1,875 research outputs found

    XXIII International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes

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    Producción CientíficaDoppler free two-photon optogalvanic spectroscopy has been applied to measure the electric field strength in the cathode fall region of a hollow cathode discharge, via the Stark splitting of the 2S level of atomic hydrogen. Important improvements in the experimental arrangement and in our understanding of the discharge, have allowed us to measure accurately the dependence of the electric field with different parameters like the cathode material (stainless steel and tungsten), geometry (10 and 15 mm inner diameter) and the buffer gas. The study is done for different pressures and currents. The first results seem to reveal different behaviour in the electric field, depending on the material and geometry of the cathode and the discharge conditions.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grants ENE2012- 35902 and BES-2013-063248

    Anxiety and self-esteem in cyber-victimization profiles of adolescents

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    This study has two objectives: (1) Identify profiles of victimization in adolescence, depending on the levels of offline or online peer aggression suffered, along with the prevalence of each profile; and (2) Analyse the association of the victimization profiles with adolescents’ social anxiety and self-esteem. The sample was comprised of 3120 adolescents aged 12 to 18 (M=14.03; SD=1.40) from Asturias (Spain), who completed self-report questionnaires about traditional peer victimization and cyber-victimization, as well as social anxiety and self-esteem. We performed descriptive analyses, Latent Profile Analyses, and multivariate analyses of variance. We found a positive, moderate correlation between being a cyber-victim and being a traditional victim, along with four profile types: non-victims (77.8%), mainly cyber-victims (13.5%), mainly traditional victims (4.5%), and dual victims (4.3%). Traditional victims and dual victims exhibited greater social anxiety and less self-esteem than cyber-victims, who exhibited greater social anxiety and less self-esteem than non-victims. Dual victims and traditional victims do not differ in social anxiety and self-esteem. The results contribute to the identification of patterns of victimization in school-age adolescents, and their relationship with social anxiety and self-esteem

    Anxiety and self-esteem in cyber-victimization profiles of adolescents

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    Este trabajo parte de dos objetivos: 1) Identificar perfiles de victimización en la adolescencia, en función del grado de padecimiento de violencia offline u online por parte de sus iguales, así como la prevalencia de cada perfil; y 2) Analizar la asociación de los perfiles de victimización obtenidos con la ansiedad social y la autoestima del adolescente. Para ello, se aplicaron cuestionarios de autoinforme sobre victimización tradicional entre iguales, cibervictimización, ansiedad social y autoestima a 3.120 adolescentes de Asturias (España), de 12 a 18 años (M=14.03; DT=1.40). Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, análisis de perfil latente y análisis multivariado de la varianza. Se obtuvo una correlación positiva y moderada entre ser cibervíctima y ser víctima de violencia tradicional; y una tipología de cuatro perfiles: no víctimas (77,8%), principalmente cibervictimas (13,5%), principalmente víctimas de violencia tradicional (4,5%) y víctimas duales (4,3%). Cuanto mayor es el nivel de victimización, mayor la ansiedad social y menor la autoestima, siendo más fuerte esta asociación con la victimización tradicional que con la cibervictimización. Tanto las víctimas tradicionales como las duales presentan una mayor ansiedad social y una menor autoestima que las cibervíctimas, y estas que las no víctimas. Víctimas duales y tradicionales no difieren en ansiedad social y autoestima. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen a identificar patrones de victimización en la adolescencia, y su relación con la ansiedad social y la autoestimaThis study has two objectives: (1) Identify profiles of victimization in adolescence, depending on the levels of offline or online peer aggression suffered, along with the prevalence of each profile; and (2) Analyse the association of the victimization profiles with adolescents’ social anxiety and self-esteem. The sample was comprised of 3120 adolescents aged 12 to 18 (M=14.03; SD=1.40) from Asturias (Spain), who completed self-report questionnaires about traditional peer victimization and cyber-victimization, as well as social anxiety and self-esteem. We performed descriptive analyses, Latent Profile Analyses, and multivariate analyses of variance. We found a positive, moderate correlation between being a cybervictim and being a traditional victim, along with four profile types: non-victims (77.8%), mainly cyber-victims (13.5%), mainly traditional victims (4.5%), and dual victims (4.3%). Traditional victims and dual victims exhibited greater social anxiety and less self-esteem than cyber-victims, who exhibited greater social anxiety and less self-esteem than non-victims. Dual victims and traditional victims do not differ in social anxiety and self-esteem. The results contribute to the identification of patterns of victimization in school-age adolescents, and their relationship with social anxiety and self-estee

    Programa de rehabilitación cardíaca mediante un entrenamiento de tenis adaptado

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    The aims of this study were to determine the effect of a cardiac rehabilitation program, based on the adjustment of a sports modality (tennis), on differentes laboratory analysis variables (triglycerides, cholesterol,cholesterol LDL, cholesterol HDL and glucose ) And and on an exercise stress test (metabolics equivalent-METs-, time of effort, systolic pressure, dyastolic pressure, maximum cardiac frecuencia and double product). The study involved 7 patients with low risk myocardial heart attack. The ages was include between 48 and 63 years old. By the end of the program, which has lasted 3 months, triglycerides, cholesterol, exercise capacity and double product had improved significantly (p<.005 for all).Los objetivos de este estudio son evaluar los efectos de nuestro programa de rehabilitación cardiaca, basado en la adaptación de una modalidad deportiva (tenis), sobre diferentes variables del perfil lipídico (triglicéridos, colesterol, cLDL, cHDL, y glucosa) así como en la prueba de esfuerzo (MET, tiempo de esfuerzo, presión sistólica, presión diastólica, frecuencia cardíaca máxima y doble producto). Analizamos a 7 pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio de bajo riesgo. Las edades estaban comprendidas entre los 48 y 63 años. Tras la realización del programa, que ha tenido 3 meses de duración, se han producido mejoras significativas a nivel de triglicéridos, colesterol, capacidad funcional valorada en equivalentes metabólicos y doble producto (p<.005 para todos)

    Training Habits of Eumenorrheic Active Women during the Different Phases of Their Menstrual Cycle: A Descriptive Study

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    This research was supported by the Pre-competitive Projects for Early Stage Researchers Program from the University of Granada (ref: PPJIA2020.03). The authors would like to thank all the participants.This study meets the ethical standards of theWorld Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki (2013), and it was approved by the Institutional Review Board (Universidad de La Frontera, Temucho, Chile, 005_19).Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.The purpose of this study was to examine the training habits of eumenorrheic active women during their menstrual cycle (MC), and its perceived influence on physical performance regarding their athletic level. A group of 1250 sportswomen filled in a questionnaire referring to demographic information, athletic performance and MC-related training habits. Of the participants, 81% reported having a stable duration of MC, with most of them (57%) lasting 26-30 days. Concerning MC-related training habits, 79% indicated that their MC affects athletic performance, although 71% did not consider their MC in their training program, with no differences or modifications in training volume or in training intensity for low-level athletes (LLA) and high-level athletes (HLA) with hormonal contraceptive (HC) use. However, LLA with a normal MC adapted their training habits more, compared with HLA, also stopping their training (47.1% vs. 16.1%, respectively). Thus, different training strategies should be designed for HLA and LLA with a normal MC, but this is not so necessary for HLA and LLA who use HC. To sum up, training adaptations should be individually designed according to the training level and use or non-use of HC, always taking into account the pain suffered during the menstrual phase in most of the athletes.Pre-competitive Projects for Early Stage Researchers Program from the University of Granada PPJIA2020.0

    Brain activity changes with emotional words in different stages of psychosis

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    BackgroundTo date, a large number of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have been conducted on psychosis. However, little is known about changes in brain functioning in psychotic patients using an emotional auditory paradigm at different stages of the disease. Such knowledge is important for advancing our understanding of the disorder and thus creating more targeted interventions. This study aimed to investigate whether individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and chronic schizophrenia show abnormal brain responses to emotional auditory processing and to compare the responses between FEP and chronic schizophrenia. MethodsPatients with FEP (n = 31) or chronic schizophrenia (n = 23) and healthy controls (HCs, n = 31) underwent an fMRI scan while presented with both emotional and nonemotional words. ResultsUsing HC as a reference, patients with FEP showed decreased right temporal activation, while patients with chronic schizophrenia showed increased bilateral temporal activation. When comparing the patient groups, individuals with FEP showed lower frontal lobe activation. ConclusionTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first study with an emotional auditory paradigm used in psychotic patients at different stages of the disease. Our results suggested that the temporal lobe might be a key issue in the physiopathology of psychosis, although abnormal activation could also be derived from a connectivity problem. There is lower activation in the early stage and evolution to greater activation when patients become chronic. This study highlights the relevance of using emotional paradigms to better understand brain activation at different stages of psychosis

    Tenis. Ejercicios progresivos para desarrollar tu juego

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    G. Torres Luque, A. Sánchez Pay, C. Gago Fuentes y J. Ros García (2013). Badalona: Paidotrib

    La innovación educativa desde la metodología: Mejora de las actitudes y competencias científicas de los alumnos

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    A programme of educational innovation was implemented to improve the attitude toward research methods for psychology students. Students used real data to test their own hypotheses using different statistical methods. Specifically, they implemented two key methodological principles in research methods: sample size and ordinal claims (Frick, 1996). Students had to work in teams, using Internet data bases for developing the theoretical background of the study, the definition of the objectives, the definition of variables, data analysis, and discussion of results. We assessed the attitudes towards research methods before and after the study. Results showed that: 1) the students improved their skills in research methods, and 2) the attitudes towards methodology were more positive.Se aplicó un programa de innovación educativa para mejorar las actitudes hacia la metodología de los estudiantes de las asignaturas de las ciencias del comportamiento. Los estudiantes utilizaron datos reales para contrastar sus propias hipótesis utilizando diferentes análisis estadísticos, aplicando dos principios metodológicos claves para el contraste: el tamaño de la muestra y los enunciados ordinales (Frick, 1996). Esta investigación de los estudiantes implicó el trabajo en grupo, emplear bases de datos en Internet para el desarrollo del marco teórico, definición de los objetivos del estudio, definición de variables, estrategias para el análisis y discusión de los resultados. Cuando terminó la investigación de los estudiantes se valoraron el rendimiento académico y los cambios de actitudes hacia la metodología. Los resultados indicaron que: 1) la realización de esta experiencia de investigación contrastada con datos reales mejoró la formación del alumno, y 2) supuso una toma de contacto con la realidad metodológica que favoreció sus actitudes hacia la misma

    Vegetative as bioindicators of heavy metals in a semiarid system

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    Evaluar la contaminación por metales pesados en los ecosistemas permite conocer la capacidad bioindicativa de especies vegetativas. El objetivo fue determinar la concentración de metales pesados en Prosopis laevigata, Acacia spp. y Schinus molle bajo el efecto de usos suelo y temporalidad. El área se sitúa en la colindancia de los Municipios de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez y San Luis Potosí fragmentada por usos de suelo: agropecuario, comercio y servicios, residencial urbano y minero. Fueron tomadas muestras de hojas de las tres especies en las estaciones de verano, otoño, invierno y primavera y se evaluó la concentración de metales pesados a través de la técnica de ICP-MS. Los análisis estadísticos indicaron niveles de Aluminio (Al) &gt; Cinc (Zn) &gt; Plomo (Pb) &gt; Cobre (Cu) &gt; Titanio (Ti) &gt; Vanadio (V) &gt; Arsénico (As) &gt; Cromo (Cr) &gt; Cadmio (Cd) &gt; Cobalto (Co). Los elementos Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb y Ti presentaron niveles por encima del umbral normal en vegetación. El uso de suelo tuvo efecto significativo con Al, Ti, Cd, As y Pb; los árboles ubicados en los usos de suelo minero, comercio y servicios tuvieron la mayor concentración. La especie tuvo efecto significativo con Al y Pb siendo Acacia spp. el que presentó la mayor capacidad de acumulación. La temporada del año impactó significativamente en la acumulación de As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr y Ti en las tres especies. La dinámica antropogénica de los diferentes usos de suelo genera partículas y residuos con metales pesados impactando en la disponibilidad y acumulación en las especies evaluadas. Se contribuye a evaluar el impacto ambiental en el sistema fragmentado recomendando dar continuidad a este tipo de estudios.The evaluation of pollution by heavy metals on ecosystems can determine the bioindicative capacity of plant species. The presence of heavy metals was determined in Prosopis laevigata, Acacia spp. and Schinus molle under the effect of different of land uses and seasons. The area is located near of the municipalities of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez and San Luis Potosi which has fragmented land use such as: agriculture, commercial and services, urban residential and mining. Samples were taken from leaves of the three species during summer, autumn, winter and spring to assess the concentrations of heavy metals through the technique of ICP-MS. Statistical analyzes showed levels of Aluminum (Al) &gt; Zinc (Zn) &gt; Lead (Pb) &gt; Copper (Cu) &gt; Titanium (Ti) &gt; Vanadium (V) &gt; Arsenic (As) &gt; Chromium (Cr) &gt; Cadmium (Cd) &gt; Cobalt (Co). The elements Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb and Ti had levels above the normal threshold in vegetation. Land use had a significant effect with Al, Ti, Cd, As and Pb having the trees being located in the land with mining and commercial and services use the greater concentrations. The species had a significant effect on Al and Pb with Acacia spp., having the largest storage capacity. The season of the year significantly impacted the accumulation of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr and Ti in the three species. The anthropogenic dynamics of different land uses generated waste particles and residues of heavy metals, impacting the availability and accumulation in the species evaluated. This study contribute to evaluate the environmental impact in the system with a fragmented land use and the continuation of this type of studies is recommended.Fil: Alcalá Jáuregui, Jorge. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rodríguez Ortíz, Juan C.. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Villaseñor Zuñiga, María Elena. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Hernández Montoya, Alejandra. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: García Arreola, María Elena. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Beltrán Morales, F. Alfredo. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur (México)Fil: Rodríguez Fuentes, Humberto. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México). Facultad de Agronomía