950 research outputs found

    Tutoring in Higher Education and the contribution of the ICT for its improvement

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    University professors exchange opinions on tutorship in a virtual seminar developed at the University of Salamanca (March of 2007) in the context of the investigational project TICDUS. This study was subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Science and performed by GITE-USAL (Group of Investigationinnovation of Educational Technology of the Salamanca University). The contributions of the Information and Communication Technologies are analyzed to improve the didactic processes related to the methodological change proposed by the European Program of Higher Education. The tutorship is considered a basic strategy for the students’ guidance, individualization and pursuit of learning in any pedagogic model. Yet this is even more apparent when we attempt methodologies that give the students more autonomy, as with the credits of the ECTS and the ICTs. These are appreciated as important and valuable resources to achieve the proposed ends. The good practices conflict with the difficulties of time, space, number of students, recognition of educational activity, etc. These indicate that the professors are factors of the current situation and can stand in the way of a true change towards greater learning and an increase in didactic efficacy

    Estrategias para una innovación educativa mediante el empleo de las TIC

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    El artículo busca establecer cuál sería el papel idóneo de la tecnología educativa y las nuevas tecnologías en la educación en la búsqueda de la eficacia. En este sentido se establece la innovación educativa como base para el empleo de las TIC en la escuela, siempre en función de las necesidades reales del profesorado y no tanto según las directrices establecidas por las administraciones públicas, que en tantas ocasiones han tenido escaso éxito. En definitiva se trataría de una innovación que tiene en cuenta el contexto específico de cada centro para afrontar el diálogo sociedad-escuela. La autora reflexiona sobre las estrategias más adecuadas para esta innovación.O presente artigo busca estabelecer qual o papel idôneo da tecnologia educativa e das novas tecnologias na educação e na busca da eficácia. Neste sentido se estabelece a inovação educativa como base para um emprego das TIC na escola, sempre em função das necessidades reais do professor e tanto segundo a diretriz estabelecida por uma administração publica, que em tantas ocasiões hão tido escasso êxito. Em definitivo se trataria de uma inovação que tem em conta o contexto especifico para de cada centro para afrontar o dialogo sociedade-escola. A autora reflexiona sobre as estratégias mais adequadas para esta inovação

    El juego y las nuevas tecnologías

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    El artículo trata de reflexionar sobre las posibilidades de las nuevas tecnologías para su utilización lúdica, haciendo algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia del juego para el desarrollo infantil y como espacio necesario a lo largo de toda la vida de la persona, se consideran distintos tipos de juegos y los medios necesarios para practicar el juego. Se defiende la importancia de los planteamientos lúdicos para el aprendizaje y las posibilidades que nos ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías en este sentido, principalmente la informática y las telecomunicaciones, puesto que la mayoría de los juegos en soporte informático son juegos educativos a través de los cuales se van a aprender todo tipo de conocimientos, estrategias intelectuales y desarrollo de capacidades creativas. Se mencionan como ejemplos algunos programas comerciales y los aprendizajes que potencian, clasificándolos en programas de ejercitación, tutoriales, resolución de problemas, simulación y aventuras gráficas. Por último se analiza el valor de los juegos informáticos y sus limitaciones respecto a otras formas de juego que suponen la experiencia directa de la realidad

    El debate telemático como experiencia de aprendizaje en el aula universitaria.

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    La comunicación que se presenta trata de cómo aprovechar desde un punto de vista didáctico las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). La experiencia que aquí se analiza es un debate telemático organizado entre varias universidades españolas y una americana sobre el tema de la sociedad de la información. Se describe cómo se planifica la actividad, cómo se desarrolla y se hace una valoración de la experiencia como actividad didáctica en el ámbito universitario.This paper analyses one application of new technologies: a telematic discussion in university teaching. The experience of telematic discussion is organized by differents spanish and american universities and the theme of the discussion is "the information society". We described how prepare the activity, how it development and we evaluated the experience like didactic activity in university level

    Information and communication technologies in university teaching: Implications in European higher education space

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education is considered a pre-requisite for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area. The objective is to assess the didactic possibilities of these resources in attaining the objectives sought. Pedagogical reflection about ICT should focus on how these resources can benefit students, what they represent in the curriculum, and what learning, competencies, attitudes, etc. they can foster in students, without losing sight of the kind of citizens and professionals that our present society demands. To make this change successfully, it is necessary to satisfy the training demands of the lecturers. The research is characterized by being a descriptive study based on interviews of lecturers, whether employed by the government or under contract, belonging to the various areas of specialty of the Universidad de Salamanca. Among the competences that the lecturers believed to be determinant in the European Higher Education Space, they consider that it is important to become familiar with new programs to help them with their subjects, to know how to create web sites, and to know how to use virtual environments. On the other hand, they stress the importance of being able to link the use of ICT to educational practice.The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education is considered a pre-requisite for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area. The objective is to assess the didactic possibilities of these resources in attaining the objectives sought. Pedagogical reflection about ICT should focus on how these resources can benefit students, what they represent in the curriculum, and what learning, competencies, attitudes, etc. they can foster in students, without losing sight of the kind of citizens and professionals that our present society demands. To make this change successfully, it is necessary to satisfy the training demands of the lecturers. The research is characterized by being a descriptive study based on interviews of lecturers, whether employed by the government or under contract, belonging to the various areas of specialty of the Universidad de Salamanca. Among the competences that the lecturers believed to be determinant in the European Higher Education Space, they consider that it is important to become familiar with new programs to help them with their subjects, to know how to create web sites, and to know how to use virtual environments. On the other hand, they stress the importance of being able to link the use of ICT to educational practice

    Implementation of program school 2.0. Analysis of a case of rural Groupment center

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    Actualmente se está implementando en España el Programa Escuela 2.0 que supone la dotación masiva de ordenadores y aulas digitales en los centros educativos financiados con fondos públicos. El texto presenta algunos datos globales de la valoración que hacen los profesores implicados en el mismo y analiza la puesta en práctica de este programa en el caso concreto de una escuela rural de Castilla y León. La metodología de investigación ha contemplado el cuestionario, la entrevista y observación como estrategia de obtención de información. Las conclusiones apuntan a una valoración positiva en lo que respecta a las posibilidades que aporta el uso de la tecnología digital en la enseñanza si bien se detectan algunos problemas relevantes en la puesta en práctica relacionados con la conectividad y la implicación del profesorado. Currently the School Programme 2.0 has been introduced in Spain which means a huge supply of computers and digital classrooms in schools financed by public funds. The article gives some global data of the value given by teachers involved in this programme and it also analyzes the implementation of it in the specific case of a rural school in Castilla and León. The research methodology used was the questionnaire, the interview, and observation as a strategy to obtain information. The conclusion draw to a positive assessment of the possibilities provided by using digital technology regarding to teaching although there have been detected some relevant issues while implementing it, which are linked to the implication and involvement of teachers

    Fundamentos anatómicos de la columna vertebral en imágenes diagnósticas

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    Considerando la importancia de las imágenes diagnósticas en la enseñanza de la anatomía humana, se realiza la revisión de la anatomía topográfica, descriptiva y funcional de la columna vertebral en diferentes textos de anatomía humana, complementada con el estudio de textos y atlas de radiología, tomografía computarizada, resonancia y radiología ortopédica. Adicionalmente, se incluye la revisión de artículos relacionados con el tema, con el objetivo de escribir un texto que permita a los estudiantes de pregrado de la facultad de medicina complementar sus conocimientos anatómicos de la columna vertebral y su aproximación a las imágenes diagnósticas. El texto tiene seis capítulos. El capítulo inicial presenta los fundamentos físicos de las imágenes diagnósticas, tema desconocido para los estudiantes de los primeros semestres de las carreras de la facultad. El segundo capítulo presenta los conceptos básicos de la osteología y artrología de la columna vertebral, uno de los temas iniciales en el programa de anatomía. En los capítulos, tercero, cuarto, quinto y sexto se presenta la anatomía específica de cada una de las regiones de la columna vertebral, correlacionada con imágenes radiológicas, de tomografías computarizadas y resonancias magnéticas. Cada capítulo menciona las principales utilidades de cada modalidad diagnóstica y pretenden que el lector pueda identificar cada una de las estructuras anatómicas de la columna vertebral y las correlacione. / Abstract. Considering the importance of the diagnostic images in the teaching of the human anatomy, a revision of the topographic, descriptive and functional anatomy of the spine in different texts of human anatomy is made, which is complemented with the study of texts and radiology atlas, computed tomography, resonances and orthopedic radiology. In addition, a revision of several articles related with the topic is also included with the objective of writing a text that allows the undergraduate students of the medicine faculty to complement their anatomical knowledge of the spine and it´s approximation to the diagnostic images. This text is made of six chapters. The first chapter presents the physical fundaments of the diagnostic images, which is an unknown topic for the undergraduate students from the first’s semesters of the different courses in the faculty. The second chapter includes the basic concepts of osteology and arthrology of the vertebral column, one of the first topics of the anatomy curriculum. On the third, fourth, fifth and sixth chapters the specific anatomy of each of the regions of the spine is presented, correlated with radiological images, which include computed tomography and magnetic resonances. Each chapter mentions the advantages of each diagnostic modality and they pretend that the reader can identify each of the anatomic structures of the spine and that he can correlate them.Maestrí

    Microlearning for the development of Teachers’ Digital Competence related to feedback and decision making

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    [EN] The assessment and feedback area of the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) establishes a specific competence related to the ability to use digital technologies to provide feedback and make decisions for learning. According to the literature, this particular competence is one of the least developed in the teaching profession. As there are few specialised training strategies in the field of information and communication technology (ICT)-mediated feedback, this study aims to validate a microlearning proposal for university teachers, organised in levels of progression following the DigCompEdu guidelines. To validate the proposal, a literature analysis was carried out and a training proposal was developed and submitted to a peer review process to assess its relevance. This study identifies the elements that should be included in a training strategy in the area of feedback and decision making for university contexts. Finally, it is concluded that this type of training requires a combination of agile and self-managed strategies (characteristics of microlearning), which can be complemented by the presentation of evidence and collaborative work with colleagues

    Investigación educativa e Internet

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    En este artículo se exponen de modo conciso algunas ideas que ayudan a reflexionar sobre cómo el desarrollo tecnológico y las nuevas formas de comunicación están configurando un nuevo escenario para la investigación y, en concreto, para la Investigación educativa.__________________________________ This article exposes, in a concise way, several ideas which help to make a reflection about how the technological development and the new ways of communication are creating a new scene for research and, specially, for the educational research