4,715 research outputs found

    Farmers' Demand for Information about Agribusiness

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    This study is focused on the habits of the Brazilian farmers that access the Internet for searching information to their economical activities. The main goal is to understand how come those agents of the agribusiness use the formal and informal (personal contact) means of communication, as well as the functions that each of those means accomplish to this public. In other words, it intends to identify the channels of communication of major importance to farmers (used more often, considered the ones of more credibility and preferred among them). That is possible by means of a questionnaire sent exclusively by e-mail, answered by Brazilian farmers. The motivation of the study is to contribute to make the communication more efficient to those who work on farms. That can produce benefits to the communication companies and to the public. The results show that the Internet is the mean of communication more often used and preferred on the process of searching information about the agribusiness among Brazilian farmers. The personal contact, not considered in the valuation about preference, appears in second position in the ranking for intensity of use. On the other hand, the radio, regional press newspapers and newsletters of class entities were the less consulted and the last ones in the ranking of preference.Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Actitudes de profesores: revisión de la estructura factorial y la validez de constructo de la escala de interacción con las personas con discapacidad

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    Teachers’ positive interactions with people with disabilities improve their awareness and advocacy for inclusion, which is an important policy and community aim worldwide. Therefore, promote inclusive efforts in Angola as well as advances in research about measurement of attitudes we conducted a study to analyse the factor structure, validity, and reliability of the Interaction with People with Disability Scale (IDPS) for a sample of 1352 elementary teachers. Results of an exploratory factorial analysis showed a solution with factors of discomfort, coping, and vulnerability explaining 64.29% of the variance. A confirmatory factorial analysis suggested a model with good fit and convergent validity for discomfort and coping, and good evidence of discriminate validity for the three factors. We discussed how exploring attitudes towards people with disabilities with the IDPS can be useful when promoting activities for teachers training in inclusive education.A existência de interações positivas entre professoras/es e pessoas com deficiência tende a aumentar a consciencialização e a advocacia acerca da inclusão, que é um objetivo político e comunitário em todo o mundo. Assim, para promover os esforços relativos à implementação de uma educação inclusiva em Angola, bem como avanços na investigação acerca de instrumentos que permitem medir atitudes, desenvolveu-se um estudo que teve por objetivo analisar a estrutura fatorial, a validade convergente e a validade discriminante da Escala de Interação com Pessoas com Deficiência (EIPD) com uma amostra de 1352 professores de 197 escolas do Ensino Primário. Os resultados da análise fatorial exploratória evidenciaram uma solução com três fatores designados de desconforto, coping e vulnerabilidade que explicam 64,29% da variância. A análise fatorial confirmatória sugeriu um modelo com bom ajuste e validade convergente para o desconforto e coping, e boa evidência de validade discriminatória para os três fatores. Conclui-se que o uso da EIPD pode ter um papel primordial no conhecimento das atitudes em relação às pessoas com deficiência e na promoção de atividades de desenvolvimento profissional relativas à educação inclusiva.Las interacciones positivas de los profesores con personas con discapacidad mejoran su concienciación y la defensa de la inclusión, que es un objetivo político y comunitario en todo el mundo. Por lo tanto, con el objetivo de promover los esfuerzos para implementar la educación inclusiva en Angola, así como para avanzar en la investigación de instrumentos que midan las actitudes, se llevó a cabo un estudio para analizar la estructura factorial, la validez convergente y la validez discriminante de la Escala sobre la Interacción con Personas con Discapacidad (EIPD) con una muestra de 1352 profesores de la educación primaria. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio muestran una solución con factores de incomodidad, empatía y vulnerabilidad que explicaban el 64,29% de la varianza. Un análisis factorial confirmatorio sugirió un modelo con buen ajuste y validez convergente para incomodidad y empatía, y buena evidencia de validez discriminante para los tres factores. Discutimos cómo la exploración de las actitudes hacia las personas con discapacidad con el IDPS puede ser útil en las actividades de sensibilización para los profesores en formación para proporcionar una educación inclusiva.Este trabalho foi financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito dos projetos do CIEC (Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho) com as referências UIDB/00317/2020 e UIDP/00317/2020

    Conociendo sobre gestión

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    The aim of this paper is to analyzes the importance of strategic planning in the process of generation of organizational knowledge. As an instrument of development of a complex organization, strategic planning has an impact on the creation of new knowledge and innovations, as we shall try to show.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar las lecturas que sirvieron de base teórica para fundamentar la importancia de la gestión y de la planificación estratégica como instrumento para la innovación. Se discutirá la necesidad de planificar, los grandes precursores en la gestión de empresas, el surgimiento y los desafíos de la planificación estratégica.Fil: Morgado Carneiro, Ana Paula. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Pablo Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Politica de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Politica de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Perception and application of the concept “quality by design” (QbD) by the pharmaceutical industry in Portugal

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    The Quality by Design (QbD) paradigm states that in order to ensure predefined product quality, improve manufacturing quality performance, and serve customers’ needs one must fully understand the processes behind it. With the purpose of assessing the perception of the pharmaceutical industry in Portugal about the usefulness of a strategy for development, production optimization and control/quality management according to the QbD concept and its level of implementation, we conducted a survey amongst 28 licensed entities for the production of medicines and drug substances (excluding medicinal gases) in the Portuguese territory. This survey was applied between 16/12/2014 to 1/06/2014 and had 2 groups of questions: one to characterize the industries and the other one to answer to the research objective. Data treatment and results’ analysis were made with SPSS (v.21). Of the 12 companies that answered the survey, just one (8,3%) did not use or did not initiate the implementation of QbD, although all of them (100%) knew the concept in the context of the guidelines ICH Q8, Q9 and Q10, meaning that Portuguese industries are indeed aware of regulatory proceedings and are keeping pace towards global regulatory harmonisation. Significantly, QbD was considered of greater importance (in terms of dedicated budget and human resources) among the industries having R&D activities (p-value=0,024, assuming a significance level of 5%). The industries’ two most used QbD tools are “Quality Risk Assessment and Quality Risk Management” (27%) followed by “Design of Experiments (DoE)” (18,9%). The most frequently pointed scopes of use and implementation of QbD are “the development and improvement of analytical methods for quality control” (28%) and “process improvements” (28%). Quality management (27,5%) and manufacturing (22,5%) are the most relevant industry sectors under these ICH guidelines’ influence. Of the several benefits indicated as possibly achieved through QbD, the most expressive (32,1%) was “greater robustness in the final product quality and reduction of the risks of "non-compliance" and costs”. Yet, 9 responses (42,9%) stated that “inability/difficulty of allocating time and qualified staff” was the main obstacle towards implementation, followed by “uncertainties on how to actually implement the principles of QbD” (23,8%). This suggests that in spite of Portuguese industries’ ambition to succeed throughout this integrative strategy, there’s still the need to better learn the “know how” and master the skills underlying QbD. To be able to invest time and manpower might be indeed essential to go beyond theoretical knowledge and to acquire the tools and competences for approaching more efficiently this concept. In conclusion, Portuguese industries still have a long path ahead of them towards full adoption of QbD and proving its benefits. This might be done with straight cooperation of regulatory agencies (EMA, ICH, FDA) and experts of this field. However, we propose that the Portuguese academy should also participate, giving pharmacy students the awareness and competences in the use of QbD tools and concepts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objetivo:refletir a possibilidade de articulação entre Processo de Enfermagem e fases da relação interpessoal e suas implicações no cuidado em saúde mental. Método: estudo de reflexão teórica,qualitativo, alinhado a visão e expertise das pesquisadoras junto ao referencial teórico da relação interpessoal.Resultados: a reflexão desenvolveu-se em três eixos sendo eles Processo de Enfermagem - um cuidado clínico possível; Relação interpessoal - uma teoria que sustenta o cuidado de enfermagem na saúde mental e Cuidado em saúde mental e as implicações do Processo de Enfermagem orientado pelas fases da relação interpessoal. Considerações finais:a relação interpessoal inserida no Processo de Enfermagem possibilita as intervenções, por meio da empatia, escuta, esclarecimento e encorajamento que ocorre no setting da consulta de enfermagem. A clínica da enfermagem em saúde mental compreende as fases da relação interpessoal inseridas discretamente no Processo de Enfermagem, mitigando o dilema de seu uso aliado a processos relacionais no cuidado de enfermagem

    Local Medical-Sentinel Network Almada-Seixal: report of one year of experience

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    A Rede Médicos-Sentinela Local Almada-Seixal foi a primeira rede criada para dar resposta a questões locais de investigação em saúde e, simultaneamente, reforçar a cober tura a nível nacional. Com este ar tigo pretende- se acompanhar a sua implementação e desenvolvimento após o primeiro ano de experiência. A adesão de um número progressivamente maior de médicos à rede permitiu aumentar a população sob obser vação efetiva na Rede Médicos-Sentinela. Foram ponderadas estratégias para garantir a regular par ticipação destes médicos na notificação de eventos. O primeiro desafio desta rede de investigação será a implementação de um estudo sobre os fatores de risco e prognóstico da doença isquémica cardíaca na área de abrangência do ACES Almada-Seixal, considerado prioritário no Plano Local de Saúde.The Local GP Sentinel Network in Almada-Seixal was the first network created to answer some local health investigation issues and, simultaneously, to strengthen the national surveillance. We here present its implementation and development after the first experimental year. The adhesion of more doctors to the network made possible having at national level a larger population under observation. We bring forward some strategies to ensure the regular notification from these doctors. The first project of this network will be the implementation of a study about the risk factors and prognostic of ischemic disease in Almada-Seixal, one of the one of the research priorities in the Local Health Plan.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interaction in research and the importance of exercising hospitality within the academic environment

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    This article aims to discuss the relevance of the initiative of promoting the scientific event, the Academy of International Hospitality Research Conference 2014, held in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, in November 2014, and of its result – texts presented there were published as this joint edition of the scientific journals Hospitalidade (ISSN 1807-975X and e-ISSN 2179-9164) and Research in Hospitality Management (ISSN 2224-3534, printed version), in an unprecedented movement of union between Portuguese and English-speaking researchers dedicated to the study of hospitality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Can we learn from errors? Retrieval facilitates the correction of false memories for pragmatic inferences

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    Errorful learning suggests that, when perfect learning has not yet been attained, errors can enhance future learning if followed by corrective feedback. Research on memory updating has shown that after retrieval, memory becomes more malleable and prone to change. Thus, retrieval of a wrong answer might provide a good context for the incorporation of feedback. Here, we tested this hypothesis using sentences including pragmatic sentence implications, commonly used for the study of false memories. Across two experiments with young adults, we hypothesized that corrective feedback would be more efficient at reducing false memories if provided immediately after retrieval, when memory is more malleable than after being exposed to the material. Participants’ memory was assessed as a function of the type of learning task (Experiment 1: retrieval vs. restudy; and Experiment 2: active vs. passive recognition); and whether participants received corrective feedback or not. In both experiments, we observed that retrieval not only improved correct recall (replicating the testing effect) but also promoted the correction of false memories. Notably, corrective feedback was more effective when given after errors that were committed during retrieval rather than after restudy (Experiment 1) or after passive recognition (Experiment 2). Our results suggest that the benefits of retrieval go beyond the testing effect since it also facilitates false memories correction. Retrieval seems to enhance memory malleability, thus improving the incorporation of feedback, compared to the mere presentation of the information. Our results support the use of learning strategies that engage in active and explicit retrieval because, even if the retrieved information is wrong—when immediate feedback is provided—memory updating is promoted and errors are more likely to be corrected.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apreendendo possibilidades de cuidar

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    Orientador: Debora Isane Ratner KirschbaumDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Este estudo tem como objetivo apreender as possibilidades de cuidado de enfermagem oferecido a um paciente psicótico que considerem a estrutura clínica do sujeito e a relação que se desenvolve entre enfermeiro, paciente, família e instituição. Para realizá-lo optou-se por desenvolver uma investigação de cunho qualitativo. O referencial teórico-metodológico escolhido foi o psicanalítico, tendo em Freud (1856-1939) e Lacan (1901-1981) os pressupostos teóricos que favoreceram delimitar o objeto deste estudo. A técnica utilizada para a análise dos resultados foi a da construção de caso clínico em psicanálise desenvolvida por FÉDIDA (1991), técnica essa própria ao referencial teórico escolhido. A partir da construção do caso clínico, observou-se a necessidade de explicitar alguns conceitos que fundamentam o referencial teórico utilizado, pois se entendeu que este esclarecimento sobre as concepções de sujeito, tratamento, sintoma, transferência, inconsciente e estrutura clínica subsidiariam a construção de um cuidado de enfermagem possível. Finalmente, apreendemos que o cuidado de enfermagem destinado a um paciente psicótico construído a partir da perspectiva da psicanálise deve ser elaborado com a participação efetiva do paciente, considerando para tanto seu discurso, escutando-o em sua positividade. Pois só a fala do paciente é que poderá revelar sua estrutura clínica. Cuidar, então, adquire um novo significado, ou seja: torna-se cuidar da relação transferencial, cuidar dos significantes, cuidar da posição que estabelecemos para nós, enfermeiros, e para o paciente e principalmente cuidar em não se esquecer de que o saber inconsciente se caracteriza pelo desconhecimentoAbstract: The present survey wich aims at grasping the possibilities of nursing care available for a psychotic patient which will take the individual¿s clinical structurc ints account, as well as the relationship as diveloped among nurse, patient, family and te institution. In order to achieve this purpose it was decided to develop a quality characteristc. The chosen methodological theoretical reference was the psychoanalytical, having Freud (1856-1939) and Lacan (1901-1981) the pressuposed theoreticians who aied at bounding the purpose of the present survey. The technique used for the result analysis was the making of the clinical case in psychoanalysis, (FÉDIDA, 1991) which is a proper tecnique of the chosen theoretical reference, viz., psychoanalysis. As of the making of the clinical case, the need arose to explain some concepts which justify the theoretical refernce used because it was clear that this explanation about the individual¿s conception, treatment, symptoms, transfer, subconscious and clinical structure would subsidyze the making of a nurse care aimed at a psychotic patient created as of the psychoanalysis prospect, must be produced through the patient¿s effective participation, and considering his speech, listening to its positivity because the patient¿s speech alone cam show his cinical structure caring then, takes on a new meaning, that is, caring becomes, caring for the transferential relationship, caring for the meanings, caring for the position we stablsh for ourselves and the patient and mainly trying not to forget that the unconscious knowledge is a knowledge that is characteristic of absence of knowledgeMestradoMestre em Enfermage