grant(s): EP/M005909/1Purpose: We sought to determine the degree to which oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) estimated using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) depends on two critical acquisition parameters that have a significant impact on acquisition time: voxel size and final echo time. Methods: Four healthy volunteers were imaged using a range of isotropic voxel sizes and final echo times. The 0.7 mm data were downsampled at different stages of QSM processing by a factor of 2 (to 1.4 mm), 3 (2.1 mm), or 4 (2.8 mm) to determine the impact of voxel size on each analysis step. OEF was estimated from 11 veins of varying diameter. Inter‐ and intra‐session repeatability were estimated for the optimal protocol by repeat scanning in 10 participants. Results: Final echo time was found to have no significant effect on OEF. The effect of voxel size was significant, with larger voxel sizes underestimating OEF, depending on the proximity of the vein to the superficial surface of the brain and on vein diameter. The last analysis step of estimating vein OEF values from susceptibility images had the largest dependency on voxel size. Inter‐session coefficients of variation on OEF estimates of between 5.2% and 8.7% are reported, depending on the vein. Conclusion: QSM acquisition times can be minimized by reducing the final echo time but an isotropic voxel size no larger than 1 mm is needed to accurately estimate OEF in most medium/large veins in the brain. Such acquisitions can be achieved in under 4 min

    Endless forms of sexual selection

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    In recent years, the field of sexual selection has exploded, with advances in theoretical and empirical research complementing each other in exciting ways. This perspective piece is the product of a "stock-taking\u27\u27 workshop on sexual selection and sexual conflict. Our aim is to identify and deliberate on outstanding questions and to stimulate discussion rather than provide a comprehensive overview of the entire field. These questions are organized into four thematic sections we deem essential to the field. First we focus on the evolution of mate choice and mating systems. Variation in mate quality can generate both competition and choice in the opposite sex, with implications for the evolution of mating systems. Limitations on mate choice may dictate the importance of direct vs. indirect benefits in mating decisions and consequently, mating systems, especially with regard to polyandry. Second, we focus on how sender and receiver mechanisms shape signal design. Mediation of honest signal content likely depends on integration of temporally variable social and physiological costs that are challenging to measure. We view the neuroethology of sensory and cognitive receiver biases as the main key to signal form and the \u27aesthetic sense\u27 proposed by Darwin. Since a receiver bias is sufficient to both initiate and drive ornament or armament exaggeration, without a genetically correlated or even coevolving receiver, this may be the appropriate \u27null model\u27 of sexual selection. Thirdly, we focus on the genetic architecture of sexually selected traits. Despite advances in modern molecular techniques, the number and identity of genes underlying performance, display and secondary sexual traits remains largely unknown. In-depth investigations into the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism in the context of long-term field studies will reveal constraints and trajectories of sexually selected trait evolution. Finally, we focus on sexual selection and conflict as drivers of speciation. Population divergence and speciation are often influenced by an interplay between sexual and natural selection. The extent to which sexual selection promotes or counteracts population divergence may vary depending on the genetic architecture of traits as well as the covariance between mating competition and local adaptation. Additionally, post-copulatory processes, such as selection against heterospecific sperm, may influence the importance of sexual selection in speciation. We propose that efforts to resolve these four themes can catalyze conceptual progress in the field of sexual selection, and we offer potential avenues of research to advance this progress

    Characterisation of microvessel blood velocity and segment length in the brain using multi-diffusion-time diffusion-weighted MRI

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    From SAGE Publishing via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-05-13, rev-recd 2020-10-24, accepted 2020-10-27, epub 2020-12-16Publication status: PublishedMulti-diffusion-time diffusion-weighted MRI can probe tissue microstructure, but the method has not been widely applied to the microvasculature. At long diffusion-times, blood flow in capillaries is in the diffusive regime, and signal attenuation is dependent on blood velocity (v) and capillary segment length (l). It is described by the pseudo-diffusion coefficient (D*=vl/6) of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM). At shorter diffusion-times, blood flow is in the ballistic regime, and signal attenuation depends on v, and not l. In theory, l could be estimated using D* and v. In this study, we compare the accuracy and repeatability of three approaches to estimating v, and therefore l: the IVIM ballistic model, the velocity autocorrelation model, and the ballistic approximation to the velocity autocorrelation model. Twenty-nine rat datasets from two strains were acquired at 7 T, with b-values between 0 and 1000 smm−2 and diffusion times between 11.6 and 50 ms. Five rats were scanned twice to assess scan-rescan repeatability. Measurements of l were validated using corrosion casting and micro-CT imaging. The ballistic approximation of the velocity autocorrelation model had lowest bias relative to corrosion cast estimates of l, and had highest repeatability

    First-in-human technique translation of oxygen-enhanced MRI to an MR Linac system in patients with head and neck cancer

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Tumour hypoxia is prognostic in head and neck cancer (HNC), associated with poor loco-regional control, poor survival and treatment resistance. The advent of hybrid MRI - radiotherapy linear accelerator or 'MR Linac' systems - could permit imaging for treatment adaptation based on hypoxic status. We sought to develop oxygen-enhanced MRI (OE-MRI) in HNC and translate the technique onto an MR Linac system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI sequences were developed in phantoms and 15 healthy participants. Next, 14 HNC patients (with 21 primary or local nodal tumours) were evaluated. Baseline tissue longitudinal relaxation time (T1) was measured alongside the change in 1/T1 (termed ΔR1) between air and oxygen gas breathing phases. We compared results from 1.5 T diagnostic MR and MR Linac systems. RESULTS: Baseline T1 had excellent repeatability in phantoms, healthy participants and patients on both systems. Cohort nasal concha oxygen-induced ΔR1 significantly increased (p < 0.0001) in healthy participants demonstrating OE-MRI feasibility. ΔR1 repeatability coefficients (RC) were 0.023-0.040 s-1 across both MR systems. The tumour ΔR1 RC was 0.013 s-1 and the within-subject coefficient of variation (wCV) was 25% on the diagnostic MR. Tumour ΔR1 RC was 0.020 s-1 and wCV was 33% on the MR Linac. ΔR1 magnitude and time-course trends were similar on both systems. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate first-in-human translation of volumetric, dynamic OE-MRI onto an MR Linac system, yielding repeatable hypoxia biomarkers. Data were equivalent on the diagnostic MR and MR Linac systems. OE-MRI has potential to guide future clinical trials of biology guided adaptive radiotherapy