79 research outputs found
A QM/MM approach for the study of monolayer-protected gold clusters
We report the development and implementation of hybrid methods that combine
quantum mechanics (QM) with molecular mechanics (MM) to theoretically
characterize thiolated gold clusters. We use, as training systems, structures
such as Au25(SCH2-R)18 and Au38(SCH2-R)24, which can be readily compared with
recent crystallographic data. We envision that such an approach will lead to an
accurate description of key structural and electronic signatures at a fraction
of the cost of a full quantum chemical treatment. As an example, we demonstrate
that calculations of the 1H and 13C NMR shielding constants with our proposed
QM/MM model maintain the qualitative features of a full DFT calculation, with
an order-of-magnitude increase in computational efficiency.Comment: Journal of Materials Science, 201
Effect of Biodiversity Changes in Disease Risk: Exploring Disease Emergence in a Plant-Virus System
The effect of biodiversity on the ability of parasites to infect their host and cause disease (i.e. disease risk) is a major question in pathology, which is central to understand the emergence of infectious diseases, and to develop strategies for their management. Two hypotheses, which can be considered as extremes of a continuum, relate biodiversity to disease risk: One states that biodiversity is positively correlated with disease risk (Amplification Effect), and the second predicts a negative correlation between biodiversity and disease risk (Dilution Effect). Which of them applies better to different host-parasite systems is still a source of debate, due to limited experimental or empirical data. This is especially the case for viral diseases of plants. To address this subject, we have monitored for three years the prevalence of several viruses, and virus-associated symptoms, in populations of wild pepper (chiltepin) under different levels of human management. For each population, we also measured the habitat species diversity, host plant genetic diversity and host plant density. Results indicate that disease and infection risk increased with the level of human management, which was associated with decreased species diversity and host genetic diversity, and with increased host plant density. Importantly, species diversity of the habitat was the primary predictor of disease risk for wild chiltepin populations. This changed in managed populations where host genetic diversity was the primary predictor. Host density was generally a poorer predictor of disease and infection risk. These results support the dilution effect hypothesis, and underline the relevance of different ecological factors in determining disease/infection risk in host plant populations under different levels of anthropic influence. These results are relevant for managing plant diseases and for establishing conservation policies for endangered plant species
WNT signalling in prostate cancer
Genome sequencing and gene expression analyses of prostate tumours have highlighted the potential importance of genetic and epigenetic changes observed in WNT signalling pathway components in prostate tumours-particularly in the development of castration-resistant prostate cancer. WNT signalling is also important in the prostate tumour microenvironment, in which WNT proteins secreted by the tumour stroma promote resistance to therapy, and in prostate cancer stem or progenitor cells, in which WNT-β-catenin signals promote self-renewal or expansion. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the potential of inhibitors that target WNT receptor complexes at the cell membrane or that block the interaction of β-catenin with lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 and the androgen receptor, in preventing prostate cancer progression. Some WNT signalling inhibitors are in phase I trials, but they have yet to be tested in patients with prostate cancer
Rationally Designed Interfacial Peptides Are Efficient In Vitro Inhibitors of HIV-1 Capsid Assembly with Antiviral Activity
Virus capsid assembly constitutes an attractive target for the development of antiviral therapies; a few experimental inhibitors of this process for HIV-1 and other viruses have been identified by screening compounds or by selection from chemical libraries. As a different, novel approach we have undertaken the rational design of peptides that could act as competitive assembly inhibitors by mimicking capsid structural elements involved in intersubunit interfaces. Several discrete interfaces involved in formation of the mature HIV-1 capsid through polymerization of the capsid protein CA were targeted. We had previously designed a peptide, CAC1, that represents CA helix 9 (a major part of the dimerization interface) and binds the CA C-terminal domain in solution. Here we have mapped the binding site of CAC1, and shown that it substantially overlaps with the CA dimerization interface. We have also rationally modified CAC1 to increase its solubility and CA-binding affinity, and designed four additional peptides that represent CA helical segments involved in other CA interfaces. We found that peptides CAC1, its derivative CAC1M, and H8 (representing CA helix 8) were able to efficiently inhibit the in vitro assembly of the mature HIV-1 capsid. Cocktails of several peptides, including CAC1 or CAC1M plus H8 or CAI (a previously discovered inhibitor of CA polymerization), or CAC1M+H8+CAI, also abolished capsid assembly, even when every peptide was used at lower, sub-inhibitory doses. To provide a preliminary proof that these designed capsid assembly inhibitors could eventually serve as lead compounds for development of anti-HIV-1 agents, they were transported into cultured cells using a cell-penetrating peptide, and tested for antiviral activity. Peptide cocktails that drastically inhibited capsid assembly in vitro were also able to efficiently inhibit HIV-1 infection ex vivo. This study validates a novel, entirely rational approach for the design of capsid assembly interfacial inhibitors that show antiviral activity
Relationship between self-reported dietary intake and physical activity levels among adolescents: The HELENA study
Evidence suggests possible synergetic effects of multiple lifestyle behaviors on health risks like obesity and other health outcomes. Therefore it is important to investigate associations between dietary and physical activity behavior, the two most important lifestyle behaviors influencing our energy balance and body composition. The objective of the present study is to describe the relationship between energy, nutrient and food intake and the physical activity level among a large group of European adolescents.
The study comprised a total of 2176 adolescents (46.2% male) from ten European cities participating in the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study. Dietary intake and physical activity were assessed using validated 24-h dietary recalls and self-reported questionnaires respectively. Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to compare the energy and nutrient intake and the food consumption between groups of adolescents with different physical activity levels (1st to 3rd tertile).
In both sexes no differences were found in energy intake between the levels of physical activity. The most active males showed a higher intake of polysaccharides, protein, water and vitamin C and a lower intake of saccharides compared to less active males. Females with the highest physical activity level consumed more polysaccharides compared to their least active peers. Male and female adolescents with the highest physical activity levels, consumed more fruit and milk products and less cheese compared to the least active adolescents. The most active males showed higher intakes of vegetables and meat, fish, eggs, meat substitutes and vegetarian products compared to the least active ones. The least active males reported the highest consumption of grain products and potatoes. Within the female group, significantly lower intakes of bread and cereal products and spreads were found for those reporting to spend most time in moderate to vigorous physical activity. The consumption of foods from the remaining food groups, did not differ between the physical activity levels in both sexes.
It can be concluded that dietary habits diverge between adolescents with different self-reported physical activity levels. For some food groups a difference in intake could be found, which were reflected in differences in some nutrient intakes. It can also be concluded that physically active adolescents are not always inclined to eat healthier diets than their less active peers.The HELENA study took place with the financial support of the European Community Sixth RTD Framework Programme (Contract FOOD-CT: 2005-007034). This work was also partially supported by the European Union, in the framework of the Public Health Programme (ALPHA project, Ref: 2006120), the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS), the Spanish Ministry of Education (EX-2007-1124, and EX-2008-0641), and the Spanish Ministry of Health, Maternal, Child Health and Development Network (number RD08/0072) (JPRL, LAM)
Iron Behaving Badly: Inappropriate Iron Chelation as a Major Contributor to the Aetiology of Vascular and Other Progressive Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases
The production of peroxide and superoxide is an inevitable consequence of
aerobic metabolism, and while these particular "reactive oxygen species" (ROSs)
can exhibit a number of biological effects, they are not of themselves
excessively reactive and thus they are not especially damaging at physiological
concentrations. However, their reactions with poorly liganded iron species can
lead to the catalytic production of the very reactive and dangerous hydroxyl
radical, which is exceptionally damaging, and a major cause of chronic
inflammation. We review the considerable and wide-ranging evidence for the
involvement of this combination of (su)peroxide and poorly liganded iron in a
large number of physiological and indeed pathological processes and
inflammatory disorders, especially those involving the progressive degradation
of cellular and organismal performance. These diseases share a great many
similarities and thus might be considered to have a common cause (i.e.
iron-catalysed free radical and especially hydroxyl radical generation). The
studies reviewed include those focused on a series of cardiovascular, metabolic
and neurological diseases, where iron can be found at the sites of plaques and
lesions, as well as studies showing the significance of iron to aging and
longevity. The effective chelation of iron by natural or synthetic ligands is
thus of major physiological (and potentially therapeutic) importance. As
systems properties, we need to recognise that physiological observables have
multiple molecular causes, and studying them in isolation leads to inconsistent
patterns of apparent causality when it is the simultaneous combination of
multiple factors that is responsible. This explains, for instance, the
decidedly mixed effects of antioxidants that have been observed, etc...Comment: 159 pages, including 9 Figs and 2184 reference
Horse immunization with short-chain consensus α-neurotoxin generates antibodies against broad spectrum of elapid venomous species
Antivenoms are fundamental in the therapy for snakebites. In elapid venoms, there are toxins,
e.g. short-chain α-neurotoxins, which are quite abundant, highly toxic, and consequently play
a major role in envenomation processes. The core problem is that such α-neurotoxins are
weakly immunogenic, and many current elapid antivenoms show low reactivity towards them.
We have previously developed a recombinant consensus short-chain α-neurotoxin (ScNtx)
based on sequences from the most lethal elapid venoms from America, Africa, Asia, and
Oceania. Here we report that an antivenom generated by immunizing horses with ScNtx can
successfully neutralize the lethality of pure recombinant and native short-chain α-neurotoxins,
as well as whole neurotoxic elapid venoms from diverse genera such as Micrurus,
Dendroaspis, Naja, Walterinnesia, Ophiophagus and Hydrophis. These results provide a proof-ofprinciple
for using recombinant proteins with rationally designed consensus sequences as
universal immunogens for developing next-generation antivenoms with higher effectiveness
and broader neutralizing capacity.Universidad de Costa Rica/[741-B7-608]/UCR/Costa RicaDireccion General de Asuntos del Personal Academico/[IN203118]/DGAPA/MéxicoDireccion General de Asuntos del Personal Academico/[IN207218]/DGAPA/MéxicoUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP
Frequency of sequence mutations and variants for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in a sample of Colombian women with suspected hereditary breast cancer syndrome: case series
Objetivo: describir variantes de secuencia en los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 en una muestra de pacientes colombianas con historia personal o familiar de cáncer de mama sugestiva de riesgo genético. Materiales y métodos: serie de casos compuesta por 67 pacientes que fueron remitidas para estudio genético por sospecha de síndrome de cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario (HBOC). De los 67 casos, 42 (62,7%) cumplieron con los criterios de indicación médica de la National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) del 2013, y en ellos se realizó secuenciación completa de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2. Se determinó la frecuencia de mutación, variantes de secuencia y significancia clínica de las variantes halladas con base en Breast Cancer Informa-tion Core (BIC). Resultados: se identificaron mutaciones para el gen BRCA1 en seis pacientes (14,3%), no se documentó mutación para el gen BRCA2, además se detectaron 43 variantes genéticas en 27 pacientes (64,2% de 42 casos). De estas, 21 (48,8%) fueron identificadas en el gen BRCA1 y 22 (51,2%) en el gen BRCA2.Dentro de estas variantes, se identificaron 5 mutaciones patogénicas solo en el gen BRCA1, de las cuales solo una había sido reportada previamente en Colombia. Conclusiones: este estudio identifica variantes genéticas patogénicas en el gen BRCA1no descritas en estudios previos en la población colombiana y otras conocidas en diferentes poblaciones; permitiendo de esta forma ampliar el conocimiento sobre las variantes en población colombiana de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2. Sin embargo, se requieren más estudios con suficiente poder y calidad metodológica para poder estimar la frecuencia de mutaciones y de variantes de secuencia para estos genes en mujeres colombianas con sospecha de síndrome de cáncer de mama u ovario hereditario.Objective: To describe sequence variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in a sample of Colombian patients with a personal or family histor y of breast cancer suggestive of genetic risk. Materials and methods: Case series consisting of 67 patients referred for genetic testing because of suspected hereditar y breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC). Of the 67 cases, 42 (62.7%) met the medical indication criteria of the 2013 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and they were subjected to the entire sequencing of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. A determination was made of the frequency of sequence mutation, variants, and of the clinical significance of the variants found based on the Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC). Results: Mutations were identified for the BRCA 1 gene in six patients (14.3%), no mutation was documented for the BRCA 2 gene, and 43 genetic variants were found in 27 patients (64.2% of 42 cases). Of these, 21 (48.8%) were identified in the BRCA1 gene and 22 (51.2%) in the BRCA 2 gene. Among these variants, 5 pathogenic mutations were found only in the BRCA1 gene and, of those, only 1 had been reported previously in Colombia.Conclusions: This study identifies pathogenic genetic variants in the BRCA1 gene not described previously in the Colombian population, as well as others known in different populations. Therefore, it helps expand knowledge regarding the variants of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in the Colombian population. However, additional studies are required with sufficient power and methodological quality to estimate the frequency of sequence mutations and variants for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Colombian women suspected of having the hereditar y breast or ovarian cancer syndrome
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