2,510 research outputs found

    Modelling the evolution of the Guadalquivir foreland basin (South Spain).

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    Previous quantitative studies dealing with the origin of foreland basins have focused primarily either on the rheological basis of the lithosphere mechanical response or on the relationship between orogenic loading and sediment geometry. To link the evolution of the Guadalquivir foreland basin (South Iberia) with the thermomechanical stratification of the Iberian lithosphere, we combine quantitative approaches to deep and shallow processes: thrust loading, lithospheric flexure, thickness changes of the crust and the lithospheric mantle, and surface mass transport. A planform flexural analysis of the present-day load distribution shows that basement subsidence is related not only to upper crustal thrusting but also to a deep-seated additional load. On the basis of the observed gravity and geoid fields, we propose this additional load to be related to a lithospheric mantle thickening larger than the coeval crustal thickening. Further modeling of the evolution of a basin cross section reveals that the architecture of the sedimentary basin is additionally related to the lithosphere rheological response. The quantitative study of the evolution of basement faulting and the forebulge uplift of Sierra Morena leads us to conclude that viscous stress relaxation and/or plastic yielding within the lithosphere are key processes to explain the flexural evolution of the basin

    Політика українських урядів щодо формування системи навчальних закладів національних меншин за часів виборювання державності (1917-1920 рр.)

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    У статті мова йде про політику Центральної Ради, урядів гетьмана П. Скоропадського та Директорії УНР щодо створення мережі загальноосвітніх шкіл національних меншин. З'ясовується комплекс проблем, які доводилось вирішувати з освітніх питань, та особливості формування мережі шкіл національних меншин залежно від змін історичних подій.В статье речь идёт о политике Центральной Рады, правительства гетмана П. Скоропадского и Директории УНР по вопросу формирования сети общеобразовательных школ национальных меньшинств. Изучается комплекс проблем, которые приходилось решать в образовательной сфере, и особенности формирования сети школ национальных меньшинств в зависимости от изменений исторических событий.The article is devoted to the policy of Central Rada, getman P.Skoropatsky's government and Directory UNR which organized the system of secondary schools for national minorities. Complex of problems which had been solved in the context of educational sphere and the specific of forming of the system of educational establishments for national minorities depending on historical events are analysed

    Proper motions of the HH1 jet

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    We describe a new method for determining proper motions of extended objects, and a pipeline developed for the application of this method. We then apply this method to an analysis of four epochs of [S~II] HST images of the HH~1 jet (covering a period of 20\sim 20~yr). We determine the proper motions of the knots along the jet, and make a reconstruction of the past ejection velocity time-variability (assuming ballistic knot motions). This reconstruction shows an "acceleration" of the ejection velocities of the jet knots, with higher velocities at more recent times. This acceleration will result in an eventual merging of the knots in 450\sim 450~yr and at a distance of 80"\sim 80" from the outflow source, close to the present-day position of HH~1.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Critical points in a relativistic bosonic gas induced by the quantum structure of spacetime

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    It is well known that phase transitions arise if the interaction among particles embodies an attractive as well as a repulsive contribution. In this work it will be shown that the breakdown of Lorentz symmetry, characterized through a deformation in the relation dispersion, plus the bosonic statistics predict the emergence of critical points. In other words, in some quantum gravity models the structure of spacetime implies the emergence of critical points even when no interaction among the particle has been considered.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Three-dimensional flexural modelling of the Ebro Basin(NE Iberia)

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    The Ebro Basin, the southern foreland basin of the Pyrenees, has undergone a complex evolution in which, apart from the Pyrenees, the Iberian Range and the Catalan Coastal Ranges have played an important role, both as sediment sources and as basin confining structures. The deflected basement underlying the Ebro Basin dips north, suggesting a lithospheric-scale control on the structure of this basin. This is compatible with the results of subsidence analyses, which show that the study area is not in a local mode of isostatic compensation. In order better to understand the mechanisms that led to the present configuration of the Ebro Basin, and particularly the relevance of the various kinds of (un)loading (e.g. surrounding fold-and-thrust belts, basin topography, subsurface loads), we carried out a 3-D kinematic modelling study that accounts for the flexural state of the lithosphere, subjected to various loads applied at its lateral boundaries, and the sedimentary fill of the basin. We also included the effect of Neogene extensional tectonics along the eastern basin margin, which is related to the opening of the Valencia Trough. We show the suitability of the 3-D lithospheric-scale flexural modelling approach to the study of NE Iberia. Modelling results point to a relatively strong lithosphere in this area, with values of effective elastic thickness ranging from 10 to 35 km in the Ebro Basin, increasing towards the Pyrenees. We also find that the topographic (tectonic) load itself is insufficient to explain the observed basement deflection. Thus an extra subsurface load beneath the Pyrenees, corresponding to the underthrusted Iberian lithosphere, is required. The effect of lithospheric stretching in the Valencia Trough on the Ebro Basin is appreciable only in its eastern part, where the lithosphere was uplifted. This had considerable repercussions on the sedimentary and erosional regime of the Ebro Basin. We have analysed the link between the stretching-related, tectonically uplifted areas and the erosional patterns observed onshore northeast Iberi

    Survival of a submarine canyon during long-term outbuilding of a continental margin

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    Net-depositional submarine canyons are common in continental slope strata, but how they survive and prograde on constructional margins is poorly understood. In this study we present field evidence for the coevolution of a submarine canyon and the adjacent continental slope. Using a three-dimensional seismic data cube that images the Ebro margin (northwest Mediterranean), we identify a preserved canyon on a middle Pleistocene paleosurface and relate it directly to its expression on the present-day seafloor. A subparallel stacking pattern of seismic reflectors, similar to that seen between prograding clinoforms in intercanyon areas, is observed between the modern and paleocanyon thalwegs. The concavity of the modern long profile differs from the convex-concave long profile on the middle Pleistocene surface, suggesting a long-term change in canyon sedimentation. We interpret this change as a shift to a canyon dominated by turbidity currents from one strongly influenced by the pattern of sedimentation that built the open-slope canyon interfluves. We find support for our interpretation in previous studies of the Ebro margin

    Stamp transferred suspended graphene mechanical resonators for radio-frequency electrical readout

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    We present a simple micromanipulation technique to transfer suspended graphene flakes onto any substrate and to assemble them with small localized gates into mechanical resonators. The mechanical motion of the graphene is detected using an electrical, radio-frequency (RF) reflection readout scheme where the time-varying graphene capacitor reflects a RF carrier at f=5-6 GHz producing modulation sidebands at f +/- fm. A mechanical resonance frequency up to fm=178 MHz is demonstrated. We find both hardening/softening Duffing effects on different samples, and obtain a critical amplitude of ~40 pm for the onset of nonlinearity in graphene mechanical resonators. Measurements of the quality factor of the mechanical resonance as a function of DC bias voltage Vdc indicate that dissipation due to motion-induced displacement currents in graphene electrode is important at high frequencies and large Vdc

    Strongly anisotropic spin relaxation in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures at room temperature

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    Graphene has emerged as the foremost material for future two-dimensional spintronics due to its tuneable electronic properties. In graphene, spin information can be transported over long distances and, in principle, be manipulated by using magnetic correlations or large spin-orbit coupling (SOC) induced by proximity effects. In particular, a dramatic SOC enhancement has been predicted when interfacing graphene with a semiconducting transition metal dechalcogenide, such as tungsten disulphide (WS2_2). Signatures of such an enhancement have recently been reported but the nature of the spin relaxation in these systems remains unknown. Here, we unambiguously demonstrate anisotropic spin dynamics in bilayer heterostructures comprising graphene and WS2_2. By using out-of-plane spin precession, we show that the spin lifetime is largest when the spins point out of the graphene plane. Moreover, we observe that the spin lifetime varies over one order of magnitude depending on the spin orientation, indicating that the strong spin-valley coupling in WS2_2 is imprinted in the bilayer and felt by the propagating spins. These findings provide a rich platform to explore coupled spin-valley phenomena and offer novel spin manipulation strategies based on spin relaxation anisotropy in two-dimensional materials