7,001 research outputs found

    De Zaragoza a Calabria: Lucio Marineo Sículo, Juan de Molina, Federico Rocca y la traducción de una crónica aragonesa

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    El siguiente trabajo analiza brevemente la traducción de la crónica aragonesa De primis Aragoniae regibus del humanista Lucio Marineo desde el enfoque de la política editorial. La obra del siciliano fue traducida al castellano por Juan de Molina y su versión volcada al italiano posteriormente por Federico Rocca. Las tres dentro de un ámbito histórico-cultural que pretende legitimar el papel político de la nobleza de origen aragonés

    Zer egin dezakegu Michelin green izateko?

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    Hezkuntza maila:Gradua . Iraupena (ordutan): 50 ordu baino gehiagoBaliabide honetan Proiektuetan Oinarritutako Ikaskuntza (PBL) metodologiaren aplikazio bat aurkezten da. Metodologia hori Ingurumen Zientzietako Graduko Ingurumen Kutsaduraren Tratamendua irakasgaian ezarri da. Proiektu honen bidez, eta kasu erreal batekin lan egiten, ikasleek irakasgaiaren kontzeptuak hobeto ulertu eta bereganatu ditzaten lortu nahi da. Ikasleen eginkizuna honako hau da: industria-instalazio baten atmosferarako isurketen inpaktua kuantifikatu behar dute, onargarria den edo ez zehaztu behar dute, eta zuzentzeko estrategiak proposatu behar dituzte. Horretarako hainbat kontzeptu bereganatu behar dituzte ikasleek: emisio eta immisioa, ingurumen-legediaren alderdi batzuk (Ingurumen-Baimen Bateratua eta Errege Dekretuak), etab. Era berean, kutsatzaileen sakabanaketa ereduak nola erabiltzen diren ikasi behar dute, baita kutsadura atmosferikoa kontrolatzeko erabili daitezkeen estrategiak ere

    Ingurumen kutsaduraren tratamendua. Laborategiko praktiken gidoiak

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    68 p.Aurkibidea: I. Laborategiko praktikak: - 1. Praktika: Energiaren ekoizpena eguzki-energiaren eta erregai-zelularen bidez. - 2. praktika: CO2 bahitzeko absortzio-zutabearen analisia. - 3. praktika: Partikulen bereizketa, zikloi bat erabiliz. - 4. praktika: Sedimentazio-tanga. II. Laborategiko praktika osagarriak: - 1. Praktika: Energia eolikoa. - 2. Praktika: Gasen neurketa. - 3. Praktika: Eguzki-energia fotovoltaikoa. - 4. Praktika: Ioi-trukaketa I

    La tipologia arquitectònica “parlament” al llarg del segle XIX

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Història de l'Art, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Joan Molet i PetitL’objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar les relacions que s’estableixen entre la tipologia arquitectònica “parlament” al llarg del segle XIX i la situació política de cada país, així com el seu context històric i social. La metodologia emprada, ha estat construir el discurs a partir de deu exemples representatius de la tipologia, de països europeus i nord americans. Aquests han estat ordenats cronològicament, i separats en dos grups, prenent com a model les divisions establertes per l’historiador Eric Hobsbawm. D’aquesta manera, es situaria l’inici del període el 1789 amb la Revolució Francesa, i un segon moment a partir de les revolucions de 1848. Cada exemple es desenvolupa a partir del context de la seva construcció, el seu aspecte exterior i els seus espais representatius interiors; sempre tenint en compte les posteriors modificacions, remodelacions i restauracions que hagi pogut patir..

    Uneven pathways: three novel mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of (dis)advantages

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    This thesis advances the understanding of the socioeconomic inequalities in children’s development by examining three novel mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of (dis)advantages. These channels are founded on a dynamic understanding of the process of social reproduction. Each one is illustrated with reference to the cases of the UK or the US. The first empirical chapter examines how parents respond to their children’s early physical health problems and delves into the enduring consequences of these parental responses. Using twins fixed effects models, the findings reveal that, on average, parents exhibit negative responses when their children face early health problems, and that these responses have a lasting negative impact on the children’s educational achievements. Surprisingly, the effect of health problems on parental responses does not vary across socioeconomic groups. The second study examines whether mothers adapt their level of cognitive stimulation as a response to children’s developmental declines, and whether this is a socially stratified process. The results obtained from a series of two-way fixed effects and fixed effects counterfactual models indicate that, on average, mothers respond to their children’s skills declines by reducing their cognitive stimulation. This pattern is especially pronounced within impoverished families or those with low educational levels. In the final empirical chapter of this thesis, attention shifts to exploring whether mothers’ occupation-specific skills influence the process of development of their children. Exploiting changes in mothers’ jobs during their children’s upbringing, the results suggest that mothers’ mathematical occupation-specific skills have a positive effect on children’s mathematical ability and that high-SES children especially benefit from the skills upgrading of their mothers. This dissertation discusses the substantive implications of each of these mechanisms and tests them empirically. It is only by disentangling the complex combination of channels through which inequality is transmitted across generations that appropriate policy responses can be elaborated

    Análisis metafísico-noológico de la corporeidad desde el pensamiento de Xavier Zubiri: la apertura corporal

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    En este trabajo se intenta pensar el cuerpo como una estructura dinámica que está constitutivamente abierta al mundo en la acción plena del sentir. Y cómo nuestras estructuras psico-orgánicas se re-configuran en el enfrentamiento con las situaciones a las cuales nos exponemos. En su radicalidad, el cuerpo no es algo que meramente “esté-ahí” sino un sistema abierto al mundo en la actividad del sentir. El sentir es un momento de coapertura en el cual nos instalamos en el mundo y éste se nos muestra, es el lugar del acaecimiento.The aim of this paper is to conceive the body as a dynamic structure which is constituently open to the world through the full action of feeling, as well as the way in which our psycho-organic structure re- configure itself, every time we face the situations we are exposed to. The body, thought in its radicalism, is not something which merely “is there”; it is, on the contrary, a system, open to the world through the activity of feeling. The feeling is the moment of mutual opening in which we set ourselves in the world and the world, on the other side shows itself to us; it is the moment and place of the event (enowning)

    On gravitational Phase Transitions, T-duality and Symmetry Breaking in AdS/CFT

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    In the present thesis we have the objective of testing and extending the domain of applicability of the holographic correspondence, a.k.a. AdS/CFT. This long term motivation has been made concrete in three di erent problem; there are also some additional speci c goals for each them. The rst is the role of higher curvature gravity corrections on thermal phase transitions between AdS and dS geometries. Apart from the purely gravitational interest, this research may eventually be helpful to clarify the correspondence in the case of dS geometries. Our main result is a phase transition from AdS boundary leading to the formation of dS cosmological horizon in Lanczos-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. In the presence of the higher curvature corrections no matter elds are required to match both sides of the bubble due to the Lanczos-Gauss-Bonnet term in the action. In the second we have made use of Non-Abelian T-duality (NATD) to generate new Supergravity solutions as well as to understand the interplay of NATD with AdS/CFT. We are interested in deformations of Klebanov-Witten (KW) background AdS5Ã T1;1 owing to an AdS3 factor in the IR. We generate new examples of them applying Non-Abelian T-duality on previously found solutions. After it, we compare the holographic observables of the generated solutions with those of the known deformations. The new geometries are smooth, supersymmetric and seem to be dual to long linear quiver gauge theories. Finally, we have carried the extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence, in particular the holographic renormalization procedure, to reproduce the Ward identities of symmetry breaking in a 1+1 holographic superconductor. It is established that alternative quantization is necessary in the three-dimensional bulk case, and after properly performed, the eld theoretic higher dimensional Ward identities are recovered. This extension may be nd application in AdS/CMT

    Screen test

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    Screen Test es una secuencia filmada en video, la cual es utilizada como método para determinar la idoneidad de una persona a la hora de interpretar un rol en particular frente a la cámara. Tres acciones de mi rutina diaria son filmadas y realizadas mientras suena un playlist de canciones, cuyos títulos, letras y melodías fueron seleccionados específicamente para ser interpretados y registrados en video. Los tres videos de las tres acciones que ocurren en momentos diferentes son reproducidos simultáneamente, dando la sensación de estar sincronizados. Acciones tales como afeitarse la cabeza o quitarse la ropa, son abstraídas de su espacio cotidiano para ser puestas frente un fondo blanco de estudio, dónde el único fin es el espectáculo del artista y su capacidad para lucir de determinada manera y encarnar ideales o creencias.Maestro (a) en Artes VisualesPregrad