178 research outputs found

    Associations between psychopathy and the trait meta-mood scale in incarcerated males:A combined latent variable- and person-centered approach

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    The present study sought to replicate and extend current knowledge on the relevance of emotion regulation (ER) for psychopathy. In a large sample of incarcerated adult males (N = 578), latent profile analysis (LPA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were employed to examine person- and variable-centered associations between self-reported ER and both self-report and clinical ratings of psychopathy. With LPA, participants were classified into three profiles corresponding to low, medium, and high ER. The low-ER profile displayed higher affective traits across psychopathy assessments compared with the other profiles. The same pattern of findings was evident for overt behavioral features of psychopathy, but not for interpersonal traits. SEM results were consistent with LPA findings: interpersonal (positively), affective, and lifestyle (negatively) facets had unique associations with a superordinate ER latent variable. Findings replicate and extend prior associations between psychopathy and ER and suggest differential links between ER and affective and interpersonal traits of psychopathy

    Simultaneous accessory pathway and AV node mechanical block

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    We report a clinical case of a 22-year-old female referred to our institution due to palpitations and preexcitation. Her ECG suggested a right superior paraseptal accessory pathway (AP), which was localised during the electrophysiological study at the superior paraseptal region in close proximity to the His recordings. Reproducible orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia was induced by atrial pacing with extrastimuli. Cryo-mapping performed in the area of earliest atrial activation was not able to terminate the tachycardia. A second attempt, slightly more posterior, caused mechanical block of the AP, which rendered the tachycardia non-inducible. More pressure with the ablation catheter determined a Wenckebach type supra-hisian AV block, which was transient but reproducible. Given this finding no ablation was done. Simultaneous block to the AP and the atrioventricular node has rarely been reported using radiofrequency energy. However, to our knowledge this phenomenon has not been previously reported in large series using cryo-thermal energ

    Altered modulation of lamin A/C-HDAC2 interaction and p21 expression during oxidative stress response in HGPS

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    Defects in stress response are main determinants of cellular senescence and organism aging. In fibroblasts from patients affected by Hutchinson-Gilford progeria, a severe LMNA-linked syndrome associated with bone resorption, cardiovascular disorders, and premature aging, we found altered modulation of CDKN1A, encoding p21, upon oxidative stress induction, and accumulation of senescence markers during stress recovery. In this context, we unraveled a dynamic interaction of lamin A/C with HDAC2, an histone deacetylase that regulates CDKN1A expression. In control skin fibroblasts, lamin A/C is part of a protein complex including HDAC2 and its histone substrates; protein interaction is reduced at the onset of DNA damage response and recovered after completion of DNA repair. This interplay parallels modulation of p21 expression and global histone acetylation, and it is disrupted by LMNAmutations leading to progeroid phenotypes. In fact, HGPS cells show impaired lamin A/C-HDAC2 interplay and accumulation of p21 upon stress recovery. Collectively, these results link altered physical interaction between lamin A/C and HDAC2 to cellular and organism aging. The lamin A/C-HDAC2 complex may be a novel therapeutic target to slow down progression of progeria symptoms

    Influencia de las elecciones y el alineamiento partidario en el federalismo fiscal: una visiĂłn a partir de la experiencia provincial argentina

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    La descentralización fiscal en países federales posibilita el surgimiento de ciclos electorales a nivel subnacional, sean provincias (como en Argentina o Canadá) o estados subnacionales (como en Brasil, México o Estados Unidos). Este fenómeno es bien conocido en la literatura sobre ciclos electorales en política fiscal, a las que nos referiremos, por su denominación en inglés, como PBCs (political budget cycles). A su vez, la literatura sobre política distributiva ha mostrado que existen sesgos partidistas en la distribución de los fondos nacionales. Una literatura más reciente muestra además que la política distributiva nacional está afectada por el ciclo electoral, lo que liga este fenómeno con los PBCs. Sin embargo, el foco ha estado puesto sobre qué sucede con las políticas fiscales a nivel nacional, mientras que no se discuten sus implicancias a nivel subnacional. Aquí en cambio ponemos el foco sobre las políticas provinciales y cómo son afectadas por las políticas distributivas nacionales, apoyándonos en la experiencia de las provincias argentinas. Nuestro aporte específico es mostrar que los PBCs subnacionales no se pueden analizar independientemente del comportamiento de las transferencias nacionales, ya que los componentes discrecionales de estas transferencias están afectados por intereses partidistas. Como el ciclo electoral está motivado por el afán de ganar elecciones, estas cuestiones fiscales están estrechamente relacionadas con la literatura sobre determinantes de popularidad y voto. Dados los elementos anteriores, el voto provincial va a estar afectado no solo por el desempeño del gobierno local sino también por la política distributiva nacional. Nosotros discutimos específicamente cómo las políticas nacionales afectan al voto para gobernador.Facultad de Ciencias Economica

    Influencia de las elecciones y el alineamiento partidario en el federalismo fiscal : una visiĂłn a partir de la experiencia provincial argentina

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    La descentralización fiscal en países federales posibilita el surgimiento de ciclos electorales a nivel subnacional, sean provincias (como en Argentina o Canadá) o estados subnacionales (como en Brasil, México o Estados Unidos). Este fenómeno es bien conocido en la literatura sobre ciclos electorales en política fiscal, a las que nos referiremos, por su denominación en inglés, como PBCs (political budget cycles).Instituto EconomíaFil: Garofalo, Pablo. New Jersey City University. School of Business, Department of Economics; Estados UnidosFil: Lema, Rolando Daniel Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Políticas, Económicas y Sociales. Instituto de Economía; Argentina. Universidad del Cema; ArgentinaFil: Streb, Jorge M. Universidad del Cema; Argentin

    Myopalladin promotes muscle growth through modulation of the serum response factor pathway

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    Myopalladin (MYPN) is a striated muscle-specific, immunoglobulin-containing protein located in the Z-line and I-band of the sarcomere as well as the nucleus. Heterozygous MYPN gene mutations are associated with hypertrophic, dilated, and restrictive cardiomyopathy, and homozygous loss-of-function truncating mutations have recently been identified in patients with cap myopathy, nemaline myopathy, and congenital myopathy with hanging big toe

    Topological and geometrical restrictions, free-boundary problems and self-gravitating fluids

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    Let (P1) be certain elliptic free-boundary problem on a Riemannian manifold (M,g). In this paper we study the restrictions on the topology and geometry of the fibres (the level sets) of the solutions f to (P1). We give a technique based on certain remarkable property of the fibres (the analytic representation property) for going from the initial PDE to a global analytical characterization of the fibres (the equilibrium partition condition). We study this analytical characterization and obtain several topological and geometrical properties that the fibres of the solutions must possess, depending on the topology of M and the metric tensor g. We apply these results to the classical problem in physics of classifying the equilibrium shapes of both Newtonian and relativistic static self-gravitating fluids. We also suggest a relationship with the isometries of a Riemannian manifold.Comment: 36 pages. In this new version the analytic representation hypothesis is proved. Please address all correspondence to D. Peralta-Sala

    Towards a synthetic tutor assistant: The EASEL project and its architecture

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    Robots are gradually but steadily being introduced in our daily lives. A paramount application is that of education, where robots can assume the role of a tutor, a peer or simply a tool to help learners in a specific knowledge domain. Such endeavor posits specific challenges: affective social behavior, proper modelling of the learner’s progress, discrimination of the learner’s utterances, expressions and mental states, which, in turn, require an integrated architecture combining perception, cognition and action. In this paper we present an attempt to improve the current state of robots in the educational domain by introducing the EASEL EU project. Specifically, we introduce the EASEL’s unified robot architecture, an innovative Synthetic Tutor Assistant (STA) whose goal is to interactively guide learners in a science-based learning paradigm, allowing us to achieve such rich multimodal interactions

    The EASEL project: Towards educational human-robot symbiotic interaction

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    This paper presents the EU EASEL project, which explores the potential impact and relevance of a robot in educational settings. We present the project objectives and the theorectical background on which the project builds, briefly introduce the EASEL technological developments, and end with a summary of what we have learned from the evaluation studies carried out in the project so far

    Achieving a robust grassy-ELM operation regime in CFETR

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    We have identified a robust grassy-edge localized mode (ELM) operation regime for future tokamak reactors. The regime exists within a pedestal top electron collisionality (ν *) window at high global poloidal beta (β p). The existence of an upper ν * limit for grassy-ELMs is consistent with results previously reported in experiments (Oyama et al 2010 Nucl. Fusion 50 064014), while the existence of a lower ν * limit has not been reported previously. Using EPED and BOUT  +  +, a theoretical model that quantitatively explains the physics of the grassy-ELMs within the window, which distinguishes them from the small mixed-ELMs at lower ν *, is presented for the first time. A peeling-ballooning stability boundary is obtained by scanning the operating density space. The change in density corresponds to a change in ν * that affects the pedestal bootstrap current. High β p leads to a strong Shafranov shift, which affects the flux surface averaged pressure drive. The two effects combine to create a peeling-dominated window in intermediate ν * buffered by ballooning-dominated regimes. Only the peeling-dominated regime shows a cyclic behavior in the perturbed pressure during the nonlinear simulation of an ELM crash, reminiscent of grassy-ELM dynamics. Similarly, the energy released across the separatrix is demonstrated to be significantly smaller. The quick recovery of the ELM crash is explainable by the rapid rise of a low n kink-peeling instability when the pedestal current Iped exceeds a threshold at high β p. It minimizes the excursion beyond marginal stability and is absent in the ballooning-dominated regime. Comparison with recent experiments over a range of β p and ν * strongly supports the physical picture proposed by the modeling
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