672 research outputs found

    O curso de visitadoras sanitárias em Portugal 1929-1952

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    O presente artigo tem por base um estudo em curso sobre a história do ensino de enfermagem no âmbito do Doutoramento em Enfermagem no Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e resulta de uma comunicação apresentada no I Simpósio Internacional de História de Enfermagem em Maio de 2013. Pretendemos contribuir para a discussão sobre a formação dos enfermeiros no campo da saúde pública através da análise dos primeiros planos curriculares emergentes do ensino sanitário e para o conhecimento da história de enfermagem. Recorreu-se à metodologia de investigação histórica, com orientação heurística e recurso à análise documental, abarcando a criação e organização do curso de visitadoras sanitárias. Constatou-se que o curso estava inserido no Instituto Superior de Higiene Doutor Ricardo Jorge (Faria, 1934). Foi criado em 1929 no Posto de Proteção à Infância e pretendeu responder à criação de um corpo de enfermeiras de visita previsto na reforma de 1926 proposta pelo Professor Ricardo Jorge (ISHRJ, 1953). A partir de 1931 funcionou nos termos do Decreto-lei nº20376 e habilitava para o exercício nos postos de proteção á infância, dispensários de higiene social e inspeção de epidemias (ISHRJ, 1946). Com a reforma de 1945 o curso passou a ter a duração de um ano escolar incluindo estágios com o mínimo de 4 meses. O plano foi ajustado levando a um saber construído no campo da prática da saúde pública centrada na medicina preventiva e social (ISHRJ, 1953). Em 1952 o curso foi revogado com a reforma do ensino de enfermagem. Considera-se que o curso constituiu um marco significativo para a enfermagem de saúde pública pelo reconhecimento do papel desempenhado pelas visitadoras junto da população na conjuntura política e sanitária da época.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of soaking period and gibberellic acid addition on caper seed germination

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    [EN] In order to improve caper seed germination, this two-year study (2005-2006) was designed to determine the effects of seed soaking treatments and soaking times. individually or in combination with the addition of gibberellic acid to the germination substrate. Besides testing the control seeds, 7 soaking periods were assayed. soaking seeds in tap water at room temperature for 24 h, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days. Germination tests were performed in closed Petri dishes in a growth chamber. Germination data were fitted to the logistic function and calculations were made for the maximum germination percentage, the time to reach 50% of final germination and the mean relative cumulative rate. A soaking period of 30 days or longer enhanced seed germination: final germination values ranged from 95 to 99%, reducing the time to reach 50% of final germination and consequently the duration of germination tests. Addition of gibberellic acid to the substrate after soaking improved germination only for control seeds and those soaked for 24 It or 15 days. Seed soaking for 30 or 45 days, followed or not by the addition of a gibberellic acid Solution to the substrate. is an efficient method to enhance caper seed germination.Pascual España, B.; San Bautista Primo, A.; Pascual-Seva, N.; Garcia Molina, R.; López Galarza, SV.; Maroto Borrego, JV. (2009). Effects of soaking period and gibberellic acid addition on caper seed germination. Seed Science and Technology. 37(1):33-41. doi:10.15258/sst.2009.37.1.05S334137

    Key Genes of the Immune System and Predisposition to Acquired Hemophilia A: Evidence from a Spanish Cohort of 49 Patients Using Next-Generation Sequencing

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    Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder caused by the presence of autoantibodies against factor VIII (FVIII). As with other autoimmune diseases, its etiology is complex and its genetic basis is unknown. The aim of this study was to identify the immunogenetic background that predisposes individuals to AHA. HLA and KIR gene clusters, as well as KLRK1, were sequenced using next-generation sequencing in 49 AHA patients. Associations between candidate genes involved in innate and adaptive immune responses and AHA were addressed by comparing the alleles, genotypes, haplotypes, and gene frequencies in the AHA cohort with those in the donors' samples or Spanish population cohort. Two genes of the HLA cluster, as well as rs1049174 in KLRK1, which tags the natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity haplotype, were found to be linked to AHA. Specifically, A*03:01 (p = 0.024; odds ratio (OR) = 0.26[0.06-0.85]) and DRB1*13:03 (p = 6.8 x 103, OR = 7.56[1.64-51.40]), as well as rs1049174 (p = 0.012), were significantly associated with AHA. In addition, two AHA patients were found to carry one copy each of the low-frequency allele DQB1*03:09 (nallele = 2, 2.04%), which was completely absent in the donors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the involvement of these specific alleles in the predisposition to AHA has been proposed. Further molecular and functional studies will be needed to unravel their specific contributions. We believe our findings expand the current knowledge on the genetic factors involved in susceptibility to AHA, which will contribute to improving the diagnosis and prognosis of AHA patients

    Coal emissions adverse human health effects associated with ultrafine/nano-particles role and resultant engineering controls

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    There are multiple elements which enable coal geochemistry: (1) boiler and pollution control system design parameters, (2) temperature of flue gas at collection point, (3) feed coal and also other fuels like petroleum coke, tires and biomass geochemistry and (4) fuel feed particle size distribution homogeneity distribution, maintenance of pulverisers, etc. Even though there is a large number of hazardous element pollutants in the coal-processing industry, investigations on micrometer and nanometer-sized particles including their aqueous colloids formation reactions and their behaviour entering the environment are relatively few in numbers. X-ray diffraction (XRD), High Resolution-Transmission Electron microscopy (HR-TEM)/ (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) EDS/ (selected-area diffraction pattern) SAED, Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM)/EDS and granulometric distribution analysis were used as an integrated characterization techniques tool box to determine both geochemistry and nanomineralogy for coal fly ashes (CFAs) from Brazil´s largest coal power plant. Ultrafine/nano-particles size distribution from coal combustion emissions was estimated during the tests. In addition the iron and silicon content was determined as 54.6% of the total 390 different particles observed by electron bean, results aimed that these two particles represent major minerals in the environment particles normally. These data may help in future investigations to asses human health actions related with nano-particles

    A comparison of feature extractors for panorama stitching in an autonomous car architecture.

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    Panorama stitching consists on frames being put together to create a 360o view. This technique is proposed for its implementation in autonomous vehicles instead of the use of an external 360o camera, mostly due to its reduced cost and improved aerodynamics. This strategy requires a fast and robust set of features to be extracted from the images obtained by the cameras located around the inside of the car, in order to effectively compute the panoramic view in real time and avoid hazards on the road. In this paper, we compare and discuss three feature extraction methods (i.e. SIFT, BRISK and SURF) for image feature extraction, in order to decide which one is more suitable for a panorama stitching application in an autonomous car architecture. Experimental validation shows that SURF exhibits an improved performance under a variety of image transformations, and thus appears to be the most suitable of these three methods, given its accuracy when comparing features between both images, while maintaining a low time consumption. Furthermore, a comparison of the results obtained with respect to similar work allows to increase the reliability of our methodology and the reach of our conclusions

    Asamblea de madres y padres: construyendo una escuela intercultural inclusiva

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    La construcción de una escuela intercultura inclusiva implica una transformación de la cultura y la organización de los centros educativos. Este proceso pasa por una serie de etapas que requieren forzosamente del análisis y autoevaluación de la realidad escolar y del tratamiento de la diversidad para, seguidamente, llevar a cabo propuestas y acciones de mejora consensudas por parte de toda la comunidad educativa. La experiencia que estamos llevando a cabo en un centro de infantil y primaria de la provincia de Castellón está inmersa en este proceso de cambio hacia una escuela intercultural inclusiva, para ello, se ha diseñado una herramienta de análisis y planificado una serie de fases que permiten enmarcar dicha construcción compartida: Sensibilización de la comunidad, Proceso de exploración y reflexión de la realidad, Priorización de las propuestas de mejora, Implementación y seguimiento de los cambios y Reflexión y valoración del proyecto. El objetivo de este trabajo es relatar nuestra experiencia durante el proceso de sensibilización de las familias y concretamente, contar como a través de una asamblea de padres y madres se consiguió involucrar, compartir y hacer partícipes a este sector tan crucial de la comunidad educativa del sueño de la transformación de la escuel

    COEDU-IN Project: an inclusive co-educational project for teaching computational thinking and digital skills at early ages

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    Learning to program is the new literacy of the 21st century. Computational thinking, closely related to programming, requires thinking and solving problems with different levels of abstraction and is independent of hardware devices. The early childhood education stage provides teachers with the opportunity to lay the foundations for a comprehensive quality education using innovative tools and technologies. Educational robotics in early childhood education becomes a tool that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge to children, playfully, based on the principles of interactivity, social interrelationships, collaborative work, creativity, constructivist and constructionist learning, and a student-centered didactic approach, allowing in turn that student can acquire digital competencies and develop logical and computational thinking in an underlying way. This project explores the current state of teaching and learning computational thinking and programming in early childhood education in an inclusive manner. Moreover, the lack of diversity and inequality is particularly latent in science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Therefore, this work considers this problem and presents an inclusive coeducation approach to this new literacy, eliminating gender stereotypes and extending them to people with Down syndrome and hospitalized minors

    Portoenterostomia como tratamento para atresia de vias biliares: resultados e limitações

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    Objetivos: Analisar os resultados e as limitações da portoenterostomia para o tratamento da atresia de vias biliares. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS), Google Acadêmico e PubMed, utilizando os descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): “Atresia biliar”, “Portoenterostomia hepática” e “Terapêutica” combinados entre si pelo operador booleano AND. Resultados: A portoenterostomia (PE) é um procedimento cirúrgico crucial no tratamento da atresia de vias biliares (AVB), mas sua eficácia e limitações são temas amplamente discutidos na literatura médica. Em relação aos resultados, estudos mostram que a PE pode proporcionar uma sobrevida prolongada com o fígado nativo em cerca de 60% dos casos, resolvendo a obstrução extra-hepática. No entanto, as taxas de sucesso variam e muitos pacientes acabam enfrentando complicações relacionadas à colangiopatia intra-hepática crônica, aumentando a necessidade de transplante hepático subsequente. Isso reflete uma limitação significativa da PE, pois apesar de aliviar a obstrução inicial, não impede a progressão da doença para formas mais graves, como cirrose e falência hepática. A prevalência e incidência da AVB têm sido tema de preocupação, especialmente devido ao crescente número de casos diagnosticados. Isso pode ser atribuído a uma maior conscientização, melhorias nos métodos de diagnóstico e até mesmo fatores ambientais ou genéticos. Reconhecer sinais de risco, como icterícia persistente em recém-nascidos, fezes claras, e achados em exames laboratoriais e de imagem, é fundamental para um diagnóstico precoce e um tratamento eficaz. No entanto, a falta de sintomas específicos em estágios iniciais da doença pode dificultar o reconhecimento precoce, resultando em encaminhamentos tardios para a PE. A abordagem da PE também pode variar dependendo de fatores como sexo e idade do paciente. Estudos mostram que o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce são mais eficazes em bebês do sexo feminino e em casos diagnosticados antes dos 60 dias de vida, enfatizando a importância de programas de triagem neonatal e de conscientização entre profissionais de saúde e pais. No entanto, desafios persistem em garantir acesso igualitário a diagnóstico e tratamento adequado, especialmente em áreas com recursos limitados. Conclusão: A portoenterostomia (PE) é fundamental para o tratamento da atresia de vias biliares (AVB), oferecendo uma chance de sobrevida prolongada com o fígado nativo. No entanto, suas taxas de sucesso variam e complicações como a colangiopatia intra-hepática crônica podem levar à necessidade de transplante hepático. Isso destaca a limitação da PE em evitar a progressão para cirrose e falência hepática

    Cell walls of the dimorphic fungal pathogens Sporothrix schenckii and Sporothrix brasiliensis exhibit bilaminate structures and sloughing of extensive and intact layers

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    This work was supported by the Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), grants E-26/202.974/2015 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grants 229755/2013-5, Brazil. LMLB is a senior research fellow of CNPq and Faperj. NG acknowledged support from the Wellcome Trust (Trust (097377, 101873, 200208) and MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD