2,006 research outputs found

    Double collinear splitting amplitudes at next-to-leading order

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    We compute the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to the 1 -> 2 splitting amplitudes in different dimensional regularization (DREG) schemes. Besides recovering previously known results, we explore new DREG schemes and analyze their consistency by comparing the divergent structure with the expected behavior predicted by Catani's formula. Through the introduction of scalar-gluons, we show the relation among splittings matrices computed using different schemes. Also, we extended this analysis to cover the double collinear limit of scattering amplitudes in the context of QCD+QED

    Identification of electroactive sites in Prussian Yellow films

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    Prussian Blue films were electrogenerated on the surface of the transparent ITO electrodes. The electrochemical oxidation to the Prussian Yellow form was investigated by means of in situ voltammetry and vis–NIR spectroscopic techniques. Changes of the whole spectra between 400 and 950 nm were analyzed and three characteristic wavelengths were selected to in situ follow the electrochemical changes of the films. Voltammetric peaks and absorbance derivative curves at these three wavelengths were deconvoluted and were interpreted such as the overlapping of different electrochemical processes. The correlation between these overlapped processes has allowed proposing three different electrochemical processes for the interpretation of the whole electrochemical response. One of these processes corresponds to the oxidation of View the MathML source units where the electrical charge is balanced by the exchange of neighbor potassium cations. The second one is associated to the oxidation of View the MathML source trapped sites and the third one also to the oxidation of View the MathML source units but in this last case, the absence of neighbor potassium cations causes that the electrical charge balance takes place by the exchange of some anions such as the chloride. These processes have been identified on the basis of previous results and on the interesting information provided by the coupling voltammetry and absorbance derivative curves at these characteristic wavelengths

    La formación para la acreditación de líderes escolares

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    Los líderes escolares deben adaptar sus actuaciones a los retos actuales, desempeñando funciones vinculadas a su perfil profesional, acorde a las líneas estratégicas establecidas en el marco normativo vigente. De ahí que sea necesario formar directivos que sepan liderar y gestionar los cambios que la escuela demanda, al tiempo que se favorece el desarrollo de sus correspondientes competencias tanto genéricas como específicas. Así, desde el marco de formación permanente, se gestiona el “Curso sobre el desarrollo de la función directiva” de ámbito regional andaluz, mediante el cual, se promueven competencias esenciales para el desempeño directivo relativas al liderazgo, relaciones humanas, gestión del aprendizaje y evaluación institucional. En este trabajo, presentaremos datos obtenidos en la última convocatoria realizada, describiendo la muestra de participantes, estructura y diseño de la propuesta formativa e instrumentos de recogida de evidencias con los que realizar análisis valorativo de los participantes, extracto de perfiles de género, años de docencia y de experiencia en el desempeño de la función directiva. En los resultados se presentan conclusiones alcanzadas en torno al liderazgo escolar, competencias profesionales directivas, dificultades y logros aportados para la gestión y organización escolar y la propia valoración del directivo en cuanto al procedimiento de acreditación.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Designing a minimal reactive goalie for the RoboCup SPL

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    This paper presents the basic design and implementation of a goalkeeper made according to the regulations of the two-legged Standard Platform League of the RoboCup Federation. The paper describes the perceptive schemas created using the architecture of the TeamChaos-URJC team as well as the action schemes designed to create a minimal reactive goalie. This player was tested in the 2009 German Open international competition. The results obtained there are analyzed and the future works derived from that analysis are presente

    Osteoporosis transitoria de la cadera: revisión de aspectos clínicos y terapéuticos a propósito de un caso

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    Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 17 años con osteoporosis transitoria de cadera (OTC). La OTC es una enfermedad infrecuente, difícil de etiquetar, que afecta a hombres sanos de mediana edad, y a mujeres en el tercer trimestre del embarzo. Su etiología todavía no está clara. Los principales signos clínicos son dolor en la cadera y cojera. La RM muestra en la cabeza y cuello femoral hipointensidad en las imágenes ponderadas en T1, e hiperintensidad en las imágenes ponderadas en T2. Se acepta que los cambios en la RM se producen por incremento de líquido en la cavidad medular de la cabeza femoral. Es importante el diagnóstico diferencial con otras enfermedades de la cadera. El propósito de esta publicación es aclarar los aspectos diagnósticos y terapéuticos de la OTC.A case of transient osteoporosis of the hips in a 17-year-old-woman is reported. Transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) is an uncommon but possibly underdiagnosed condition. The TOH affects previous healthy middle-age men, and women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Its etiology is still unclear. Pain in the hip area and limp are the main clinical signs. The MRI study shows low signal intensity on the Tl weighted images and limp signal intensity on the T2 weighted images in the femoral head and neck. It is generally accepted that the change in MRI is caused by an increase in fluid within the marrow cavities of the femoral head. Differential diagnosis of hip problems is required. The purpose of this report is to review the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of TOH

    Improving the Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Maraging Part Obtained by Cold Gas Spray Additive Manufacturing

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    The use of the cold gas spray (CGS) process as a metal additive manufacturing (MAM) technique for metallic part production has been deeply studied recently, mainly due to its advantages over other MAM techniques. CGS MAM is a high-productivity technique with a very low level of particle oxidation, microstructural changes, phase transformations, or deleterious residual thermal stresses in the part. The use of CGS MAM to produce maraging parts represents a gain for the industry by saving machining time and preventing raw material waste. Its wear resistance and corrosion behavior were evaluated in this work and were compared with cermet coatings deposited by high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) on the CGS MAM maraging. This work presents the innovative and effective combination of different thermal spraying processes and materials to obtain MAM maraging parts with higher wear resistance, evaluating abrasion, sliding, and water erosion wear type

    Study of the turbocharger shaft motion by means of infrared sensors

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    This work describes a technique for measuring the precession movement of the shaft of small automotive turbochargers. The main novelty is that the technique is based on infrared light diode sensors. With presented technique it is possible to perform secure mounting of electronics and also to measure, with good accuracy, far enough from the turbocharger shaft. Both advantages allow applying it even in critical lubrication conditions and when blade contact occurs. The technique's main difficulties arise from the small size of the turbocharger shaft and the high precession movement in critical conditions. In order to generate the optimum albedo reflection for infrared measurement, a special cylindrical nut with larger diameter than the original one is assembled at the shaft tip in the compressor side. Following, shaft balancing, the calibration of the sensors and the compensation of errors from different sources are needed steps before the method is able to identify the main frequencies of shaft motion. Once synchronous and sub-synchronous frequencies have been obtained it is possible to reconstruct the instantaneous position of the shaft to determine its precession movement.This research has also been partially supported by the Programa de Desarrollo del Talento Humano de la Secretaria Nacional de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion del Gobierno Ecuatoriano No. 20100289.Serrano Cruz, JR.; Guardiola, C.; Dolz García, VM.; López, M.; Bouffaud, F. (2015). Study of the turbocharger shaft motion by means of infrared sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 56-57:246-258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.11.006S24625856-5

    The influence of the powder characteristics on 316L stainless steel coatings sprayed by cold gas spray

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    Thermally sprayed 316L stainless steel coatings are commonly used on metallic structures due to their corrosion and wear resistance when compared to carbon steel. Cold Gas Spray (CGS) is a convenient thermal spray process to deposit 316L coatings, producing thick and very dense coatings, with almost no deleterious changes on the feedstock properties to the coating condition. The powder characteristics have influence on the microstructure of the coating, such as porosity and oxide contents, which alter its corrosion and wear behavior. CGS is an efficient technique to reduce the problems associated with material melting commonly found in other conventional thermal spray methods. In this work, different 316L powders, produced by different manufacturers, were deposited by CGS, applying the same equipment and parameters, with the objective to evaluate the relation between the powders' characteristics and coating properties. Their microstructure, adherence, hardness, as well as the performance on corrosion and wear testing were evaluated. The water atomized powders presented in general better results than gas atomized powders

    Oral cyanocobalamin is effective in the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in crohn’s disease

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    Cobalamin deficiency is common in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). Intramuscular cobalamin continues to be the standard therapy for the deficiency and maintenance treatment in these patients, although oral route has been demonstrated to be effective in other pathologies with impaired absorption. Our aims were to evaluate the efficacy of oral therapy in the treatment of cobalamin deficiency and in long-term maintenance in patients with Crohn’s disease. We performed a multicenter retrospective cohort study that included 94 patients with Crohn’s disease and cobalamin deficiency. Seventy-six patients had B12 deficiency and 94.7% of them normalized their cobalamin levels with oral treatment. The most used dose was 1 mg/day, but there were no significant differences in treatment effectiveness depending on the dose used (=1 mg/24 h vs. <1 mg/24 h). Eighty-two patients had previous documented B12 deficiency and were treated with oral B12 to maintain their correct cobalamin levels. After a mean follow-up of 3 years, the oral route was effective as maintenance treatment in 81.7% of patients. A lack of treatment adherence was admitted by 46.6% of patients in who the oral route failed. In conclusion, our study shows that oral cyanocobalamin provides effective acute and maintenance treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency caused by CD with or without ileum resection