1,830 research outputs found

    Formação docente e as relações dialéticas da brincadeira e do jogo nas teorias de Elkonin, Vigotski, Luria, Leontiev e Wallon

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    The article aims to analyze the dialectical relationships of play and game in the field of education, as activities that promote human development in a historical-social-cultural and dialectical perspective, referenced in Elkonin theories (2009, 2017) , Vigotski (2017, 2008, 1996), Leontiev (2010, 1983), Luria (1992, 2010) and Wallon (1975, 2007). One has as a problem: what theoretical determinations do the authors Elkonin, Vigotski, Leontiev, Luria and Wallon present regarding the perception and development of play and play as: activity, human development and teaching resource? In this perspective, fundamental elements are highlighted in the theories of the mentioned authors determining their main contributions, based on the historical-dialectical method for analysis evidenced in the work of Marx (1968, 1982) and Vicente (2007). Next, some considerations are developed, signaling a theoretical approximation, through dialectical historical materialism, about the knowledge of play and game, developing categories of totality, contradiction, movement and transformation.El artículo se presenta con el objetivo de analizar las relaciones dialécticas del juego y el juego en el campo de la educación, como actividades que promueven el desarrollo humano en una perspectiva histórico-social-cultural y dialéctica, haciendo referencia a las teorías de Elkonin (2009, 2017), Vigotski. (2017, 2008, 1996), Leontiev (2010, 1983), Luria (1992, 2010) y Wallon (1975, 2007). El problema es: ¿qué determinaciones teóricas presentan los autores Elkonin, Vigotski, Leontiev, Luria y Wallon sobre la percepción y el desarrollo del juego y el juego como actividad, desarrollo humano y recurso didáctico? Desde esta perspectiva, se destacan elementos fundamentales en las teorías de los autores mencionados, determinando sus principales aportes, basados ​​en el método histórico-dialéctico de análisis, como se evidencia en el trabajo de Marx (1968, 1982) y Vicente (2007). Luego, se desarrollan algunas consideraciones, señalando un acercamiento teórico, a través del materialismo histórico-dialéctico, sobre el conocimiento de los juegos y los juegos, desarrollando categorías de totalidad, contradicción, movimiento y transformación.The article aims to analyze the dialectical relationships of play and game in the field of education, as activities that promote human development in a historical-social-cultural and dialectical perspective, referenced in Elkonin theories (2009, 2017) , Vigotski (2017, 2008, 1996), Leontiev (2010, 1983), Luria (1992, 2010) and Wallon (1975, 2007). One has as a problem: what theoretical determinations do the authors Elkonin, Vigotski, Leontiev, Luria and Wallon present regarding the perception and development of play and play as: activity, human development and teaching resource? In this perspective, fundamental elements are highlighted in the theories of the mentioned authors determining their main contributions, based on the historical-dialectical method for analysis evidenced in the work of Marx (1968, 1982) and Vicente (2007). Next, some considerations are developed, signaling a theoretical approximation, through dialectical historical materialism, about the knowledge of play and game, developing categories of totality, contradiction, movement and transformation.O artigo apresenta-se com o objetivo de analisar as relações dialéticas da brincadeira e do jogo no campo da educação, como atividades que promovem o desenvolvimento humano em uma perspectiva histórico-social-cultural e dialética, referenciando-se nas teorias de Elkonin (2009, 2017), Vigotski (1996, 2008, 2017), Leontiev (1983, 2010), Luria (1992, 2010) e Wallon (1975, 2007). Tem-se como problema: quais determinações teóricas os autores Elkonin, Vigotski, Leontiev, Luria e Wallon apresentam quanto à percepção e ao desenvolvimento da brincadeira e do jogo como atividade, desenvolvimento humano e recurso de ensino? Nessa perspectiva, destacam-se elementos fundamentais nas teorias dos autores mencionados determinando suas principais contribuições para sustentar as ações do trabalho docente. Apoia-se no método histórico-dialético para análise, evidenciado na obra de Marx (1968, 1982) e de Vicente (2007). Em seguida, desenvolvem-se algumas considerações, sinalizando uma aproximação teórica, por meio do materialismo histórico-dialético sobre os conhecimentos da brincadeira e do jogo, desenvolvendo categorias de totalidade, contradição, movimento e transformação

    Mesoporous materials for clean energy technologies

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    Alternative energy technologies are greatly hindered by significant limitations in materials science. From low activity to poor stability, and from mineral scarcity to high cost, the current materials are not able to cope with the significant challenges of clean energy technologies. However, recent advances in the preparation of nanomaterials, porous solids, and nanostructured solids are providing hope in the race for a better, cleaner energy production. The present contribution critically reviews the development and role of mesoporosity in a wide range of technologies, as this provides for critical improvements in accessibility, the dispersion of the active phase and a higher surface area. Relevant examples of the development of mesoporosity by a wide range of techniques are provided, including the preparation of hierarchical structures with pore systems in different scale ranges. Mesoporosity plays a significant role in catalysis, especially in the most challenging processes where bulky molecules, like those obtained from biomass or highly unreactive species, such as CO2 should be transformed into most valuable products. Furthermore, mesoporous materials also play a significant role as electrodes in fuel and solar cells and in thermoelectric devices, technologies which are benefiting from improved accessibility and a better dispersion of materials with controlled porosity.The authors wish to thank the Spanish MINECO (Project CTQ2011-28954-C02-01) for financial support. E.S. acknowledges financial support from UA (Project GRE12-39)

    O impacto da mediação parental nas competências digitais dos jovens: o caso das competências informacionais

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    A presente dissertação pretende contribuir para um aprofundamento da análise e do conhecimento sobre as competências digitais dos jovens, nomeadamente as competências de informação e navegação, competências estas cruciais na sociedade da informação, e tão dependente da tecnologia, em que vivemos hoje em dia. A posse de literacias digitais, conceito relativo à capacidade de recolha da informação disponível na internet, sua análise crítica e, posterior, utilização apropriada, é fundamental para o domínio desta competência. Pretendemos ainda com este estudo, perceber em que medida as estratégias de supervisão e de gestão dos dispositivos digitais, que os pais utilizam, ou seja, a mediação parental, influenciam os níveis de competências digitais dos mesmos. Através de uma análise maioritariamente quantitativa, explorámos os dados do ySKILLS, projeto europeu dedicado ao estudo das competências digitais dos jovens, caracterizámos estes jovens através dos níveis das suas competências digitais, em todos os domínios, e realizámos uma análise de perfis dos mesmos tendo por base essas competências. Estudámos, ainda, os três tipos de mediação parental – restritiva, capacitante e monitorização – relacionando estas variáveis com os níveis de competências de forma a perceber o seu impacto nos mesmos. Com esta análise podemos avançar que a variável mediação parental surge como um mediador das competências digitais, não tendo, assim, um impacto direto nas mesmas, mas podemos afirmar que, enquanto a mediação capacitante mostra ter alguma influência positiva nas competências digitais, a mediação restritiva, apesar de muito reduzido, mostra ter um impacto mais negativo nas mesmas. Para além disto, realizámos uma análise de caráter qualitativo que nos permitiu comparar as competências auto-reportadas dos jovens, com as suas competências observadas em tarefas práticas, inovando no cruzamento destes resultados. Aqui ficámos a perceber que, na maioria dos casos, os jovens não têm uma noção real das suas competências, apresentando níveis muito díspares nas tarefas performativas, comparativamente com as respostas do questionário.This dissertation aims to contribute to a deeper analysis and knowledge of the digital skills of young people, namely information and navigation skills, which are crucial in the information society, so dependent on technology, in which we live today. The possession of digital literacy, a concept related to the ability to gather information available on the Internet, analyze it critically, and then use it appropriately, is fundamental to the mastery of this skill. We also intend this study to understand to what extent the strategies used by parents to supervise and manage their digital devices – parental mediation – influence their digital skills levels. Through a mostly quantitative analysis, we explored the data from ySKILLS, a European project dedicated to the study of young people's digital skills, we characterized these young people through the levels of their digital skills, in all domains, and carried out a profile analysis based on these skills. We also studied the three types of parental mediation - restrictive, enabling and monitoring - relating these variables with the levels of skills in order to understand their impact on them. With this analysis, we can advance that the parental mediation variable appears as a mediator of digital skills, thus not having a direct impact on them, but we can state that, while the enabling mediation shows some positive influence on digital skills, the restrictive mediation, although very small, shows a more negative impact on them. In addition, we conducted a qualitative analysis that allowed us to compare the self-reported skills of the young people with their observed skills in performative tests, innovatively crossing these results. Here we realized that, in most cases, young people do not have a real notion of their skills, presenting very disparate levels in the performance tasks, compared to the answers in the survey

    Nuevos museos para el siglo XXI: El caso particular de la ciudad de Valencia

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    [ES] Es innegable que, durante el siglo XX, los museos se vieron sometidos a profundas revisiones, derivadas de las nuevas características del arte. El protagonismo social de los medios de comunicación de masas y de las innovaciones tecnológicas estimuló la renovación de los lenguajes artísticos y contribuyó a forjar nuevos espacios donde presentarlos. Esto supuso el inicio de una nueva era en la arquitectura de los edificios museísticos, caracterizada por su gran espectacularidad, de la que el Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao es un fiel exponente. Pero, ¿qué influencia ha podido ejercer este nuevo modelo de museo en el contexto expositivo valenciano? El presente artículo pone su foco de atención en Valencia y propone una reconsideración global relativa a los acontecimientos expositivos acaecidos en esta ciudad a principios del nuevo siglo, consecuencia tanto del contexto identitario territorial, como del protagonismo adquirido por los museos en la sociedad de la cultura de masas.[EN] In the 20th century museums everywhere were radically changed to provide a suitable showcase for the special characteristics of modern art. This renovation was stimulated by the important role of mass communications and the digital revolution in artistic languages and helped to create new spaces for their display. This was the beginning of a new era in museum buildings, as for example can be seen in the spectacular Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. The question is thus: what influence did this new museum model have on the museums in Valencia? This article puts the spotlight on Valencia and proposes the overall reconsideration of the exhibitions held in this city at the beginning of the new century as a result of both the city¿s particular context and the ever-increasing role of museums in the society of mass culture.Silvestre-Garcia, L. (2022). Nuevos museos para el siglo XXI: El caso particular de la ciudad de Valencia. AACA digital. Revista digital de la Asociación Aragonesa de Críticos de Arte. (58). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1986095

    Water pricing: are 'polluters' paying the environmental costs of flow regulation?

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    River ecosystems are severely affected by dams and reservoirs. The Water Framework Directive states that polluters should be financially responsible for the caused environmental damage. Nevertheless, the environmental costs associated to flow regulation often are not fully paid by water users. This study presents an approach to value the environmental costs of flow regulation based on the "polluter pays" principle, i.e., the amount to be paid should be proportional to the caused environmental impact. The procedure includes three major steps: (i) assessing the admissible range of regulated flow variability based on flow data during the pre-dam period, (ii) estimating the daily environmental impact of regulated flows according to the resulting hydrological change in terms of the intensity, duration and frequency of the impact, and (iii) calculating the environmental costs of flow regulation subject to spatiotemporal characteristics. This paper applies the proposed methodology in the Luna River, Spain. The advantages over other water cost valuation methodologies are discussed. The approach enlarges the current recognition of water environmental costs and represents a simple and practical management tool for achieving the objectives of the Water Framework Directive

    Evolución de la competitividad y rentabilidad del cultivo del tomate rojo (lycopersicon esculentum l.) en Sinaloa, México

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    El tomate rojo mexicano es una de las hortalizas que generan más divisas para el país, ya que cerca de 30% de la producción nacional se exporta, principalmente a los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica (EE.UU.), por lo que su cultivo depende significativamente del comportamiento del mercado internacional. En este estudio se planeó el siguiente objetivo: analizar la rentabilidad, la competitividad y la ventaja comparativa del cultivo del tomate rojo en Sinaloa en el ciclo agrícola 1999/2000, para lo cual se utilizó la metodología de la Matriz de Análisis de Política (MAP) desarrollada por Monke y Pearson (1989)

    The environmental costs of water flow regulation: an innovative approach based on the ‘Polluter Pays’ principle

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    The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) explicitly requires the full cost recovery of water services, including the environmental costs incurred from the damage that water uses inflict on the environment. Although flow regulation by river damming is one of the most prominent human impact on fresh water ecosystems its environmental costs are not properly included in water pricing. This paper presents a novel approach to assessing the environmental costs of flow regulation based on the polluter-pays principle. The methodology includes three steps: (i) assessing the admissible range of regulated flow variability, derived from the natural flow regime variability, (ii) estimating the daily environmental impact of regulated flows according to deviations from the admissible range of flow variability, and (iii) calculating the environmental costs of flow regulation. The procedure is applied to four river case studies in Spain, UK and Norway. The advantages over other water cost valuation methods are discussed. The methodology enlarges the current recognition of environmental costs of water use and represents a practical management tool within the WFD context, encouraging transparency and stakeholder communication

    La Via Verda Collserola-Sant Llorenç. Una oportunitat per a la mobilitat sostenible

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    La contaminació atmosfèrica provocada principalment pels vehicles motoritzats, afecta cada cop més a la salut de la població i el medi ambient. Per això és urgent començar a actuar per canviar el model de mobilitat actual per un model més sostenible. El següent treball se centra a fomentar l'ús de la bicicleta per ser un dels mitjans de transport més sostenibles que existeix, i es proposa una Xarxa de Carrils Ciclistes a través de la Via Verda Collserola-Sant Llorenç, un corredor ecològic que connecta la serralada litoral catalana amb la prelitoral, amb l'objectiu de connectar entre ells els vuit municipis que en formen part

    Dynamic autonomous set-up of relays in Bluetooth mesh

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    BLE-based mesh networks are based on a simple flooding algorithm with some mechanisms to reduce network saturation, called managed flooding. The operating parameters of the network establish its performance, but in an industrial environment the operating conditions are not permanent, so a system that can adjust to these changes is necessary. A global decision system is not valid since each part of the network may have different properties. An autonomous system that does not introduce an overhead of message exchange is necessary for its operation. This paper proposes an algorithm based on the information provided by a single control message exchange that allows each node to autonomously select its operating parameters to improve the quality of links with neighbouring nodes and thus improve the overall performance of the network

    Zero permeability and zero permittivity band gaps in 1D metamaterial photonic crystals

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    We consider layered heterostructures combining ordinary positive index materials and dispersive metamaterials. We show that these structures can exhibit a new type of photonic gap around frequencies where either the magnetic permeability \mu or the electric permittivity \epsilon of the metamaterial is zero. Although the interface of a semi-infinite medium with zero refractive index (a condition attained either when \mu= 0 or when \epsilon= 0) is known to give full reflectivity for all incident polarizations, here we show that a gap corresponding to \mu = 0 occurs only for TE polarized waves, whereas a gap corresponding to \epsilon = 0 occurs only for TM polarized waves. These band gaps are scale-length invariant and very robust against disorder, although they may disappear for the particular case of propagation along the stratification direction.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure